Case 1 Fio2:30%

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Case 1 FiO2:30%

• PH:7.43
• PaO2:182 mmHg
• HCO3-:30 mmHg
• PaCO2:50 mmHg
• SO2:99%
• Na+:155meq/L
• Cl-:99meq/L
• PAO2≧PaO2
• PAO2=713x0.3-1.25x50=151.4
• 151.4≧PaO2
• 故 PaO2=182 mmHg 不合理
• Recheck ABG.
Case 2 FiO2:30%
• PH:7.52
• PaO2:131 mmHg
• HCO3-:30 mmHg
• PaCO2:52 mmHg
• SO2:99%
• Na+:155meq/L
• Cl-:99meq/L
• [H+]=24x52/30=41.6
• PH 7.3 7.4 7.5 x 7.6
• [H+] 51 x 40 32 25
• Recheck ABG.
Case 3 FiO2:30%
• PH:7.45
• PaO2:122 mmHg
• HCO3-:32 mmHg
• PaCO2:50 mmHg
• SO2:99%
• Na+:155meq/L
• Cl-:95meq/L
• [H+]=24x50/32=37.5
• PH 7.4 x 7.5 7.6
• [H+] 40 x 32 25
• PH ,PaCO2 metabolic alkalosis.
• PaCO2=0.6x32+20-1.5=37.7
• PaCO2=0.7x32+20+1.5=43.9
• Now,PaCO2=50>[43.9,37.3]
• Combined respiratory acidosis.
• AG=155-95-32=28
• △AG/ △HCO3-=[28-12]/[32-24]=16/8=2
• Combined high AG metabolic acidosis+
metabolic alkalosis.
Case 4 FiO2:30%
• PH:7.34
• PaO2:142 mmHg
• HCO3-:26 mmHg
• PaCO2:51 mmHg
• SO2:99%
• Na+:155meq/L
• Cl-:99meq/L
• [H+]=24x51/26=47.077
• PH 7.2 7.3 x 7.4
• [H+] 65 51 x 40
• PH ,PaCO2 Respiratory acidosis
• △PH/ △PaCO2=[7.4-7.34]/[51-40] =0.06/11=0.005454
acute to chronic.
• 10/1=11/x , x=1.1
• 10/3.5=11/y, y=3.85
• [24+3.85,24+1.1]=[25.1,27.85] include 26
• AG=155-99-26=30
• △AG/ △HCO3-=[30-12]/[26-24]=18/2=9
• Combined with high AG metabolic acidosis + metabolic
Case 5 FiO2:30%
• PH:7.46
• PaO2:142 mmHg
• HCO3-:20 mmHg
• PaCO2:32 mmHg
• SO2:99%
• Na+:155meq/L
• Cl-:99meq/L
• [H+]=24x32/20=38.4
• PH 7.2 7.3 7.4 x 7.5
• [H+] 65 51 40 x 32
• PH ,PaCO2 Respiratory alkalosis.

• △PH/ △PaCO2=[7.46-7.4]/[40-32] =0.06/8=0.0075

acute to chronic.
• 10/2=8/x , x=1.6
• 10/4=8/y, y=3.2
• [24-3.2,24-1.6]=[20.8,22.4] ->no include 20->metabolic acidosis
• AG=155-99-20=36
• △AG/ △HCO3-=[36-12]/[24-20]=24/4=6
• Combined with high AG metabolic acidosis + metabolic
Case 6 FiO2:30%
• PH:7.35
• PaO2:142 mmHg
• HCO3-:18 mmHg
• PaCO2:32 mmHg
• SO2:99%
• Na+:134meq/L
• Cl-:97meq/L
• [H+]=24x32/18=42.6666
• PH 7.2 7.3 x 7.4 7.5
• [H+] 65 51 x 40 32
• PH ,PaCO2 Metabolic acidosis.

• PaCO2=1.2x18+8-2=27.6
• PaCO2=1.5x18+8+2=37
• Now,PaCO2=32 in [27.6,37]
• AG=134-97-18=19
• △AG/ △HCO3-=[19-12]/[24-18]=7/6>1
• Combined with high AG metabolic acidosis.

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