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AMA Computer College

Senior High School

The Impact of Social Responsibility of a Sir Jay’s Eatery

to the residents of Barangay 71 Zone 7, Caloocan City.

A Research Paper

Presented to:

Ms. Eloiza M. Imbien

In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

for the course RSCH 2122 (Inquiry)


Ramos, Pauline Antonette C.

A.Y. 2017-2018
Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a

government, corporation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society. While primarily

associated with business and governmental practices, activist groups and local communities can also

be associated with social responsibility, not only business or governmental entities. Corporate social

responsibility (CSR, also called corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, and responsible

business) is a concept whereby organizations consider the interests of society by taking responsibility

for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and

other stakeholders, as well as the environment. This obligation is seen to extend beyond the statutory

obligation to comply with legislation and sees organizations voluntarily taking further steps to improve

the quality of life for employees and their families as well as for the local community and society at


The objective of this study is to lay down guidelines for businesses here in the Philippines to

make social responsibility as one of the key focus areas to adhere the strategy that focuses on making a

positive contribution to society through high impact, sustainable programs. It also aims to ensure that

companies conduct their business in a way that is ethical. This means taking account of their social,

economic and environmental impact, and consideration of human rights.

The benefits of it to smart business decisions are not just a matter of counting short-term

money. Wise decision makers consider the future impact of today’s choices – on people, on the

community, and on the opinions of customers. While business results, investment, free enterprise, and

other traditional economic forces continue to drive industry, organizations’ reputations and their

ability to compete effectively around the world depend on them integrating social responsibility efforts

into decision making and performance improvement.

The people involved in this research are the persons behind the social responsibility, the person

who assisted, and the reaction of the residents and other people in doing the social responsibility.
Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be beneficial to the following:

Students. This research can be beneficial to those students to promote the social responsibility

in the near future.

Employees. The employees need to know what is social responsibility for them to know what

they are going to do and where and when they need to apply it.

Customers. This study will be helpful to the customers because they will realize that even the

small business can do social responsibility.

Business Owners. This researcher aim to educate them about social responsibility and give

knowledge about it on how they can apply it on their own business.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondent?

1.1. Age

1.2. Daily Budget of meal per day

2. What are the types of Social Responsibility?

2.1. Environmental Sustainability Initiatives

2.2. Direct Philanthropic Giving

2.3. Ethical Business Practices

2.4. Focus on Economic Responsibility

3. What are the impacts of the Social Responsibility in a business?

3.1. Positive effects of Social Responsibility

3.2. Negative effects of Social Responsibility

Scope and Limitation

This study will focus on the types and the impact of Social Responsibility of a business and

also in this study it will tackled the different kinds of social responsibility.

The other topics that will not tackle in this study are arguments for and against social

responsibility and the different sections, and social audit.

Theoretical Framework

The study will focus on social responsibility is belong to an ethical theory, in which individuals

are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty; the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of

society. In this way, there must be a balance between economic growth and the welfare of society and

the environment. If this equilibrium is maintained, then social responsibility is accomplished.

The connection of this theory to this research paper is that each individual must know and

fulfill their duty that must benefit to the whole society. So, that they maintain a balance harmonious

relationship between the customer and the economy.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

The Impact of Social Using survey questionnaire The Social Responsibility

Responsibility of a Sir the research will know for the residents of

Jay’s Eatery to the others reaction in doing Barangay 71 Zone 7,

social responsibility and to
residents of Barangay 71 Caloocan City has an impact
know if they knew the social
Zone 7, Caloocan City. which can help them to
perform an ethics as an

individual that has

responsibility to the society.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework on The Impact of Social Responsibility of a Sir Jay’s Eatery to

the residents of Barangay 71 Zone 7, Caloocan City.

The focus of this study is to illustrate the framework that is shown in figure 1 which has

three parts: input, process and output.

The paradigm illustrates in the input is the title of the study. In the process it illustrates

what they used to know the answer of the respondent to the study. Lastly, the output illustrates what is

the result of execution of survey, interview and observation based to the respondent.


The Social Responsibility for the residents of Barangay 71 Zone 7, Caloocan City has an

impact which can help them to perform an ethics as an individual that has responsibility to the society.

Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined by the researcher for better understanding:

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is a concept whereby organizations consider the interests of

society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees,

shareholders, communities and other stakeholders, as well as the environment.

Equilibrium a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.

Ideological based on or relating to a system of ideas and ideals, especially concerning economic or

political theory and policy.

Legislation laws, considered collectively.

Philanthropy the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous

donation of money to good causes.

Statutory required, permitted, or enacted by statute.

Societal relating to society or social relations.



In this chapter contains the Foreign and Local Related Literature, the Foreign and Local Study

and the framework that is related in this study. The Related Literature is from the different site in the

internet, on the other hand the related study is from other research such as thesis that proves that this

study is relevant. The Synthesis is the connection of related study to related literature.

Bendell (2005) argues that, there is no single definite definition of what CSR is, as various

organizations define this concept in different ways. However, most of these definitions are closely

related in the sense that they relate CSR with how organizations manage their business process to

create a general positive impact on the society. Thus, CSR is universally defined as the ongoing

dedication by organizations to act in an ethical manner as well as to contribute to economic

development, at the same time enhancing the quality of life of their employees, their families, and the

local community and society entirely. From this definition, it is evident that CSR is all about how

organizations relate to the external and internal environment, in the course of pursuing its business


Douglas and Emily, (2011) stated that business environment has changed significantly

recently. To survive in this dynamic business environment, businesses have been forced to adapt

various strategies, among them being the integration of corporate social responsibility (CSR) into their

business models.

Campbell (2007) asserts that, through embracing the spirit of CSR, consumers tends to believe

that a company has is concerned with their needs, and is ready to modify its business motives to cater

for these needs. Consequently, consumers will always identify with the company, consuming their

products and services from time to time; hence contributing to the company’s profitability.

More and more companies start to embrace social responsibility in their business.

According to Sally Solidum-Protacio (2015) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has attracted

attention recently as a worthy component of good business practice. It is now considered a vital area

of interest in light of the growing awareness that business must assume greater accountability for

societal development.

In 2007, Sally wrote a paper, “Corporate Social Responsibility and Young Filipino

Consumers,” where she highlighted the relevance of CSR in business, particularly in the market

preferences of young consumers. As early as 2007, her research showed that the market preference of

Filipino teens are influenced not only by purchase price and quality of products or services, but also

by the unethical or negative business practices of manufacturers or service providers.

According to Sally these are the possible effect of CSR:

 CSR is a growing trend among business organizations because of the vital role it assumes;

 Companies benefit from engaging in CSR initiatives;

 Companies are sincere in contributing social development; and

 Good corporate image and brand reputation enables young consumers to determine their choice

among market products and services.

Young people also expressed willingness to pay slightly more for products or services of

companies which demonstrate ethical business practices and have community relation

programs. With more and more consumers expecting companies to go beyond their financial

orientation, there is also increasing consumer support for business enterprises that do take CSR

seriously as part of their corporate mission. CSR and Market Preferences of Young Filipinos (2015).

While philanthropy is still largely regarded as "icing on the cake" (Caroll, 1991), some large

Philippine companies have been engaged in philanthropic activities in light of the government's failure
to adequately address social problems such as poverty, joblessness, and hunger. For some companies,

corporate philanthropy has evolved from simply transferring resources (i.e., corporate giving) to being

directly involved in community-based programs. When these corporate social initiatives (CSI) bring

"social and economic goals into alignment" and improve a company's long-term business prospects,

they enhance the competitive context of the corporation (Porter & Kramer, 2002), and provide strong

justification for sustained philanthropic efforts. This paper presents the experience of four major

Philippine corporations in implementing CSIs that provide both social and business value, thus adding

to the empirical evidence supporting Porter and Kramer's proposition.


According to Trudel at Cotte (2011) many studies say that social responsibility is one

technique that can affect on the consumers to purchase their product. The CSR affects customer

attitudes and customer attitudes influence their desires and intentions, and desires will lead to

behavior. Davids (1990) stated that the growing number of market survey show, there is a positive

relationship between the effects of CSR on consumer behavior.

According to Rahim et al. (2011) CSR activities have a positive relationship with customer

buying decision, that’s why an environmental concern has stronger positive effect on buying decision

than the prices as cited by Sen et al. (2006) Support the positive relationship between CSR activities

and consumer buying behavior. A society becomes affluent and the awareness increases among

customers, if customers become sensitive about ethical behavior.

In “A Board Culture of Corporate Governance”, author Gabrielle O'Donovan defines corporate

governance as an internal system encompassing policies, processes and people, which serve the needs

of shareholders and other stakeholders, by directing and controlling management activities with good

business savvy, objectivity, accountability and integrity. Sound corporate governance is reliant on

external marketplace commitment and legislation, plus a healthy board culture which safeguards

policies and processes. Traditionally in the United States, CSR has been defined much more in terms
of a philanthropic model. Companies make profits, unhindered except by fulfilling their duty to pay

taxes. Then they donate a certain share of the profits to charitable causes.


Based on the research entitled Impact of Nestle Philippine's Corporate Social Responsibility

Programs on Consumer Buying Behavior: An Assessment that the consumer-beneficiaries are less

aware of Nestle Philippines’ Corporate Social Responsibility Programs, though the activities help the

consumers to have a healthy body, it was noted that the programs are less effective in terms of

Nutrition, Environment and Rural Development. Respondents agreed that the company’s CSR

programs establish good brand rapport or brand equity, thus, slightly agreed that these do encourage

brand switch, hype brand purchase intention, create brand trust and brand loyalty. Therefore, Nestle

Philippines’ Corporate Social Responsibility Programs have an impact on consumer buying behavior

particularly on the establishment of brand equity to consumer-beneficiaries. Impact of Nestle

Philippine's Corporate Social Responsibility Programs on Consumer Buying Behavior: An Assessment


According to Corporate Social Responsibility and Purchase Intention: The Roles of Loyalty,

Advocacy and Quality of Life in the Philippines (2014). This study investigates the underlying

mechanisms through which corporate social responsibility (CSR) variables impact quality of life,

corporate loyalty, and advocacy, which ultimately influence purchase. In this paper, we developed a

research model and hypotheses based upon existing theory and related findings. A survey was

conducted yielding 528 useful responses. Reliability and validity testing showed the instrument to be

measurably dependable. We conducted correlation and regression analyses to test the hypotheses. The

paper offers convincing evidence why certain organizations prosper while others have issues

depending on the perception of CSR by their consumers. This research has advanced theory for

constructs in CSR, specifically with respect to awareness, beliefs, and trust, which are perceptual in

nature. We found statistically significant relationships for advocacy and loyalty with behavioral

intention. The results of this analysis will have an impact on organizational marketing and
communication strategies. For example, the results indicate that companies with favorable CSR

reputations benefit from building loyalty, advocacy, and a better quality of life among consumers who,

in turn, positively influences customer purchase intention. The research model and findings presented

in the paper show that CSR emphasizes the direct effects of CSR beliefs and trust on loyalty and

behavioral intentions or on current quality of life. This study provides an explanation for this process.

The value of this research is in the analysis of different CSR constructs that before have been analyzed

separately; but, when taken together, show how the interrelated constructs ultimately have an impact

on purchase intention.

Jamali and Rabbath (July 2007) discussed in their study that under the umbrella of CG,

companies are encouraged to promote ethics, fairness, transparency and accountability in all their

dealings. They are asked to continue generating profits while maintaining the highest standards of

governance internally. Thus, Corporate Governance (CG) has been acclaimed as an instigator of tight

internal control mechanisms. A firm’s decisions should also be aligned with the interests of different

players within and outside the company (Cyert and March, 1963). Hence, businesses have to also keep

their activities attuned to society’s ethical, legal and communal aspirations. This falls in the realm of

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which has attracted increasing attention in recent years in

relation to how companies approach their interactions with their external environments – from

providing quality products and services, to undertaking charitable activities. Hence, CSR adds to the

control processes which companies must consider, especially from an external dimension or

perspective. Much of the previous literature has researched and discussed CG and CSR independently,

as being unrelated accountability models, whose guidelines, reporting standards and oversight

mechanisms have evolved separately (Bhimani and Soonawalla, 2005). However, they feel that CG

and CSR are strongly and intricately connected, and that previous literature has fallen short in

capturing the nature and essence of this relationship.

In the study of Miral Jr. & Dumangas (April 2011), they cited that there is generally more

acceptance of CSR in the Philippines compared to other Asian countries like Laos and Vietnam. They
pointed out that there are already some domestic Philippine companies that practice CSR such as

Ayala Group, Lopez Group of Companies, and Aboitiz Group of Companies. There are also MNCs

operating in the country that are strong advocates of CSR, such as Coca-Cola, Nestlế and Unilever.

However, they also mentioned that CSR among Philippine companies is that firms give money to the

poor, support foundations, provide scholarships, disaster relief, and outreach activities. Thus, it can be

observed that the trend of CSR practice in the Philippines is dominated by philanthropic activities.

Majority of PBSP members are focused on philanthropic, one-time activities and grant giving.

However, it is important to assert that the value of philanthropic CSR initiatives remains. This is

understandable given the fact that in the context of a developing country such initiatives remain valid

and legitimate because the government lacks the resources to provide for much needed public goods.


Both Foreign and Local Related Literature and Study have deal with this research. Social

Responsibility has a positive impact in the field of business but in this literature proves that social

responsibility also has a positive impact to the community. Most of the companies nowadays embrace

social responsibility in their business. It is now consider that this strategy helps to have a societal

development. Those strategies that done by the businesses can prolong the life of the business and help

the society to have an innovation to environment. Social responsibility has an impact on consumers.

The encouragement to the consumer to purchase the brand. This also build-up the brand trust and

brand loyalty of the consumers to the firm. On the other hands, business can improve by this strategy

because the firm becomes popular and the community patronizes the product. In a nutshell, corporate

social responsibility pursues social development and to be successful every business.

This chapter contains the research design, population and sampling, respondents of the study,

research instrument, statistical treatment of the data and the data gathering procedure.

Research Design

Research design is the plan on how the research will be introduced. It is an official plan to meet

the research objective of the study.

The study will use descriptive design. According to Manuel and McDel, descriptive research

described what is it involved the description, interpretation of the present nature, composition or

process of phenomena.

Descriptive method is an appropriate design in this study because in this study describes the

impact of social responsibility the residents.

Population and Sampling

Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where the subjects are selected

because of their convenient accessibility and proximity to the research. In this technique, the

respondents have the availability to response to the survey questionnaires.

Respondent of the Study

Respondent are the people concern that contribute vital data in the study needs. The

respondents will be the residents who and who’s not received social responsibility of Sir Jay’s Eatery

at Barangay71 Zone 7, Caloocan City. The researchers get one hundred (100) residents for survey


Research Instrument

The proponent apply the data-gathering instrument in this study will be survey questionnaire.

This instrument will help gather all the data needed in this study.
Survey Questionnaires provide a relatively quick and efficient way of obtaining large amount

of information from a large sample of people. Data can be collected relatively quickly because the

researcher would not need to be present when the questionnaires were completed as stated by Saul

McLeod (2014). The researcher conduct survey questionnaire through likert scale for data gathering.

A likert scale is a psychometric scale commonly involved in research that employs questionnaires. It is

the most widely used approach to scaling responses in survey research, such that the term (or more

accurately the Likert-type scale) is often used interchangeably with rating scale, although there are

other types of rating scales.

The discussion of Part I is all about demographic profile of the respondents. The discussion of

Part II to III contains what type of social responsibility is used and also what are the impacts of it. All

of the information will be completed by the respondents for data gathering that will interpret the

complete information and the key to success of this study.


1. Percentage Distribution is a display of data that specifies the percentage of observation

that exist for each data point for grouping of data points. It is a particularly useful method

of expressing the relative frequency of survey responses and other data.

P= 100

2. Weighted mean is a statistical tool is used to determine the average rating for each

effectiveness in evaluation.

Sample Mean

Mean (ME) = 𝒏

Population Mean

Mean (ME) = 𝑵
∑𝑥= Sum of all data values
N= Number of data items in population
n= Number of data items in sample

Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) Correlation between sets of data is a measure of

how well they are related. The most common measure of correlation in statistical is the Pearson

Correlation. It shows the linear relationship between two sets of data.


n – Number of scale

𝑥1− Residents’ reaction

𝑥2− Social responsibility

Data Gathering Procedure

The proponent arranges a survey questionnaire to know the reaction of the residents. The

researcher discuss about Social Responsibility, in that way the respondent be able to understand the

topic. After that, the evaluation sheet were further studies were done with proper validation. The

survey questionnaire is conduct at Barangay 71 Zone 7, Caloocan City. The consumer that receives

social responsibility and a consumer that did not yet receive social responsibility; to be compared.


In this chapter, contains the frequency, table and the interpretation of the data that gather by the

researcher. All the information provides and organized for analysis, presentation and interpretation of




20 19
10 12
13 15
4 2
16-22 23-29 30-36 37-43 44-50 51-57 58-64 65-71 72-78

Figure 1.1

Figure 1.1 shows the distribution of the age of the residents of Barangay 71 Zone 7 who

voluntary responds to the survey questionnaire. Based on the result of this study, the total number of

the respondents is one hundred (100). Out of one hundred (100), 12 respondents were aging 16-22

years old responds to the survey, 13 respondents responds to the survey were aging 23-29 years old

respond, 11 respondents responds to the survey were aging 30-36 years old, 20 respondents responds

to the survey were aging 37-43, 19 respondents responds to the survey were aging 44-50 years old, 4

respondents responds were aging 51-57 years old, 15 respondents responds were aging 58-64, 4

respondents responds were aging 65-71 years old and 2 respondents respond to the survey were aging

72-78. 37-43 is the age of the highest number of respondents that responds to the survey questionnaire

which is equivalent to 21.74% because at the age where mostly of the consumer avail the product.

While the lowest number are 72-78 or 1.74% of age that the respondents responds to the survey

questionnaire. In that age the respondents are not likely to avail the product because of the certain



20 19
10 12
30 45 65 37-43 44-50 51-57 58-64 65-71 72-78

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.1 1 shows the distribution of the daily budget per meal of the residents of Barangay

71 Zone 7 who voluntary responds to the survey questionnaire. The total number of the respondents is

one hundred (100). Out of one hundred (100) 45 respondents are male and the 55 respondents are


Percentage Distribution

1. Consumers Preference

This business caught my attention or aware about it.

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility makes Nanays Pancit Malabon popular

Consumers Preference Social Responsibility

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 31 31% 42 42%
Moderately Agree 48 48% 26 26%
Agree 21 21% 32 32%
Disagree 0 0% 0 0%
Strongly Disagree 0 0% 0 0%
Total 100 100% 100 100%
Table 1.1

Table 1.1 shows that thirty-one (31) or31% of the respondents choose strongly agree in

consumers preference while forty-two (42) or 42% of the respondents in social responsibility choose

strongly agree. In moderately agree forty-eight (48) or 48% of the respondents in consumers
preference responds in the questionnaire while twenty-six (26) or 26% responds in the social

responsibility. In agree twenty-one (21) or 21% of the respondents in consumers preference choose

agree while thirty-two (32) or 32% responds in social responsibility. No one from the respondents

disagrees and strongly disagrees to the question.

2. Consumers Preference

I visit Sir Jay’s Eatery because I recognize it

Social Responsibility

Businesses that have social responsibility gain my trust and loyalty.

Consumers Preference Social Responsibility

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 35 35% 34 34%
Moderately Agree 41 41% 44 44%
Agree 24 24% 22 22%
Disagree 0 0% 0 0%
Strongly Disagree 0 0% 0 0%
Total 100 100% 100 100%
Table 1.2

Table 1.2 shows that thirty-five (35) or35% of the respondents choose strongly agree in

consumers preference while thirty-four (34) or 34% of the respondents in social responsibility choose

strongly agree. In moderately agree forty-one (41) or 41% of the respondents in consumers preference

responds in the questionnaire while forty-four (44) or 44% responds in the social responsibility. In

agree twenty-four (24) or 24% of the respondents in consumers preference choose agree while twenty-

two (22) or 22% responds in social responsibility. No one from the respondents disagree and strongly

disagree to the question

3. Consumers Preference

Sir Jay’s Eatery gains my trust and loyalty.

Social Responsibility
Social responsibility contributes on business growth.

Consumers Preference Social Responsibility

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 40 40% 33 33%
Moderately Agree 34 34% 48 48%
Agree 26 26% 19 19%
Disagree 0 0% 0 0%
Strongly Disagree 0 0% 0 0%
Total 100 100% 100 100%
Table 1.3

Table 1.3 shows that forty (40) or 40% of the respondents choose strongly agree in consumers

preference while thirty-three (33) or 33% of the respondents in social responsibility choose strongly

agrees. In moderately agree thirty-four (34) or 34% of the respondents in consumers preference

responds in the questionnaire while forty-eight (48) or 48% responds in the social responsibility. In

agree twenty-six (26) or 26% of the respondents in consumers preference choose agree while nineteen

(19) or 19% responds in social responsibility. No one from the respondents disagree and strongly

disagree to the question

Weighted Mean

Consumers Preference Social Responsibility

This business caught my Social Responsibility

attention or aware about 4.1 makes Nanays Pancit

it. Malabon popular

Business that have

I visit Nanay’s Pancit
social responsibility
Malabon because I
4.11 4.12
gain my trust and
know it.

Nanay’s Pancit Social responsibility

4.42 4.14
Malabon gains my trust contributes on
and loyalty. business growth.

Total weighted mean 4.21 4.12

Table 2

Table 2 shows the weighted mean of the questionnaire, the first question in consumers

preference have four point one (4.1) while in social responsibility it has four point one (4.1). in the

second question, in consumers preference have four point eleven (4.11) while in social responsibility it

has four point twelve (4.12) . In the third question, the consumers’ preference has four point forty-two

(4.12) while in social responsibility it has four point fourteen.


Computed Tabulate
N Mean Null Decision
Value Value

Consumers Preference 100 4.21

Social Responsibility 100 4.12 -0.13967 0.205 𝑯𝒐: there is The null
significance hypothesis is
between social accepted

Table 5 shows that the respondents of consumers preference and social responsibility is one-

hundred (100) and the computed value is -0.13967 and the tabulate value is 0.205. Base on the result

the null hypothesis is accepted because the tabulated value is greater than the computed value that is

why the research hypothesis is accepted.



In this chapter contains the summary, conclusion, and recommendation. In summary, it

summarized the aim of this study. On the other hand, in conclusion it provides the perception of the

researcher based on the result of this topic.


The purpose of this study is to know the impact of social responsibility in consumers

preference of Nanay’s Pancit Malabon.

1. Profile of the respondents

Based on the result of this study the total of the respondents is one hundred (100). Out of one

hundred (100) 12 respondents where aging 16-22 respondents to the survey questionnaire, 13

respondents where aging 23-19 years old, 11 respondents where aging 30-36 years old, 20 respondents

where aging 37-43 years old, 19 respondents where aging 44-50 years old, 4 respondents where aging

51-57 years old, 15 respondents where aging 58-64 years old, 4 respondents where aging 65-71 years

old and 2 respondents where aging 72-78 years old. 37-43 is the age of the highest number of

respondents that responds to the survey questionnaire which is equivalent to 21.74% because at that

age where mostly of the consumer avail the product. While the lowest number are 72-78 or 1.72% of

age that the respondents responds to the survey questionnaire. In that age the respondents are not likely

to avail the product because of certain sequence.

2. The level of the impact of social responsibility is consumers preference of Nanay’s Pansit

Malabon on popularity, loyalty and growth of business and the relation of consumers preference in

social responsibility.
Based on the result of the findings which is -0.13967 it signifies that the level of relation of

social responsibility in consumer’s preference is strong negative correlation. The hypothesis is



According to the result, social responsibility has no impact to the consumer’s preference in

buying the business product. It is the positive relationship between the business and to the community

that result into a positive impact in a business performance. Social responsibility helps the business

attract customers and to be known. The researcher’s hypothesis has been accepted base on the result of

the findings.


Based on the conclusions cited in the study, the following are hereby recommended:

1. Conduct another study about social responsibility using different business and other type of


2. Study more in-depth researched about social responsibility.

3. Conduct another study using corporate responsibility.

4. Quest more people that is related to this researched that will prove the credibility of using

this kind of strategy (social responsibility) in a business.

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