Human Factors and Ergonomics: Dr. Samaresh Das

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Human factors and ergonomics

Something , somewhere went terribly wrong

Dr. Samaresh Das

o Ergonomics is the science and the art of fitting the
job and the workplace to workers’ needs.

o It is the study of work & way to make jobs / tasks

in a better way

o It is a way to make work easier

Why Ergonomics?
To reduce the risk of
• Ill health due to poor ergonomics
Reduce Sickness absence / Costs
Increase Performance / Output
Everyone in any organization is at risk and it is not just
“heavy” or “physical” jobs that cause injury

So our aim should be FEEL BETTER ,

By assessing all aspects of:

o Individuals and the jobs they perform e.g. Their

physical capabilities, tasks, equipment ,tools and
working environment

oTo design work systems that are safe, flexible,

efficient and productive.
Health Issues Associated with
Poor Ergonomics

Work related
upper limb disorder

Back pain / Injuries

Psychological problems (Stress)

Musculoskeletal Disorders- MSDs
o Musculoskeletal Disorders affect the muscles, nerves
and tendons. They are:
o Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

o Tendinitis

o Rotator cuff injuries (shoulder problem)

o Epicondylitis (elbow problem)

o Muscle strains and low back pain

Back Pain & Injuries
oBending, Twisting, and Lifting

o Incorrect Posture

o Prolonged Sitting and/or Standing

o Slips & Fall

o Exposure to Vibration
Work Related Upper Limb Disorders

continued “over use” can lead to permanent damage through:

oRepetitive actions

oFrequent applications of force

oUnnatural postures/positions

oInadequate rest and recovery

oInadequate physical preparation (warming up)

Psychological Factors

Person under too much “pressure” may be more at risk at

o Physical / Ergonomic Injury
o Fatigue
o Accidents ( mistakes, inattention, saving time, shortcut’s)
o General ill health (run down / poor condition)
o Substance Abuse
The Worker & Ergonomics
Two Basic Objectives
o Match the requirements of a task to the individual
o Optimise the design of the task to the individual to reduce the
risk of injury, ill health and discomfort.
o E.g.: Work stations may need to be adjustable so that they
suit a range of people.
The Worker & Ergonomics
The Worker
Each worker is unique:
oSize & Shape
o Age and Gender
o Race and Language
o Physical Ability (Health & Fitness)
o Limitations Vulnerabilities, Disabilities, Mental Ability
o Experience
oIt is very difficult to optimise a task or a workplace to suit
People and Comfort….
Different views about

• Temperature
• Ventilation

• Lighting

• Background Noise

• Isolation

• Overcrowding

• Communication
Discomfort will influence how a person will work
The Risk of Injury….

o Doing something too frequently without break

o Work in awkward position/ angles

o Workstation is not “fit”

o Working under discomfort and significant pressure

Office Ergonomics
Office of horrors
Ideal Office
Good ergonomics
Good ergonomics
o One of the biggest injury risk factors is static posture.
o Try to spend at least 5 minutes /hr hour away from your computer.
o Remember to ONLY stretch to the point of mild tension.
o Try to incorporate the stretches into your daily routine.
o This slide provides some illustrations of simple active stretches to
perform at the office.

Hand Exercises
o Tightly clench your hand into a fist and release, fanning out the
fingers. Repeat 3 times
Back and Shoulder Exercises
Stand up straight, place your right hand on your left
shoulder and move your head back gently. Do the
same thing for the right shoulder
Head and Neck Exercises…
o Move head sideways from left to right and back to
o Move head backwards and then forward
Stretches Cont……
Stretches Cont……
Home Ergonomics

oIt is about making home more comfortable, efficient and user-friendly

living space.

oThe ergonomics of home greatly affect body and overall health.

oInstall a cushioned mat to stand

o Use oven that is mounted near chest height, eliminating

the need to bend over.

o Choose a refrigerator that has a bottom-mounted freezer,

which reduces the need to bend over when accessing the
main body of the fridge.
Living Room
o Furniture should be easy to move

o Avoid couches that are too low and without a proper

lumbar support

o Avoid sitting in front of the television in a position

where neck is maintaining an upward tilt

o When eating in front of the television, place food on a

surface that is high enough to eliminate the need to
bend over to eat.
oUse cervical pillow that supports the natural curve of

o Use products that properly support your neck while

reading or watching television in bed

o Use a mattress that supports your spine

oUse bath, floor mats and install hand bars to prevent slips
and falls.

oBathroom sinks and showerheads not be too low

Driving Ergonomics
Driving Ergonomics
For back Support
o Choose a vehicle that sits high - an SUV instead of a
sports car

oEnter the car first by sitting down and then swinging

your legs under the wheel

o To leave your vehicle, slide the car seat back before

swinging your legs out and planting your feet on the

oLook for cars with automatic transmissions and power


oUse a lumbar support cushion and add foam wedges to

the seat to elevate pelvis
For Neck and shoulder
o Avoid leaning forward when sit in the driver’s seat

o Position the car seat comfortable and not stretching

o Make sure there is sufficient room between head and

the roof of the car
Optimal car seat
o Choose a comfortable and supportive seat

o Confirm all adjustment mechanisms are easy to use

o Make sure the seat material does not create discomfort

and all parts of the seat provide adequate support
Ergo Driving Break
o To reset spine and alleviate pressure caused by
prolonged sitting, take advantage of red lights or sitting
in traffic by doing some simple stretches

oHolding a steering wheel in awkward postures or too

tightly can cause carpal tunnel syndrome
Ergo Checklist

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