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‫ֶ֫צֶלם‬ 17.0.3 n.m. image—cstr. ‫;ֶ֫צֶלם‬ sf. ‫ַצְלמוֹ‬, ‫ַצְלֵ֫מנוֹ‬, ‫;ַצְלָמם‬ pl.

‫;צלמים‬ cstr. ‫;ַצְלֵמי‬ sf. ‫ְצָלָמיו‬, ‫—ַצְלֵמיֶכם‬1a. image, replica of

plague symptom, made from gold, <OBJ > ‫עשׂה‬ make 1 S 6:5, 5.

<CSTR> ‫ח ֵריֶכם‬
ֹ ‫ַצְלֵמי ְט‬ replicas of your tumours 1 S 6:5(Qr) (Kt

‫עפליכם‬ in same sense), ‫ח ֵריֶהם‬

ֹ ‫ְט‬ of their tumours 1 S 6:11,

‫ ַﬠְכְבּ ֵריֶכם‬of your mice 1 S 6:5.

b. image of deity, <OBJ> ‫ עשׂה‬make Ezk 7:20, ‫ שׁבר‬pi. smash 2

K 11:18‖2 C 23:17, ‫ אבד‬pi. destroy Nm 33:52. <CSTR> ‫ַצְלֵמי ַמֵסּכָֹתם‬

images of their idols Nm 33:52, ‫ תּוֲֹﬠבָֹתם‬of their abominations Ezk
7:20, ‫ ִשׁקּוֵּציֶהם‬of their abhorrences Ezk 7:20; ‫ ִכּיוּן ַצְלֵמיֶכם‬pedestal
of your images Am 5:26=CD 715, ‫הצלמים‬ of the images CD 717 (or

Kivvun of the images), ‫ ָכּל־ַצְלֵמי‬all the images of Nm 33:52. <COLL>

‫ ַמְשִׂכּית ‖ ֶצֶלם‬image Nm 33:52, ‫ ָבָּמה‬high place Nm 33:52; + ‫ֱא ִהים‬
god Am 5:26, ‫ ַבַּﬠל‬Baal 2 K 11:18‖2 C 23:17, ַ ‫ ִמ ְזֵבּ‬altar 2 K 11:18‖2 C
23:17, ‫ ִנ ָדּה‬impurity Ezk 7:20.
c. image of male/male organs; perh. image of male deity, idol,
or phallus associated with a fertility cult (Ezk 16:17); obscene
painted engraving (Ezk 23:14), <SUBJ> ‫ חקק‬pass. be engraved Ezk

23:14. <OBJ> ‫ ראה‬see Ezk 23:14, ‫ עשׂה‬make Ezk 16:17. <CSTR> ‫ַצְלֵמי‬
‫ָזָכר‬ images of males or phallic images Ezk 16:17, ‫ ַכְּשׂ ִדּים‬of the Chal-
daeans Ezk 23:14(Qr) (Kt ‫כשדיים‬ in same sense). <APP> ‫ַא ְנֵשׁי‬

David J. A. Clines, ed., The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew (She eld, England: She eld Academic Press; She eld
Phoenix Press, 1993–2011).
Exported from Logos Bible Software, 2:00 PM September 29, 2017. 1
‫ ְמֻחֶקּה‬men of engraving, i.e. men who are engraved Ezk 23:14 (or
em. ‫ֲא ָנִשׁים ֲחֻקִקים‬ men engraved). <PREP> ‫ְבּ‬ of instrument, by

(means of), with, + ‫זנה‬ fornicate Ezk 16:17. <COLL> ‫ ֶצֶלם‬+ ‫ַתּ ְזנוּת‬
obscene practice Ezk 23:14.
2. image, likeness, of resemblance: human being created as
the image of Y. (Gn 1:26, 27, 27; 9:6), son born as the likeness of
father (Gn 5:3), <CSTR> ‫ִהים‬ ‫ ֶצֶלם ֱא‬image of God Gn 1:27. <PREP> ‫ְבּ‬
of essence, (having the same nature) as, + ‫ עשׂה‬make, i.e. create Gn

1:26; 9:6, ‫ ברא‬create Gn 1:27, 27, ‫ ילד‬hi. beget Gn 5:3(mss); ‫ ְכּ‬as, like,
aƏer, + ‫ ילד‬hi. beget Gn 5:3(L). <COLL> ‫ ֶצֶלם‬+ ‫ ְדּמוּת‬likeness Gn 1:26;
3. transitory image, silhoueųe, semblance, <SUBJ> ‫ בזה‬ni.
be despised Ps 73:20 (if em. ‫ַצְלָמם‬ ‫ ִתְּב ֶזה‬you will despise their image
to ‫ִיָבּ ֶזה ַצְלְמוֹ‬ its image will be despised). <OBJ> ‫ בזה‬despise Ps 73:20

(or em.; see subj.). <PREP> ‫ ְבּ‬in, as, + ‫ הלך‬htp. go about Ps 39:7.
<COLL> ‫ ֶצֶלם‬+ ‫ ֶהֶבל‬vanity Ps 39:7.
Also perh. 4QFrags 18 132.
<SYN> §1b ‫ ַמְשִׂכּית‬image, ‫ ָבָּמה‬high place.

David J. A. Clines, ed., The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew (She eld, England: She eld Academic Press; She eld
Phoenix Press, 1993–2011).
Exported from Logos Bible Software, 2:00 PM September 29, 2017. 2

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