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Q2 Binder Check # 3 Due Dec 5th

Printed Name:________________________________ Date turned in:__________________

I abided by the Grimsley Honor Code, and verify that all completed work is my own work,
words, and ideas, with the exception of assignments deemed as “collaborative” which will
only contain common ideas, not exact phrases or answers: Put only a Do not write
check in in these
(Signature)________________________________________ these blanks! blanks!
(must be in cursive! See me for help)

Task Self Teacher

Check Grade
Place this sheet under divider #2: Results, behind the /5
Assessment sheet, behind Binder Check #2.
Completed the Binder Self-Check section on this /5
Sign your name to signify that you abide by the honor /10
code on this sheet.
Put assignments in the correct dividers and order /10
listed on back.
The Binder has no loose papers/papers from other /10
Have binder ready to be checked by date due: /10
Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

Binder Check Grade: /50

Binder Organization should be on-going throughout the course. To “turn-in”

your completed binder, be sure it is located on the bookshelf in the classroom
on the due date. Turn in the binder whether you are finished or not. If you
need help organizing your binder you can come to tutoring and/or check the
classroom binder (orange) to assist you.
*** At any point before January 11th, you may turn in your binder. I will
not accept any binders, first check or redo, after this date. If you are
going to be absent, present your binder to me earlier.***
Put only a Do not write
check in in these
Binder Completion #3: these blanks! blanks!

Assignment Section Self Teacher

Check Grade
Before the First Tab Divider
Class Info
My Assessment Results /5
filled out for Fahrenheit 451 Ch 1
My Assessment Results /5
filled out for Fahrenheit 451 Ch 2
My Assessment Results /5
filled out for Fahrenheit 451 Ch 3
My Assessment Results /5
filled out for Sentences Quiz
SWRP Reading Log-4 or more Stars (2nd period only) Extra credit: /20
Binder Check #3 (This Worksheet completed) /5
Sentences Quiz (11/7) /5
Fahrenheit 451 Ch 1 (10/26) /5
Fahrenheit 451 Ch 2 (11/1) /5
Fahrenheit 451 Ch 3 (11/9) /5
( 1- 40) Parts of Speech (Aug-Sept)
(41-60) Sentences (October) /190
(61-80) Phrases (November) /190
What Makes Dystopian Novel, Dystopian Notes (11/14) /50
Propaganda Packet (11/13) /100
MLA Webquest (11/26) /200
MLA Citations Practice (11/27) /150
Binder Completion Grade: /925

***Previous materials should still be in binder. Some items have been removed from this list
for ease of navigation. Assume all new material goes at the BACK of each Tab divider,
behind the old assignments.***

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