"... Stopped Working" Error When Opening Product: Problem

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los ingredientes: ✏ 2 cucharadas de canela molida. ✏ 2 cucharadas de genjibre en molido.

ponemos estas 2 primeras cosas ( jengibre y canela) en un bote de cristal. ✏ 1 vaso de zumo
de naranja.( o cualquiera que os guste mas). ✏ 1 cucharadita de miel pura. como tomarlo?
vamos a poner 1 cucharadita pequeña de la mezcla de los 2 ingredientes ( canela y genjibre)
en un vaso de zumo. la cuchara de miel pura la vamos a tomar a diario junto con el zumo
preparado. la primera semana a diario todas las mañanas antes del desayuno. Y a partir de la
segunda semana sería, 3 a 4 vezes por semana. ( o sea. un día si y un día no) Y ya luego si
ven que van muy bien pues 1 o 2 vezes a la semana. ESTE REMEDIO NO APTO PARA

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"... Stopped Working" error when

opening product
Applies To

Product(s): WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, StormCAD, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, CivilStorm, Flo

Version(s): 08.11.xx.xx, 10.xx.xx.xx

Area: Installation

Original Author: Jesse Dringoli, Bentley Technical Support Group

When opening the standalone version of a Haestad product or when trying to open or
create a hydraulic model, a small window appears with an error like "Bentley
WaterGEMS has stopped working" (with no other details and no option to submit a
crash log) and the program does not open.

This is a generic crash that can occur in a number of different situations, mostly related
to operating system components or other supporting prerequisites. Here are some
cases that have come up before:

Case 1
The "Stopped working" error can occur starting in version
(SewerGEMS/CivilStorm/StormCAD/SewerCAD) with some versions of the

First, make sure you have the most recent version of the CONNECTION Client
installed. This can be found in the Windows system tray - you can typically right click
and choose to update. Also, try logging into the CONNECTION Client after updating.
In some cases you may need to exit the CONNECTION Client and the Haestad
product, reopen the CONNECTION Client (check the Windows start menu to find it),
log in, then open the Haestad product.

Also, if possible, try running the Haestad product as Administrator - right click on the
shortcut and choose "Run as Administrator".

Case 2
This can occur if there is a problem with the Microsoft Visual C++ prerequisite. To
resolve this, uninstall all existing versions of Microsoft Visual C++ as seen in the
Windows "Programs and Features", then reinstall. Different versions of the Haestad
product require different versions of the C++ redistributable, as well as other software
you may have installed. Reinstall the Haestad product after uninstalling the C++
redistributables, and it will reinstall the requires ones, which usually consist of the
following versions: 2005, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2015 (both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions).
Case 3
In one case, the problem was resolved by running the program in compatibility mode.
Right click on the desktop or start menu shortcut, choose Properties, click the
Compatibility tab, then select to run in compatibility mode. Try different options such as
Windows 7.

Case 4
This issue can also occur if there is a problem with the Microsoft .NET Framework

In one case, the Windows Event Viewer Application log contained a separate entry
corresponding to the time of the crash, indicating an issue with "CLR20r3". Running a
scan on the system resulted in the following:
It appears the issue has to do with the .NET Framework component that is a part of
the operating system. The user had a repair done on his operating system to resolve
this issue.

In another case, a full reinstallation was necessary:

1) Uninstall the Haestad product (from Windows "Programs and Features").

Preferably, do a clean reinstallation (removing leftover components after uninstalling)

2) Uninstall all Microsoft .NET framework versions, which need to be uninstalled in

descending order. This may require you to uninstall Windows Media Player.

3) Restart your computer

4) Perform a registry cleanup. (Perform this step if comfortable - if not, try proceeding
to the next steps) This can be done with a number of registry cleanup utilities, such as
"CCleaner". This may locate and repair missing entries related to .NET Framework.

5) Reinstall and check if the error no longer occurs. Reinstallation of .NET Frameworks
may also require reinstallation of Windows Media Center.

6) If the problem still occurs, try checking for any new additional updates to the .NET
framework that are available. You may also want to check for recent Windows Updates
of ".NET security and quality rollup".

Possible related links: 1 | 2

Case 5
If using a 64-bit Operating System, try opening the 32-bit version of the program first,
create a new model, then try opening the program normally (such as from the Desktop
shortcut). For example the 32-bit version of WaterCAD is C:\Program Files

Case 6
Another option would be to run a Repair on the program through the Control Panel
(Control Panel > Programs and Features). After doing this, right-click on the shortcut
for the program and select Properties. In the Compatibility tab, place check mark for
the item "Run this program as an administrator". Also click on "Change settings for all
users" and make sure that "Run this program as an administrator" is set for there as

Case 7
Products: FlowMaster, PondPack

Note: This workaround will not apply to Bentley Hydraulics and Hydrology applications
other than the ones listed above.

Try opening the following managed starter file.

 For FlowMaster: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\FlowMaster\FlowMaster.Starter.exe

 For PondPack: C:\Program Files

Opening the application using this file should not have any adverse effects. If the
program opens without the error, then do the following to create a desktop shortcut.

1. Right-click on the file listed above, which corresponds to the application having the
issue > Create Shortcut > Yes (to place it on your desktop).
2. Right-click on the new desktop shortcut > Properties > Compatibility tab > Change
settings for all users > Check "Run this program as an administrator" > Apply > OK >
Case 8
If this issue occurs with a specific model, try the following:

First, try compacting the database. To do this, close the model but leave the product
open. Go to Tools > Database Utilities > Compact Database. Select the database file
and choose the option to purge the model to save space. Once completed, open the
model and see if the issue still occurs.

This is an indication that the output files are too large or numerous. Try creating a new
folder and moving just the starter file and the database file (.wtg and .wtg.sqlite for the
water products, .stsw and .stsw.sqlite for the storm and sewer products) to the new
folder. Once done, open the model from the new folder location.

If that doesn't help, try importing the database into a new drawing. This is done by
going to File > Import > (product name) database.

Lastly, you can also try deleting the engineering library database. Go to c:\users\<user
name>\AppData\Roaming\Bentley\EngineeringLibraries and delete
EngineeringLibraries.mdb and EngineeringLibraries.sqlite. Make sure the program is
closed when you do this. When you open the program again, the files will get re-
created. Note: Custom items in the engineering library will be lost if you do this.

What if none of these help?

Generate a "dump" file and send it to technical support for investigation. To do this:

1. Start the Haestad product (such as WaterCAD)

2. Do not close the Application has stopped working window

3. Run Windows Task Manager (press Ctrl-Shift-Esc or right click in the bar at the
bottom of the screen and select “Start Task Manager”)
4. In Task Manager, go to the Processes tab and right-click on the crashed process

5. Select Create Dump File

You can compress this into a zip file and upload it as an attachment to your forum
post here or your service request here (log in to the CONNECTION Center then click
the "New Service Request" link). If the file is too large, request an upload link from
technical support.

See Also

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