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Name : .......................................

Class : ......................................


I. COMMAND. Change the sentences below into indirect speech.
1) Andrew: "Clean the blue bike!"
2) Jessica: "Write a text message!"
3) Nelly: "Help Peter's sister!"
4) Fred: "Wash your hands!"
5) Anna: "Open the window!"
6) Tom: "Come at 8!"
7) Teacher: "Do your homework!"
8) Doris: "Dance with me!"
9) Sabine: "Meet Sandy at the station!"
10) Victoria: "Check your e-mails!"

II. YES/ NO QUESTIONS. Change the sentences below into indirect speech.
1) Jane asked me "Am I late?"
2) I asked them "Is it cold outside?"
3) Paula "Are they in Paris?"
4) Tonny asked his friend: "Is the bus stop near the shopping centre?"
5) Maria: "Is the milk fresh?"
6) Tom asked David "Are you a doctor?"
7) My teacher asked: "Are James and Lucy from France?"
8) Uncle Sam: "Is my brother in the garden?"
9) My father: "Is the weather good in Shanghai in the summer?"
10) Mr. Tom: "Does Julie drink tea?"
11) He asked me: "Do you like chocolate?"
12) Tania asked: "Do they own a flat?"
13) They asked me: "Does David go to the cinema often?"
14) Billy: "Do the children study Chinese?"
15) Rania: "Do they go on holiday every summer?"
16) I asked Ben: "Does your sister live in Stockholm?"
17) Henry asked: "Do I talk too much?"
18) Maria: "Does Jennifer want a new job?"
19) Mr. Frans asked them: "Does it rain a lot in London?"
20) John’s dad: "Is John at home?"

III WH QUESTIONS. Change the sentences below into indirect speech.

1) Monalisa: "Why is Julie sad?"
2) Martha: "What's for dinner?"
3) They asked me: "Who is the woman in the red dress?"
4) The principal: "How is your grandmother?"
5) Ladysa: "When is the party?"
6) Riana: "How much is the rent on your flat?"
7) Wilbert: "Where are the glasses?"
8) Jordan: "How is the weather in Chicago?"
9) Sandy: "Who is the Prime Minister of Canada?"
10) Mr. Jokowi: "Where do you usually go swimming?"
11) Gugun: "What does Luke do at the weekend?"
12) My neighbor: "Where do your parents live?"
13) The security: "Who do you go running with?"
14) I asked her: "When does Lucy get up?"
15) My teacher: "How much TV do you watch?"
16) Billy: "How many books do they own?"
17) The officer: "Where does John work?"
18) My bestfirend: "What do the children study on Fridays?"
19) Mr. Eko: "Why do you study English?”
20) A stranger: "Where is the post office?"

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