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Small Group Curriculum

Group Name: Super Support

Focus of Group: The focus of this group is going to be for students that do not feel they are
receiving the support they need to be successful, as well as who those support systems are in
general that are there to help them grow and flourish. When reviewing the results of a recent
needs assessment performed, students were asked their comfort level when talking to any faculty
or staff member at Pritzker Elementary when an issue arises. Out of 162 students surveyed, 18
reported they are not comfortable talking to staff or faculty at all, 32 reported they are slightly
uncomfortable, and 38 said they were neither uncomfortable or comfortable. This was a concern
for the 4th and 5th grade population because we feel it is important that students not only feel
comfort using their resources at school, but also in their community and at home resources when
they are in need of help. Often, students may not even be aware of the support that is around
Students were also asked to indicate who they feel most comfortable talking to when an issue or
concern arises. A large population of 18 students indicated they do not feel comfortable talking
to anyone, whereas 56 stated they only feel comfortable talking to their friends. Only 14% said
they would be comfortable talking to a teacher or school counselor.
Our priority is to ensure these students are not only becoming informed on who their support
systems can consist of, but also how to use these individuals to gain the needed guidance without
it seeming so intimidating.

Goal: The goal of this group is to inform students on the importance of building strong, healthy
relationships, as well as show these students that there are endless ways in which they can
receive support. Support can be received through home, friends, teachers, coaches, and many
others; yet not all students are aware these individuals are here to help them succeed and feel
their very best.

Number of Students: 8 students in each group-these students’ can be referred into the group
through the school counselor, teachers, school staff, or parents/guardians

Grade Level: This group will be available to 4th and 5th grade students that exhibit a need for a
stronger base of support

Adult leader: Licensed Professional School Counselor and additional staff member (social
worker/speech teacher/psychologist/general education teacher)

Number of Sessions: 4, 60 minute sessions

Informed Consent Forms
Group Agreement Form
Pre- and Post-Tests
Support worksheet (home, school, and community)
Support Venn Diagram

ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors:

M.1- Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental,
social/emotional, and physical well being
M.3- Sense of belonging in the school community
B-LS 10.- Participate in enrichment and extracurricular activities
B-SMS 8.- Demonstrate ability to balance school, home and community activities
B-SS 2.- Create positive and supportive relationships with other students
B-SS 3.- Create relationships with adults that support success

Session 1: “Understanding my support system”

In session one, the adult leaders will begin by introducing themselves. They will then allow each
student to introduce themselves, and share a fun fact. This will allow for the students to become
comfortable with their leaders, as well as with each other. Following introductions, the leaders
will discuss the importance of group confidentiality and group rules. There will be a
confidentiality sheet that the leaders and students will sign to agree to the group terms and
privacy of what they hear in group.
Students will then take a pre-test that was created to assess how the students currently feel about
their support system, and knowledge on what a support system can do for them/when and where
to access these support systems.
Week one will also consist of a support systems Venn-diagram worksheet. This sheet will allow
students to express who they feel currently supports them in their school, home and community
environment, as well as how they support them.
Lastly, week one will also focus on how and when to ask for help. It is important to know the
language to use, as well as know what situations an adult or added support needs to become

Session 2: “Support at Home”

Session two will be focused specifically on how these students can receive support at home, and
who specifically is there to help them in that environment. It is going to be important to stress
that one students support may look completely different from another students’ support in their
During session two, we will also have the students write down the name of one person that can
be of support to them in their home environment, whether this is a parent, grandparent,
aunt/uncle, sibling, cousin, etc.
Students will pair up with another group member and share with them who they chose as their
home support. They will discuss ideas on how this chosen individual will help them and support
We will have them set a personal goal to talk with their home support about the ways in which
they can help show encouragement.

Session 3: “Support at School”

Session three will focus specifically on the support students can receive at school. This session
will dive deeper into not only receiving support from teachers and the school counselor, but also
their peers, coaches, after school activity leaders and so on. There is far more support available
to these students than they may be aware of, and it is immanent that they feel supported and
assured they have familiar faces to go to.
As in session two, students will also be asked to write down a name of one person they feel
comfortable going to in their school environment for support. Students will pair up with another
group member and reflect on the person they chose with them, as well as come up with some
ideas on how these chosen individuals can support them.
They will also be asked to talk with this person they chose, and discuss with them the ways in
which they can support them.

Session 4: “Support in the Community”

In the last session, we will focus specifically on the people and places where students can receive
support in their community. This can include tutors, after school activity leaders, religious
leaders, therapists, etc. As with the other sessions, we want to stress that there are several people
and places that can be of great support to these students. Some may feel intimidated to reach out
to their community resources, but we are going to encourage students to write down a name or
place in which they feel they may want to go to for support. Instead of encouraging students to
go and initially talk to this person, we are first going to have these students reach out to a home
or school support to help them research the community resource that they wish to add to their list
of supports. This will hopefully help them feel more confident for when they do choose to
approach a community support. Since these are 4th and 5th graders, it is important they are not
going to these community supports alone. We will stress that a trusted adult needs to know of
their desire to receive community support.
At the end of the group, we will have all the students gather in a circle to share whom they chose
to speak with for their home and school support, and how that conversation went. We will also
ask them to share some potential community supports that sound helpful and of interest to them.
We will then ask each student to reflect on their group experience.
We will thank each student for participating, and encourage them to use their chosen support
system, as well as continue to add people to their mental list. We will stress that there are several
people that want to help them succeed and do well, and to come back with any questions or help
expanding their list.
Lastly, we will distribute the post-test.

Process Data: Eight 4th/5th grade students will attend 4 consecutive weekly meetings, that will
be an hour long each session.
Perception Data: After this group, 100% of the small group members will be able to name
someone who can support them in the home, school, and community environment.

Outcome Data: 87% of the students in the Super Support group will report that they feel
comfortable approaching and utilizing their chosen support system individuals.

Follow up:
Students will keep in touch with small group leader(s) at least once a month to update them on
how they are doing regarding using their support system, as well as work on continuing to build
their support network. They will also touch base on their feelings and successes when utilizing
their support network.

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