Reconsideration Letter

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Anthony C.


IV-7 Bachelor of Music and Arts Education

Philippine Normal University

January 11, 2019

Leslie Tarroma (SC 2018-2019, Pangulo)

Felix Ynion (SC 2018-2019, Graduation Picture Coordinator)

Dear Sir/ Ma’am,

Please accept my apologies for my late response. I wasn’t able to answer the google form because

I haven’t seen the post, I use only free data and I thought the first entry for the yearbook is enough.

This contributed a lot in delaying my response despite having prepared the answers in time.

I am sincerely apologizing and request you to re-open the google form. Please excuse my tardiness,

I assure you this will not happen again in the future. I also hope it’s not too late to complete the

form or documents and that you will accept my apologies.


Anthony Nale

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