Activity Planner 4

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Centre: Racing Pom-Poms Explicit / Intentional Teaching: Centre: Listening to the Wind

This station will allow for children to explore the Mat session This station will explore the sound that wind is
use of wind and differing strengths of wind. Introduction: The teacher will gather the children on made as it passes through items. This station will
Children will be supplied with straws and a pom- the mat and will read the book Wind by Carol supply jars of water, filled up to different points.
pom. Children will be required to blow the pom- Thompson- focusing on the sensory experiences felt Children will be showed how to blow into the
pom through a devised track made from tape to the when there is windy weather. After reading the book water jars/ bottles in order to show the different
end of the table into a bucket. A track can be the teacher will ask the children what their pitch of sound produced by blowing on the
created across various desks within the classroom experiences with wind have been- what they have different jars of different water levels. The teacher
or on the floor. Children will have to change the seen, felt, or heard. A further conversational point is may provide a tub of water for children to use to
strength of their breath according to the bends in to ask children if they have seen storms (thereby create their own sound jars and test the sounds
the track. identifying the differing strengths of wind and their that are created when water is removed and/or
effects). Children will be directed to move to the added.
activities around the room.
Centre: Making Fans Conclusion: Centre: Crazy Hair
This station will be equipped with various materials The teacher will ask children to move back to the At this station children will be able to observe the
for children to create hand-held personal fans in mat and show various photos and/or videos of wind nature of wind and how it will affect them, in
order to explore the strength of wind. Materials on the interactive whiteboard and facilitate order to create a portrait from water paints. The
that will be supplied at the centre will vary in discussion around the effects of wind and what is station will have an A3 piece of paper with the
thickness such as tissue paper, paper, card, and observed when it is windy. The lesson will end by outline of a face on it. Children will be supplied
cardboard. Children will be able to observe the watching the following video- the teacher will ask with a pedestal fan and a mirror so that they can
strength of the wind that is created by each children to identify the weather outside and restate hold their faces in front of the fan and observe the
material by fanning one another. Children will be the lesson focus of wind. effect the wind has on the appearance of their
required to alter the fan to create the strongest hair. Children will then use eye droppers to
wind, ensuring they will test the fan after each transfer the water paints onto their page in order
alteration. Children can then be asked what type of weather to create their wild hair by blowing the paints
they have learnt about over the past few weeks as a around the page with a straw.
summary of the topic of weather.
Centre: Wind Chimes Objective/s:
This station will allow children to explore the
strength of wind through observing the movement State an observation of windy weather.
of the wind chime. Materials will be provided for
children to explore creating their own wind chimes-
use a stick and tie wool or string around after
having thread beads on them or using painted
paper cups for children to stick string or wool
around. Children will be able to test the wind
chimes in different types of wind, both man-made
and natural, such as standing or running outside,
holding it in front of a fan, or blowing on it. Children
will aim to create the strings on their wind catchers
to be flying through the wind. They may be required
to alter their wind chimes after a trial according to
the weight of the accessories used.

Assessment & Recording: (What are we assessing? How are we assessing? How are we recording?)
- Children will be assessed on their ability to state an effect of the wind
- Children will be assessed through direct questioning- all questions used may be similar to one another however slight differences may prompt the
thought of the child. Such questions that will be used to prompt a child’s thought include:
o How do you know it is windy?
o What do you see when it is windy?
Answers may include- trees/leaves move, my hair is blowing around, wind chimes move (responses will be prompted through interaction with activities)
- Children’s answers will be recorded upon a checklist in which the child will have a tick or cross next to their name in addition to a section to write their
response or any anecdotal notes that may need recording
Highlight one or two outcomes specifically connected to your objective/s.

Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners

- 4.1- curiosity, imagination
- 4.2- Hypothesising, investigating, inquiry

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