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Kalki is the tenth avatar of Hindu god Vishnu to end the Kali Yuga, one of the four periods

in endless
cycle of existence (krita) in Vaishnavism cosmology. He is described in the Puranas as the avatar who
rejuvenates existence by ending the darkest and destructive period to remove adharma and
ushering in the Satya Yuga, while riding a white horse with a fiery sword. Kalki will not fight alone,
the celestials of higher lokas will also join him. Remember, in the multiverse there are multiple
parallel universes in which many Kalkis will take Avatar on each parallel universe where Kaliyug is at
its last stage.

No doubt weapons based on advance technologies will be used in this war of Dharma. In this video,
we are highlighting 10 advance divine weapons and technologies which has a very great possibility to
be used in the Kalki Avatar’s war for the Dharma.

Centrifugal gun :

A centrifugal gun is a type of rapid-fire projectile accelerator, like a machine gun but operating on a
different principle. Centrifugal guns use a rapidly rotating disc to impart energy to the projectiles,
replacing gunpowder with centrifugal force.

This gun is capable of firing rates up to 240,000 rounds per minute in controlled bursts of 20 to 40
rounds. The first working model of such type of gun shall be ready by 2025. Further modification will
be replacement of solid projectiles with laser guided nuclear warheads.


You might have seen in Ramayan serial when Mareech used to come to create interefernce in Yajnas
of Vishwamitr. Then Lord Ram used an arrow which threw him far away in the universe.

Beseel beam is a similar technology. This technology is based around the concept that light itself
emits an incredibly small amount of pressure, that if directed correctly, could move a physical object
in a given direction. The Bessel beam is, in effect, a series of lasers fired together to create enough
pressure. Another version of the concept also uses lasers to create a vortex that produces much the
same effect. This will be one of the main weapons of the great Kalki Avatar.

Superheated force field

You might have heared about a kind of shield used by Laxman against the arrows of Meghnath in

This weapon is of similar kind. This superheated force field will act as a kind of superheated wall
that would absorb the impact of incoming objects such as bullets or explosives. This technology is a
method and system for shock wave attenuation via electromagnetic arc - which, loosely translated,
means creating a form of ionised air around a given object. Think of it like a plasma field that uses
lasers to create a superheated barrier. In terms of defence, such a tech could change warfare

Handheld Nuclear Launcher

By 2060 nuclear bombs will be so tiny that they can be launched from the
handheld launchers just like today’s RPG or anti tank missile launchers. This
weapon will be a big nessity especially to break the defence system of enemies.

This weapon will be one of the main weapon of Kalki’s front line army to
penetrate the deep defense systems of the enemies.

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Directed Energ weapons

A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon system that inflicts

damage at a target by emission of highly focused energy, including laser,
microwaves and particle beams. Potential applications of this technology
include anti-personnel weapon systems, missile defense system, and the
disabling of lightly armored vehicles or mounted optical devices.

Direct energy weapons can be used discreetly as radiation above and below the visible
spectrum is invisible and does not generate sound.[19][20]

Light is only very slightly altered by gravity, giving it an almost perfectly flat
trajectory. It is also practically immune (in anything resembling normal planetary
conditions) to both windage and Coriolis force. This makes aim much more precise
and extends the range to line-of-sight, limited only by beam diffraction and spread
(which dilute the power and weaken the effect), and absorption or scattering by
intervening atmospheric contents

Directed energy weapons will be the mainstream weapons that will be used by Kalki
and his Army for frontline attack.

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