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Engineering Safety
1. Standards can be regulated by ________________ or __________________.
2. Why are safety signs and symbols in place?
3. What kind of consequences can improper tool or machinery use have?

Safety Standards:
4. Failing to adhere to safety standards significantly increases _____________ and may
invite ____________________________.
5. UL stands for _________________________.
a. What kind of organization is UL?
b. Who funds UL?
c. Who founded UL?
d. UL Certification means _______________
6. OSHA stands for ___________________.
a. It was founded in ________.
b. Its job is to ________________________________________________.
c. OSHA is part of the US Department of ___________.
d. What kind of jurisdiction does OSHA have?
7. ISO stands for _____________________________.
a. ISO 9001 provides _________________________________________.
b. ISO 14001 is a guarantee that ____________________________________.
c. ISO certification means _________________________________________.
8. GMP Stands for ___________________________________.
a. CGMP stands for _______________________________.
b. GMP / CGMP is the _____________’s organization to ____________________.
c. What is included in the FDA’s standards?
9. What is the significance of the yellow data in the chart provided? Be descriptive.
10. What is the significance of the blue data in the chart provided? Be descriptive.
11. Describe the 2010 explosion at BP Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig. What
happened? Why? What were the consequences?

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