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Directions: Choose the option that corrects an error in the underlined portion(s). If no
error exists, choose “No change is necessary.”

1. We (A) knew that Charley had (B) hid the cookies in his bedroom, so we (C) stole his key
and searched in all the dresser drawers.

A. knowed
B. hidden
C. stealed
D. No change is necessary.

2. If we had known that you were serving squid eyeball stew, we would of come for

A. of came
B. have came
C. have come
D. No change is necessary.

3. Priscilla (A) use to have a pet parakeet; her mother’s story is that the bird escaped and
(B) flew away, but Priscilla believes that the cat (C) ate it.

A. used
B. flied
C. eaten
D. No change is necessary.

4. Julissa was soaked during the afternoon thunderstorm because she had choosed to
walk to school rather than drive.

A. chosen
B. choosen
C. chose
D. No change is necessary.

5. James (A) brung roses and begged forgiveness, but when Rhonda (B) saw that her ex
still hadn’t shaved his ridiculous mustache, she (C) shut the door in his face.

A. brought
B. seen
C. shutted
D. No change is necessary.

6. If Toby had tooken Charlene’s advice, that bottle of soda wouldn’t have exploded all
over the front of his new white shirt.

A. took
B. tooked
C. taken
D. No change is necessary.

7. Cooper (A) laid the 10-page paper on Professor Cook’s desk; he had (B) wrote the last
sentence at 2:50 p.m., and then he (C) ran across campus to deliver the work by the 3
o’clock deadline.

A. layed
B. written
C. run
D. No change is necessary.

8. We would have knowen that Dr. Carlson had moved up the date of the quiz if we
attended her calculus class more frequently.

A. of knowen
B. have known
C. have knew
D. No change is necessary.

9. Margaret (A) breaked the cookie and (B) gave half to the young man stuck in the
elevator with her; they (C) told stories to pass the time as mechanics worked on the

A. broke
B. gived
C. telled
D. No change is necessary.

10. Meredith would have went to the concert, but Gregory misplaced the tickets, which
they still haven’t found.

A. of went
B. have gone
C. have goed
D. No change is necessary.

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