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NAME:…………………………………… DATE:……………………………………



Mark: 10 p granted +20 p homework +20 activity + 50 p test= 100p

I. Transform into negative and interrogative: (10 points)

1. You like strawberries.
2. My brother has breakfast every morning
3. They study English every day.
II. Complete Murat’s blog entry with the correct form of the present simple. (10 p)

I ………... (live) with my family in Istanbul. My father ………….. (work) at home, and my
mother ………… (teach) at my school. They ……….... (work) very hard. My brother Boran
……….(be) 19. He ……….(go) to university. He ………………. (study) Spanish and Chinese.
He ………………….. (speak) very good Spanish and ……………… (watch) films in Chinese!
We ……….. (do) my Spanish homework together. He’s great!

III. Write the sentences with the adverbs in the correct place. (5 p)
1. I do my homework in the mornings. (sometimes)
2. Tom is happy at school. (always)
3. We go out with our friends at the weekend. (usually)
4. My brother does sport on Saturdays. (never)
5. Sandra forgets things. (often)

IV. Complete the text. Circle the correct preposition, and write the correct form of have. (10 p)

I usually get up at / in 7.30 at / in the morning and I ……. a shower. Then we all …… breakfast.
At school, I ……… lunch 6 at / in o’clock. My sister sometimes …….. a snack at / in the afternoon,
but I usually just ……. a drink . At / In night we all ……….. dinner quite late, and then go to bed.
V. Complete with the missing letters. (5p)

1. J _ n _ _ ry 2. W _ d_e_day 3. S_ t_ r d_y 4. M_ r_ h 5. Oct _ b _ r

6. J_ n_ 7. D_ c_ m _er 8. F _ i_ ay 9. _ay 10. S_p_e_ber

VI. Write down your daily routine. Don’t forget to use the linking words (firstly, first of all, after
that, then, and, or, next, finally, from ….to) and time expressions with in/on/at. (10p)















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