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Green Chemistry

24 January 2019

Strategies to reduce atmospheric CO2 and improve fixation

High atmospheric CO2 is a threat to the whole world because, it is basical-

ly a green house gas. Greater the CO2 content, greater will be the heating of the

planet.Not only that, it also reacts will the soil nutrients like sulphur, etc. Which

reduces the soil’s fertility. Reducing the emission of CO2 alone won’t do any

good, but removing might. Therefore it is high time to reduce the emission of

CO2 in atmosphere.

Strategies to reduce atmospheric CO2 :

A process to remove the atmospheric carbon is practically possible and is

called as ‘Carbon Capture’ or ‘direct air capture’. This is basically pumping the air

through a system which removes takes out the CO2 by either liquefying it or turn-

ing it into chemically inert. This involves 3 steps: Capturing the carbon-dioxide,

transporting the carbon-dioxide and storing the carbon-dioxide.

3 types in capturing: combustion capturing,

post combustion capturing &

oxyfuel capturing.
Hydroxide or carbonate groups absorbs CO2 when dry and releases it

when wet (moist). This captured Carbon-dioxide is then stored in storage facili-

ties. Storage of CO2 is envisaged either in deep geological formation or of min-

eral carbonates.

Point sources are most effective in capture of CO2, namely large fossil fu-

els or biomass energy facilities.

Strategies to improve CO2 fixation:

CO2 fixation is basically, conversion of inorganic CO2 into organic ( in living

organisms). For example the photosynthesis process takes in the inorganic CO2

and gives organic carbohydrate ( starch ).

To improve this fixation the photosynthesis efficiency of plants can be im-

proved. Which basically means that the amount of CO2 taken in and carbohy-

drate produced must be increased. These can be done by scientists just like they

did for the genetically modified crops.

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