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X : “Hi, Y!”
Y : “Hi, X. Hey, where will you go?”
X : “I will go to library.”
Y : “What will you do in there?”
X : “I will meet Mrs. Dian. I have an appointment with her to sharing my proposal”
Y : “Oh, Mrs. Dian.”
X : “Yeah, but I don’t know the library in here. Do you know it?”
Y : “Sure. It is in A301.”
X : “Where is it?”
Y : “After you’re in third floor, turn right. The library is in there.”
X : “In the left side?”
Y : “No, in the corner right side. But, you must bring a student card.”
X : “Student chart?”
Y : “No, not chart. But C-A-R-D.”
X : “Oh, student card. Okay, I know it. By the way, has Mrs. Dian already in there?”
Y : “Yes, I saw her in there ten minutes ago.”
X : “Oh, okay. So, Mrs. Dian has already in there. Devia, can you repeat where is the
library? Hehe.”
Y : “Sure. In third floor, turn right. And the library is in the corner right side.”
X : “Okay, thank you very much. I must go there now. Bye!”
Y : “You’re welcome. Bye!”

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