Say Something About The Impact of Horror Films On Young Children

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1. What do you think is the most serious challenge of living in a big city?

Because of the high rate of migration to big cities such as Beijing and shanghai, living in there is
becoming more and more difficult. The most serious challenge of living in a big city, in my
opinion, is crowding. Big cities are very crowded, no matter on the pavements or in the buses.
What is more, the traffic is always heavy. It’s a nightmare to drive in and around Beijing or
something like this. Moreover, city’s car parks are always very full. Sometimes it may take hours
to get from a given place to another. So if you decide to settle down in big cities, make a
preparation for facing the big challenge.
2. Say something about the impact of horror films on young children.
In my opinion, children who watch horror films may be more likely to develop anxiety, sleep
disorders, self-endangering and aggressive behaviors.
Children may be too young to actually understand horror movies; however, they are
psychologically affected by the scenes they are exposed to. He could be getting nightmares and it
may become part of his memories in future when he grows up.
What is more, at that age, they can't tell the difference between real and pretend. It may need
more effort to let him/her understand what the real world is , the difference between superstition
and science and so on.
For the reasons listed above, I think children shouldn't watch horror shows until they are old
3. What factors influence you most in your choice of a job?
Choosing a career is a decision that affects our standard of life , our daily activity and so on.
Many people have difficulty in deciding on their career. But as far as I’m concerned, there are
several factors that affect our choice of a job.
For one thing, we will choose the job that contributes to our further development and personal
enrichment, thus it can provide us with greater possibility of advancement. Overall, the job must
offer us a wider space of development.
For the other, whether we should choose to work in big cities or small ones all concerns. Many
people prefer to work in large cities , such as Beijing, Shanghai and so on, for there are more
opportunities for their personal development. Whereas some people would rather work in small
cities than big ones due to the pressures that big cities bring about.
Thirdly, the compensation is also one of the important factors that affects our choice of a job. It
includes the wages, medical insurances and other important elements. Most people will choose the
job that provides higher revenues.
Fourthly, many people will choose jobs according to their interests and features. Not everyone is
fortunate to have an interest that can be turned into a career, but some people decide on careers that
coincide with an existing interest. Many people may choose the job that fits their feature best .To
my viewpoint, the job must suits for our talents and makes up for our weaknesses.
Lastly, there are also many factors that attribute to our choice of jobs, such as the working
environment, the specific size of the occupation, the job prospects, the opinions of other people and
so on.
4. Some people would rather not work if they can’t find the ideal job. What’s your opinion
of this?
The opinions of job choices are different from individual to individual. Many people will choose
a job that not fits him best if he can’t find the ideal job, while others would rather not work unless
they could find their favorite job. But as far as I’m concerned, I would work even if I can’t find my
ideal job. There are several reasons that explain my ideas.
For one thing, even if we can’t find our ideal job , we should focus on a less favorite one. Only
in this way , can we exercise ourselves and accumulate some job experiences to make a full
preparation for the future jobs . The jobs that we dissatisfied can be a momentum for our further
development, thus a valuable wealth.
For another , the cost of higher education is relatively high, and it’s hard for our parents to
support us. It’s time for us to repay our parents after graduation. So when choosing a job ,we
should not only consider ourselves but also our parents.
Thirdly , by working on a less ideal job, we can broaden our horizons and enrich our
knowledge. That may offer us more choices later. So I think we should choose the less ideal job
rather than do nothing.
5. Why do you think our government encourages young people to work in less developed
Many reasons can explain the policy. Firstly, to realize the balance development among areas,
the less developed areas need more inputs such as human capital. Secondly, under the condition of
world finance risk, many undergraduates are facing with the difficulty of finding a job. The policy
can solve the problem properly. Thirdly, the tough condition can cultivate the young generation
who are born with bed of roses good qualities such as hard work, persistence and finding their feet
in new environment. Last but not least, hard conditions are always going along with opportunities.
Though the condition in less developed areas are not as good as that in developed areas, the young
people have more room for growth for them there. They will find new problems in less developed
areas and they will accumulate the valued experience of solving difficulties which is also a
stepping stone into good companies for their future development.
6. How would you prepare for a job interview?
Before I come for a job interview, a good resume is necessarily needed. Therefore, I will prepare
my resume with great care firstly. In my resume, I will give prominence to some important
information related to the specific job I applied, such as my working experience or my experience
in students’ union, my education and my personal data and so on. Then I will choose a proper suit
for the interview, not too expensive but fitted. Last but not least, some questions which are
common in an interview should be well prepared. In most interviews, a question like ‘what good
qualities or shortcomings do you think you have?’ is often referred. Therefore, I will prepare the
answers before the interview. When all the things above have been done, I will check the right
route and buses to the company, collect all my confidence and set out.
7.Do you think it is desirable to have a job in the same city where your parents live?Give
your reasons, please.
On the one hand, if we stick to one job that is in a fixed city, our career development will be
confined. Maybe some big cities provide us with more opportunities and much room for our
development and progress, which will make us take full advantage of what we have learned in the
On the other hand, we can gain a great many chances to confront the pressure and competition
from the society, from which we can accumulate a lot of experiences without our parents’
protection. Therefore, it is beneficial to our personality development and cultivate our
8. In your view, what makes a happier life, wealth or health? Or being with your friends
and family?
Frankly speaking, it is really difficult to choose from these 3 elements.
A person who has lots of wealth seldom manages time for his personal health, fitness or diet and
often goes through mental stress.On the other hand, a person managing health and wealth equally
will seldom have problems giving time to his family.
All the same, who spends a good time with his family, kids, friends will often find it difficult to
keep up with his work and often end up in cutting down his income. Maybe the secret of living a
happy life in harmony is to cut out one part of the three which is practically impossible and
manage the other 2 in harmony. But all the 3 elements are the basic elements of our society’s life.
If the person cuts off health, he might die before he will be successful. If the person cuts off
family, he may never be able to regain what he missed out, if the person cuts off both, he will be
dependent on money and may never try to head back into health and family. And if he loses his
wealth, he will have nothing to fall back on, or to support his family.
Therefore, under different situations we may have different choices. The secret is to balance them.
9. As a university graduate, what contributions do you think you can make to society in
Well, as a university graduate, I have fortunately received more than ten years schooling and
grow up in an environment filled with love. Now, it’s time to think something about my
contribution to others.
Firstly, I recall a metaphor, which compares the society to a huge machine, and everyone forms a
part of it. Therefore, if we want the society functions well, each of us should make the most of his
labor and knowledge to manage his or her job, I’m no exception.
Secondly, as it is known to all, the uneven development in the East China and West China is
becoming more and more marked. Therefore, as a student from the West, if possible, I want to go
back to my hometown and make my own devotion to the construction of my homeland. At last,
given the big gaps lying in lots of aspects of our society, if it is possible, I will seize every chance
to do the volunteer service to help the people trapped in the difficulties.
10. What suggestions would you love to give to those who have difficulty in paying college
Well,when it comes to college tuition, I have to say: how high is it today? And owing to this,
most of families cannot afford to pay for the higher education of their children. I’ve also had the
difficulty in paying college tuition yet, so maybe I could give some useful advice on this matter.
First of all, a higher education will be worth in the long run. As long as we hold a firm belief that
knowledge is bound to change our life, we could get through any difficulties, let alone college
tuition. So never give up. There are several ways to solve financial problems. Firstly , if possible,
you could apply for a scholarship, which often needs excellent academic
record, unique personal experiences or skills. Secondly, you could plan on working your way
through school, which means you should make significant efforts. What’s more, the majority of
students take out a government loan to pay for their college, which could be paid back over
graduate. Although life is not a bed of roses, I hope you could choose a suitable way to get over
this problem and enjoy your college life.
11. What do you think of students taking a part-time job while in school?
It used to be thought that students should do nothing but put their study in the first place.
However, this has been a history. Recently, more and more students do a part-time job while in
school, which, in my personal opinion, do much benefit to the students themselves. When it comes
to the question of how to be a good student, it may spontaneously occur to you that the student
should be good at his or her own major. But is that totally enough? Well, honestly I don’t think so.
A qualified student should not only be a nerd, but a social bird first and for the most. Then the
ability to communicate with people turns out to be necessarily important for our pupils in schools.
If we can do something related to the subjects we learn from school, it go without saying that our
practical abilities will be enhanced and we can get a better understanding of the subject. Moreover,
we can know some new friends in the working place. That will be really pleasant for you because
you can learn so many
things from your workmates which will do great help to you which is tremendously crucial for
your future career. So in a nut shell, to take a job while in school is necessary and meaningful for
12. What were your favorite subjects in middle school?
In middle school, mathematics and English were my favorite subjects. Mathematics is a basic
subject and it is used throughout the world as an essential tool in many fields. It is closely related
to other sciences. For example, Mathematics is important to economics, mathematical methods is
applied to represent economic theories and analyze problems posed in economics, it allows
economists to form meaningful, testable propositions about many wide-ranging and complex
subjects which could not be adequately expressed informally. Because of its importance, I like
learning it best. English is also a basic subject with the same as Mathematics. AS an international
language, English is an essential tool in many fields. Learning English can open a variety of career
opportunities for graduates entering the job market. From the English class, I can attain some skills
in literary analysis, an ability to clearly and persuasively express their ideas in writing and so forth.
What’s more, I can learn other countries’ culture and custom, and I am interested in these. Both
Mathematics and English are important and interesting, so they were my favorite subjects in
middle school.
13.Do you have any suggestions as to how traffic conditions can be improved in big
Almost every city has a big traffic problem. Although some measures have been taken to
improve the city traffic, the traffic problems are not totally solved. So other measures are being
sought continuously. Before we take some measures to deal with the traffic problems, some causes
that lead to them have to be recognized.
To start with, vast population contributes to heavy traffic. Apart from dense population in cities,
more and more rural labor workers are pouring into the city, which adds much pressure on the
severe city traffic conditions. The second reason falls on increasing vehicles, especially growing
private cars going with improving living standard. The last but not least reason is unscientific road
design. Although more roads have been built and some roads are broadened, without reasonable
road design the traffic congestion and accidents are not likely to be avoided.
Now that the causes for heavy traffic are organized, some solutions must be made in order to
alleviate the traffic problem. Firstly, I suggest that we should restrict the growth of the private cars.
The government should encourage people to take bus instead of drive their private cars. Secondly,
it is advisable to promote the advanced public transportation while encouraging person trips
instead of car trips. We should open up more bus routes and to equip the bus with advanced
transportation monitoring system to adjust to the different traffic conditions in every minute.
Thirdly, we may use more overhead bridges to cut down on stoplights. Actually, no sole way
above can solve the traffic problems completely, we should use the multiple measures mentioned.
14.Do you think private cars should be encouraged?
Nowadays, any Chinese can enjoy the luxury of owning a private car - if he or she can afford it.
Having a car of your own means no more traveling to work on crowded buses or subway trains,
and you can drop off the children at school on the way. Moreover, it also means that you can enjoy
the weekends and holidays better, because with a car you can go to places where the regular buses
and trains do not go, and so you can find a quiet scenic spot with no crowds.
However, there are drawbacks to owning a car. For one thing, with the increase in car ownership
in recent years, the roads are becoming more and more crowded, often making the journey to work
more of a nightmare than a dream. For another, it is not cheap to run a car, as the prices of gasoline
and repairs are constantly rising, not to mention the prices you have to pay for a license and
insurance coverage.
Having considered both sides of the argument, I have come to the conclusion that the advantages
of owning a car outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, it seems to me that China should increase
its output of automobiles and enlarge the private car market. The result would be that cars would
become cheaper, while at the same time the extra demand would encourage the auto industry to
produce more efficient and family-oriented vehicles. Of course, we should also improve traffic
conditions and take more environmental protection measures.
15.Why do you think some Western countries encourage people to ride bicycles?
As is known to all, China is a country with a large population and almost all the family has
more than one bike. When you go to work in the morning, you will be surprised to find that there
are so many cyclists during the rush hour. No wonder China is a country called the kingdom of
bicycles. However, according to the latest statistics, a growing number of western countries
encourage people to ride bicycles. What on earth leads to that? Obviously, the reason is that riding
bicycles can bring numbers of advantages. I summarized three simple causes as follow: in the first
place, they are cheaper, easier to handle and more convenient than any other transports. In the
second place, compared with cars, bicycles produce no harmful gases at all. They are 100%
pollution free and will never pollute our living conditions. That is the main reason why so many
western countries encourage riding bicycles. Last but not the least, riding bicycle does good to the
peoples' health. That’s all. Thank you.
16 Do you think going on a diet is a good way to keep fit?
Nowadays going on a diet is becoming more and more popular. Topics of our chat also more or
less involve going on a diet. Some people may go on a diet to make themselves beautiful and the
rest may go on a diet to keep fit. Meanwhile, someone will be in favor that going on a diet is really
a good way to keep fit? As a common sense, health is far more important than wealth. Good health
enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor
health leads to nothing. Considering the importance of health, we can not turn a blind eye to keep
fit. Now let me give you some advice about staying healthy. In the first place, to keep yourself
healthy, you shouldn't eat something that have too much oil, calory or salt. For that can cause a lot
of diseases. The right way to keep healthy is to eat more vegetables and fruits. Secondly, another
way which is always be ignored is to exercise more. An average of steps a normal adult have per
day is 10000 - 15000. You'll find yourself more healthy after changing the steps to 15000 - 20000
per day, and you'll get more fit easily by that. Last but not the least, we have to get rid of those bad
habits that damage our health, such as eating too much every time and irregularly. That's my own
easy methods of staying
healthy. I'll be glad if you have any ideas about that and have a discussion with me!
17.How do you comment on TV commercials ?
Ok, well, when it comes to this key phrase: TV commercial, I think all of us are familiar with it.
Because when we want to watch the TV programmers and turn on the TV, many TV commercials
all get into our sight. But do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? In my view, we should
look upon this from two sides. It has advantages also with disadvantage. For example, these
commercials can make people know more products. People can find more and more new products
in today's advanced technological world. The commercials market is booming. This is a way that
improves the marketing rate of new products. However, TV commercials are deceptive to some
extent, so there are many bad businessman. They sell cheap or inferior products in order to protect
their income. They use different ways to make up those products, and make those products look
like quality products. Then people can't resist the temptation from eyewash of inferior products.
18. Do you think it’s possible to remove all commercials from TV? Your reasons for your
In this modern society, TV is an important and usual media. Many people use TV to transmit the
news. And the role of TV commercials is more and more important. The point of mine is that it is
impossible to remove all commercials from TV. Because there are several roles it plays that
anything can not replace. Firstly, Compared to newspapers and other mediums, TV commercials
can bring lots of money ,and it constitutes a large pat of tax, so if we remove all the commercials ,
the income of our government will decrease largely. Secondly, TV commercials can open our eyes
and let us know more new products and give consumers’ more choice. The last reason is that there
are more and more wonderful and perfect TV commercials, and it can bring people beautiful visual
enjoyment and spiritual shock, also we can learn a lot of knowledge from it!
19. What’s your opinion of working for foreign firm?
Because I don’t have work experience, so I have no exact notion about working in a foreign
firm. It is said that if you work in a foreign company you will be under greater stress. But as a
compensation you will get more money. And you can get advanced skills and precious experience
unavailable in national firms. It’s a double blade sword to work for foreign firm. In my opinion,
different firms have different culture background, when we find a job, we should think about
whether the firm you choose is good for your personal development.,no matter it’s a national
company or foreign company. Another important point you must take account when you think
about working in a foreign company is that how about your English? If you can’t communicate
with a foreigner in English fluently and clearly, I think foreign firm is not suitable for you to work
20.Many young people prefer a white-collar job to a blue-collar one. What’s your opinion
on this point?
I think it is concerned with the subjects and skills that one takes in the college. For example,
some young people majored accountancy in college, they many prefer a white-collar job, because
they can make use of their knowledge learned in the college. And a graduate who once majored
mechanical engineering may prefer working as a technician (it is a blue-collar job). On the other
hand, blue-collar worker is a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for
wages. Many young people may think it is less respectable to work as a blue-collar worker. But a
white-collar worker can work in a bright and spacious office. It can meet their vanity, so they
choose white-collar jobs. Different people have different viewpoint. It gives no cause for more
criticism to people who choose white-collar job or blue-collar one. But I think one should choose
job according to his or her interests ,no matter it is white-collar or blue-collar.
21. Some people don’t like making friends. Do you think they would be happy without
friends? Why?
No, I don’t think so. With friends, life is happy and harmonious. Everyone needs friends like we
need foods. First, No one can sail the
ocean of life single handed and no one want to be lonely of course. We always spend our spare
time with our friends. Take me for example, I often go shopping, see movies and have a journey
with my friends. It’s the happiest thing in my daily life. Second, as life is full of strife and conflict,
we need friends to support and help us out of difficulties. Our friends give us warnings against
danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow. In a word, with
friends, life is happy and harmonious. Without friends, life is hostile and unfortunate. I will never
forget my old friends and keep making new friends.
22. Do you believe in “life-long friendships”? Why or why not?
I believe in “life-long friendships” exist. I think the friendships between real friends can be
life-long. Because the real friends are always who when you need them. They are dependable and
responsible. They share your sorrow and happiness. They are not interested in what they can get
from you. They influence your development, maturity and sense of responsibility. They also warn
you when you are in danger of doing wrongly. So they are an integral part of your life. If you want
to consolidate your friendship, you should devote yourself to it. Treat your friends respectfully and
communicate with them with a sincere heart, you will receive a life-long friendship. We should be
friendly to our friends even when they are poor or in bad luck. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Real friendship should stand the test of time and hardship.
23.Do you think that frequent holidays will make people lazy? Why or why not?
Some people believe that frequent holidays will make people lazy, others take an opposite side.
As far as I am concerned, I agree with the former. The reasons are obvious. First of all, everyone
has the desire to do less and gain more. Secondly, maybe we are instinctively lazy. Among all the
supporting evidences, one is the strongest important. That is our bodies are relax all the time
during the holidays. We needn’t to finish something under stress. People live at a slow speed it
means that they can take a rest at any time they want to. In another word, it means it’s allowed that
they can keep lazy during the holiday. But, it’s true that you have to keep busy after the holiday.
You need to feed the family, study hard, or do something else.
24.Do you think longer holidays will encourage consumption? Why or why not?
Some people believe longer holidays will encourage consumption, others take an opposite side.
As far as I am concerned, I agree with the former. The reasons are obvious. First of all, we have no
time to go shopping during the workdays. But there is enough time for us to do that during the
holidays. Secondly, I believe that many people buy expensive things they need during the holidays
because they must be careful. For example, you want to buy a car, I think it’s sensible for you to go
to the car market at least for three times before you make a buying decision. It means that you
need time to do that. Among all the supporting evidences, one is the strongest important. There is
no homework, no stress, or endless work during the holiday. We can do everything we want to do.
Of course, it must be legal. Maybe going shopping is a good idea to relax ourselves. For all the
reasons mentioned, I believe that holidays will encourage consumption.
25.Some people spend a lot of money on hobbies, do you think it worthwhile? Why or
why not?
For one thing, if the hobby that you enjoy is good and you have enough money to support it, I
think it is worthwhile. Not only do the hobbies can increase our knowledge but also they can make
us feel happy everyday. Having a good hobby is of excellent meaning to all of us. For another, if
your hobby is bad such as gambling or surfing and your economy is not well-off, I think it is not
worthwhile. It is a waste of time meanwhile the huge expenditure will make your life in trouble.
26. Do you think having a hobby will affect your studies? Give your reasons?
I think as for a graduate study is not the only thing. Having a good hobby not only expands
your horizon but also improves your specific knowledge structure, which will provide you with a
better chance to find a good job in the future. As you know, our society is in a great need of the
special workers and experts. Some sports such as playing football, climbing mountains and so on
can practice your ability to work efficiently with your fellows. In a word, I think you can reap the
great benefits of your hobby. The hobby is the supplement of your studies .
27. Some students spend a lot of time surfing the net. Do you think it’s a problem? Why or
why not?
Definitely, the Internet is a huge area with overwhelming information. Some students spend a
lot of time surfing the net. Good or not? That depends on the attitude how we treat the net. As in
my opinion, I think the internet can do me a big favor in many ways. People can surf the Internet
for endless news, videos and pictures. Communication is also a main function of the Internet as
well. Friends can chat online and sent instant messages. In addition, online shopping is also on the
rise, which is considered a cheaper, faster and wider way to purchase stuff. Anyway, the Internet
has changed our life a lot. And, personally, I prefer to chat with my friends online through a
software called QQ, which keeps me in touch with my buddies. And I also use it to search
information about my major. Thus I log on some specific study websites so that I can have some
privileges. Moreover, music webs also attract me, so I visit some music webs every now and then.
The advantages of surfing the Internet is you can keep up with the world, for you can get the
information at first hand. So many people support surfing the Internet. While, the Internet can be
also used as a tool of crime, like spreading violent and porno information, which can be easily
accessed be people with little self-control. And also I know that there are so many teenagers are
always playing games in internet, they even steal money, lie to their parents. Just for games. That's
a problem that we should think deeply. So, there are also some voices against online surfing. In a
word, if we make use of the internet properly, it can be a useful tool in our daily life.
28. Do you think satisfaction in material life can make people better in moral? Why or
why not?
In my opinion, satisfaction in material life can really make people better in moral. We usually
heard about questions like that, material and moral which one is more important ,but actually that
is not just a alternative choice. Maybe, for the person who are always pursuing material well-being
life, moral is just an insignificant thing. However, for the person who are content to lead a bumble
but virtuous life, material are just nonetheless. But we do admit the fact that material improvement
can help upgrade the moral standards of our society.
Although there are some person who concentrates on seeking enjoyment and material desire of
mundane life and obtaining fame and interest by hook or crook. But for most buddies, with the
development of The times and social progress and he will no longer be satisfied with the material
life and pay more attention to the pursuit of spiritual life. So, Any society must satisfy the life of its
people's material benefits and their demands firstly. And then improve the moral standards. Person
who lived in a hunger and poverty environment will hardly to think about to promote the moral
training, own quality and so on. At last, in my opinion, although the material life’s improvement is
not the exclusive determinant to moral, it do have a positive impact on moral.
29. Do you think the moral standards of a person will affect his or her future career?
Please comment.
That's for sure. The moral standard is the guideline or methodology for making moral decisions
and it is a tool to control human behavior. Since young, we are taught to tell the truth, behave well,
and show kindness. Moral standard is created to keep the society functioning in an optimum way.
In my opinion, the moral standards will surely affect a person’s future career. The first thing I
would mention is that we Chinese family pay close attention to improving minor's moral standards,
because ethical individuals are more likely to succeed in the long term. A lot of great men set high
moral standards for themselves when they were young, which played an important role in their
later life. Only when a person has a high level of moral standard, can he be strict with himself and
achieve more in his future career. Besides, tons of good corporations place great importance on
moral standards. The higher the moral standards are, the more potential will be stimulated.
Furthermore, people with high moral standards can get along with others well. In contrast,
Intelligent folks who have low moral standards can never succeed. In fact, no matter what an
occupation a man pursue, he needs moral standards to win the trust of others and to guide his way
in order to better serve the society. So it's no exaggeration to say that the moral standards of a
person will definitely affect his or her future career.
30. Comment on the impact of one-child policy of Chinese government on the growth of
The dispute on China's one child policy seems to have never ended since it was introduced in
1979 when the government realized the problem of the rapid growth of population and finally
determined to take measures to change the situation thoroughly. China is the most populous
country in the world. Now the one child policy is acting effectively on changing the condition
which has lasted for centuries. Economically speaking, the one child policy is saving a lot of
human resources for the overall economic development. Accompanied with the emphasis on
education, great accomplishment has been made in improving the quality of people, which has
never been achieved by any other country. However, each coin has two sides. One child policy is
no exception. To start with, it will bring about some potential disadvantages to the child. With one
child, all the family members will give their love and concern to the child only. It's likely that the
only child will be spoiled by the excessive attention and care. Next, the family is at the risk of
being discouraged. Suppose that if the family has concentrated all their hopes to the only child who
is handicapped, it's likely that the family will be disappointed. Finally, one child policy isn't so
good if we take into account the long-run development of our society. There's a proverb goes like
this" The next generation is the hope of our society". If the majority of the next generation have
been spoiled or self-centered, how can we have a prosperous society? To sum up, as far as I am
concerned, the advantages of one child policy far outweigh its disadvantages if we adopt it
properly. That's to say, if parents take proper measures to show their love to the only child as well
as educate him or her, we will benefit a lot from it!
31.What kind of qualifications do you think a person should possess to be a successful
To be a successful manager is not an easy thing. If he/she want to achieve success, he/she
should possess some kinds of good qualifications.
Here I list three main qualifications a successful manager should possess. Firstly, the manager
should have the ability of dealing with all problems and every-day affairs in his/her company. This
requires the manager to known well of the industry which his/her company belongs to. For
example, a manager of an EX & IM Corporation should grasp the commodity circulation process
well so that to find which section goes wrong and then resolve its problems timely and efficiently.
Secondly, the manager should have strategic perspectives of the related field. In order to be
competent for his/her work, he/she must knowing the company’s history record, present business
circumstance and then try to predict its future. Only if the manager has such qualifications, he/she
could lead the company in a right way. Then the firm will survive in the fierce competition and
he/she is thought of succeeding in his/her career. Thirdly, strong psychological diathesis is
important for a manager’s success. He/she should not be elated by success nor disturbed by failure.
Every time the firm goes down, he/she could think calmly and take measures timely to resolve
problems rather than give up. Many other good qualities, such as positive 、
persistent、brave、diligent、enthusiastic and so on ,are all necessary for a manager to reach his/her
goal and eventually attain success. That is all. Thanks your patient listening!
32. Do you think people’s ability in language is important? Why or why not?
Yes, I think language ability is important for people. I will list the reasons from three aspects in
the following statements. Firstly, language is a necessity in daily life communication. People from
different places exchange ideas with each other using language. With he help of language, enemies
will become friends, strangers will become acquaintances, and friends will become relatives.
Though language, you can realize what kind of people the opposite side is and let others known
you better. Living in the society, language enables people to understand other peoples and their
cultures thus removing prejudice and hostility. Secondly, you need language to do better in your
work. Excellent language helps you to be qualified to your position. Take a sales representative as
an example, introducing his/her products fluently and clearly to the customers is one crucial step,
because this will determine his/her sales volume thus salary. Sending e-mails is usual in work, if
you are lack of the language ability to organize your letter’s contents vividly and persuasively, you
maybe in the risk of losing your customer. Thirdly, language plays a key role in people’s study
process, particularly for the students at school. We students use language to communicate with
classmates、teachers and social people in order to
broaden our eyesight. Reading related professional books requires us to have a well-founded
language background. Especially, if you are good at a foreign language, such as English, you can
get advanced technologies and skills from the USA by reading English books or communicate with
Americans. Assume that people live in the word without language, what will happen? I can’t
imagine that! That is all! Thanks for your listening!
33. What do you think you can learn from a talk show?
A talk show is a television or radio program where one person (or group of people will discuss
various topics put forth by a talk show host. Sometimes, talk shows feature a panel of guests,
usually consisting of a group of people who are learned or who have great experience in relation to
whatever issue is being discussed on the show for that episode. Other times, a single guest
discusses their work or area of expertise with a host or co-hosts. A call-in show takes live phone
calls from callers listening at home, in their cars, etc.
34.Comment on the role of Chinese language in international communication.
Well, it is a meaningful question for me to answer. There are various TV shows such as soap
opera, talent show, game show, fashion show and other similar things. However, what’s my
favorite is talk show.
As my started, I should give a definition of talk show. Talk show is a program during which well-
known people discuss a topic or answer questions from viewers or listeners. Going to my next
point what I can learn from talk show. Firstly, watching talk show, I feel relax and have fun from it.
Besides, people maybe express their views directly and frankly in the shows. Impressed by some
pretty touching scenes, I could get a lot of inspiration from talk shows. In addition to what I’ve just
said, this program will invite some celebrities whom we are familiar with. It provides us with a
platform to discover their hidden side which is different from what we saw on the stage. At last, it
can enhance my English level and I also have learned a lot of American Cultures from this kind of
shows. Oprah's words and ideas influence public opinions, not only promote American values, but
also spread to many countries worldwide, as a sign of U.S. popular culture。 Finally then, if there’s
time, I can make a conclusion. As what I just said, we definitely can learn a lot from a talk show. If
we can further our study abroad, I believe that it will be very helpful for us to adapt to American
life easily.
35.Is it possible for Chinese to replace English one day? Why or why not?
I think it is impossible for Chinese to replace English in the future. The reasons are as follows.
First, as we all know, Chinese is the most difficult
language to learn, while English is the most easy one. Therefore, English is comparatively easier
for one to grasp and learn as a communication tool. Second, geological speaking, Chinese speaking
areas are limited to China and certain South Asia countries. On the contrary, English speaking
areas are widely spread and are not confined to several countries. This situation is resulted from
history. As we all know, England is the last Empire in the world, which conquered almost 3/5 of
the whole in its golden times. Last, American, whose official language is English, possesses the
"super power" status now and in the foreseeable future. Therefore, English are the basic
prerequisite needed for a countries as well as individuals to deal with foreign issues, including
politics, economics, culture, as well as tourism. On the other hand, due to lagged economic status
of China, the fact that Chinese are not so popular will be well understood by us. What's more,
though Chinese economic now ranked forth in the world, Chinese still are not a prerequisite for the
foreign countries and foreign individuals to communicate with China because there are 200
millions people in China learning English due to its practical use now. Thus, English speaking
people can find themselves well understood by a Chinese since they are educated with English
since primary school. Only when Chinese people learn to value their traditional culture, incline to
themselves to spreading their culture and overcome their culture inferior attitude, Chinese will
have a chance to replace English one day。 (But observing from the current situation, it is pretty
hard to change.)
36.Do you think the immigration trend to USA is as popular as it was before? Please
Immigration to the United States has been on the rise since the late 1960s.After five decades of
decline,the share of immigration in the US population grew from 5 percent in 1970 to 12 percent
in 2003. But according to the survey of Census Bureau, in 2007, the immigration to the US was
only 500 thousand people, which was much less than 1800 thousand in 2006, and the number was
down further in 2008. it is the downturn of the American economy and the publish of immigration
law that brought about the decline of immigration to the US. Of course, the US is still a luminous
beacon which guides all kinds of people to come around from all directions. But the wave of
immigration is ebbing now. There are lots of reasons, and economic depression is an very
important element. People go to America for better opportunity to work and to earn more. But the
financial crisis hit the US powerfully, which causes high rate of unemployment. Thus the
opportunity to work is disappearing, so people prefer to stay at the own countries rather than to
take the risk to the US and get no job.
37.What should a manager do to make his/her work better done?
As a manager, the first thing he/she needs to do is to determine the target of the team, and to
decide what the essential jobs of the team are. Second, he/she should bind his/her staff together and
form them into a whole. If a team works like a single person and the members in it shows all of
their energy, the team will become a most efficient one. In the end ,a manager must deal with the
problems met during work times. For instance, he/she should balance the office team, motivate the
employees in different ways, encourage our employees to work hard and to be competitive.
Frankly speaking, a good manager should be a good adventurer. In order to make his/her work
better done, he/she needs to keep his/her term combat-worthy all along.
38.Say something about the reasons for the widespread use of English.
English is now spoken as a global language, with more than 70 countries using it as their
official language, and the number is still rising. Why is the English language so widespread in the
world? The reasons are as follows. Firstly, English is a developing language. English used to create
new words and borrow words from other languages. For example, English borrowed ‘flower’
‘river’ from French, and ‘tea’ ‘typhoon’ came from Chinese. If a language has a character of
absorbing factors from other languages, it could absolutely come into other culture, and is easily
accepted by people all over the world. With the development of USA and the United Kingdom, the
status of the English spoken countries was keeping on rising, and the use of English went on with
them. In the neoteric times, the colonial history of the United Kingdom gave the English language
to chance to spread. Nowadays, USA has a voice in most international affairs, so English is
regarded as a global language.
39.What do you think is the merits and demerits of playing computer games?
A computer game is a game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual
feedback on a computer. The computer game is like any other thing it has its own merits and
demerits. There are games that entail agility, linear thoughts, and that create other difficult
demands on harmonization, eyes, and the brain have been considered positive in the staving off of
such advancing illnesses as Alzheimer’s. A computer game can help with skills such as the
following: Memorizing and remembering (intake and recall of information) Inducing and deducing
(critical thinking) Recognizing patterns, solving problems, and mapping (organization and
reasoning) they also contribute to perseverance skills; socialization skills (simulating, as many
games do, headship, rule-following, and hierarchical ordering); motor skills; and assist in
assuaging the difficulties and challenges of such disorders as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
and helping elevate esteem and increase motivation and drive. Computer games are therefore
more than just fanatic models that keep people from being responsible, worthwhile members of
society, have them cutting school, see them missing work, or turn them into violent war-mongers.
But the stressing on games as culprit was focused on the violent games that reward violence. Not
once did any "expert" speak to the Middle Eastern countries where for decades they had computer
game, didn't have TV, workstations, didn't even have electricity, yet have massacred each other
from time in memorial battles over land ownership. Many learned people who play computer
games don’t use activity as a justification to harm others because they are so busy contending
online or too engaged in the challenge of beating their best levels or maybe their friends high
40.Can TV become the most important medium for transmission of a culture? Please
I think TV is the most important medium for transmission of a culture.
On the one hand, certainly those other institutions still exist, but their importance has been
diminished, and their meaning transformed through their transmission by he media. A TV set is on
for seven hours a day in the average household. That is an enormous amount of time that television
is there spinning its stories. When we're in our cars listening to the radio, or reading magazines and
newspapers, we're still hearing and seeing advertisers' messages. The spaces of our daily lives,
billboards, even clothing such as T-shirts, anything that can be sponsored, is sponsored. Media-
especially television-has become the mainstream of our culture and their influence comes form
their constant presence. Their constant talk about what family, community and politics means even
shapes what we think about these other institutions. Their power comes from their ability to
permeate and define our present social relations. On the other hand, television spreads information
in an accessible format to viewers quite quickly. When an important event occurs, the audio and
visual proceedings of that event can be broadcast in order to inform viewers of the event.
This of course requires the proper technicians, reporters/journalists/broadcasters/etc., equipment,
timing, and infrastructure that work behind (and in front of) the scenes to bring a program to the
41.Some people say that we live in a TV culture. Do you agree? Give your reasons for
your answer.
I think, today we are living in a TV culture. There are many reasons for this statement. Firstly, In
china, the average television set is switched on for between five and six hours a day, and the
average Chinese adult watches for approximately three hours. Recent research has shown that the
average child born in the mid-1990s, when 18 years of age, will have spent more time watching
television than any other activity except sleep.” Secondly, To a large degree, we are affected by TV
culture. Now, there are many movies and television shows that reflect our culture. A show or movie
must address some current societal problem or trend in order to truly reflect our life; the producers
of the show attempt to integrate many real life situations to the show. In fact, we are affected by
this situation.
42.Is psychotherapy important for the people of disaster areas? Why and how?
Yes, Psychological Treatment Following the Disaster is necessary. There are many reasons for
Psychological Treatment. First, after the disaster, some Symptoms appear, such as: Feeling of
panic, dread, horror, or terror, Rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath and so on.Second,helping the
people of disaster areas break away from torture is the responsibility of our society. One of the
most successful treatments is behavior therapy. In behavior therapy, one meets with a trained
therapist and confronts the feared situation in a carefully planned, gradual way and learns to
control the physical reactions of fear
43.Why do you think so many people prefer to immigrate to the United States of
They think that they can have a better life in the America. They hope to find a better future
considering that there are numerous opportunities for them in America. Some are escaping from
poverty financial and economical problems, religious and political reasons. Also some parents
immigrate here so that they can one day bring their children here to get a better education and also
because in some countries people have to pay for school all the way to college and most likely they
cannot afford it. However here in the American it’s free until you hit college but there is always
financial aid. In addition, there are much more economic opportunities here in the USA, the
business and taxation laws allows employers to freely operate their business the way they see best,
with limited regulations.
44、Please comment on the advantages or disadvantages of frequent job-hopping.
Job-hopping is defined as frequently switching job. It may create potential advantages, and it
can also be too frequently to the detriment of your career. Advantages Some people think that Job-
hopping provides them with a wide exposure to different work environments. By changing jobs
frequently, they have found that their networks of business contacts are wider and in some cases,
switching jobs have meant a faster way of getting a salary raise. Disadvantages But changing jobs
frequently reflects badly on one’s resilience and loyalty as an employee. Frequently job-hopper
could be seen as someone who lacks self-motivation, is directionless or prone to feeling restless at
the workplace. In addition, recruiters may not be convinced that you have gained enough
experiences and on-the-job skills since you have not stayed in any particular company for very
long. They are also worried that you may leave them shortly after they hire you, forcing them to
start the recruiting process all over again! In conclusion, changing jobs frequently can do your
career more harm than good.
45.If you were a manager, what would you do if the members of your department did not
get along very well?
Firstly,I would tell them that 99% of relationships will run into problems sooner or later.
Because all of us are only human and we cannot read the other persons mind, even if sometimes
we are good at guessing their thoughts, relationship tension can build up from time to time. After
all partnership is two individuals each with their own needs and goals, and no matter how similar
we might be, we are not clones, which leads to disagreement on certain matters. This is why
communication in a relationship is very important. Both verbal and non-verbal. Secondly. The
importance of cooperation. Cooperation is how the components of a system work together to
achieve the global properties. only in this way, can we accomplish our job in much less time,
because we all concentrate our efforts on doing something specially. If our company wants to be
stronger and more competitive, our employees must hold together. If you want your career to be
more successful, you must cooperate with as more people as possible. Thirdly, despite the
discomforts, dismissing an employee can be one of the most important tasks of leadership you'll
face. It can be an opportunity to strengthen or build a culture of respect, accountability and trust--
especially in an entrepreneurial environment--or it can foster a culture of fear and secrecy at all
levels. Other employees are watching, and how you deal with the problem will set standards or
norms in the organization.
47.How do constant and strong fears of particular things or situations affect people? Give
examples to illustrate.
There are so many kinds of fears that we have to face everyday. No one is fearless. The
problem is how to control yourself not to be affected by it. For example, some people have a strong
reaction of spiders. They can’t help crying at the sight of spiders. Some of them even have
difficulties to breathe at the moment, which is called as arachnophobia by the doctors. Some other
people feel it horrible to be in a closed place, especially when the lights were turned off. This kind
of problem can be found especially in the youngsters. This kind of problem should not be
neglected by our college students. We cannot imagine that a student will do his or her study well
when they got a serious mental problem. So we should do much more exercise to keep a good
48.It is said that successful people have better language ability than those who are less
successful. Please comment.
As we know, language ability is important daily life ability. Globalization has become an
irresistible trend of contemporary world development. Our country will be more closely linked to
other countries. Obviously it offers opportunity for us to increase our exchanges and contacts with
people who speak a great number of different languages in our life and work. The existence of
communication obstacles will block the cooperation between people with different languages. On
the contrary, it is easy for us to communicate with them if we have good language ability. So a
successful person is good at communicating with other in different languages. In other words, a
person who has excellent language ability is much easier to be successful. For example, if you
want to get a job in foreign enterprise, some interviews in English are necessary.
49.What is the role of a family in the society?
As we all know, family is a unit of the whole society. Everyone has a family which affects the
idea and behavior of a person. Further on, a family has been a big influence on the society culture,
religion, thinking mode and so forth. It has been reflected in more aspects than one. First of all, all
people in our society come from families. As is known to all, parents are the examples for children,
which have great influence on the further development of children. That is to say, if the child in a
family is qualified enough to survive in this competitive society greatly depends on the education
he receives in his family. The family education make people know the world and outside.
Secondly, the happiness of a family can prompt the harmony in the whole society. For example, a
happy family can make people have senses of loveless and kind heart, which can promote the
atmosphere of peace and harmony in whole society. On the contrary, an awful family relationship
makes a person full of fury which does harm to society on end. Thirdly, the thriving and
prosperous of our society has a connection with the family, the improvement of living standard in a
family leads to our society’s prosperity. If every family got a better-off life, we would build an
affluent society.
50.What do you think you can learn from your English classes?
English class, especially for the master's degree students, is very important and essential. It’s a
class where we can talk in English, where we can learn some slang, where we can study English
grammar and so on. As we know, speaking is vital for learning English, and must be pay enough
attention to practice. Since we are now in china, we have few chances to use English. Well, English
classes give us the platform to practice our oral English. We can have a talk with 3 or 4 classmates
in English, or even make a little speech in class, which may also show our brave to speak in front
of many persons. Slang is words that don’t mean what they are looked like. If you use some slang
properly when you are talking to American, they would feel happy and comfortable. It‘s difficult
and useful. Grammar is the basic part of every language. Despite we have plenty of classes to learn
grammar, there are still more grammar we don’t know, such as how to do a writing for application,
resume, resignation or something else. That’s all.
51. If you were a specialist or an educator, what would you do to help those of dyslexia?
Many Chinese have difficulty in studying English , especially with reading and writing . In my
opinion, vocabulary is the basic element . If you don`t know the meaning of the words , you can`t
know the information the passage even the sentence tell , you can`t write either . If your
vocabulary is OK , you still find it hard to understand what the writer thinks , then culture
difference is the cause . So you should learn some essential culture background. Most important,
you should learn to understand the habit how the locals speak and the logic behind it . That needs
patience and practice . So , just read more and think more at the same time . When you find you
feel the passage more easier , you will write more smooth as the locals do .
52.As a graduate, what kind of English classes do you expect from your university?
When I was studying at university, we usually communicated with Foreign teachers face to
face in English classroom..And this instruction form is what I expected .I think when we learn a
language, especially if we want to study in-depth case, we must learn the culture of the country.
Because Cultural traditions and linguistic traditions are the same strain, and culture determines the
structure of language. Language differences come from cultural differences. So if we are able to
deeply grasp a country's culture, we will be able to master the language of the country. Therefore,
the culture of language learning is very important. When we talk to a foreign teacher, not only can
we improve our listening and speaking level, but also can learn Alien way of thinking and the way
to express their views..This is the most important thing to language learning. and this is precisely
can not learn from books. I think the universities should start such courses.
53. Do you enjoy traditional English classes? If not, what should be incorporated into
English course? If yes, why?
All of us have learned English for several years since we were junior middle school students.
In English class, we have been used to listening carefully to the teacher and putting down the
words written on the blackboard into our notebooks for all these years. This passive way of
learning English has set a situation like this, the higher score we’ve got in the exam, the less
confidence we have in a conversation. So I would like to ask, what’s wrong with our traditional
English education. It’s obvious to see that our English course is set for examinations. And anyone
knows the circumstance is the crucial point for a foreigner to learn a language well. So I suppose
we should transplant some foreign culture into our class such as do more oral exercises and
listening, give students more opportunities to take presentations in public, give us more
encouragement to sing English songs, and share our feelings after seeing a movie in class. The first
step to learn English well is creating more opportunities to exercise. Well, I’m glad to see all these
changes have been taken in Mr. Jin’s course.
54. Does love heal better than medicine? Why or why not? Give examples.
I have heard it said that, "Love heals all wounds and wounds all heals!” well, I just don’t think
so. Love is good for our mental health, sometimes can promote our health. But when we are in a
bad physical condition, we have to take medicine to get well. Love doesn't heal everything. For
example, love actually has not anti-viral qualities like medicine, so for bacterial infections you'll
need to stick to penicillin or sulfur drugs. Also, if you get hurt badly in your body, love can do
nothing for you to feel better. You only have to take pain-killer.
55. Is nationalism good or bad for a nation? Give your reasons.
I believe that the nationalism is harmful for a country. First of all, a country's culture has good
aspects and also has bad ones. The good ones will make this country move forward,but the
negative sides will make this country go into a recession. For example, a form of nationalism
called protectionism. It is opposed to free trade, in order to promote national interests. Cultural
Conservatism and xenophobia sentiment limit other races in the nation's living space, especially
the immigrants. Second, the culture of other countries also has merits. We must learn from the
outstanding of foreign culture to supply our own and get rid of the bad ones. We should learn from
the development experiences of foreign countries in order to make their own move forward. It is
only harmful to the country that blindly rejection of other cultures.


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