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Team 3 – Group 19 – class D-2012
University of Medicine and Pharmacy
What is an STD

 A sexually transmitted disease (STD), also known as sexually transmitted infection

(STI) or venereal disease (VD), is an illness that has a significant probability of
transmission between humans or animals by means of sexual contact, including
vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. While in the past, these illnesses have
mostly been referred to as STDs or VD, in recent years the term sexually transmitted
infection (STI) has been preferred, as it has a broader range of meaning; a person
may be infected, and may potentially infect others, without showing signs of disease
 Some STIs can also be transmitted via use of an IV drug needle after its use by an
infected person, as well as through childbirth or breast feeding. Sexually transmitted
infections have been well known for hundreds of years.
Some common STIs

 AIDS  Papillomavirus Infections

 Chlamydial Infection  Syphilis
 Chancroid  Trichomoniasis
 Genital Herpes  Hepatitis A, B and C
 Gonorrhea

And many others diseases that can be transferred through sexually contact.
Number of STD cases on the world
Review: Men and Women’s Reproductive system

 Gonorrhea is one of the diseases

transmitted sexually, through
unprotected sexual intercourse
protection. This is a very common
infection, gonococcal bacteria
"Neisseria gonorrhoeae" triggers,
symptoms may or may not have clinical
symptoms. Gonorrhea bacteria normally
found in the vagina and is more
particularly in the cervix in women and
the urethra in men
Symptoms of gonorrhea in women

 Most infected women do not reveal

symptoms. Even when women are also
specific symptoms and often mistaken
for a bladder infection or vaginal
 Itching and burning around the vagina,
painful urination. As many as 50-80%
have no symptoms or symptoms not
clear whether or complications such as
pelvic inflammatory lead to infertility and
ectopic pregnancy. Pregnant women
with gonorrhea is not treated can cause
miscarriage and infant washcloths.
Manifestations of acute disease with
acute urinary symptoms, purulent
discharge from the urethra, cervix, tan or
green, abundant, foul odor.
Symptoms of gonorrhea in men

 Most men with gonorrhea often have

symptoms of pain in the penis, the
urethral pus enclosed cold pee, so they
often visit soon, but not soon enough to
prevent transmission to sexual partners.
Urethritis due to gonorrhea has an
incubation period of 3-5 days.
 Expression purulent discharge from the
urethra, green or yellow, and the number
more often accompanied by acute
diabetes, strip of land. If not treated in
time will lead to chronic gonorrhea with
common complications such as
epididymitis, prostatitis ... cause
Treatment for gonorrhea

 There are many types of effective

antibiotic treatment for gonorrhea but
should be able to use the new data
cleared . Medication may terminate the
infection but do not fix the permanent
damage caused by the disease .
 Principle of treatment : gonorrhea divide
every 15 minutes once spread so fast .
So we need early treatment , the right
medication - enough doses . Drug
treatment for women and double time
dose males
Treatment for gonorrhea

 For uncomplicated gonorrhea can use the following medications :

 - Ceftriaxone ( rocephin ) 250mg single dose intramuscularly .
 - Spectinomycin ( trobicin ) 2g single dose .
 - Cefotaxime 1g single dose intramuscularly .
 For uncomplicated gonorrhea ( epididymitis , inflammation of fallopian tubes , ... )
the more complex treatment , antibiotics are used in high doses and prolonged ( 2-4
weeks ) . Gonorrhoea is often accompanied by Chlamydia trachomatis infection
should therefore combine simultaneous treatment of gonorrhea and Chlamydia
trachomatis . Treatment of gonorrhea in newborns : Ceftriaxone 50mg/kg of body
weight , administered intramuscularly as a single dose , not exceeding 125mg . At
the same time fat Tetracycline topical 1 % by way every hour / day first , then 1
hour 8 times in 10 days
What happens if gonorrhea is not treated early ?

 Gonorrhea infection can spread through the bloodstream to other parts of the body,
causing damage & serious problems.
In women, it can cause:
 life-threatening complications such as ectopic pregnancy (outside the womb)
 blocked fallopian tubes (the tubes which carry the egg from the ovaries to the
womb), which can result in reduced fertility or infertility
 long-term pelvic pain
In men, it can lead to:
 painful inflammation of the testicles, which may result in reduced fertility or sterility

 Syphilis is a sexual transmitted disease caused by T.pallidum. It infects the genital

area, lips, mouth, or anus of both men and women. It can also pass from mother to
baby during pregnancy.
 There are 2 kind of syphilis: Acquired Syphilis and congenital Syphilis.
 Acquired syphilis: natural infection with T.pallidum is usually transmitted by sexual
contact, and the infectious lesion is on the skin or mucus membranes of genitalia.
 Congenital Syphilis: infection with T.pallidum is transmitted from mother to the fetus
through placenta in 20th week of gestation
Stages of Syphilis

Primary stage Secondary stage

 The first symptom is often a small,  Most people have a skin rash on the
round, ulcer ( no sore) called a chancre palms of your hands and soles of your
in penis, vulva, or vagina… that appears feet that doesn't itch.The rash appears 2
about 3 weeks after you are infected. to 10 weeks after the chancre is healing
Nearby lymph glands are often swollen. or already healed. Other common
The chancre disappears in about 3 to 6 symptoms include: Sore throat,
weeks whether or not you are treated. Tiredness, Headache, Swollen lymph
nodes. Secondary syphilis will seem to
disappear even without treatment and
can return.
Stages of Syphilis

Latent Syphilis Tertiary Syphilis

 The latent (hidden) stage of syphilis  In this stage, the bacteria will damage
begins when primary and secondary your heart, eyes, nervous system, bones
symptoms disappear. or almost any other part of your body.
This damage can happen years or even
 In early latent syphilis, the signs and decades after the primary stage.
symptoms of syphilis disappear, but the
infection remains in your body within  Late syphilis can result in mental
past 12 months.In late part of latent illness, blindness, deafness (điếc),
syphilis, the infection is quiet and the memory loss or other neurologic
risk of infecting a sexual partner is low problems, heart disease, and death.
or not present and lasts for years. Late neurosyphilis (brain or spinal cord
damage) is one of the most severe signs
of this stage
Congenital Syphilis

 Depending on how long a pregnant

woman has been infected, she may have
a high risk of having a stillbirth (a baby
born dead) or baby dies shortly after
 Other are born live but develop the sign
of congenital syphilis in childhood:
interstitial keratitis (viêm giác mạc kẽ),
Hutchington’s teeth, CNS anomalies,
saddle nose (mũi yên xe).

Hutchinsons teeth in congenital syphilis

Treatmen for Syphilis

 Syphilis of less than 1 year’s duration by

a single injection of benzathine
peniciline G intramuscularly.
 In older or latent, benzathine peniciline
G intramuscularly is given three times a
 In neurosyphilis, the same therapy is
acceptable with higher dose. Other
antibiotics, tetracycline or erythromycin,
can be substituted.
 A typical Jarisch- Herxheimer reaction
may occur within hour after treatment is
begun. It is due to the release of toxin
products from dying or killed T.pallidum

 Chlamydia is a common sexual transmitted disease caused by C.trachomatis. You

can get chlamydia during oral, vaginal, or anal sex with an infected partner. Both
men and women can get it.
Symptoms of chlamydia infection

 Symptoms usually appear within 1 to 3

weeks after you are infected. Those who
do have symptoms may have an
abnormal discharge (mucus or pus) from
the vagina or penis or experience pain
while urinating.
 In women, bacteria can infect the cervix
and urinary tract. If the bacteria move
into the fallopian tubes, they can cause
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Treatment for Chlamydia

 Using an antibiotic such as azithromycin

(taken for one day) or doxycycline (taken
for 7 days).
 If you have chlamydia, you should
 Take all your medicine, even after
symptoms disappear, for the amount of
time prescribed
 Go to your healthcare provider again if
your symptoms do not disappear within 1
to 2 weeks after finishing all your
 Not have sex until your treatment is
completed and successful
 Tell your sex partners that you have
chlamydia so they can be tested and
treated, if necessary
Get vaccinated

 Get vaccinated. Getting vaccinated

early, before sexual exposure, is also
effective in preventing certain types of
STIs. Vaccines are available to prevent
two viral STIs that can cause cancer —
human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis A
and hepatitis B.

 The easiest and most effective way to

prevent contracting an STD is
 The second easiest and effective way to
protect yourself and your partner is to
use a condom.
 Latex condoms are up to 98% effective
Alcohols, circumcision and Truvada

 Don't drink alcohol excessively or use

drugs. If you're under the influence,
you're more likely to take sexual risks.
 Consider male circumcision. There's
evidence that male circumcision can
help reduce a man's risk of acquiring HIV
from an infected woman (heterosexual
transmission) by 50 to 60 percent
 When used to help prevent HIV infection,
Truvada is only appropriate if your
doctor is certain you don't already have
an HIV or hepatitis B infection.
Other tips

 Abstain from sex (do not have oral, anal,  Talk about HIV and other STDs with each
or vaginal sex) until you are in a partner before you have sex.
relationship with only one person, are
having sex with only each other, and  Learn as much as you can about each
each of you knows the other’s sexual partner’s past behavior), and consider
health status. the risks to your health.

 If you are a man who has had sex with  Ask your partners if they have recently
other men, get tested at least once a been tested for STD’s; encourage those
year. who have not been tested to do so

 If you are a woman who is planning to

get pregnant or who is pregnant, get
tested as soon as possible, before you
have your baby.
Thank you for listening

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