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Would like
Want Something done

Have Someone do something
Would like
Get Someone to do something

1. Use the causative to make new sentences.

Example: John didn’t repair the TV himself

He had it repaired/ He got it repaired
-We’re not going to invest the funds ourselves.

-The personnel director didn’t screen the applicants herself.

-We didn’t write up the contract ourselves.

-The supermarket cashiers don’t deliver the products themselves.

-You shouldn’t check the figures yourself.

2. Write sentences with the words in brackets without changing the meaning.

-Oh, I didn’t cook this food. (delivered) I got it delivered.

-I have to tell my daughter that she’s capable of doing it! (encourage)
-She didn’t paint the house herself. (painted)
-I want to buy a new car. I tried to convince Tom but he doesn’t want to. (persuade)
-The policeman literally told me ‘shut up and raise your arms’. (order)
-Sue doesn’t want to continue with her studies and I don’t want to oblige her. (force)
-The boss told me to finish the paperwork ASAP. (finished)
-You can’t go swimming. (allowed)
-I didn’t want to do it but she convinced me. (make)
-Harry, don’t watch telly after midnight. (told)
3. Complete the following sentences.
Example: I had the memos typed by my secretary. I had my secretary type the memos.

The director didn’t research the matter himself; his assistant did.
I won’t show you the latest model myself; a salesman will.
I don’t bring these letters to the post office; the postman does.
The teacher didn’t answer the question himself; the student did.

4. Choose the correct words to complete the following sentences.

1 (get, make, let) I’d like to…....these letters mailed today.

2. (had, asked, made) My boss……me to come in early this morning.
3. (allow, let, want) I won’t……my children to stay up later than 10 pm.
4. (makes, requires, has) The law……all employers to make social security payments.
5. (forced, got, made) Waking up late … miss my train.
6. (made, had, ordered) The policeman…….me to move my car.

5. Translate the following sentences into English.

No quiero que vengas tan tarde la próxima vez.

Traté de convencer a mi jefe para que me aumentara el sueldo pero me dijo que no le

Juan me hizo acudir pronto a la reunión sin ningún motivo. Al final ni siquiera apareció.

¿Te gusta el armario? Hice que lo trajeran de China.

¡Me vas a hacer perder los nervios!

¿Cocinamos algo o hacemos que nos traigan una pizza?

No me dejas concentrarme. ¿Voy a tener que obligarte a callar o qué?

Juan me animó mucho para que siguiera adelante con el proyecto.

Me han dicho que no permita a nadie entrar en esta sala.

Quiero que me escuches.

Voy a hacer que los diseñadores acaben el trabajo. Si es necesario, trataré de

persuadirlos para que trabajen más horas al día.

Yo no escribí el informe; hice que lo escribiera mi ayudante.

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