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GLISH ‘ oosing the most ay ‘omplete the sentence e ior ( red choices (A to D/E) sption, from the given 4. The task seemed impossi skillfully inthe-end. 9 pulled it up pulled it off pulled itaway pulled jt out [ ters by long queues and bad weather the vo! their way to polling stations any way they could, goa> 2. AL 8. © Ena JOBIFT PAKISTAN 3. She has not ¥ three years, a B. for” c. from D. before 4. Lhave no. personal advantage nominal se the lettered WO ite in meaning to clumsiness solidity temper harmony lengthy realistic 12,.ERUDITE: A. profasstonal c D. & ignorant - 13.HAPLESS: A. unlucky 8B. kind Cc. helpful DB. futile 14, BROCHURE; A. opening 6B. pamphiet c ‘censor o pin 15.CHIDE . a unite g. fear Deol a Five lettered pairs (A to E) follow a related if capitals. Select the lettered pair expresses a relationship similar to that ¢ original pair in capitals, te Baye pe urology: psychologists Ee. scology: environmentalists 17.CREASE: FOLDING: A, serration: bya) din 1G B: hole: perf

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