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Overview of XML Data Model and

Three-tier Architecture

(1) Database Management System, Third
Edition, RamakrishnanGehrke
(2) Professional XML Databases, Kevin William
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• What is XML
– Elements
– Attributes
– Entity References
– Comment
• Document Type Declarations (DTD)
• Three-tier Application Architecture

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What is XML?
•Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language
developed to remedy the shortcomings of HTML.
• XML allows users to define new collections of tags that can be used
to structure any type of data or document the user wishes to transmit.
• XML is an important bridge between the document-oriented view
of data implicit in HTML and the schema-oriented view of data that
is central to a DBMS.
• XML emerged from the confluence of two technologies, SGML and
• The Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) is a meta
language that allows the definition of data and document interchange
languages such as HTML.
• Although XML does not prevent a user from designing tags that
encode the display of the data in a Web browser, there is a style
language for XML called Extensible Style Language (XSL).
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XML: Elements
• Elements, also called tags, the primary building blocks of an XML document.
• The start of the content of an element ELM is marked with <ELM>, which is
called the start tag, and the end of the content end is marked with </ELM>,
called the end tag.
• In this example, the element BOOKLIST encloses all information in the sample
• The element BOOK demarcates all data associated with a single book.
• XML elements are case sensitive: the element BOOK is different from Book.
Elements must be properly nested.
• The element AUTHOR is completely nested inside the element BOOK, and both
the elements LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME are nested inside the element
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XML: Attributes
• An element can have descriptive attributes that provide additional
information about the element.
• The values of attributes are set inside the start tag of an element.
<ELM att=“ value”>.
• All attribute values must be enclosed in quotes.
• Element BOOK has two attributes:
The attribute GENRE indicates the genre of the book (science or fiction)
The attribute FORMAT indicates whether the book is a hardcover or a
<BOOK GENRE=" Science" FORMAT="Hardcover" >
<TITLE>The Character of Physical Law</TITLE>

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XML: Entity References
• Wherever an entity reference appears in the document, it is textually
replaced by its content. Entity references start with a „&‟ and end with a

• The other four reserved characters are &, >, ", and '; they are represented by the
entities amp, gt, quot, and apos.
• For example, the text '1 < 5' has to be encoded in an XML document as follows:
&apos; 1&1t ; 5&apos;. We can also use entities to insert arbitrary Unicode
characters into the text.
Reference: List of XML and HTML character entity references From Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia

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XML: Comments
• can insert comments anywhere in an XML
• Comments start with <! - and end with ->.

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XML: Document Type Declarations
• A DTD is a set of rules that allows us to specify our own set of
elements, attributes, and entities.
• Thus, a DTD is basically a grammar that indicates what tags are
allowed, in what order they can appear, and how they can be
• If XML has no associated DTD, XML document well-formed
• The document starts with an XML declaration.
• A root element contains all the other elements.
• All elements must be properly nested.

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• A DTD is a set of rules that allows us to specify our own set of
elements, attributes, and entities.
• A DTD specifies which elements we can use and constraints on
these elements, how elements can be nested and where elements
can appear in the document .
• We call a document valid if a DTD is associated with it and the
document is structured according to the rules set by the DTD.
<! ATTLIST BOOK GENRE (Science | Fiction) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST BOOK FORMAT (Paperback | Hardcover) "Paperback">
]> Faculty of Information Science 9
• <! DOCTYPE name [DTDdeclaration >
– DTDdeclaration is the text of the rules of the DTD.
– BOOKLIST consists of zero or more BOOK elements.
– “ +” denotes one or more occurrences.
– “ ? “denotes zero or one occurrence. BOOK element contains a
AUTHOR element, a TITLE element, and an optional
PUBLISHED clement.
– LASTNAME is an element that does not contain other elements, but
contains actual text.

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• < !ELEMENT (contentType)>
• The special symbol #PCDATA, which indicates (parsed) character
• The special symbol EMPTY, which indicates that the element has no
content. Elements that have no content are not required to have an end
• The special symbol ANY, which indicates that any content is

• <! ATTLIST BOOK GENRE (Science | Fiction) #REQUIRED)>

• The attribute can take two values: Science or Fiction.
• Each BOOK element must be described in its start tag by a GENRE
attribute since the attribute is required as indicated by #REQUIRED.
• The default specification #REQUIRED indicates that the attribute is

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• <!ATTLIST BOOK edition CDATA "1">
• XML defines several possible types for an attribute.
• We discuss only string types and enumerated types here.
An attribute of type string can take any string as a value.
We can declare such an attribute by setting its type field to
• <! ATTLIST BOOK GENRE (Science | Fiction) "Science"
• the attribute GENRE is an enumerated attribute type; its
possible attribute values are 'Science' and 'Fiction'.
• we can make the attribute value 'Science' the default value
for the GENRE attribute

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Example XML DTDs
• Example of DTD • Example of XML based on
(project_team.dtd) “project_team.dtd”.

<!ELEMENT project_team
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
(member*)> <!DOCTYPE project_team SYSTEM
<!ELEMENT member "project_team.dtd">
(name, gender?, birthday?)> <project_team>
<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)> <member>
<!ELEMENT gender (#PCDATA)> <name>John</name>
<!ELEMENT birthday <gender>Male</gender>
(#PCDATA)> </member>
<birthday>August 28, 1961</birthday>

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Three-tier Application Architecture

• Data-intensive Internet applications can be understood in

terms of three different functional components: data
management, application logic, and presentation.

– Single-Tier
• Initially, data-intensive applications were
combined into a single tier, including the DBMS,
application logic, and user interface, as illustrated
in this figure.
• The application typically ran on a mainframe,
and users accessed it through dumb terminals
that could perform only data input and display.
Benefit : being easily maintained by a central administrator.

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Single Tier
• Drawback
• Users expect graphical interfaces that require much more
computational power than simple dumb terminals.
• Centralized computation of the graphical displays of such
interfaces requires much more computational power than a
single server has available, and thus single-tier architectures do
not scale to thousands of users.
• The commoditization of the PC and the availability of cheap
client computers led to the developlment of the two-tier

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Two- tier Architecture
• client-server architectures consist of a client computer and a
server computer which interact through a well-defined protocol.

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Client-Server Architecture
• Work division: Thin client
• Client implements only the graphical user interface
• Server implements business logic and data management
Work division: Thick client
• Client implements both the graphical user interface and the
business logic
• Server implements data management

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Two-tier Architecture
• Benefit: we can no longer have dumb terminals on the client side;
we require computers that run sophisticated presentation code.
• Drawback of thick clients
1) there is no central place to update and maintain the
business logic.
2) Security issues: Server needs to trust clients
• Access control and authentication needs to be managed at the server
• Clients need to leave server database in consistent state
• One possibility: Encapsulate all database access into stored
3) Does not scale to more than several 100s of clients
• Large data transfer between server and client
• More than one server creates a problem: x clients, y servers: x*y

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Three-tier Architecture
• Presentation tier
– Primary interface to the user
– Needs to adapt to different display devices
(PC, PDA, cell phone, voice access?)
• Middle tier
– Implements business logic (implements
complex actions, maintains state between
different steps of a workflow)
– Accesses different data management systems
• Data management tier
– Data intensive web applications involve DBMSs

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Example 1: Airline reservations
• Build a system for making airline reservations
• What is done in the different tiers?
• Database System
• Airline info, available seats, customer info, etc.
• Application Server
• Logic to make reservations, cancel reservations, add new airlines, etc.
• Client Program
• Log in different users, display forms and human readableoutput

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Example 2: Course Enrollment
• Build a system using which students can enroll in courses
• Database System
• Student info, course info, instructor info, course availability,
pre-requisites, etc.
• Application Server
• Logic to add a course, drop a course, create a new course, etc.
• Client Program
• Log in different users (students, staff, faculty), display forms
and human-readable output

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Advantages of the Three-Tier
• Heterogeneous systems
• Tiers can be independently maintained, modified, and replaced
• Thin clients
• Only presentation layer at clients (web browsers)
• Integrated data access
• Several database systems can be handled transparently at the middle
• Central management of connections
• Scalability
• Replication at middle tier permits scalability of business logic
• Software development
• Code for business logic is centralized
• Interaction between tiers through well-defined APIs: Can reuse
standard components at each tier

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Presentation tier
• Recall: Functionality of the presentation tier
• Primary interface to the user
• Needs to adapt to different display devices
(PC,PDA, cell phone, voice access?)
• Simple functionality, such as field validity
• We will cover:
• HTML Forms: How to pass data to the middle tier
• JavaScript: Simple functionality at the presentation
• Style sheets: Separating data from formatting

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• Language for expressing style sheets
• More at:
• Three components
• XSLT: XSL Transformation language
• Can transform one document to another
• More at
• XPath: XML Path Language
• Selects parts of an XML document
• More at
• XSL Formatting Objects
• Formats the output of an XSL transformation

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Middle Tier
• Recall: Functionality of the middle tier
• Encodes business logic
• Connects to database system(s)
• Accepts form input from the presentation tier
• Generates output for the presentation tier
• • We will cover
• CGI: Protocol for passing arguments to programs running
at the middle tier
• Application servers: Runtime environment at the middle
• Servlets: Java programs at the middle tier
• JavaServerPages (JSP): Java scripts at the middle tier
• Maintaining state: How to maintain state at the middle tier.
• Main focus: Cookies.

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Application Server – Process

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