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90 Generic Combat Styles

for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Introduction Combat Style Traits

The list includes 21 new Special Traits not in
Below follows a list of 90 Combat Styles that the RQ6 book. These were created to give
can be used by PCs and NPCs. Intended for additional flavour or further differentiate
use in Conan’s Hyborian Age, they are generic various Combat Styles. All special traits are
enough to be inserted into any sword & listed at the end of the document.
sorcery campaign. They are grouped by theme
for ease of reference.
Table of Contents
The combat styles are roughly grouped per
Combat Styles theme. These have no in-game function other
All Combat Styles are in the following format: than flavour.

Name(s) of the Combat Style

Description and flavour text.
Weapons (x): The weapons included in the
Combat Style are listed here. Where there are House Rules ...................................................2
choices offered (“or”) only one weapon is The Light of Civilization ..................................3
chosen. The number lists the number of Frontier Life ...................................................5
weapons that are (initially) included in the
Travellers of the Seas .....................................6
Combat Style. At the GM’s discretion weapons
listed here but not chosen can be ‘added’ to Armies of the Hyborian Kings .........................7
the Combat Style through additional training Empire of the Inland Sea ................................9
(see ‘Combat Style House Rules’).
Horsemen of the Steppes ...............................9
Traits: The traits that can be learned with this
An Ancient and Decadent Civilization ........... 10
Combat Style are listed here. Usually more
than one trait is listed per Combat Style. Barbarians of the North ............................... 11
When the Combat Style is first learned the GM Desert Dwellers ........................................... 12
will choose which combat style trait (if any) is
Jungle Kingdoms .......................................... 13
learned. Typically this should be only one trait
for a novice practitioner. At the GM’s Great Kingdoms of the Orient ...................... 14
discretion, listed special traits that are not The Deep Wilderness ...................................15
learned can be ‘added’ to the Combat Style
Behind the scenes ........................................ 15
through additional training (see ‘Combat Style
House Rules’). Combat Style Traits ......................................16
Combat Style Index ......................................20
On ‘named’ Combat Styles
Some combat styles reference a particular
Hyborian culture (ie Bossonian Longbowman).
At the GM’s discretion, these may also be
suitable as ‘elite’ versions of other combat
styles and be available to other cultures.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

House Rules Combat Style Traits

Traits represent specialisation in using a set of
weapons in a particular way, and are used to
Below are some optional house rules that
distinguish how differing Combat Styles might
work well with the Combat Styles as
use even the same weapon-set in different
ways. Generally speaking, Combat Styles with
a broad selection of weapons have few
Weapon Choices combat style traits, while Combat Styles
It is assumed that when learning a Combat specialising in few weapons have many. The
Style, a character will come in contact with mark of ‘elite’ Combat Styles is that they have
many weapons, but end up with favourites he both breadth of weapons and depth of traits.
or she is most comfortable with. This is why
some Combat Styles have many weapons It is assumed that learning the basic forms of a
available, but only a fraction of them are Combat Style is easy, but that further
chosen to be a part of the Combat Style. The specialisation requires more training.
chosen weapons are the ‘favourites’ while
House Rule: Learning New Traits
others on the list are weapons that are merely A novice character should only know one of
familiar. The assumption is that characters the combat style traits presented, whichever
with broad martial training (ie knights) are best represents the basic form of the Combat
competent with many weapons without being Style. New traits on the list can be added
experts in all of those weapons. through the expenditure of 2 Experience Rolls,
House Rule: Weapon Defaulting plus one Experience Roll for every trait already
If a character uses a weapon that was not ‘known’ of the Combat Style. One week of in-
chosen to be a part of the Combat Style, but is game training is needed per Experience Roll.
present as an option on the list, the character Traits that are not on the list can be added to
is assumed to have some familiarity with the the Style if the GM deems it reasonable to the
weapon and may default from that Combat ‘spirit’ of the style. Adding a ‘non-standard’
Style at a penalty of one difficulty grade. trait costs as above plus one additional
Experience Roll and week of training.
House Rule: Learning New Weapons
Characters can expand their Combat Styles by House Rule: Evolving Combat Styles
adding new weapons. Weapons that are on It may occur that characters have developed a
the Combat Style list are already familiar, and Combat Style to such an extent that it is no
can be added through the expenditure of 2 longer representative of the character’s actual
Experience Rolls and two weeks in-game style of fighting. In such a situation the GM
training with the weapon. might (in cooperation with the player)
‘upgrade’ the Combat Style to a more relevant
Weapons that are not on the list can be added
one on the list, keeping existing skill level,
to the Style if the GM deems it reasonable to
weapons and traits but making new weapons
the ‘spirit’ of the style. Adding an unfamiliar
and traits available. This should require
weapon requires expenditure of 3 Experience
expenditure of 3 Experience Rolls and one
Rolls and three weeks in-game training with
month of in-game training.
the weapon.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

The Light of Enforcer

Many cities have squabbling criminal lordlings,
Civilization fighting each other for power. Those lordlings
need soldiers.
These Combat Styles can be found in civilized
nations, in the cities or developed farmlands. Weapons (3): One of the following (Club,
Hatchet, Mace, Shortsword), Dagger, Light
Crossbow or Buckler Shield.
Citizen / Slave
Only in civilized lands could a man live his Traits: Batter Aside, Crossbow Handling.
whole life without any ability to defend
himself. Also appropriate for slaves who do Shanker
not handle weapons. An expert with small, concealable blades can
Weapons (1): Club or Dagger. always find work.

Traits: None. Weapons (3): Shortsword, Main Gauche,


Highborn / Courtier Traits: Assassination.

Courtiers and other highborn often have the
right to bear swords... though they are Pugilist
typically too soft-bellied to use them. A bare-fisted brawler, fighting for coin or
Weapons (2): Broadsword (Hyborians) or acclaim. A trained pugilist is dangerous even
Scimitar (Orientals), Dagger. to armed men... and is never unarmed.

Traits: None. Weapons (2): Unarmed, Cestus*.

Traits: Knockout, Unarmed Prowess,
Beggar Showmanship.
Even those with nothing fight with something.
* A Cestus is an armoured fighting glove. It
Weapons (2): Rock, Knife or Club. increases unarmed damage by 1 point.
Traits: None.
Pit Fighter
Guttersnipe Fighting other men to the death for a crowd’s
When your job is cutting purse-strings, you get cheers and some coin is rarely legal, but
handy with a knife. popular nonetheless. Pit Fighters get good
fast, or die.
Weapons (2): Dagger, Knife.
Weapons (3): Three of the following (Ball and
Traits: None. Chain, Battleaxe, Broadsword, Chain, Dagger,
Hatchet, Falchion, Mace, Scimitar,
Thug Shortsword).
A simple thug takes what he wants by force.
Traits: Batter Aside, Create Opening,
Weapons (2): One of the following (Chain, Showmanship.
Club, Mace, Shortsword), Dagger.
Traits: None.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Watchman Fencer / Duelist

Serving as police and fire-fighters, watchmen Fencing is fashionable amongst the nobility;
rarely draw their weapons with deadly intent. socialites flaunt their wealth by hiring teachers
of the “Zingaran school”
Weapons (3): Shortspear, Club, Dagger.
Weapons (1): Rapier.
Traits: None.
Traits: Lunge, Showmanship.
Guardsman / Bodyguard
The wealthy maintain guardsmen as well Marksman
trained and equipped as any soldier. Marksmen practice shooting at small targets,
for sport or entertainment rather than war.
Weapons (4): Light Crossbow, Broadsword or
They usually favour one type of weapon.
Scimitar, Dagger, Heater or Target Shield.
Bows (2): Longbow or Recurve Bow,
Traits: Crossbow Handling.

Palace Guard Crossbows (2): Light and Heavy Crossbow.

The last line of defence for the reigning Thrown (2): Hatchet, Dagger.
nobility, these men might be deadly veterans...
or handsome boys that look good in uniform. Traits: Crossbow Handling, Longshot,
Marksmanship, Showmanship.
Weapons (4): Halberd or Glaive, Broadsword
or Scimitar, Dagger, Buckler Shield.
Traits: Batter Aside, Formation Fighting. Wrestling is a popular sport in many nations.
The techniques taught can be useful to an
Judicial Champion unarmed man forced to defend himself.
A specialist in one-on-one combat, champions Weapons (1): Unarmed.
are skilled in a wide variety of weapons.
Traits: Iron Holds, Unarmed Prowess,
Where trial by combat exists, these men are
highly sought after. Unarmed Throws.

Weapons (5): One of the following (Glaive,

Zingaran Bravo
Great Axe, Great Hammer, Great Sword,
Halberd, Longspear, Military Flail, Pike), two of Bravos fight fierce duels in the alleys of
the following (Ball & Chain, Battleaxe, Zingaran cities – they are masters of the
Broadsword, Hatchet, Falchion, Flail, rapier-and-dagger style.
Longsword, Mace, Military Pick, Scimitar,
Weapons (3): Rapier, Main Gauche, Dagger.
Shortsword), Dagger, one Shield (any).
Traits: Batter Aside, Create Opening, Traits: Create Opening, Cross-Parry, Excellent
Showmanship. Footwork, Lunge, Showmanship,
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Frontier Life Bailiff / Magistrate

Representatives of the crown in the kingdom’s
backwaters, these men must sometimes
Combat Styles typical for sparsely populated
enforce their rulings with steel.
rural areas, on the edges of civilization.
Weapons (4): Two of the following:
Peasant / Herder (Battleaxe, Broadsword, Falchion, Longsword,
Every herder or peasant learns to protect his Shortsword), Dagger, Heater Shield.
farm or herd from predators... or thieves. Traits: None.
Weapons (2): Quarterstaff or Flail, one of the
following (Club, Dagger, Hatchet). Borderer / Forester
Tasked with keeping the kingdom’s forests
Traits: None.
safe from poachers or enemy agents, these
men patrol the wild places.
A skilled hunter of non-dangerous game. Weapons (4): Longbow or Recurve Bow, one
of the following (Battleaxe, Broadsword,
Weapons (2): Shortbow or Sling, Hatchet or
Falchion, Longsword), Hatchet, Dagger.
Traits: None.
Traits: Marksmanship.

Beast Hunter
Brigand / Bandit The hunting of large, dangerous or exotic prey
Sometimes the poor turn to brigandage, if can be lucrative business. Specialists learn
crops fail or the taxman is too greedy.
various techniques to kill these beasts.
Weapons (3): Shortbow or Sling, one of the Weapons (4): Longbow or Recurve Bow or
following (Club, Quarterstaff, Shortspear), Heavy Crossbow, Longspear, Javelin or
Hatchet or Dagger.
Shortspear or Trident, one of the following
Traits: None. (Battleaxe, Mace, Military Pick, Hatchet,
Patrolman / Outrider Traits: Marksmanship.
Lightly armed cavalrymen protect the
kingdom’s roads from bandits.
Weapons (3): Light Crossbow or Shortbow, Whether chasing fugitives or on the hunt for
one of the following (Battleaxe, Broadsword, new stock, these men are specialists in
Mace, Shortspear), Hatchet or Dagger. capturing other men.
Traits: Mounted Combat, Crossbow Handling. Weapons (4): Light Crossbow or Shortbow or
Sling, Bolas, Mace or Club, Net.
Traits: Mancatcher.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Travellers of the Marine

Not all seamen on a naval vessel are trained
Seas fighters. Marines take the brunt of all
boarding actions, and are occasionally called
These Combat Styles are typical to those who to fight on land as well.
live (and die) at sea.
Hyborian Marine

Sailor Hyborian nations favour heavily armed

Countless merchant vessels ply the trade footmen as marines.
routes, but pirates are always a threat. Luckily, Weapons (4): Light Crossbow, one of the
there are plentiful bludgeons and axes on following (Battleaxe, Broadsword, Falchion,
hand on a ship. Mace, Military Pick, Shortspear), Hatchet or
Weapons (2): Oar (Quarterstaff) or Club, Dagger, Heater Shield or Kite Shield.
Hatchet or Dagger. Traits: Sea Legs, Crossbow Handling.
Traits: Sea Legs.
Oriental Marine
Spear Diver The navies of Turan, Shem and further East
These trained divers can hold their breaths favour contingents of archers on their ships.
underwater for minutes. They hunt for fish Weapons (4): Recurve Bow, one of the
with their spears. following (Battleaxe, Falchion, Mace,
Weapons (2): Shortspear, Dagger. Scimitar), Hatchet or Dagger, Target Shield.

Traits: Water Combat. Traits: Sea Legs, Volley Fire.

Whaler Zingaran Freebooter

The bravest fishing crews attempt to hunt the The Zingaran freebooters are amongst the
great beasts of the deep. They must be most feared pirates, renowned for their cruelty
harpooned and chased to exhaustion. and mercilessness. As befits their heritage,
many are skilled fencers.
Weapons (3): Harpoon (Javelin), Hatchet,
Dagger. Weapons (4): Light Crossbow, Broadsword or
Rapier, Main Gauche or Buckler Shield,
Traits: Sea Legs.

Pirate Traits: Crossbow Handling, Sea Legs, Excellent

On a pirate vessel, every sailor learns to fight. Footwork, Swashbuckling.
A hard life of kill-or-be-killed makes pirates
bloodthirsty and cruel.
Weapons (3): Shortbow or Javelin,
Broadsword or Falchion or Scimitar, Hatchet
or Dagger.
Traits: Sea Legs.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Armies of the Spearman

Spearmen form the main line of battle and
Hyborian Kings anchor an enemy in place. Spears have fallen
out of favour in Hyborian military thought,
Combat styles for professional or semi- though many other nations still field vast
professional soldiers. Below entries generally numbers of spearmen, most notably Khitai.
reflect Hyborian military traditions, with a
strong focus on heavy cavalry and infantry Weapons (3): Shortspear, Shortsword, Kite
often being considered a secondary role, Shield or Hoplite Shield or Scutum.
worthy of little honour. Note that most of the Traits: Shield Wall, Formation Fighting.
generic roles listed below are in use far
outside of the Hyborian kingdoms as well. Pikeman
Pikemen are the most common infantrymen in
Militia / Infantryman Hyborian armies; a row of pikes is an
Infantry is the cornerstone of most armies. insurmountable obstacle to any charge.
There is fundamentally little difference in the
Weapons (3): Longspear or Pike, Shortsword,
combat styles of part-time militia and
Buckler Shield.
professional soldiers, but professionals tend to
have a higher level of skill, superior Traits: Formation Fighting.
equipment, and are trained in more auxiliary
weapons and combat style traits. Halberdier
Filling a similar role to pikemen on the field,
Militia and Infantrymen are distinguished by
halberdiers lose on reach but are more potent
the weapon they carry and the role they fill on
in the swirl of melee.
the battlefield.
Weapons (3): Halberd or Glaive, Shortsword,
Archer / Bowman Buckler Shield.
Trained bowmen can make arrows rain on Traits: Formation Fighting.
their enemies, causing all but the most heavily
armoured troops to falter.
Knight / Man-at-Arms
Weapons (3): Longbow or Recurve Bow, Most Hyborian generals believe that a charge
Shortsword or Hatchet, Dagger. by lance-armed heavy cavalry will win any
battle. Whether noble-born knights or more
Traits: Volley Fire.
lowly men-at-arms, these warriors are the
elite of Hyborian armies.
A crossbow cannot match a bow’s rate of fire, Weapons (4): Lance, one of the following:
but basic skill can be taught in a week, and the (Ball & Chain, Battleaxe, Broadsword,
weapon is potent even in a novice’s hand. Falchion, Flail, Longsword, Mace, Military
Pick), Dagger, Heater Shield or Kite Shield.
Weapons (3): Light Crossbow or Heavy
Crossbow, Shortsword or Hatchet, Dagger. Traits: Lancer, Mounted Combat.

Traits: Crossbow Handling, Reload Drill, Volley

90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Siege Arbalister Hyperborean Gaunt

Elite crossbowmen specialised in static battles The tall warriors of Hyperborea fight in a
like sieges. Their large pavise shields protect manner not unlike their Nordheimr enemies.
them from enemy fire. Slow of thought and speech, in battle they
reveal a terrifying fury.
Weapons (4): Heavy Crossbow, Broadsword or
Battleaxe or Mace, Dagger, Pavise*. Weapons (4): One of the following (Great
Axe, Great Hammer, Great Sword), one of the
Traits: Crossbow Handling, Pavisier, Reload
following (Battleaxe, Broadsword, Falchion,
Drill, Volley Fire.
Mace, Military Pick, Shortspear), Hatchet or
* A pavise is a large shield used for cover that Dagger, Viking Shield.
can be stood on the ground with an attached
Traits: Berserker, Batter Aside.
spike or worn on the back. Treat as a Scutum.

Knight of Poitain
Bossonian Longbowman
The premiere military force of Aquilonia, they
Immovable in defence, the Bossonians of
are equally deadly on horseback as on foot.
Aquilonia are deadly at range and in melee.
Weapons (5): Lance, Longsword or
Weapons (4): Longbow, Broadsword or
Greatsword, one of the following: (Ball &
Battleaxe or Mace, Hatchet or Dagger, Buckler
Chain, Battleaxe, Broadsword, Falchion, Flail,
Mace, Military Pick), Dagger, Heater Shield or
Traits: Strong Pull, Longshot, Marksmanship, Kite Shield.
Volley Fire.
Traits: Batter Aside, Lancer, Mounted Combat.

Gunderland Pikeman
Nemedian Adventurer
Gunderland Pikemen use shields in formation
This famed band of not-quite mercenaries
to defend themselves from missiles, and
nominally owes allegiance to the king of
switch to sword and shield at closer ranges.
Nemedia. Mostly composed of nobles or men-
Weapons (4): Pike, Broadsword or Battleaxe, at-arms too poor to be knights, the
Short Sword or Dagger, Buckler Shield. Adventurers are tough and practical fighters.
Traits: Batter Aside, Formation Fighting, Pike- Weapons (5): Light or Heavy Crossbow,
and-Shield. Greatsword, one of the following: (Ball &
Chain, Battleaxe, Broadsword, Falchion, Flail,
Kothic Spahi Mace, Military Pick), Dagger, Heater Shield or
The Spahis of Koth have adopted the cavalry Kite Shield.
styles of their ancestral enemies in Shem and Traits: Batter Aside, Crossbow Handling.
Weapons (4): Recurve Bow, Lance,
Broadsword or Falchion or Scimitar, Dagger.
Traits: Lancer, Mounted Combat.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Empire of the Inland Mighty Archer of Turan

An elite regiment of mounted archers, these
Sea warriors report directly to the king.

Combat styles for the warriors of the great Weapons (5): Recurve Bow, Lance or Tulwar*,
kingdom of Turan. As befits the descendants one of the following (Battleaxe, Falchion,
of nomadic horsemen, Turanians are skilled at Mace, Scimitar, Shortspear), Dagger, Target
mounted warfare. Shield.
Traits: Longshot, Mounted Combat, Strong
Turanian Soldier Pull, Volley Fire.
Trained in spear, sword or bow, these
horsemen are the backbone of Turan’s armies.
Weapons (3): Shortspear or Scimitar, Dagger,
Horsemen of the
Recurve Bow or Target Shield. Steppes
Traits: Mounted Combat.
Combat styles for the nomadic Hyrkanians,
who live on the saddle. When not raiding each
Turanian Imperial Horseman
other in their lands, they often find their way
The best warriors are promoted to the
into the armies of Turan.
Imperial Horsemen with great honours, a rank
roughly equivalent to a Hyborian knight.
Hyrkanian Horse Archer
Weapons (4): Lance or Tulwar*, one of the The bulk of the Hyrkanian hordes are horse
following (Battleaxe, Falchion, Mace, Scimitar, archers. Riding around their enemies, they
Shortspear) Dagger, Recurve Bow or Target overwhelm them under a rain of arrows.
Weapons (3): Recurve Bow, one of the
Traits: Mounted Combat. following (Mace, Scimitar, Shortspear),
Turanian Miner
Traits: Longshot, Mounted Combat.
Specialised in siege warfare unsuited to
Turanian mounted armies, the Miners are
Hyrkanian Lancer / Cataphract
tasked with bringing down the fortresses in
The Hyrkanian elite are heavy cavalrymen as
the way of Turan’s imperial ambitions.
deadly as any Hyborian knight. They fire volley
Weapons (4): Recurve Bow, one of the after volley into enemy ranks and then destroy
following (Battleaxe, Falchion, Mace, Military them in a devastating charge.
Pick, Scimitar), Dagger, Kite Shield.
Weapons (5): Recurve Bow, Lance, one of the
Traits: Marksmanship, Siege Combat. following (Battleaxe, Falchion, Mace,
Scimitar), Dagger, Target Shield.

* The Tulwar is a heavy two-handed scimitar Traits: Lancer, Longshot, Mounted Combat,
favoured in Vendhya and Turan. Treat as a Volley Fire.
Greatsword that cannot Impale.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

An Ancient and Mamluk

An elite warrior-caste, these men are well-
Decadent trained, disciplined and devout Settites to
Civilization boot. Wielding spear or bow, they are
expected to hold out against any enemy.
These Combat Styles represent a more
antiquated form of warfare, such as practiced Mamluk Spearman
by the Stygians. Weapons (4): Shortspear, Khopesh* or
Battleaxe, Dagger, Scutum.
Conscript / Slave Army
Traits: Shield Wall, Formation Fighting.
The bulk of Stygian armies are untested
conscripts or slaves, sent into battle with
Mamluk Bowman
whatever equipment they can scavenge.
Weapons (4): Recurve Bow, Khopesh* or
Weapons (3): One of the following (Club, Flail, Battleaxe, Dagger, Target Shield.
Shortspear), Hatchet or Dagger, Target or
Traits: Strong Pull, Volley Fire.
Peltast Shield.
Traits: None.
Charioteers circle the battle-line, firing into
Skirmisher enemy ranks, and charging down any breaks
These agile warriors throw spears at the in the lines.
enemy ranks and melt away if pursued.
Weapons (4): Recurve Bow or Javelin,
Weapons (4): Javelin, Shortsword, Hatchet or Shortspear, Khopesh* or Battleaxe, Target
Dagger, Peltast Shield. Shield.
Traits: Skirmisher. Traits: Chariot Fighting.

Slinger Stygian Highborn

Mocked as a peasant’s weapon, slings are The true-blooded Stygian nobility revel in
deadly in the right hands. warfare, mastering bow, spear and khopesh in
Weapons (3): Sling, Staff Sling, Dagger. the manner of their giant-like ancestor race.
They ride heavy chariots to battle.
Traits: Longshot.
Weapons (5): Glaive, Recurve Bow, Khopesh*
Scout / Rider or Battleaxe, Dagger, Hoplite Shield.
With no tradition of heavy cavalry, Stygians Traits: Chariot Fighting, Batter Aside, Strong
use lightly armoured riders to scout and Pull, Marksmanship.
harass the enemy.
Weapons (4): Javelin, Shortspear, Hatchet or
Dagger, Target Shield.
Traits: Mounted Combat.
* A Khopesh is a heavy curved blade favoured
by the Stygians. Treat as a Falchion.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Barbarians of the Nordheimr Berserkar

Cimmerian Battleborn
North While all barbarians have a healthy lust for
battle, some amongst them are blessed with a
These are the combat styles typical of the terrifying blood-frenzy of such violence that
Aesir, Vanir and Cimmerians, who constantly they lose all sense of self-preservation or pain.
raid their neighbours and each other.
Weapons (4): One of the following (Great
Axe, Great Hammer, Great Sword), two of the
Nordheimr / Cimmerian Thrall
following (Battleaxe, Broadsword, Falchion,
In the North, slaves fight for their masters;
Mace, Military Pick, Shortspear), Hatchet or
barbarian raiders have no use for passive
slaves, and would show no mercy.
Traits: Berserker, Batter Aside, Intimidating
Weapons (3): Shortspear, Hatchet or Club,
Scream, Throw Weapons.
Traits: None. Nordheimr Jarl / Jarlsguard
Cimmerian Chieftain / Chosen
Nordheimr / Cimmerian Hunter Barbarian chieftains are amongst the best
The bow is a coward’s weapon amongst the fighters of their clan or stead, and surround
barbarians; only hunters learn to use it. themselves with their fiercest and most loyal
Nonetheless, come war-time, these skilled warriors.
archers are in high demand.
Weapons (5): One of the following (Great Axe,
Weapons (3): Shortbow, one of the following Great Hammer, Great Sword), two of the
(Battleaxe, Broadsword, Falchion, Hatchet, following (Battleaxe, Broadsword, Falchion,
Shortspear), Dagger. Mace, Military Pick, Shortspear), Hatchet or
Traits: Marksmanship. Dagger, Target Shield (Cimmerians) or Viking
Shield (Nordheimr).

Nordheimr Carl / Cimmerian Freeman Traits: Batter Aside, Create Opening,

Nordheimr and Cimmerians warriors fight to Intimidating Scream, Shield Wall, Throw
protect their steads or raid their neighbours. Weapons.
They are skilled with spear, sword and shield.
Weapons (4): Shortspear, one of the following Nordheimr Reaver
(Battleaxe, Broadsword, Falchion, Mace, The Nordheimr are skilled sailors. On their
Military Pick), Hatchet or Dagger, Target longships, reavers terrorise coastal villages,
Shield (Cimmerians) or Viking Shield killing, looting and taking slaves.
(Nordheimr). Weapons (3): Two of the following (Battleaxe,
Traits: Intimidating Scream, Shield Wall. Broadsword, Falchion, Mace, Military Pick,
Shortspear), Hatchet or Dagger,
Traits: Batter Aside, Create Opening,
Intimidating Scream, Sea Legs.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Desert Dwellers Shemite Asshuri

An elite warrior caste from the meadow cities
of Shem, Asshuri train as light cavalrymen or
These combat styles are typical for the
foot archers. Veteran Asshuri are adept at
peoples on the edge of or within the vast
both roles. They are often employed as
desert that splits the eastern from the
mercenaries by Shem’s wealthy neighbours.
western world.
Weapons (4): Recurve Bow or Lance, Scimitar,
Desert Nomad Hatchet or Dagger, Buckler Shield or Target
The nomads of the desert ride from oasis to Shield.
oasis, and either raid or trade with caravans Traits: Strong Pull, Lancer, Longshot, Mounted
depending on their strength. In Shem or Turan Combat, Volley Fire.
they ride horses, in the deep desert camels.
Weapons (3): Shortspear, Scimitar, Dagger. Ghulistan Hillman
The barbaric hillmen of Ghulistan are a fierce
Traits: Mounted Combat.
people, similar in temperament to the
barbarians of the north. Surrounded by
Caravaneer powerful enemies, they resist all incursions.
The crossing from Vendhya or Khitai to the
Hyborian kingdoms is a path to incalculable Weapons (4): Great Axe or Tulwar *, Scimitar,
wealth... or a shallow desert grave. Dagger, Target Shield.

Weapons (3): Light Crossbow or Shortbow or Traits: Batter Aside, Berserker

Javelin, Scimitar or Shortspear, Hatchet or
Dagger. Kozaki Freerider
The kozaki are a fierce desert folk opposed to
Traits: Crossbow Handling, Mounted Combat.
the expansion and frequently raiding the
kingdom of Turan. Their reputation attracts
Iranistani City Militia many foreign fighters to their number.
Iranistani cities maintain well-equipped and
occasionally well-trained militia for defense. Weapons (4): Recurve Bow or Javelin, one of
When a larger force is needed, the Iranistani the following (Battleaxe, Falchion, Mace,
recruit the desert nomads as mercenaries. Scimitar, Shortspear), Dagger, Target Shield.

Weapons (4): Light Crossbow or Shortspear, Traits: Mounted Combat, Intimidating Scream.
Scimitar, Dagger, Target Shield.
Traits: Crossbow Handling.

* The Tulwar is a heavy two-handed scimitar

favoured in Vendhya and Turan. Ghulistani
warriors often claim them as trophies. Treat as
a Greatsword that cannot Impale.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Jungle Kingdoms Darfari Cannibal

The depraved tribesmen of Darfar are known
cannibals. They raid their neighbours for
Combat styles typical of the savage Southern
captives, eating the strong and selling the
weak as slaves.

Kushite Hunter Weapons (3): Bolas or Net, Club, Dagger.

The spear puts food on the table and enemies Traits: Mancatcher.
in the ground. All men in the Southern
Kingdoms know how to wield it. Darfari Brute
Weapons (3): Atlatl and Javelin or Longspear, Some of the Darfari cannibals are particularly
Shortspear, Dagger. touched by their bloodthirsty demon-god.
They live only to fight and kill.
Traits: None.
Weapons (3): Greatclub, Hatchet or Club,
Kushite Spearman / Impi Dagger.
The tribesmen of the Black Kingdoms war Traits: Berserker, Batter Aside
incessantly. With their flint-tipped spears and
hardwood clubs, they are as fierce as any Pygmy Headshrinker
Northern reaver. In the deep jungle, the pygmies and other
Weapons (4): Shortspear, Hatchet or Club, tribals are experts in the use of many deadly
Dagger, Isihlangu* poisons.

Traits: Intimidating Scream. Weapons (2): Blowgun, Dagger.

Traits: Poisoner, Marksmanship.
Kushite Champion
The strongest warriors are given a permanent Kushite Witch Doctor
position at the chief’s side and the pick of the The Witch Doctors of Kush rely on magical
tribes’ weapons, such as the traditional secrets for defense. They often ensorcell
Kushite warclubs, or the occasional Stygian beasts of the jungle to fight at their side.
weapon acquired in war or trade.
Weapons (2): Quarterstaff or Club, Dagger.
Weapons (5): One of the following (Greatclub,
Traits: Poisoner, Trained Beast.
Battleaxe, Falchion, Shortsword), Shortspear,
Hatchet or Club, Dagger, Isihlangu.
Black Coast Corsair
Traits: Batter Aside, Intimidating Scream.
Famed pirates of the Black Coast, the corsairs
have a fierce reputation. Unlike most civilized
sailors, they are usually excellent swimmers.
Weapons (4): Javelin, Shortspear, Hatchet,
* The Isihlangu is a large cowhide shield
Traits: Intimidating Scream, Sea Legs, Water
favoured by Kushites. Treat as a Kite Shield.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Great Kingdoms of Khitan Conscript

In Khitai commoners are forbidden to bear
the Orient arms in peace-time, and so are often sent to
war woefully unprepared for combat. Khitan
Most warriors from faraway Vendhya and armies are generally inexperienced conscripts.
Khitai practice similar Combat Styles to the
Hyborian and Stygian styles above. Some Infantry: As Stygian Conscript or Hyborian
styles are distinctly of their culture however, Spearman.
and are listed below. Archers: As Hyborian Bowman.
Crossbowman: As Hyborian Crossbowman.
Vendhyan Kshatriya
In the strictly caste-segregated Vendhya, only Cavalry: As Stygian Rider.
the noble Kshatriya are allowed to own arms Charioteers: As Stygian Charioteer.
or become professional soldiers. They train to
If more professional soldiers are needed,
fight as lancers or spearmen, and some carry
typically foreign mercenaries are hired.
bows to act as archers if needed.
Weapons (4): Lance or Shortspear, Scimitar or Khitan Martial Artist
Tulwar*, Dagger, Recurve Bow or Kite Shield. In some regions of Khitai commoners
Traits: Lancer, Mounted Combat, Shield Wall, circumvent the prohibition to bear arms by
Formation Fighting, Volley Fire. learning to fight with common implements or
their bare hands.
Vendhyan Mahout Weapons (4): Quarterstaff, Flail, Knife,
Vendhyan war elephants are like castles that Unarmed.
walk. Safe within the howdah, Kshatriya
Traits: Unarmed Prowess, Unarmed Throws
mahouts fire on their enemies.
Weapons (4): Recurve Bow, Javelin, Military Khitan Alchemist-Engineer
Pick, Shortsword or Dagger. Khitai’s supremacy in the fields of engineering
Traits: Marksmanship. and alchemy is unchallenged. When facing
dangerous foes, Khitai’s alchemist-engineers
Vendhyan Rakhsha field ever more inventive devices to destroy
The Rakhsha of the Himelian Mountains are their enemies.
the servants of the dread Seers of Ymsha. Weapons (4): Two siege weapons of choice,
Learned in both martial arts and sorcery, they Light or Heavy Crossbow, Scimitar, Dagger.
kill on their behalf as warriors or assassins.
Traits: Crossbow Handling, Longshot,
Weapons (4): Scimitar, Dagger, Garrotte, Marksmanship.
Traits: Assassination, Poisoner, Unarmed
* The Tulwar is a heavy two-handed scimitar
favoured in Vendhya and Turan. Treat as a
Greatsword that cannot Impale.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

The Deep Behind the scenes

These are the combat styles for those who act
Combat styles typical of the Picts, living off behind the scenes.
nature deep in the wilderness. These fierce
and savage warriors are destined to conquer Assassin
all the world’s nations in time. Sometimes a single dagger can accomplish
more than an army’s worth of swords.
Pictish Hunter Weapons (4): Blowgun or Light Crossbow or
Every Pict must learn to hunt, to contribute to Darts, Shortsword or Dagger, Garrotte, Hidden
the success of the tribe. Blade*.
Weapons (3): Shortbow, Hatchet, Dagger. Traits: Assassination, Crossbow Handling,
Traits: Marksmanship. Hidden Weapons, Marksmanship, Poisoner.

* A Hidden Blade is an object on the assassin’s

Pictish Brave person disguised to not appear as a weapon.
Fierce and fearless, Pictish Braves stalk their Examples might be a belt-buckle, hairstick,
foes with their bows and charge in with spears brooch, or fan. These will be exceedingly
difficult to detect (at least Hard difficulty), and
and axes.
should be considered a Knife in combat.
Weapons (4): Shortbow, Spear or Club,
Hatchet, Dagger. Spy / Agent
Traits: Marksmanship, Skirmisher, Trained to impersonate anyone, from thug to
Intimidating Scream. knight, agents practice with an unusual mix of
Pictish Woad Warrior Weapons (4): Broadsword or Scimitar,
The tribe’s favoured warriors go to war with Quarterstaff or Club, Shortbow or Light
the blessings of the tribe’s totems. Painted Crossbow, Dagger.
head to toe in shamanistic symbols, they fight
Traits: None.
with a terrifying ferocity.
Weapons (5): Greatclub, Spear, Club, Hatchet, Cultist
Dagger. Fearing discovery at every turn, cultists prefer
Traits: Berserker, Batter Aside, Marksmanship, weapons that are easy to hide, as well as
Skirmisher, Intimidating Scream. other underhanded methods to dispatch their
Weapons (3): Quarterstaff, Shortsword or
Club, Dagger.
Traits: Poisoner.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Combat Style Traits

Below is a list of current and new traits that can be applied to the Combat Styles above. Note that
some special traits are listed as ‘xxx Only,’ these will only be in effect when using a weapon that
matches the listed requirements, even if other weapons are included in the style.
Traits in italics are custom (house-ruled) not from the core RQ6 book.

Trait Description
Assassination Allows the user access to the normally restricted ‘Kill Silently’ special effect.
Batter Aside Used by physically powerful fighters, this Combat Style leverages strength
and size to overwhelm an opponent’s defences. If the fighter’s Damage
Modifier is two or more steps greater than his opponent’s, his weapon is
considered one size larger for the purposes of bypassing parries. Does not
stack with the weapon size increase when charging.
Berserker The style emphasises entering into a violent frenzy where personal safety
and pain are disregarded. At the beginning of a fight, or upon taking an
injury, a berserker may attempt to roll his POW x5 to enter a frenzy. When in
a frenzy:
• Damage modifier is increased by one step.
• Parrying or Evading attacks are one step more difficult.
• Endurance rolls for resisting the effects of injury are one step easier.
• Effects of Fatigue are ignored.
After the fight any deferred Fatigue levels plus one additional level are
Blind Fighting Allows user to reduce any penalties imposed due to poor lighting or
temporary blinding to be reduced by one difficulty grade.
Chariot Fighting Style allows those riding in a chariot to ignore the skill cap placed upon their
combat rolls by the driver’s Drive skill.
Create Opening This technique for wielders of two weapons involves pushing aside an
enemy’s defenses with one weapon and following up with the other. The
Style allows usage of the ‘Flurry’ Special Effect for dual-wielders; the follow-
up attack must be with a different weapon. Two weapons Only.
Cross-Parry A wielder of two weapons can choose to attempt a cross-parry. This
increases the difficulty of a parry by one grade, but increases the size of the
parry to one size larger than the larger of the parrying weapons.
Two Size M or smaller weapons Only.
Crossbow Handling Despite their many disadvantages, given the right training crossbows are
simple to use. Any shot taken without penalty (Standard difficulty) instead
becomes Easy difficulty. Crossbows Only.
Excellent Footwork When fighting on slippery, wobbling surfaces the user can ignore the skill cap
placed on combat rolls by the Acrobatics skill.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Trait Description
Formation Fighting* Permits a group of three or more warriors to draw into close formation,
placing more open or disordered opponents at a disadvantage (provided the
‘unit’ cannot be outflanked) and thus reducing each foe’s Action Points by
one if they engage.
Hidden Weapons Allows the user to utilise seemingly innocuous objects noted as part of the
style as deadly weapons, with no chance of accidental breakage despite
apparent delicacy (fans or musical instruments for example).
Intimidating Scream Style encourages frequent yells and bellows in combat to intimidate foes,
making any psychological resistance rolls inflicted on an opponent one grade
Iron Holds This unarmed style teaches techniques to maintain holds on an opponent.
Any opposed rolls to escape from the Grip Special Effect or Grappling are one
step harder. Unarmed Only.
Knockout This unarmed style emphasises powerful blows to the head to knock the
opponent unconscious. When using the Stun Location special effect on the
enemy’s head, the roll to resist is one grade more difficult. Unarmed Only.
Human (or human-like) opponents only.
Lancer This Combat Style emphasizes devastating charges with Lances or other
weapons. Performing a mounted charge with this combat style does not
incur the one step difficulty penalty.
Longshot The style emphasises accurate fire at extreme ranges. When firing ranged
weapons, use the row one step above the correct row for Distance. (ie. when
shooting at 125m., use the 101 – 120m. row).
Lunge Mastery of the rapier allows for lightning-fast strikes. This style allows usage
of the ‘Flurry’ Special Effect. Rapier Only.
Mancatcher The style grants its user an advantage when entangling or immobilising
opponents, making a foe’s opposed rolls to evade or break free one difficulty
grade harder.
Marksmanship This style focuses on accurate ranged fire and striking small targets. When
rolling a random Hit Location, the location struck may be shifted to an
adjoining Hit location. Ranged Weapons Only.
Mounted Combat Style allows rider to ignore the skill cap placed upon combat rolls by the Ride
Pavisier This combat style includes training in carrying a pavise that can be deployed
for protection. When carrying a pavise on the back it is considered to be
‘worn’ (one-half ENC). Wearing a pavise on the back allows for passive
blocking for attacks coming from the rear.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Trait Description
Pike-and-Shield This style allows a fighter in formation to use the shield’s Passive Blocking
ability on 2 locations against ranged attacks even though he is carrying a two-
handed weapon. Requires Formation Fighting. Pike and Buckler Only.
Poisoner The style includes training in using poison on weapons and delivering it
effectively to the target. The user of this Combat Style may use a Special
Effect to ‘Inject Poison’, in order to deliver an Injected poison to the target
on an unprotected area, ignoring any armour, but forfeiting a damage roll.
Inject Poison follows the same rules as Choose Location with regards to
usage with ranged weapons. The GM may rule that a sufficiently armoured
target has no unprotected areas and is therefore immune to Inject Poison.
Reload Drill This style includes heavily drilled actions for improving the reload times of
ranged weapons. Reduce Reload time of one weapon by one action. Rapid
Reload is no longer available as a Special Effect for that weapon.
Sea Legs Practitioners of this Combat Style are used to fighting on the unstable surface
of a sea-faring ship. They may ignore the penalty for ‘Fighting while on
unstable ground’ in this situation.
Shield Splitter This style emphasis an axe’s ability to break weapons and shields. When
using the Damage Weapon Special Effect, roll the weapon’s damage twice
and pick the best result. Axes Only.
Shield Wall* Allows a group of three or more shield users to overlap their protection,
adding one to the number of locations which can be protected with passive
Showmanship This style emphasises exaggerated moves and flourishes intended to impress
an audience or taunt an opponent. Using this style in combat allows a
combatant to spend an available Special Effect to ‘put on a show’ for all
onlookers as a demonstration of prowess, humour or disdain. Roll an
appropriate skill (Combat Style, Perform, Dance, other) to determine the
effect. If used to impress an audience, a successful roll may sway the
audience to the fighter’s favour. If used to enrage or intimidate an opponent,
the opponent may resist with a Willpower roll, with a failure leading to a
penalty to actions at the GM’s discretion.
Siege Warfare The style permits its user to ignore the skill cap placed upon combat rolls by
the Athletics skill when making assaults whilst scaling walls or crawling
through tunnels.
Skirmishing The style permits launching ranged attacks whilst at a run (but not whilst
sprinting). Attack skill capped by Athletics skill.
Strong Pull This Combat Style emphasises strength training and techniques to maximise
a bow’s pull. Increase the Damage Modifier when firing the bow by one step.
Longbow or Recurve Bow Only.
Swashbuckling Style allows the user to engage in attacks and evades made whilst jumping or
swinging into (or disengaging from) combat, ignoring any skill cap placed on
it by the Athletics skill.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Trait Description
Throw Weapons Any nominal melee weapon in the style can also be thrown at no penalty to
skill, but when used in this way a weapon’s damage roll is halved.
Trained Beast Intended for styles which emphasise fighting in close coordination with an
animal companion (such as trained birds of prey, warhorses, pet wolves and
so on), the user may utilise any of his Action Points to defend against attacks
launched at his beast.
Unarmed Prowess Permits the user to treat his Unarmed blocks and parries as ‘Medium’ sized,
enabling him to better defend himself from armed opponents.
Unarmed Throws This unarmed style teaches techniques to use an opponent’s weight against
him and drop him prone. When using the Trip Opponent Special Effect the
Brawn, Evade or Acrobatics roll to avoid falling prone is one step harder.
Unarmed Only.
Volley Fire * This style includes extensive practice of unit-based volley fire. When using
volley fire as part of a unit against enemy formations (as opposed to direct
fire against individual targets), the user is always considered to be Aiming.
Any turns spent on further aiming have no effect.
Water Combat The style allows its user to ignore the skill cap placed on combat rolls by the
Swim skill.

* Requires everyone else in the group to also have this benefit, otherwise the coordinated effort fails to lack of one or more
participants being trained in the correct technique.
90 Generic Combat Styles
for a Hyborian Age Runequest 6 Campaign

Combat Style Index

Assassin ............................................................. 15 Marksman............................................................ 4

Bailiff / Magistrate ............................................... 5 Mighty Archer of Turan ........................................ 9
Beast Hunter........................................................ 5 Militia / Infantryman ............................................ 7
Black Coast Corsair............................................. 13 Archer / Bowman ............................................. 7
Borderer / Forester .............................................. 5 Crossbowman .................................................. 7
Bossonian Longbowman ...................................... 8 Halberdier........................................................ 7
Brigand / Bandit ................................................... 5 Pikeman........................................................... 7
Caravaneer ........................................................ 12 Spearman ........................................................ 7
Charioteer ......................................................... 10 Nemedian Adventurer .......................................... 8
Cimmerian Battleborn ........................................ 11 Nordheimr Berserkar ......................................... 11
Cimmerian Chosen ............................................. 11 Nordheimr Carl .................................................. 11
Cimmerian Freeman .......................................... 11 Nordheimr Hunter ............................................. 11
Cimmerian Hunter ............................................. 11 Nordheimr Jarlsguard ......................................... 11
Cimmerian Thrall ............................................... 11 Nordheimr Reaver .............................................. 11
Citizen / Slave ...................................................... 3 Nordheimr Thrall................................................ 11
Conscript / Slave Army ....................................... 10 Palace Guard ........................................................ 4
Cultist ................................................................ 15 Patrolman / Outrider............................................ 5
Darfari Brute ...................................................... 13 Peasant / Herder .................................................. 5
Darfari Cannibal ................................................. 13 Pictish Brave ...................................................... 15
Desert Nomad ................................................... 12 Pictish Hunter .................................................... 15
Enforcer ............................................................... 3 Pictish Woad Warrior ......................................... 15
Fencer / Duelist ................................................... 4 Pirate ................................................................... 6
Ghulistan Hillman .............................................. 12 Pit Fighter ............................................................ 3
Guardsman / Bodyguard ...................................... 4 Pugilist ................................................................. 3
Gunderland Pikeman ........................................... 8 Pygmy Headshrinker .......................................... 13
Guttersnipe ......................................................... 3 Ratcatcher ........................................................... 3
Highborn / Courtier.............................................. 3 Sailor ................................................................... 6
Horse Archer........................................................ 9 Scout / Rider ...................................................... 10
Hunter ................................................................. 5 Shanker................................................................ 3
Hyperborean Gaunt ............................................. 8 Shemite Asshuri ................................................. 12
Iranistani City Militia .......................................... 12 Siege Arbalister .................................................... 8
Judicial Champion ................................................ 4 Skirmisher .......................................................... 10
Khitan Alchemist-Engineer ................................. 14 Slave-Catcher ....................................................... 5
Khitan Conscript ................................................ 14 Slinger................................................................ 10
Khitan Martial Artist........................................... 14 Spear Diver .......................................................... 6
Knight / Man-at-Arms .......................................... 7 Spy / Agent ........................................................ 15
Knight of Poitain .................................................. 8 Stygian Highborn ................................................ 10
Kothic Spahi ......................................................... 8 Thug .................................................................... 3
Kozaki Freerider ................................................. 12 Turanian Imperial Horseman ................................ 9
Kushite Champion .............................................. 13 Turanian Miner .................................................... 9
Kushite Hunter ................................................... 13 Turanian Soldier ................................................... 9
Kushite Spearman / Impi .................................... 13 Vendhyan Elephant Mahout ............................... 14
Kushite Witch Doctor ......................................... 13 Vendhyan Kshatriya ........................................... 14
Lancer / Cataphract ............................................. 9 Vendhyan Rakhsha ............................................. 14
Mamluk ............................................................. 10 Watchman ........................................................... 4
Mamluk Bowman .......................................... 10 Whaler ................................................................. 6
Mamluk Spearman ........................................ 10 Wrestler............................................................... 4
Marine ................................................................. 6 Zingaran Bravo ..................................................... 4
Hyborian Marine.............................................. 6 Zingaran Freebooter............................................. 6
Oriental Marine ............................................... 6

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