BH16A - Handout 16A - Grooming Habits & Consumer Habits

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Handout 16a: Grooming Habits & Consumer Habits.

Social Reform Through Individual Choices.

Please excuse any absence of the respectful titles which should precede the mention of our esteemed predecessors, such as "Hadhrat" or
"Ummil Mumineenah", along with the appropriate honourific formula which should follow, or abbreviation thereto, such as "radiAllahu
anha" or "r". The translator has attempted to stay true to the text of the narrations, however, it is presumed that the reader shall follow
the correct etiquette where required.

Exercise 1:
Read the article overleaf and consider how a product or its use could be Tayyib (wholesome)
or foul in regards to individual health, the environment and society.

Exercise 2: List the Bad Grooming Habits as we discuss them. Note questions which you
may wish to ask:
1) _____________________________ 2) _____________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

3) _____________________________ 4) _____________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

5) _____________________________ 6) _____________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

7) _____________________________ 8)_____________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________


1) Read the final article in Handout 16a: Grooming Habits & Consumer Habits.
2) Choose a toiletry/cosmetic product used by you and list all the ingredients it
3) Research two unfamiliar ingredients listed above and find out what they are, their
common uses and any social, environmental or health related risks

 For mental health support see:

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