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Blood Reviews 26 (2012) 65–71

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The investigation and treatment of secondary anaemia

Sarah L. Davis, T.J. Littlewood ⁎
Department of Haematology, Cancer and Haematology Centre, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7LJ, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Secondary anaemia or the anaemia of chronic disease (ACD) is the commonest form of anaemia in hospita-
Anaemia lised patients and the second most prevalent anaemia worldwide after iron deficiency. It is characterised
Chronic disease by defective iron incorporation in erythropoiesis, an impaired response to erythropoietin, a decrease in
Erythropoiesis stimulating agents erythropoietin production and cytokine induced shortening of red cell survival.
Intravenous iron For many patients with ACD the cause is apparent but for many others the underlying disease needs to be de-
termined and such patients are often referred to haematologists for investigation. The search for the cause
can be a fascinating exercise in good history taking, examination skills and performing and interpreting ap-
propriate investigations. This review covers the pathogenesis and causes of ACD and then discusses the clin-
ical and laboratory investigation of a patient with suspected ACD. Finally, the management of a patient with
ACD is discussed including erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESAs), intravenous iron and future therapies.
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction anaemia, decreased sensitivity of erythroid precursors to erythropoie-

tin and shortened red cell survival. These are all thought to be immu-
Secondary anaemia is the commonest form of anaemia in hospita- nologically based, and therefore occur in patients with conditions that
lised patients and the second most prevalent worldwide after iron de- cause acute or chronic immune activation such as those listed in
ficiency 1. It occurs in patients with chronic illnesses such as chronic Table 1. In patients with chronic kidney disease the marked reduction
infections, cancer, autoimmune disorders and chronic kidney disease in erythropoietin production is the most important factor in causing
and is also known as ‘anaemia of chronic disease’ (ACD) or ‘anaemia anaemia but these patients also have features of the ACD.
of inflammation’.
For many patients the underlying cause of the ACD is obvious.
Others will present with the ACD and the search for the cause can 2.1. Defective iron incorporation in developing red blood cells
be an interesting and rewarding piece of clinical medicine. The anae-
mia is often ignored and assumed not to contribute to the patients' Approximately 10 years ago, the liver polypeptide, hepcidin 4,5
symptoms. However, there is now strong evidence that it can inde- was discovered. It plays a pivotal role in iron homeostasis 6 and im-
pendently worsen morbidity and mortality and negatively impact munological driven changes in hepcidin levels are critical for the de-
on a patient's quality of life 2,3. Therefore, increasingly there is a velopment of ACD.
drive to improve the management of this anaemia although it will
need to be proven that improving the haemoglobin concentration
will have a positive impact on either patients' quality of life, life ex-
pectancy or both. Table 1
This review will briefly cover the pathogenesis of ACD and then Conditions that can be associated with anaemia of chronic disease.
discuss the investigation and management in detail.
Autoimmune disease
Rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, systemic lupus erythematosus,
inflammatory bowel disease
2. Pathogenesis
Solid tumours (especially metastatic), haematological cancers
There are four known mechanisms that contribute to the develop-
ment of anaemia in chronic disease; defective iron incorporation in Infections
developing red blood cells, a blunted erythropoietin response to AIDS, infective endocarditis, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis

Renal disease
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 44 1865 235882; fax: + 44 1865 235260.
Chronic kidney disease
E-mail address: (T.J. Littlewood).

0268-960X/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
66 S.L. Davis, T.J. Littlewood / Blood Reviews 26 (2012) 65–71

As outlined in Fig. 1, hepcidin is predominantly produced by hepato- protein (BMP) receptor, its signalling pathway and the accessory pro-
cytes and inhibits iron release from macrophages and iron uptake by in- teins; HFE, hemojuvelin and transferrin receptor 2 (TfR2). High satura-
testinal epithelial cells. In macrophages it accelerates the degradation of tion of TfR2 is conveyed to the BMP receptor complex via HFE and
the trans membrane iron exporter, ferroportin 1 mRNA. In intestinal ep- hemojuvelin and this then up-regulates transcription of hepcidin by
ithelial cells it is believed to down-regulate divalent metal transporter 1 Smad48. Hepcidin then acts to down-regulate release of iron from mac-
(DMT-1) which is involved in the transfer of iron across the intestinal rophages and iron absorption. In normal conditions; the presence of
wall7. Hepcidin expression is controlled by the bone morphogenetic hypoxia, iron deficiency and ineffective erythropoiesis reduces the

Fig. 1. The pathophysiology of the anaemia of chronic disease.

Figure reproduced with permission
Anemia of Chronic Disease
The New England Journal of Medicine Authors: Weiss, Goodnough
Year of Publication: 2005
Article DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra041809
S.L. Davis, T.J. Littlewood / Blood Reviews 26 (2012) 65–71 67

production of hepcidin resulting in an increased absorption of iron malignancy (e.g. renal cell carcinoma, ovarian cancer) and autoimmune
through gut endothelial cells and increased iron release from tissue disease.
macrophages to the plasma iron pool. Anaemia caused by chronic kidney disease is common but usually
In secondary anaemia, hepcidin levels are increased. This is mainly apparent from the basic screening tests of renal function. However, it
mediated by an increase in interleukin-6, the proinflammatory cyto- is important to remember that the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is
kine 9, and occurs via the STAT3 pathway. However, other cytokines a function not only of the plasma creatinine but also the patient's
such as BMP and IL-1 have also been shown to have a role in diseases age, sex and body weight. Thus a plasma creatinine of 140 μmol/l
such as myeloma 10,11. Raised hepcidin levels cause retention of iron in a 50 year old male weighing 100 kg produces a calculated GFR
in macrophages and enterocytes and a reduced availability of iron of 77 mL/min. The same creatinine in an 85 year old woman weigh-
for erythropoiesis leading to impaired heme synthesis. ing 50 kg gives a GFR of 20 mL/min. An unusual patient seen recently
had a diagnosis of ACD with raised inflammatory markers for many
2.2. Decreased erythropoietin and a blunted erythroid response years with no explanation despite intensive and thorough investigation.
Her body mass index was 37 kg/m 2. Adipocytes release inflammatory
Erythropoetin, produced by peritubular cells within the renal cytokines15 so it was concluded that obesity was the probable cause
cortex, regulates marrow erythroid proliferation. Its expression is in- of her ACD.
versely proportional to tissue oxygenation and therefore haemoglo- In a patient with ACD a careful history and examination should be
bin levels. In ACD there is often an inadequate rise in erythropoietin undertaken followed by appropriate investigations to search for an
level for the degree of anaemia 1. As shown in Fig. 1, autoimmune underlying chronic illness. Consideration should be given to screen-
dysregulation, appearance of malignant cells or invasion of micro- ing for the illnesses described above, amongst others, and radiological
organisms leads to activation of T cells and monocytes. These in imaging is very important in the absence of a diagnosis particularly
turn induce immune mechanisms that lead to the release of cytokines where inflammatory markers are also increased.
such as IFNγ, IL-1, IL-6, IL-10 and TNFα. IL-1 and TNFα have been Despite appropriate investigation some patients will have no
shown to inhibit erythropoietin expression 12,13. detectable cause for their anaemia identified.
The responsiveness of erythroid progenitor cells is inversely
proportional to the amount of circulating cytokines and therefore 4. Laboratory Investigation
the severity of the underlying disease 1. Patients with ACD not only
have a reduced concentration of erythropoietin for the degree of An anaemia in a patient with a chronic disease cannot be assumed
anaemia but the developing red blood cells are less sensitive to the to be ACD as other causes such as iron deficiency, megaloblastic anae-
available erythropoietin. mia and haemolysis are also common and may co-exist. The main
Most patients with chronic kidney disease are anaemic caused by purpose of investigation is to confirm the diagnosis and rule out
the ACD but also from significantly reduced erythropoietin secretion other possibly easily correctable causes of anaemia.
by the kidney. Classically, ACD presents with a mild to moderate, normocytic, nor-
mochromic anaemia. Haemoglobin levels are usually above 8 g/dL 1 and
2.3. Shortened red cell survival mean cell volume (MCV) and mean cell haemoglobin (MCH) are usually
within the normal range. However, in more advanced disease the MCH
Inflammatory cytokines, especially IFNγ, can impair proliferation and MCV may fall reflecting the inadequacy of iron supply. The reticulo-
of erythroid precursors, induce apoptosis, and induce free radical for- cyte count is low, reflecting inadequate erythropoiesis and the red cell
mation by neighbouring macrophages which damages erythrocytes 1. distribution width (RDW) is often normal, although this is not always
This results in a mildly shortened lifespan of red cells. Under normal the case16.
circumstances the bone marrow would respond to a shortened red An assessment of iron status is important in order to distinguish
cell lifespan by an increase in red cell production. In patients with ACD from iron deficiency (IDA), although the two may co-exist. This
ACD such an increase is inhibited by the mechanisms described should begin with a history looking for a cause of iron deficiency
above. (bleeding, malabsorption and dietary insufficiency). Serum ferritin
may not be helpful as inflammation and intracellular iron accumula-
3. Clinical investigation tion (as occurs in ACD) stimulates ferritin synthesis. However, true
iron deficiency is indicated if the serum ferritin level is low 8. Serum
As Cavill et al 14 highlight, ACD is an overlooked and undertreated iron concentration and transferrin saturation are low in both ACD
condition and patients with ACD provide the same diagnostic chal- and IDA. In IDA this reflects true iron deficiency but in ACD this
lenge as a pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) caused to physicians in reflects lack of iron in the blood stream (hypoferremia).
previous decades. ACD is not a diagnosis but a stimulus to determine Because the serum ferritin, serum and transferrin may not reliably
the underlying cause. The underlying cause may be obvious but in the distinguish between ID and ACD other laboratory parameters have
authors' experience it is the patients without an apparent diagnosis been investigated to try and help make this distinction. Commercial
who will be referred to a haematology or other clinic. It is important assays are available that measure soluble transferrin receptor. This
to confirm a diagnosis of ACD and exclude other possible explana- is a truncated fragment of the membrane receptor which is in equilib-
tions for the anaemia such as haematinic deficiency, blood loss, haemo- rium with soluble transferrin receptor in the plasma. Transferrin re-
lysis, endocrine disorders such as hypothyroidism and hypogonadism ceptor expression is increased in iron deficient states whereas in
and primary bone marrow disorders such as myelodysplasia. Occult ACD, concentrations are normal as inflammatory cytokines negatively
bleeding is an occasional diagnosis in patients thought to have ACD affect transferrin receptor expression. However, this assay has not
and this should always be considered. been standardised and in practice it has not proved particularly use-
The diagnosis of patients referred to our clinic with unexplained ful 17. Indeed, in patients in whom the distinction between iron defi-
ACD is rarely a primary haematological disorder such as lymphoma ciency and ACD is difficult measurement of the serum transferrin
and myeloma probably because such patients have already had these receptor concentration only showed a specificity of 84% and positive
diagnoses considered and usually excluded. predictive value of 58% 18. The sTfR/log ferritin ratio has also been
During the past few years patients with ACD referred to the authors' proposed as a tool to differentiate between IDA and ACD with a
clinics have eventually had diagnoses made of chronic infection (e.g. ratio of b1 suggesting ACD and >2 suggesting iron deficiency +/−
bacterial endocarditis and human immunodeficiency virus infection), ACD. However, again, sensitivity and specificity are poor and
68 S.L. Davis, T.J. Littlewood / Blood Reviews 26 (2012) 65–71

corrections must be made in inflammatory states 8. A bone marrow prognosis in a variety of chronic illnesses including cancer, chronic
aspirate stained with Perls stain is the gold standard for assessing kidney disease and congestive heart disease 2. In patients with HIV,
iron stores. However, a bone marrow aspirate is invasive and uncom- anaemia is independently associated with increased mortality 22.
fortable and has to be performed by trained personnel. Thirdly, it can negatively impact on patient's quality of life. Fatigue
In ACD and IDA changes in haemoglobin concentration are a late is a significant symptom that affects economic productivity 14 and in-
manifestation of the failure of an iron supply to developing red deed, in cancer patients, has been shown to be a more significant
blood cells. One of the earliest changes which occur is a fall in problem than other cancer related symptoms such as pain and nau-
the haemoglobin content of reticulocytes. The reticulocyte haemo- sea 23. Correction of anaemia can improve quality of life in patients
globin content (CHr) provides an indication of the iron supply to with cancer 24. However, concerns about the safety of erythropoiesis
developing red cells within the last 48 h and so provides a very stimulating agents (ESAs) in various clinical settings have restricted
early indication of iron deficiency. The percentage of hypochromic their use.
red cells (%HYPO) represents the percentage of iron deficient red
cells in the circulation which reflects the development of iron defi- 6. Treatment
ciency over a longer time frame (20–120 days) 8. Many laboratory
analysers can be fairly easily adapted to measure CHr and %HYPO. 6.1. Treatment of underlying disease
CHr is also useful in assessing response to iron therapy as levels re-
turn to normal within 4 days 8. The degree of anaemia is often a reflection of the underlying dis-
Hepcidin plays a key role in the pathogenesis of ACD and elevat- ease process. Therefore, initial treatment should be directed at the
ed hepcidin levels have been found in a wide variety of chronic dis- causative disease. This is often sufficient in cases of mild anaemia
eases, including inflammatory bowel disease, infections, myeloma caused by diseases such as HIV and rheumatoid arthritis 17. For
and non-hodgkin lymphoma 17. Theurl et al. 19, using a rat model, patients with diseases that can't be reversed, such as chronic kidney
also showed that serum hepcidin concentrations are elevated in disease or patients with cancer being treated with chemotherapy al-
ACD but significantly lower in co-existing ACD and IDA. Until re- ternative strategies are often necessary.
cently a widely available method for measuring plasma hepcidin
didn't exist. However, mass spectrometry 20 and ELISA methods 21 6.2. Erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESAs) for anaemia correction
are now available. These may provide a useful marker for defining
ACD but caution will need to be applied, as patients with co- As discussed by Cullis, 2011 17, the current mainstay of treatment
existing IDA may still be misdiagnosed. Alternatively, it may be in ACD consists of ESAs and iron therapy. As outlined above, an inad-
that the main niche for hepcidin levels will be in differentiating equate erythropoietin response to the degree of anaemia and reduced
between ACD and ACD + IDA. Further studies will need to be per- sensitivity of erythrocyte precursors to erythropoietin, due to circu-
formed before it becomes a routine diagnostic test. lating cytokines, are important mechanisms in ACD. ESAs are believed
Other investigations that may be useful in ACD include C-reactive to overcome these defects.
protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). These not The main evidence for use of ESAs in ACD comes from two main
only confirm inflammation/infection but give an idea of the degree patient groups: ESAs have been used in patients with malignancy
of erythroid inhibition by cytokines. Serum erythropoetin level can and in patients with chronic kidney disease since the 1980s. In pa-
give an indication of the marrow stimulus but must be interpreted tients receiving chemotherapy for cancer, approximately 75% will be-
in combination with the haemoglobin concentration. come anaemic during the course of their treatment and ESAs can
A comparison of laboratory tests in anaemia of chronic disease and improve the haemoglobin concentration in around 50% of these pa-
iron deficiency is shown in Table 2. tients 25. Indeed, several meta-analyses have shown benefit for ESAs
in increasing haemoglobin levels and reducing the need for blood
5. Rationale for treatment transfusions 26,27. This has also been shown to equate to improved
quality of life 28 but does not confer a survival benefit 29. In 2002, the
There are three main reasons for correcting the anaemia of chronic growing evidence led to the American Society of Clinical Oncology
disease. Firstly, long term anaemia can cause organ damage. For ex- (ASCO) and American Society of Hematology (ASH) publishing a
ample, lack of systemic oxygen delivery causes a compensatory in- joint guideline for the use of epoetin in adults with chemotherapy-
crease in cardiac output and can lead to left ventricular hypertrophy induced anaemia 30. This was last revised in 2010, and the most recent
and eventual failure. Secondly, anaemia has been shown to worsen updates have reflected the growing safety concerns surrounding ESAs
in patients with cancer 31. These include the risk of thromboembolic
Table 2 events, increased mortality, tumour progression and stroke and
Comparison of laboratory parameters in anaemia of chronic disease and iron deficiency have led to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United
States to limit indications for ESA use to patients receiving chemo-
Laboratory Anaemia of chronic Iron deficiency ACD and IDA therapy for palliative intent. The National Institute of Clinical Excel-
parameter disease anaemia lence (NICE) also issued guidance on the use of ESAs in cancer-
Haemoglobin ≥8 g/dL May be lower May be lower treatment induced anaemia 32. They recommend that they should
than 8 g/dL than 8 g/dL only be used in women receiving platinum based chemotherapy for
MCV/MCH Normal/mild ↓ ↓ ↓ ovarian cancer with a haemoglobin of ≤8 g/dL or patients who can-
Serum iron ↓ ↓ ↓
sTfR Normal/mild ↓ ↑ Normal/↑
not receive blood transfusions. This restricted use again reflects safety
sTfR/log ferritin ratio ↓ ↑ ↑ concerns as well as cost. The ASCO/ASH take a more pragmatic ap-
Ferritin Normal/↑ ↓ Normal proach and recommend ‘that for patients undergoing chemotherapy
Serum hepcidin ↑ ↓ Normal with a haemoglobin concentration b10 g/dL, clinicians should discuss
CHra ↓ ↓ ↓
the potential harms (thromboembolism, shorter survival) and bene-
CRP/ESR ↑ Normal ↑
fits (decreased transfusions) of ESAs and compare those with poten-
MCV = mean cell volume, MCH = mean cell haemoglobin, sTfR = soluble transferrin tial harms (serious infections, immune-mediated adverse reactions)
receptor, CHr = reticulocyte haemoglobin content, CRP = C-reactive protein, ESR =
erythrocyte sedimentation rate
and benefits (rapid haemoglobin improvement) of RBC transfusions.’
Does not differentiate between IDA and ACD but allows early identification of iron Glaspy et al. 33, performed a meta-analysis of 60 studies with more
depleted erythropoiesis than 15,000 cancer patients and failed to show a reduced survival
S.L. Davis, T.J. Littlewood / Blood Reviews 26 (2012) 65–71 69

rate or tumour progression in the patients treated with ESAs. There- 6.4. Intravenous iron alone for the treatment of ACD
fore, further research into this area remains important.
Doctors treating patients for the anaemia associated with chronic As intravenous iron enhances the response to treatment with ESAs
kidney disease have developed extensive experience and expertise in in patients with CKD and the anaemia of cancer it is possible that
the use of ESAs since the pioneering work of Winearls and Esbach dur- treatment with intravenous iron alone may be beneficial in these
ing the 1980s 34,35. Up to 95% of patients respond to ESAs36 but there is patients.
also concern that they may have a deleterious effect. The CHOIR A fascinating study was reported recently on the use of intravenous
(Correction of Hemoglobin and Outcomes in Renal Insufficiency) iron versus placebo in patients with New York stage 2 and 3 heart
study37 showed a higher cardiovascular event rate, with no improve- failure. 50% of patients in the intravenous iron treated group reported
ment in quality of life, in patients with a target Hb of 13.5 g/dL as op- a functional improvement compared to 28% in the placebo group 49.
posed to 11.3 and the TREAT38 (Trial to Reduce Cardiovascular Events In patients with cancer two small studies have been reported on
with Aranesp Therapy) study showed a higher risk of stroke in patients intravenous iron alone in the treatment of anaemia in patients with
with diabetes and chronic kidney disease using ESAs. Recent NICE guid- gynaecological malignancy treated with chemotherapy 50,51. Both
ance, 2011 39 is still strongly in favour of ESAs. They recommend that studies showed an improvement in haemoglobin and a reduction in
physicians should consider treating anaemia in chronic kidney disease transfusion need in the treatment group but larger randomised stud-
if they are symptomatic or their Hb is≤ 11 g/dL and ESAs should be of- ies are required and these are underway.
fered to patients who are likely to benefit in terms of quality of life and
physical function. NICE recommends that haemoglobin levels should 6.5. ESA preparations
not be corrected to normal and instead recommend that physicians
aim for a HB between 10 and 12 g/dL in adults. There are a number of ESAs available. In the United Kingdom, prob-
A Cochrane review into the use of ESAs in chronic heart failure 40 ably the best known are darbepoetin (Aranesp©) and epoetin alfa
showed that they were associated with an improvement in left ven- (Eprex©).Both are licenced for use in symptomatic anaemia associat-
tricular function, exercise tolerance and improved quality of life. Hos- ed with chronic kidney disease and in adult patients with non-
pital admissions and mortality were also reduced and they found no myeloid malignancies receiving chemotherapy. Neither have a licence
apparent effect on stroke, myocardial infarction, hypertension or for use in other causes of the anaemia of chronic disease. They can be
thromboembolic events. There is also evidence that ESAs have a ben- given subcutaneously or intravenously. It is recommended that a sus-
eficial effect in HIV, inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid tained haemoglobin concentration of >12 g/dL is avoided and once
arthritis 17. the desired haemoglobin concentration is reached the dose is reduced.
However in the authors experience patients with these disorders Poorly controlled hypertension and previous history of hypersensitiv-
are rarely treated with ESAs. ity to any of the products are contraindications and side effects include
The authors support the recommendations set out by the FDA and injection site pain, hypertension, stroke, convulsions, thromboembol-
ASH/ASCO for the use of ESAs in ACD. These centre around using the ic events and rashes. Antibody mediated pure red cell aplasia has also
lowest possible dose of an ESA that will gradually increase haemoglo- been reported after treatment with subcutaneous eprex.
bin concentration to a level that avoids the need for transfusion and Intravenous iron preparations include cosmofer©, venofer© and
maintaining haemoglobin levels under 12 g/dL to reduce the risk of ferinject©. The most significant adverse reaction with intravenous
cardiovascular events. It is also prudent to avoid use of ESAs in pa- iron is anaphylaxis. This is rare occurring in 0.6–0.7% of doses and
tients at risk of thromboembolic disease and to be more cautious in almost exclusively with high molecular weight iron dextrose 14. The
patients with cancer as this is the group with the highest rate of newer iron preparations are much safer and serious adverse reactions
adverse events. are rare 52.

6.3. ESAs plus intravenous iron 6.6. The future

In patients with chronic kidney disease it was noted that a number An increase in the plasma concentration of hepcidin is a key find-
of factors would inhibit the response to treatment with an ESA. These ing which has helped us to understand the pathogenesis of ACD. The
included infection, inflammatory disorders and the development of discovery of this and the understanding of the bone morphogenetic
true or functional iron deficiency. The pathophysiology of functional protein signalling pathway, which controls hepcidin expression, has
iron deficiency is similar to that of the ACD. In functional iron defi- elucidated several targets to reduce hepcidin levels and therefore im-
ciency iron is present in the stores but release of iron from macro- prove anaemia in chronic illnesses. Hepcidin neutralising antibody is
pahges to developing red blood cells is blocked by the impact of effective in a mouse model of ACD 53 making hepcidin antagonists one
hepcidin. Randomised trials in patients with CKD treated with an area for development. Inhibitors of BMP signalling also decrease hep-
ESA showed that intravenous iron was superior to oral iron in achiev- cidin and dorsomorphin is a small molecule that has been shown to
ing and maintaining a haemoglobin response 41 and that patients trea- do this in mice 54. Anti-cytokines therapy may also be helpful. In pa-
ted with the intravenous iron required a much smaller ESA dose. tients with Castleman disease, who have dysregulated production of
In patients with anaemia secondary to cancer seven randomised IL-6, it has been shown that the anti-IL-6 receptor antibody, tocilizu-
trials have been reported in full comparing intravenous with oral mab, reduces hepcidin levels and improves anaemia 55 and this agent
iron or placebo in ESA treated patients. All the trials bar one showed may be useful in ACD. It is likely that over the next decade several
a significant improvement in the haemoglobin response when intra- agents targeting hepcidin will be available for use in humans and
venous iron was used and other benefits seen in some but not all of this may revolutionise the treatment of ACD.
the studies included a reduction in transfusion requirements and a re-
duction in the dose of ESA needed to maintain the haemoglobin 7. Conclusions
response 42–48.
It is unsurprising that oral iron is unhelpful in patients with ACD as Anaemia of chronic disease is common and causes significant mor-
these patients are likely to have high hepcidin levels and therefore re- bidity and mortality, including reduced quality of life for patients.
duced absorption of iron from the intestine. The only time that oral During the last decade the mechanisms behind anaemia of chronic
iron may be useful is if IDA and ACD co-exist as oral iron will then disease have become much clearer making it an exciting and evolving
be absorbed. field. The discovery of hepcidin is allowing the development of new
70 S.L. Davis, T.J. Littlewood / Blood Reviews 26 (2012) 65–71

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