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that the bordering parenchyma cells had little to do 2. CHANDLER, WV. H., HOAGLAND, D. R. and HIBBARD,
with changing the pH of the flushing solutions. The P. L. Little-leaf or rosette in fruit trees, III.
nature of the materials or processes which brought Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 30: 70-86. 1933.
about this change was not investigated. 3. CHANDLER, W. H., HOAGLAND, D. R. and HIBBARD,
P. L. Little-leaf or rosette in fruit trees, IV.
Much of the preliminary work in these studies was Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 32: 11-19. 1934.
4. HEWITT, WM. B. and JACOB; H. E. Effect of zinc
done in cooperation with the late W. 0. Williams, De- on yield and cluster weight in Muscat grapes.
partment of Viticulture, University of California, Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 46: 256-262. 1945.
Davis. 5. SNYDER, ELMER and HARMON, F. H. Some effects
of zinc sulfate on the Alexandria grape. Proc.
LITERATURE CITED Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 40: 325-327. 1942.
1. CHANDLER, W. H., HOAGLAND, D. R. and HIBBARD, 6. SNYDER, ELMER and HARMON, F. H. Some responses
P. L. Little-leaf or rosette in fruit trees, II. of vinifera grapes to zinc sulfate. Proc. Amer.
Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 29: 255-263. 1932. Soc. Hort. Sci. 63: 91-94. 1954.


A great number of plants have been shown to studies of the effect of various chemicals and growth
require a cold treatment for the subsequent formation substances on flowering. Leopold and Guernsey (7)
of flowers or for the hastening of flowering (6, 10). found that the application to Alaska pea seeds of low
A plant in which flowering behavior is influenced by concentrations of auxin (NAA) combined with a short
cold treatment applied in the seedling stage is said to cold treatment is effective in decreasing the number
be vernalizable. of nodes to the first flowers. Others, notably Fries
McKee (5) has shown that a cold treatment dur- (1) and Haupt (3, 4), have shown that the applica-
ing germination will hasten flowering in peas. Despite tion to seeds or to seedlings of substances other than
this evidence, peas have not generally been recognized auxins can likewise affect the flowering of peas in
as being naturally vernalizable. Peas have, however, terms of time to flower or in terms of the number of
been used extensively as experimental material in
nodes to the first flower.
It will be shown in this paper that at least two
1Revised manuscript received June 5, 1956. varieties of peas, both late varieties, are naturally
2Report of work supported by a grant from the vernalizable, in the sense that their subsequent flower-
National Science Foundation. ing behavior is influienced by a cold treatment given

TREATMENT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Temip 7° C
0 18.6±0.5 .......... 18.0±0.61 ..........
5 18.4 ± 0.52 19.2 0.46
+ 17.0 + 0.74 * 18.6 ± 0.86
10 17.3 ± 0.71 * 19.0 0.75
+ 16.5 ± 0.97 * 17.5 ± 0.92 *
20 16.2 ± 0.82 * 18.5 ± 0.53 15.0 ± 0.71 * 16.8 ± 0.45 *
30 16.0 +1.11 * 19.1 ± 0.9 14.5 ± 0.75 * 17.0 ± 0.75 *
Temp 40 C
0 18.63 +0.52** 19.5 + 1.0 18.2 ±0.42** 18.17 ± 0.85
5 17.7 ± 0.47 * 18.57 ± 0.79 18.4 ± 0.55 19.2 ± 0.73
15 16.8 ± 0.41 * 18.0 ± 0.82 16.57 ± 0.79 * 17.25 ± 0.5
25 16.0 ± 0.57 * 17.13 ± 0.53 * 15.3 ± 0.68 * 16.8 ± 0.45
Values given are the means (+ the standard error) of a minimum of 9 plants per treatment.
* Difference from controls significant at the 1 % level.
** No significant difference between vernalized and devernalized controls.
during the seedling stage. It will also be shown that
the cold treatment has a distinct and separable effect
on the vegetative development of the plant as well as
on flowering, and that the pea is vernalizable only
over a rather limited range in the physiological (level-
opment of the plant. These facts make this plant an
experimentally interesting one.
The effect of a cold treatment on the vegetative
(levelopment of plants, has been shown, for example,
in Petkus winter rye (8) where vernalization results
in decreased formation of tillers. However, it has not
been shown whether the vegetative effect is independ- g4L
ent of flowering or whether it is a secondary reaction
(lependent on the effect of cold treatment on flowering. 40k
Two pea varieties, Unica and Zelka (commercial
v.arieties obtained from Holland) were used in these
experiments. Both are late varieties which when
grown uinder optimal greenhouse growing conditions
of a long day (16 hrs) and relatively cool tempera- DATS AT C.
tures (17 to 200 C) will flower after the 18th node.
FIG. 2. The effect of a cold treatment on the lheight
Seeds were soaked in tap water for from 4 to 6 (in mm) to the first flowering node. The broken curves
hours at 20° C and planted in containers filled with show the effect of a high-temperature treatment of 300 C
a mixture of 50 % vermiculite and 50 % crushed rock. for 10 days immediately following the cold treatment.
The containers were then put into constant tempera-
ture rooms at either 4 or 70 C in the dark for periods darkness at 170 C. The remaining plants of a series
up to 30 days and watered when necessary with were maintainedl under devernalizing conditions of
Hoagland's nutrient solution. 300 C (16 houirs of artificial light) for 10 days. At
Series of 30 plants were removed at intervals. In the end of the 10-day devernalizing treatment the
each series half of the plants were put directly into plants were put into the normal growing conditions
the normal growing conditions, which in these experi- (lescribed above.
ments consisted of 8 hours of natural light at 200 C, Measurements of flowering behavior were made by
S hours of artificial light at 170 C and 8 hours of counting the number of nodes formed before the first
flower appeared. AMeasurements of the vegetative
(levelopment of the plants were made by measuring
the height from the first bract to the first flowering
19 tI--0
- x
node. Data were recorded after the internode below
the flowering node had completely elongated.
The results of two of a series of experiments show-
I 17 - -- - -- ing the effect of a cold treatment on the first node to
flower are presented in table I and figure 1. Replica-
So tion in each of these experiments was from 9 to 15
plants per treatment. Variability is expressed as the
15 standard error of the mean. The two series shown
.4 are representative of the results obtained in other
o similar experiments.
o For both varieties cold treatments of 5 days or
more decreased the number of nodes to the first flower
as compared with the control. The differences are
statistically significant at the 1 % level. It can also
0 1 I I I I be seen from this table that the devernalizing treat-
5 so ment significantly delayed flowering as compared to
DAYS ATS To C. the control. While in the variety Unica, the heat
treatment which followed the vernalizing treatment
FIG. 1. The effect of a cold treatment on the first completely reversed the effect of cold; in the variety
node to flower. The brok en curves show the effect of a Zelka complete reversal did not occur although the
high temperature treatment of 300 C for 10 days im- heat treatment following a cold treatment did signifi-
me(liately following the cc)ld treatment. cantly delay flowering.

X Unica
1u4 I*
yes 0 0
0 Zetk.

0 //~~~~~~~~~
-- -
15 -
14 f
.L 4 5 S
1 3 ~~~~3


FIG. 3. The effect on the first node to flower of a

pretreatment at 20 or 260 C prior to a cold treatment at
70 C for 25 days. 6
1 4 3 4
Height to the first flowering node may be used as DATS PRETREATMENT AT 0
another measure of vernalization. That there is an FIG. 5. Av-erage internode length as a function of a
inductive effect of a cold treatment on the height to
the first flowering node can be seen from figure 2. In pireti eatment at 200 C.
both varieties devernalization results in some increase sider the varietv Unica in wlhieh the high temperatture
in the height to the first flowering node but high tem- treatment completely reverses vernalization with re-
perature treatment following vernalization is appar- spect to flowering.
ently not as effective on vegetative development as it In a second series of experiments plants were ger-
is on flowering. This is especially true when we con- minated at a high temperature prior to cold treatmerit
in ordler to determine whether there was a critical
70.r time in the dlevelolpment of the pea seedling during
Zelka LIXZrietU!ica wlhieh it was most receptive to a cold treatmeiit.
O "Zelk These pllants were germinated at 20 or 260 C for
periodls ui) to 5 (lays. At the end of this time the
seedlings were given a cold treatment at 4 or 70 C for
Unica unvern. coatrol 25 to 30 lays; a perio(l of cold sufficient to restult in
I 59
O 9 0 a maximum effect of the coldl.
Figure 3 show-s the results of one sUCh experiment
0x X in which seedIs of the variety Zelka were used. It is
.3 apparent that the longer the seeds are germinated at
20 or 260 C, the less effective is the following cold
1 30-
treatment in reducing the number of nodes to the first
IH flower. With a 200 C pretreatment the critical periodl
lies somiiewhere between 3 to 5 days since after three
2 (lays at 200 C the plants can no longer be vernalized.
I 20- -I.-
When the plants are germinated at 26° C they remain
vernalizable for 1 to 2 days. Three or more days of
10 . pretreatment at 260 C prevents subsequent cold treat-
ment from exerting an effect on flowering.
The initial germinating temperature has no appar-
a ent effect on the height to the first flower. Figure 4
I 2 3 4 5
shows the results of a high temperature pretreatment
on height to flower. These are the same plants from
which the flowering data of figure 3 were taken. The
FIG. 4. The effect on the height to the first flower- (lecrease in height of the vernalized plants as coin-
ing node of a pretreatment at 20 260 C prior to a cold or
p).ared to the unvernalized plants remains the sanme
treatment at 70 C for 25 days. throuiahout the range of the pretreatment periods.
If the data of figure 4 are plotted as in figure 5, ment. With a pretreatment at 200 C of germinating
i.e., ratio of height to the first flowering node to the seeds for a period up to 3 days, vernalization is still
node at which the first flower appears, then it can be possible. With a pretreatment at 260 C for one dav
seen more clearly that flowering and vegetative devel- vernalization is still possible. But, with pretreatments
opment are independently affected by vernalization. of more than 3 days at 200 C and more than one day
If the decrease in height was due only to the decrease at 260 C vernalization is no longer possible. This is
in the number of nodes to the first flower, the slopes significant when one considers that dissection of grow-
of the lines should be zero when actually they are less ing points of samples of plants pretreated at 200 C up
than zero. The figures on this graph can also be read to 5 days, reveals no difference in the number of
as the average node length. nodes from the number present in the dry seeds. At
260 C there is no change in the number of niodes
DIscussIoN present up to the fourth day; only elongation of the
The resuilts of these experiments show that peas, epicotyl occurs during these periods at both tem-
at least the varieties used in these experiments, can peratuires.
be vernalized and that the inductive effect of cold Since no new nodes have been laid down duringf
treatment can be reversed by high temperature treat- the critical period of the pretreatments, some physio-
ment (i.e., they can be devernalized). It is interest- logical changes rather than morphological changes
ing to note that in the 1948 report from the Nether- must take place during this time. The plants appear
lands of the Rijksinstitluuit voor Rassenonderzoek van to halve passedl through a critical stage in their physio-
Landbouwgewassen (9) on field tests of pea varieties, logical development such that they can no longer be
both varieties used in these experiments (Zelka and vernalized.
Unica) are considered to be relatively early varieties, These experiments seem to delimit the period in
flowering at the 12.9 and 14.5 nodes respectively. development which is most critical in studies of ver-
Since peas are normally planted early in spring when nalization and indicate the developmental stages which
the temperatures are sufficiently low to allow the should be used in studies of the biochemical changes
vernalization process to be consummated, it seems occurring duiring the vernalization of peas.
likely that vernalization has in fact actually occurre(l
in the reported field trials. SUMMARY
In addition to the fact that the pea v-.rieties can The inductive effect of a cold treatment on flower-
be vernalized and devernalized tw-o other facts of in- ing in peas has been studied. It has been found that
terest have emerged: the two late varieties studied are normally vernaliza-
1) There appears to be a distinct and separalble ble with respect to both flower formation and vege-
effect of cold treatment on the vegetative develop- tative development and that these two phenomena
ment of peas, an effect which, like the effect of can be separated.
flowering, is inductive. Devernalization only partially A pretreatment during germination at 20 or 260 C
reverses the effect of vernalization on vegetative de- for up to 5 days prior to the optimal cold treatment
velopment in the variety (Unica) in which (levernali- results in a progressive loss of ability to be vernalized.
zation completely reverses the vernalization with Plants remain vernalizable for up to 3 days at 200 C.
respect to flowering. In the variety Zelka this is not At 260 C they remain vernalizable for only 1 or 2
as clear, although the degree of reversal due to high davs.
temiperature is far less for vegetative development The pretreatment at either temperature has no
than it is for flowering. Both the processes effected effect on vernalization with respect to vegetative
by a cold treatment, while obviously going on simul- development.
taneously must be distinct. This is especially appar-
ent in the experiments in which the germinating seeds LITERATURE CITED
,are pretreated at 20 or 260 C prior to receiving the 1. FRIES, N. Chemical factors controlling the growth
vernalizing treatment. The fact that pretreatment of of decotylised pea seedlings. Symbolae Bot. Up-
the germinating seed for a short period (3 to 5 days) salienses 13: 1-83. 1954.
prior to a cold treatment makes the plant insensitive 2. GREGORY, F. G. and PuRvIs, 0. N. Studies in ver-
to cold with respect to flowering, although it remains nalisation. XII. The reversibility by high tem-
sensitive to a cold treatment with respect to the vege- perature of the vernalised condition in winter
tative development, suggests that the effect of a cold Petkus rye. Annals Bot. N.S. 16: 1-21. 1952.
treatment can be separated into a) a vegetative effect, 3. HAUPT, W. Untersuichungen iiber den Determina-
and b) a reproductive effect, both of which are induc- tionsvoirgang dei Blutenbildting bei Pisum sati-
vum. Zeits. Bot. 40: 1-32. 1952.
tive. The former could be termed vegetative vernali- 4. HAUPT, W. Die stoffliche Beeinflussung der Bluten-
zation as opposed to vernalization which usually re- bildung bei Pisitm sativuni. Ber. deut. bot. Ges.
fers to the inductive effect of a cold treatment on 62: 75-81. 1954.
flowering alone. 5. McKEE, R. Vernalization experiments with for'age
2) The high temperature pretreatment experi- crops. U. S. Dept. Agr., Circ. 377. 1935.
ments indicate that there are physiological limits dur- 6. LANIG, ANTON Physiology of flowering. Ann. Rev.
ing which flowering can be effected by a cold treat- Plant Pliysiol. 3: 265-306. 1952.
7. LEOPOLD, A. C. and GUERN-SEY, F. S. Flower initia- aantal ter registiatie aangeboden erwtenrassen
tion in Alaska pea. II. Chemical-vernalization. (Report
on testing of a number of pea varieties
Amer. Jour. Bot. 41: 181-185. 1954. submitted for registration). Part II, pp. 14, table
8. PURVIS, 0. N. and GREGORY, F. G. Studies in ver- 14. Wageningen, November, 1948.
nalisation of cereals, I. Annals Bot. N.S. 1: 582. 10. WHYTE, R. 0. History of research in vernalization.
1937. In: Vernalization and Photoperiodism, A. E. Mur-
9. RYKSINSTITUUT VOOR RASSENONDERZOEK VAN LAND- neek and R. 0. Whyte. Pp. 1-38. Chronica Bo-
BOUWO-GEWASSEN Rapport over het on(lerzoek van tanica, Waltham, Massachusetts 1948.



In recent years several investigators have used

metabolic inhibitors in their studies on salt absorp-
tion by plants. Ordin and Jacobson (9) have re-
viewed publications in this field. All of these workers
have found that at appropriate concentrations the
inhibitors reduced salt uptake. This paper reports
unique effects of several sulfhydryl 2 inhibitors on the CL
absorption of Rb by excised mung bean roots (Pha-
seolus aureus). Under certain conditions some -SH 0.
agents have been found to increase greatly the uptake
of Rb. Other conditions have resulted in these in-
hibitors (lrastically decreasing the absorption of Rb. .0100
MLiung beans were grown at 250 C in contact with
an aerated 104 1\I CaCl, solution which was changed x3 Ammino-4-hydroxy-phenyIdichloroarsine
daily. Root tips were excised in 1-cm lengths from 4) hydrochloride
three-day-old seedlings. Fifty root tips were placed *Phenylmercuric nitrate
in 50 ml solution of 10 MI RbCl containing tracer Olodoacetic acid
amounts of Rb86 (less than 5 uc/l) and various con- d-C u +
centrations of a -SH inhibitor. The inhibitors used
were phenylmercuric nitrate, CUSO4, iodoacetic acid,
and 3-amino-4-hydroxy-phenyldichloroarsine hydro- 0 10 20
chloride.2 In one series of experiments the absorption Inhibitor concentration (ppm)
mediium contained 10X I Ca(NO3)9. The solution FIG. 1. Effect of sulfhydryl inhibitors on the absorip-
was vigorously aerated during the absorption period tion of Rb by excised mung bean roots in the absence
of 30 min at 250 C. After absorption, the radioactive of Ca.
solution was rapidly siphoned off and the roots
washed several times with 10n-2 M inactive salt solu- PMN brought about an unexpected and surprisinglv
tion andl water. The root segments were then placed large increase in Rb uptake at low concentrations
in an aluminum dish, dried at 100° C, and the radio- (less than 2 ppm). At higher concentrations Cu
activitY assayed in the conventional manner. tended to depress Rb uptake. High concentrations of
PMNT were not used because of its insolubility in
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS water. On the other hand, the weaker -SH agent,
T-pical results of many experiments showing the AHP, brought about much smaller increases in Rb
effects of the -SH inhibitors on Rb absorption by absorption; while the weak inhibitor, IDA, decreased
mung bean roots in the absence of Ca are presented Rb uptake as previously reported by others (9).
in fioure 1. The strong inhibitors such as Cu and The presence of 103 M Ca in the absorption
1 Received June 12, 1956. medium drastically changed the direction of the
2 Abbreviations used: -SH, sulfhydryl; PMN, phenyl- effects of the strong -SH inhibitors on Rb uptake
mercuric nitrate; IDA, iodoacetic acid; AHP, 3-amino-4- (fig 2). Instead of increasing Rb absorption, Cu and
hydr oxv-phenvldichloroarsine hydrochloride; RNA, ribo- PMN at very low concentrations (less than 1 ppm)
nueleic acid; RN\ase, ribonuclease. ,olreatlv reduced Rb uptake in the presence of Ca. In

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