Mechanics FinalExam

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Saint Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



1. The driver of a train traveling with an initial velocity of 450 km/h applies the brakes when
he passes the first amber signal. The second amber signal is 2.25 km down the track and
reaches it at 3.75 minutes later. Assuming uniform acceleration, find the velocity of the
train at the second signal. (10pts.)
Given: v1 = 450 km/h d= 2. 25 km t= 3.75 min=0.0625 h v2 = ?

d = [ (v1 + v2) / 2 ] t

2.25 km = [( 450 km/h + v2)/2] 0.0625h

0.0625h 0.0625h

36 km/h = 225 km/h + ½ v2

36 km/h – 225 km/h = ½ v2

-189km/h = ½ v2
½ ½

-378km/h = v2

2. A soccer ball is kicked with an initial velocity of 45 km/h at an angle of 55° above the
horizontal. (10pts.)
a. What is the rocket’s range (R)?
45 km/h = 1.25 m/s
R= V12 sin2θ/g
= 1.25 sin 110°/9.8 m/s2
R = 0.12 m

b. What is the rocket’s time of rise or the time needed to reach the maximum
height (tR)?
t = V1sinθ/g
= (1.25 m/s) sin 55°/9.8 m/s2
t = 0.10 s

b. What is the rocket’s time of flight (T)?

T = 2V1sinθ/g
= 2 (1.25 m/s) sin 55°/9.8 m/s2
T = 0.21 s
c. What is the rocket’s maximum height (Hmax)?
Hmax = (V1sinθ)2/2g
= ( 1.25 m/s sin 55°)2/ 2(9.8 m/s2)
= 1.05 m2/s / 19.6 m2/s2
= 0.05 m

d. What is the rocket’s maximum range (Rmax)?

Rmax = V12/g
= (1.25 m/s)2/(9.8 m/s2)
= 0.16 m

3. In going from one city to another, a car whose driver tends to get lost and goes 112 km
north, 240 km 45° north of west and 40 km south. Find the magnitude (R =?) and the
direction (Ɵ =?) of the resultant displacement using component method. (10pts.)
STEP 1 A = 112 km N θ = ? ( 0º )
B = 240 km 45º N of W θ = ? ( 90º + 35º = 135º )
C = 40 km S θ = ? ( 0º )

Ax = A cos θ Bx = B cos θ Cx = C cos θ
= 112 km cos 0º = 240km cos 45º = 40km cos 0º
= 112 km = -169.71 km = 40 km

Ay = A sin θ By = B sin θ Cy = C sin θ

= 112 km sin 0º = 240km sin 45º = 40km sin 0º
=0 = 169.71 = 0 km

Rx = Ax + Bx + Cx R2 = Rx2 + Ry2
= 112 km + (-169.71 km) + 40 km R2 = (-17.71 km)2 + (169.71km)2
= -17.71 km R = 170.63 km

Ry = Ay + By + Cy
= 0 + 1.53m + (-2.12m)
= 169.71 km

θ = tan- Ry

= tan- 169.71 km

θ = 84.04 º NW
4. A student is on the roof of the SP building, 15.0 m above the ground. Your physics
instructor, who is 163 cm tall, is walking alongside the building at a constant speed of 0.35
m/s. If you wish to drop an egg on your instructor’s head, where should the instructor be
when you release the egg? Assume the egg is in free fall and air friction is “negligible.”

V= 0.15 m/s


a. Compute for the distance the egg travels in order to meet the instructor’s head.
Instructor is 163 cm tall = 1. 63 m
SP building = 15.0 m
d= 15.0 m – 1.63 m
= 13.37 m

b. Compute for the time must the egg travels to meet the instructor’s head.
H = ½ gt2
13.37 m = ½ (9.8 m/s2) t2
13.37 m = (9.8 m/s2) t2
26.74 m = (9.8 m/s2) t2
(9.8 m/s2) (9.8 m/s2)

2.73 s2 = t2
1.65 s = t
c. Compute the distance traveled by the instructor (walking at a speed of 0.35 m/s) during
the time takes the egg to be drop on his head
d= st
= (0.35 m/s)( 1.65 s)
d = 0. 58 m
5. Equlibrium: Find the value of the force exerted by each tensions (T1, T2, and T3) (10pts.)


T2y T1x = cos 30 º T1
T1y T1y = sin 30 º T1
30° 50°
T2x = cos 50º T2
T1x T2x T2y = sin 50º T2


Fx= 0 = T2x – T1x T3 = mg

= cos 50º T2 - cos 30 º T1 = 0 = 250 kg (9.8 m/s2)
= 0.64 T2 - 0.87 T1 = 0 T3 = 2450 N
0.64 T2 = 0.87 T1
0.64 0.64
T2 = 1.36 T1

Fy= 0 = T1y + T2y – T3

0= sin 30 º T1 + sin 50º T2 – 2450 N
0 = 0.50 T1 + 0.77 T2 – 2450 N
0 = 0.50 T1 + 0.77 (1.36 T1) – 2450 N
2450 N = 0.50 T1 + 1.05 T1
2450 N = 1.55 T1
1.55 1.55
T1 = 1580.65 N

T2 = 1.36 (1580.65 N)
T2 = 2149. 68 N
6. Law of Acceleration: Compute for the acceleration (a=?) of the system. (10pts.)
µk = 0.2 m2g

Given: m1 = 5 kg 25kg
m2 = 25 kg
µk = 0.2

Forces affecting the acceleration of the system

Ff friction force
Ft tension force
Acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s2
Mass = 5 kg and 25 kg

∑F = ma

a= ∑F
= FT – Ff + m2g – FT
(m1 + m2 )
a = m 2g – F f
(m1 + m2 )
Friction force is unknown.
Friction force is equal to µ times normal force
On a flat surface, normal force is equal to mg
Ff = µ m 1 g
= 0.2 (5 kg) 9.8 m/s2
Ff = 9.8 kg.m/s2 or 9. 8 N

Solve for acceleration

a = m 2g – F f
(m1 + m2 )
= (25 kg)(9.8 m/s2) – 9.8 kg.m/s2
5 kg + 25 kg
= 245 kg.m/s2 - 9.8 kg.m/s2
30 kg
= 235.2 kg.m/s2
30 kg
a =7.84 m/s2
7. For 30 points, construct a semi-detailed lesson plan base on the following topic:
a. Work
b. Power
c. Energy
d. Impulse and Momentum
e. Conservation of Linear Momentum

Submitted by
Armie-Jane L. Laverinto
MST General Science

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