Lectia 3 Recap

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Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb " to have" :

1. I ………..a book.

2. He ……….a car.

3. ……..you………a picture?

4. He………..a newspaper

2. Complete the following texts:

A. My name……………John. Who …….you?

B. I…………..Maria. I………..20 years old. And you?

A. I………….22 years old. B. How………..you do! Nice to meet ……. A. Nice to meet you, too.

B. I am ……….thanks!

Hello, everybody! I………..Maria, and I ……….20 years old. I…………from Deva and right now
I………..living in Bucharest. I am a……………, so I interview people.

3. Articulate the following nouns if necessary:

Bagg, egg, car, luggage, pen, apple, hour, butter, bread, water, flour, orange, electricity, boy, furniture,
bone, pencil, chalk, niece, army, sugar, shoe, advice, flower, ice-cream, dollar, milk, country, heir,
carrot, money, ox, information, picture, rice, child, window, airport, blood, question.

4. Put a / an prior to the abbreviations, after the example :

Ex: a Member of Parliament / an M.P.

a. Automobile Association b. Bachelor of Arts c. Bachelor of Law d. Criminal Investigation

Department e. Disc Jockey f. Justice of the Peace g. Local Education Authority h. Master of Arts
i. Post Office j. Public Relations Officer k.Royal Automobile Club l. State Registered Nurse m. a
Royal Catholic n. Unidentified Flying Object o. Very Important Person

5.Add –s or –es to the next nouns in order to form the plural: map, queen, monk, bench, teacher, box,
girl, writer, potato, house, city, chair, watch, clasroom, orange, husband, mother, mouth, embargo, cliff,
month, kilo, bush, wave, vase, day, fox, adult, dish, passenger.
6. Complete the sentences with the plural form of the nouns: play, country, story, donkey, day, lady,
berry, hobby, diary, kidney

1. There are thirty one … in January.

2. Poland, Denmark and Switzerland are three European…

3. The domesticated animals with long ears related to horses are called …

4. …are small, juicy fruit.

5. My… is something personal.

6. Treasure Island is one of the most thrilling… ever written.

7. The group of visitors consisted of five… and six gentlemen.

8. John’s … are fishing and stamp collecting.

9. Shakespeare’s … are very famous.

10. The … of some animals are used as food.

7. Use A or AN only if necessary to complete the sentence: I want…:

Meat, picture, chair, water, newspaper, knife, bottle of juice, help, wool, glass of wine, answer, cups of
coffee, holiday, food, cushion, money, cheese, apples, soup, notebook, match, whisky, pencil, fork, eg,
orange, tea, handkerchief, ice-cream.

8. Schimbati substantivele de la singular la plural:

1. The leaf fell from the tree.

2. The boy has a knife.

3. Te policeman caught the thief.

4. The foot of the deer crushed the flower.

5. The woman was carrying a baby.

6. The little child saw a ewe in the field.

7. Our cat has just caught a mouse.

8. The man looked at the book on the shelf.

9. The thief stole a watch and a radio.

9.Copy and write the conversation below onto a piece of paper and using the 9 words below fill in the

Year Christmas Congratulations

Good evening luck Good morning
Well hello Easter

1. Get __________ soon Mr Bean, we miss you.

2. __________ Mr Bean how are you today?
3. Good __________ with your driving test tomorrow.
4. __________ on your fine win Mr Bean.
5. Merry __________ everyone and a Happy New Year.
6. Happy ______ Mr Bean do not eat to much chocolate.
7. __________ Mr Bean.
8. __________ Mr Bean, it was nice to see you.

1. If someone asks you ''How are you?'' you can answer

 Bad
 Not bad
 I can complain

2. If someone asks ''How are things?'' you can reply

 Thanks! And you?

 Very fine thanks. And you?
 Fine thanks. And you?

3. If someone says ''Good morning!'' you can reply

 Good morning!
 Hi!
 Hey!

4. If someone says ''Nice to meet you'' you can reply

 Yes! It's nice.

 I'd like to introduce myself.
 Pleased to meet you too
5. When you introduce a person (Jen) to another person (Sue), you can say

 Jen, this is Sue.

 Jen, can you meet Sue.
 Jen, will you meet Sue.

6. To give more information about the person, you can say

 She's a friend of me.

 She's a friend of mine.
 She's the my friend.

7. If someone says ''How do you do?'' you can reply

 Hi!
 How are you?
 How do you do?

8. What do you say to someone at 1pm?

 Good morning.
 Good afternoon.
 Good evening.

9. When you arrive at a restaurant for dinner you can say ''Good evening''. When you leave the
restaurant, you can say

 Good evening.
 Good night.
 See you!

10. When you say good bye to a friend, you can say

 See you later.

 Catch you later.
 Both of these.

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