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Planning Worksheet, Data Summary and Data Analysis Sheet

Teacher Candidate: Alyssa Madara Course/Section: 45

Cooperating Teacher/Grade Level Jackson/Steigerwalk 1st grade Total Students 24 students
Supervisor Dr. Varano Semester/Year Spring 2019
Unit Topic Penguins

1. List (bulleted) the content and/or process standards you’ll be assessing with your authentic
- CC.1.4.1B Identify and write about one specific topic.
- CC.1.4.1.C Develop the topic with two or more facts.
- 4.1.1.A Identify and describe the basic needs of living things in a terrestrial habitat.

2. Design performance based task and accompanying rubric, aligned to these content
standards. Check the district objectives (based on the district’s curriculum framework).

The penguin report is a performance assessment that the students will fill out and be able
to write the answers that they know. The students will be writing about one specific topic
and also developing facts about penguins that they learned through the unit. The questions
that the students will be answering are:
1. Where do penguins live?
2. What do penguins eat?
3. What are baby penguins called?
4. How do penguins get around?
5. What is an interesting fact about penguins?
6. What do penguins look like?

3. Prior to administering the authentic task, set your proficiency levels.

For instance, what will constitute “Target”, “Acceptable” and “Unacceptable”? Please list
proficiency levels below. Attach a copy of the task and rubric.
 Target = student answered all 6 questions and was able to draw a picture of a penguin.
 Acceptable = student answered half of the questions and was able to draw a picture of
a penguin.
 Unacceptable = student was not able to answer any of the questions and was not able
to draw a picture of a penguin.

4. Administer the Authentic Assessment and assess its results. Record the results below.

Authentic Task
Target Acceptable Unacceptable Total
Number 20 3 1 24
83 12. 4 10
% of students % 5% % 0

5. Given the authentic task data, please analyze the following:

 Student Strengths:

Weiler 2016
All students except one were able to finish the penguin report and 20 students were able to
hit target on the rating scale. The students finished this after their test so their ideas were
still fresh in their mind so that is why I believe the students did so well. The 20 students
who hit target also all drew accurate pictures of a penguin on the sheet.

 Areas of student struggle:

Students struggled with writing an interesting fact about penguins, I tried to give some
examples for the students to write but some did not write anything that we went over. Another
struggle that the students had were spelling even though I wrote the correct word underneath
the word that they wrote. The three students who got acceptable did not color the report and
also did not draw and color a penguin on the back when I told them to.

 Error patterns:
All students did not use capital letters for their answers and I did not notice until all of
the students were done and I hung them on the bulletin board. This was my fault
because I did not specify to the students that they needed full sentences which includes
capital letters and ending marks.

6. After reviewing the data, please describe your remediation plan for students who
demonstrated an unacceptable level of achievement? If all students achieved at the
acceptable level or above, please write a hypothetical remediation plan in which
you both anticipate what skills/concepts students MIGHT have difficulties
accomplishing/understanding and how you’d go about remediating. This might
include re-teaching (with different methodology of course!), adapting the materials,
adapting/revising the assessment, etc.

Although all students but one got acceptable I would remediate with all the students who
did not write in a full sentence and started each sentence with a capital. The students are
working on this so they are not as fluent with it so I would like to work on that with the
students. All students were able to answer the questions correctly and I wrote their spelling
mistakes underneath theirs. I would adapt the materials by writing the beginning of each
answer and have the students fill in the answer instead of just having them write it because
all students wrote just one word for almost each question. I would also have students do the
penguin report at a different time because they did it right after the post-test and they did
not have enough time due to the snow days. I believe giving them more time would give
them more of an opportunity to write more.

Weiler 2016
Weiler 2016
Category 3 2 1
Content: writing the Student was able to Student was able to Student was not able
correct answers answer all 6 answer half of the to answer any
questions correctly. questions correctly. questions correctly.
Coloring Student colored the Student colored Student did not color
report and was able some of the report the penguin report in
to draw a penguin to and was able to or did not draw a
show understanding show understanding picture of a penguin.
of what a penguin of what a penguin
looks like. looks like by
drawing it.
Proficiency levels:
Target: 6-4 points achieved
Acceptable: 3-2 points achieved
Unacceptable: 1-0 points achieved

Weiler 2016

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