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Visit of the construction site

 Construction site name

New lecture theatres
 Location
University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore
 Introduction to site
University of engineering & technology is one of the oldest engineering Institution of Pakistan.
It was founded in 1921 and since then it has been producing hundreds & thousands Engineers
every year & serving the nation. As the years passed, the no. of students of the university also
kept on increasing so there has always been a need to construct newer buildings to facilitate
The motive behind the construction of new lecture theatre is the same as mentioned above .it
is a multi storey structure which will be used for educational purposes in the future .when I
visited the construction site, According to my idea About 60% of the construction work has
been completed on the site

Resources on the site

When we visited the site there were a number of recourses .some of them are as follows

Manpower Machinery
Mason Sand Concrete mixer

Laborers Bricks Grinder

Waterman Cement Lifter

Electrician Crush Steel Cutter

Steel fixers Brick Ballast Water pump

Grinder operator Water

Manpower Diesel
 Excavation
At the ground floor, I observed a room in which the activity of excavation was performed. The
purpose of activity was to maintain the level of floor
 Brickwork in super structure
At the topmost floor, I observed brickwork was carried to construct the walls
 Plastering
In the lower stories, masons were busy in plastering
 Preparation of mortar
Some masons were preparing mortar for plastering
 Preparation of concrete
P.C.C & R.C.C were prepared on the construction site for the construction of columns &
flooring purposes etc.
 Steel fixing
Steel fixers were cutting, bending & fixing the steel
 Watering
Watermen were watering the freshly constructed parts of the structure
 Material dumping
Some laborers were dumping the materials like cement, sand etc
 Formation & placing of brick ballast
Some laborers were making the brick ballast from the weird bricks & other were placing that
brick ballast
 Flooring
Flooring activity was carried on the upper stories of the construction site
 Electricity works
Electricians were carrying out their relevant work on the construction site
 Removal of the formwork
Some laborers were removing the formwork of the roof
 Removal of defeats due to poor form working
Some laborers were removing different effects caused by the poor formwork
Part 2
We have to establish the water sewerages system in a sub division of Karachi, & we need to tell
about the projects as well as the activities involved in this program. Moreover we need to tell
about the hurdles faced in a particular situation which includes
 A motorway on the right side
 A river flowing on the left side
 A sub Division
 Industrial area
Projects involved in the program are
 Construction of a water reservoir in ground
 Construction of Water storing tanks
 Lying of the water line under the ground
 For the construction of ground water reservoir, we need to do the following activities
Investigate the soil type present at the site
1. Excavation of the soil
2. Determination of ground water table
3. Providence of resistance to the walls of the reservoir
 For the construction of storage tanks
1. Preparation of P.C.C for the its use in Foundation
2. Brickwork in sub & super structure
3. Cutting, bending & fixing of steel
4. Formation of beams & columns
 For the lying of water supply line
1. Excavation of the soil
2. Lying of water supply line
3. Leveling the water supply line
4. Joining of the water supply line
5. Back filling of the soil
 Due to the river, the ground water table will be increased in the area so the lying of the
supply line will be quite difficult
 There will be a lot of hindrance due to the people passing through the construction site

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