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Zero Harm Injury Plan – HSSE Forum Input

Safety climate survey & improvement plan

Zero harm Safety vision

 Pre – during – post implementation of safety system

 Review of entire system such as inspection program.
 Rethinking risk.
 Life savers, COC – Monthly campaign though communication, observation, specific activities
like quiz, debate, extempore, participation of contract work force.
 Plan and format same in CLPI. Dates & method will be decided by Assets
 Monthly initiative campaign
 Zero harm in screen savers, email signature, PPTs, stationaries, diaries, trophy, newsletter.
 National Safety week, Fire Service week, Environment
 Corporate communications
 Stickers in PPEs
 Code of conduct preparation and circulation
 HSE Value training / Leadership Forum

Rethinking the Risk

 MOC, review of Risk Assessment,

 Communication about the process for inspection at entry point
 Incase of non-agreement on issues the Asset HSSE Head will approach Corporate HSSE team
 Design for Safety -
Technical team shall ensure Design for Safety and HSSE team will be involved appropriately.
 Hierarchy of control to be implemented in Risk assessment
 PWRA is must for CRS and COC - formal implementation. PWRA to be incorporated in MCP

Involving our stakeholders

 HSSE contract expectations to be incorporated

 HSSE Pre-qualification criteria

Healthy and engaged workforce

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