Regeltechniek 2018 Anton de Kom Universiteit Suriname

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Tentamen: Regeltechniek 1 (Et) CORRECTIEMODEL

Datum : Woensdag 17 oktober 2018
Tijd : 09:00 – 12:00
Docent : C. Ally MSc

Question 1. (25 pts)

a.) Summarize the main steps involved in designing a control system. (5)

b.) Discuss the main differences of the Routh Hurwitz and Root locus methods in analyzing a control
system. (3)

One assesses the absolute stability (RH) the other (RL) can assess both absolute & relative
stability and performance.

c.) i. Explain why the movement of the poles of a control system can be used to evaluate the stability of
the system. (3)
ii. For the root-locuses shown below make clearly visible sketches of the corresponding system
responses and explain your answers.(6)

System 1 has lower damping than 2, but same All system damping are equal (cos phi),
damped frequency. however natural frequency of 1<2<3 resulting
in slower response: 1 slower 2 slower 3

d.) A diagram of a closed-loop unity feedback control system is shown in figure 1 below. Show
mathematically that:
i. This system can become unstable. (4)
ii. The system can fully reject the disturbances (D1&D2) and follow the input R. (4)

Figure 1

Question 2. (30pts)

The root locus of a control system is shown in figure 2 below; the system operates at the point (-2+j4) as
indicated in the figure and is controlled with a proportional controller with gain Kp.

Figure 2

a.) Find the open-loop transfer function of the plant and the closed-loop transfer function of the total
system (assume negative feedback). (5)
System has poles at -4 and 0 and is of 2nd order given the complex pole and that the root-locus
does not cross the imaginary-axis.
Therefore transfer function plant:

Closed-loop trans function:

b.) Find the value of Kp. (5)

The natural frequency 𝜔 at the operating point is found from the poles as: sqrt (22+42)=sqrt(20)
Kp=𝜔 ; => Kp = 20.

c.) Sketch the time response of the system calculate and indicate clearly: the % overshoot; (%𝑂𝑆 =
100𝑒 / ); the time period of the oscillation (if any) and the steady state error. (20)
𝜁 = cos arctan = 0.447 => system is underdamped

/ . /√ .
%𝑂𝑆 = 100𝑒 = 100𝑒 = 20.8%
𝜔 =𝜔 1 − 𝜁 = √20√1 − 0.447 = 4 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠=>𝑇 = ≈ 0.16𝑠

ss-error (ess) using the Final value theorem:
1 1 1
𝑒𝑒𝑠 = lim 𝑠 = lim =0
→ 𝑠 1 + 𝐺 (𝑠)𝐻(𝑠) → 𝐾𝑝
𝑠(𝑠 + 4)

Question 3. (25pts)
A proportional controller Kp is used to control the plant given by: 𝐺(𝑠) =
a.) Find the closed loop transfer function and the time domain expression of the system response. (10)
The closed loop transfer function is

Transformation to the time domain gives,

Time domain expression,

If a step response is applied, (15)

i. compute the value of Kp such that the time constant of the system is equal to 0.1667 seconds.
ii. Sketch the response of the system, indicate the time constant and response final value.

Question 4. (20pts)

𝐺 (𝑠) =
(𝑠 + 1)(𝑠 + 2)

The second order plant G(s) given above is controlled by a PI controller.

a.) Find the ranges of Kp and Ki such that the system remains stable. (10)

Then the Routh Hurtwiz criterion gives,

From which,

b.) If the system can be approximated by a 2nd order model, compute the gain values (Kp and Ki) such
that the system has a critically damped response. (10)

For a critically damped system 𝜁 = 1

2𝜁𝜔 = 3, 𝜔 = 3/2; 2 + 2𝐾𝑝 = 9/4 (𝜔 ) => Kp = 1/8
Since |Ki/Kp| << 1 , choose Ki = 0.1 (Ki/Kp < 1 and 0<Ki/Kp<3)

End of paper.


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