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Feature is also known as a feature story.

It escapes the hard news format allowing the writers to be

creative. It is a type of soft news and is non-fiction.

The Body

 In writing the body of a feature one can explore and is free to give his or her opinion on the said
 The persona can be the first person which uses I, my , me ,mine
 The writer is free to write and express his or her feelings.

The best conclusion in writing a feature is to give your last, big shot and end it with a bang!

But to make a good feature is to end it on how you begin it.

If you use the quotation lead, end your feature with a quote.

If you use the narrative lead, end your feature through narrating.

If you use the staccato lead, end your feature with staccato.

For example:

Lead: A scream … a shot … another shot … then everything blew! I can feel then that I am slowly closing
my eyes.

End part: I run … so fast … his coming … and then boom! What a dream, everything was just a dream!

Lead: “Don’t love me because I love you; love me because you love me.”

End part: “I’m tired, I’m done. It’s enough!”

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