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research article

Barriers to sugar mill cogeneration in India:

Insights into the structure of post-2012 climate
financing instruments

Energy and Resources Group, University of California, 310 Barrows Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, 5600 Cottle Road, San Jose, CA 95193, USA

The Indian government has set the challenging goal of increasing its electricity capacity six- to eight-fold in the next 30 years in the
context of significant capacity shortfalls and a financially ailing electricity sector. The central and state governments are
subsidizing renewable energy because of energy security concerns, to promote domestic resources and a diversity of fuel
supply. International funds made available through the international climate change regime could potentially provide much
needed support to pay the higher costs that most renewable energy requires. This article performs a case study analysis of the
history of the development of one renewable energy technology in India – cogeneration of sugarcane waste – focusing on the
barriers this technology has faced in the past and now faces, and how well international and domestic efforts have worked to
overcome these barriers. The goal of this work is to lend insight into the effective structure of future international support
mechanisms being discussed for inclusion under the post-2012 climate change regime. This study finds that bagasse
cogeneration has faced layers of informational, technical, regulatory and financial barriers that have changed over time, and
differed significantly between the private and cooperative sugar sectors. Each of the programmes designed to support bagasse
cogeneration had a role to play in enabling the bagasse cogeneration currently installed, and no single programme would have
been successful on its own. Some barriers to the technology needed directed efforts designed to address the specific context of
the sugar sector in India; simply subsidizing the technology or putting a price on carbon was not enough. Where climate (global)
and development (local) priorities differ, projects that bring about international goals risk running into conflict with other more
pressing domestic goals. Interviews at mills attempting to access carbon financing through the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM) indicate that additionality-testing is a challenge to the effectiveness of this mechanism. Any
effort to exploit the remaining 86% of the estimated national potential for high efficiency bagasse cogeneration will need to
address the special financial and political conditions facing cooperative mills.
Keywords: bagasse cogeneration; Clean Development Mechanism; CDM; climate change; post-2012; sugar cooperatives; USAID

1. Introduction standards in developing countries. Given how

quickly global GHG emissions must be controlled,
There is growing evidence that global greenhouse and the wide disparities among countries in levels
gas (GHG) emissions must be reduced by a daunt- of responsibility for causing climate change and
ing 45–80% below 1990 levels in the next 50 years capacity for mitigation, the post-2012 climate
for there to be a high likelihood of preventing change regime will need to include substantial
dangerous disruption to the earth’s climate (Baer financial and technological support to help devel-
and Mastrandrea, 2006, den Elzen and Meinshau- oping countries decarbonize their economies.
sen, 2006). These reductions must be made Under discussion is the nature of the institutions
without constraining improvements in living through which such support will be provided.

B *Corresponding author. E-mail:

doi:10.3763/cdev.2009.0002 # 2009 Earthscan ISSN: 1756-5529 (print), 1756-5537 (online)
Barriers to sugar mill cogeneration in India 67

Proposals for the structure of these institutions currently stands at a total capacity of 145,600 MW
largely fall into two categories: carbon trading- (Ministry of Power, 2008). More recent estimates
based mechanisms, such as the Kyoto Protocol’s have been slightly higher, indicating a potential
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and of 5,575 MW (Purohit and Michaelowa, 2007).
global funds, such as the Global Environment The technology improves the profitability of the
Facility’s (GEF) climate change portfolio. sugar sector, which employs approximately
To lend insight into the design of such future 500,000 people (Natu and Zade, 2002), and on
support mechanisms, and the relative benefits which 50 million sugarcane farmers depend
and limitations of these two approaches, this (Department of Food and Public Distribution,
article provides an in-depth look at the develop- 2003). We examine how it came to be that only
ment of high efficiency bagasse cogeneration (the 14% of India’s estimated potential for bagasse
generation of electricity and steam from sugarcane cogeneration has actually been exploited to date,
waste) in India. It describes the development of this despite its cost-effectiveness, multiple purported
technology from its early projects through its benefits, and the numerous domestic and inter-
current capacity, at 711 MW, 14% of its potential. national programmes designed to support the tech-
It focuses on the barriers this technology has nology. This study focuses on bagasse cogeneration
faced over time, and the effects of past inter- development in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, two
national and domestic programmes, including of the largest sugar producing states in India. In
the CDM and the GEF, in overcoming these bar- Maharashtra, sugar is predominantly owned by
riers. This article examines why this cost-effective sugar cooperatives, whereas in Tamil Nadu the
technology has not achieved greater deployment. sugar sector is largely private. These divergent
The story of bagasse cogeneration, played out in a trends in agrarian development have important
complex development context interlinked with implications for the capacity of these two states to
multiple sectors of the Indian economy, offers a exploit their bagasse cogeneration potential.
rich case study for exploring the potential benefits The following section of this article provides
and challenges of international climate financing background information on India’s energy and
instruments as they are being discussed for sugar sectors, bagasse cogeneration development
inclusion under a post-2012 climate change in the country, and previous government and
regime. The major goals of the study are to international programmes supporting the tech-
provide: (1) a barrier analysis of high efficiency nology. We then describe our research design
sugar mill cogeneration based on field study and lit- and study sites in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
erature review; (2) a review of the achievements, as This is followed by a detailed analysis of the bar-
well as oversights, of domestic and climate change riers that have faced bagasse cogeneration over
funding programmes in supporting cogeneration the last decade in both the private and coopera-
to date; and (3) discussion of the structure of tive sectors, and the effects of support pro-
post-2012 financing instruments under the global grammes in overcoming them. The following
climate change regime in light of this experience discussion examines the implication of these
with bagasse cogeneration development in India. findings on the structure of financial instruments
Efficient bagasse cogeneration in India has been under the post-2012 climate regime.
ranked among the highest for its potential for cost-
effective emissions reductions and other develop-
ment and environmental benefits (Banerjee, 2006; 2. Background
Smouse et al., 1998). India’s sugar industry com-
petes with Brazil for being the largest in the world 2.1. India’s energy sector
and has the potential of contributing 5000 MW to
the country’s electricity grid (Ministry of New and The potential benefits of increasing the imple-
Renewable Energy, 2008; Natu, 2005), which mentation of bagasse cogeneration can be


68 Haya, Ranganathan and Kirpekar

understood in the context of India’s rapidly India’s power sector is severely financially con-
growing, predominantly coal-based power strained. Most state electricity boards (SEBs) are
supply. The combined impacts of urbanization, functioning at substantial losses, and have experi-
population growth and economic liberalization enced a spiralling decline in their financial stand-
in the 1990s increased electricity consumption ing and the quality of electricity they provide.
by five times from 1980 to 2003 (Energy Infor- Since the 1970s, high industrial tariffs have cross-
mation Administration, 2007). There continues subsidized low tariffs paid by residential custo-
to be a considerable demand–supply gap as well mers and in the agriculture sector and helped
as poor quality of supply (low voltage and grid cover large transmission losses. Over time, indus-
instability), and substantial transmission and dis- trial customers started to install dedicated genera-
tribution losses and theft are estimated to be tors which they found to be more reliable and
greater than 40% of power generation (Planning cost-effective than grid electricity with its fre-
Commission of the Government of India, 2006). quency fluctuations and brownouts and black-
In order to bridge the supply–demand gap and outs. As these customers left the grid, utilities
to keep pace with its rapid growth in gross saw their revenue base diminishing. This wea-
domestic product (GDP), India plans a rapid kened the financial stability of the utilities,
expansion of its power sector infrastructure. The including their ability to build more capacity to
government targeted an increase of keep up with increasing demand, which further
100,000 MW between 2002 and 2012 constitut- compromised the quality of the power they pro-
ing a doubling in capacity (Ministry of Power, duced. With the resulting decline in the
2005) of which 10% is to come from renewable reliability of the grid and electricity quality,
resources. Between 2002 and 2008 India has industrial facilities continued to build captive
achieved an increase in capacity of approximately plants to replace grid electricity and remaining
40,000 MW (Ministry of Power, 2008, customers became more resistant to tariff
Planning Commission of the Government of increases (Dubash and Rajan, 2002).
India, 2002), 20% of which is from renewable A number of reforms in the power sector have
energy.1 In 2005, 69% of India’s electricity was been underway since the late 1990s to tackle
generated from coal (International Energy these inefficiencies with mixed results to date.
Agency, 2005). In 2003, in an attempt to formalize various
In order to increase the diversity of its energy state-led initiatives, the central government
portfolio, India has made efforts to increase its passed the Electricity Act 2003, replacing all pre-
renewable power capacity. Total grid-connected vious legislation in the sector. This electricity
renewable energy capacity2 stands at around reform process involves the vertical debundling
12,200 MW (Ministry of Power, 2008), of which of generation, distribution and transmission,
wind and small hydro dominate (Ministry of the establishment of independent electricity
New and Renewable Energy, 2008). This figure, regulatory commissions in every state, and the
however, is only a small proportion of India’s implementation of competitive bidding for elec-
total resource potential in renewable energy. tricity contracts.
Overseeing the various policy incentives for
renewable energy is the Ministry for New and
Renewable Energy (MNRE, and until recently 2.2. Sugar sector and cogeneration
called the Ministry for Non-Conventional technology
Energy Sources or MNES). Its activities include,
among other things, coordinating demonstration India’s sugar sector competes with Brazil’s as the
programmes, collecting and compiling resource largest in the world, and is the second largest
data, and offering various tax, custom duty and agriculture-based industry in India, after textiles
capital and interest subsidy benefits. (Natu and Zade, 2002). A majority of its


Barriers to sugar mill cogeneration in India 69

production is destined for domestic markets that the crop is harvested at its peak, while there
(FAO, 2003 in WADE, 2004). India has over 500 is a steady and adequate supply of raw material
sugar mills, 95% of which are located in nine to the factory (Attwood, 1992). Given its lesser
states (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and Haryana efficiency, the reasons why the cooperative
in the north, Maharashtra and Gujarat in the system is still dominant in sugar production in
west, and Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kar- India are rooted in colonial history. Unlike colo-
nataka in the south). India’s sugar sector is very nial expansion in the New World, British policy
heterogeneous. Mill size ranges from 500 to did not involve expropriating large amounts of
10,000 tonnes crushed per day (TCD), with an land from the Indian peasantry to cultivate
average capacity of 3,300 TCD (Tuteja Commit- sugar (Attwood, 1992).
tee, 2004). However, small mills with a capacity As a means of meeting their factory needs for
of less than 2,500 TCD are considered less effi- electricity and steam, and of disposing of the
cient and less economically viable than larger large quantities of bagasse (fibrous waste) left
mills. Recognizing this, the central government over after processing sugar cane, sugar mills all
issued a mandate that only factories of above around the world burn bagasse in boilers to
2,500 TCD would receive new licences. The gov- produce both steam and power. In the 1960s, effi-
ernment also provided additional incentives for cient bagasse cogeneration was pioneered in
mills that undertook expansion projects (i.e. for Mauritius and Hawaii. The implementation of
those mills that wanted to expand from 1,250 higher pressure (60 bar and higher) and higher
TCD to 2,500 TCD and beyond). However, temperature (450 8C and higher) boilers, and cor-
many mills established between 1950 and 1980 responding turbines allowed the more efficient
are smaller in size and use outdated technology. burning of bagasse with export of electricity to
Approximately 60% of India’s sugar sector is the grid. Today, a minority of mills around the
owned and run by farmers through cooperatives, world export surplus power to the grid via more
a situation that is unique to the country, while efficient, high temperature, high-pressure
private sugar mills in India are the second boilers. For instance, Mauritius, an island
largest producer. As with other agricultural coop- country with very little fossil fuel reserves,
eratives in the developed and developing world, meets 8% of its electricity demand through
in the sugar cooperative system in India individ- sugar cane waste alone (Deepchand, 2001)
ual landowning farmers are also shareholders in In order to maximize the use of steam for elec-
the sugar factory. Between 10,000 and 50,000 tricity generation, steam drives are replaced with
farmers belong to a single cooperative. Farmers electrical drives, ensuring more power from the
deliver cane to the factory during the crushing same amount of bagasse. Bagasse cogeneration
season, and theoretically have a say in the func- also creates incentives for increased mill effi-
tioning of the cooperative through their vote. ciency to maximize the electricity available for
Revenue earned from sugar sales are redistributed export to the grid. Since most cooperative mills
to farmer-members in the form of a sugarcane have outdated inefficient technology, a consider-
price (Ranganathan, 2005). The cooperative able amount of investment must be made.3 Even
system generally suffers from poorer coordi- though both the low efficiency and high effi-
nation and is therefore less efficient than the ciency cogeneration of bagasse can technically
plantation system most common in other sugar- be considered bagasse cogeneration, in this
producing countries such as Brazil. This is paper the term ‘bagasse cogeneration’ refers to
because the timing for harvesting and crushing the high efficiency technology.
sugar cane is crucial, and should be done when The sugar industry is well suited for cogenera-
the sucrose content in the cane is at peak matur- tion for several reasons: (1) the continuous man-
ity. Hence, there must be coordination among ufacturing process of sugar (as opposed to a
many small sugar farmers and the sugar mill so batch process) is useful for continuous electricity


70 Haya, Ranganathan and Kirpekar

generation; (2) sugar processing requires only TABLE 1 Summary of largest programmes that have
low-pressure steam, making higher pressure supported bagasse cogeneration in India
steam available for electricity generation; and Funding institution Type of support provided
(3) decentralized sources of electricity supply
Ministry of Interest subsidy, capital
reduce efficiency losses on state grids. Bagasse
Non-Conventional Energy subsidy, tax benefits,
cogeneration produces net zero emission of
Sources (MNES) workshops, pilot projects in the
carbon dioxide, since the carbon released as CO2
cooperative sector and lower
when bagasse is combusted, was taken out of
customs duty for importing
the atmosphere through photosynthesis.
US Agency for International Up to 10% equity contribution
2.3. Support for bagasse cogeneration in India Development (USAID) for nine demonstration projects,
trainings, workshops,
In India, interest in high efficiency bagasse cogen- newsletter and outreach
eration started in the 1980s when the supply of activities
electricity started falling short of demand. Since Indian Renewable Energy Multilateral lines of credit for
high efficiency bagasse cogeneration has been Development Agency renewable energy development
perceived as an attractive technology both in (IREDA) provided through IREDA from
terms of its potential to produce carbon neutral international and bilateral
electricity as well as its economic benefits to the finance institutions. The Asian
sugar sector, a number of domestic and inter- Development Bank (ADB)
national programmes were launched to support provided funds dedicated for
the dissemination of this technology, the largest bagasse cogeneration
of which are listed in Table 1 and described below. Clean Development A project-based carbon
Mechanism (CDM) offsetting programme
established under the Kyoto
2.3.1. Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy
Sources (MNES)
Global Environmental Project under preparation to
The national programme on Promotion of
Facility (GEF) provide creative financing to
Biomass Power/Bagasse Based Cogeneration was
cooperative mills
launched in 1992. It involved demonstration pro-
jects specifically in the cooperative/state sugar
sector, as well as biomass resource assessment
studies, training and assistance to states in formu- services, such as biomass resource assessments
lating their power purchase policies. In 1994, and funding for bagasse cogeneration workshops
MNES expanded its bagasse programme by offer- and prefeasibility studies. Jawahar SSK, a coopera-
ing capital and interest subsidies, research and tive sugar factory in Maharashtra and one of the
development support, accelerated depreciation nine mills visited for this study, was one of
of equipment (e.g. boilers, turbines, waste heat MNES’s pilot projects.
recovery systems), a five-year income tax
holiday and excise and sales tax exemptions.
Capital subsidy for cogeneration projects in the 2.3.2. USAID Alternative Bagasse Cogeneration
cooperative/public sector sugar mills were Rs. Project
3.5 – 4.5 million/MW ($0.87 – 1.1 million/MW) A major source of international funding for bagasse
depending on the level of pressure of the boiler. cogeneration has been the United States Agency
Interest subsidies for commercial biomass power for International Development (USAID). Comple-
projects were 1 –3% depending on the pressure menting the Indian government’s efforts through
of the boiler. MNES also offered a range of other the 1990s, USAID carried out an initiative from


Barriers to sugar mill cogeneration in India 71

1994–2003 called the Greenhouse Gas Pollution ‘flexibility mechanisms’ established under the
Project (GEP) with a special component for Kyoto Protocol, creating flexibility in how
bagasse cogeneration (the Alternative Bagasse industrialized countries can meet their Kyoto
Cogeneration or ABC component). This project targets. A project that is successfully registered
built on prior work by the USAID in the late under the CDM is allowed to generate carbon
1980s in which a series of feasibility studies asses- credits periodically according to a defined meth-
sing the potential for bagasse cogeneration were odology for estimating emissions reductions
carried out. Nine mills were chosen as demon- from that project type. In September 2008, India
stration projects and were screened for their finan- hosted 356 registered CDM projects, just under
cial viability. The criteria were that the mills had to one-third of the global total, with an additional
have a capacity above 2500 TCD, and had to install 690 projects in the process of applying for
boilers that were 60 bar and 480 8C or above. The inclusion in the CDM (Fenhann, 2008). Of
chosen mills were required to operate for 270 these, 33 are bagasse cogeneration projects total-
days per year only on biomass. In order to elicit par- ling 534 MW capacity. During September 2008,
ticipation by sugar mills, USAID issued a request for 55 more bagasse cogeneration projects were in
proposals inviting mills to apply for the grant the CDM pipeline seeking approval for regis-
assistance. The nine chosen mills received grant tration, amounting to 1,050 additional mega-
assistance of $1 million per project (or 10–20% of watts if all are built.
the project cost). Another component of this
project involved a series of trainings and work-
2.3.5. Global environment facility (GEF)
shops, a quarterly newsletter and outreach efforts
The GEF was established in 1992 to support activi-
to inform Indian sugar mills of the possibility of
ties in developing countries that have positive
exporting electricity to the grid. Two mills visited
benefits on global environmental problems. The
in this study, TA Sugars and EID Parry, were
GEF funds the ‘incremental costs’ of activities
USAID demonstration projects.
with global environmental benefits, that is, the
additional costs of performing a sustainable
2.3.3. Asian Development Bank (ADB) activity over the costs of a convention project.
ADB is one of several international finance The GEF also provides technical assistance
institutions that extend lines of credit to the grants (for instance, it has provided $5 million
Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency to IREDA). Country or state governments apply
(IREDA) for loans for biomass cogeneration, for GEF funds by submitting project proposals.
some with portions reserved for bagasse cogen- The GEF has initiated a project, entitled ‘Remov-
eration. A loan to IREDA from ADB contains a ing Barriers to Biomass Power Generation in
portion specifically dedicated to supporting India’, part of which is aimed at developing a
bagasse cogeneration projects, and in 2004 had model for overcoming the financial barriers
supported 130 MW of the technology. specific to bagasse cogeneration in cooperative
mills in India. During the time this study was con-
ducted this GEF project was still in its planning
2.3.4. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
Under the Kyoto Protocol the primary mechan-
ism involving developing countries in emissions
reducing activities is the CDM. The CDM is a 3. Study design and methods
project-based emissions trading mechanism that
allows industrialized countries to fund emissions This research, primarily conducted in 2004,
reducing projects in developing countries and use involved visits to nine sugar mills in Maharashtra
the resulting carbon credits towards their own and Tamil Nadu (see Table 2), review of project
domestic targets. The CDM is one of several documentation from the support programmes


72 Haya, Ranganathan and Kirpekar

TABLE 2 Sugar mills visited multilateral agencies that were in charge of

Name of mill Ownership Installed External funding
implementing renewable energy and/or climate
and location type capacity in source(s) in
change funding programmes, energy consulting
2004 (MW) 2004
firms and research institutions in New Delhi,
Pune, Chennai and Bangalore.
Ajinkyatara Cooperative – –
Baramati Cooperative – – 4. Barrier analysis and evaluation of support
Hutatma Cooperative – – programmes
Jawahar Cooperative 25.5 MNES
Pravara Cooperative – – When high efficiency bagasse cogeneration was
Tamil Nadu first introduced in India in the early 1990s,
Chengalryan State-owned – – several informational, technical and regulatory
EID Parry Private 24.5 USAID, MNES/ barriers prevented the rapid uptake of the new
IREDA technology. Mill owners and managers were
Rajshree Private 15 None largely unaware of the technology, and did not
Sugars have the technical expertise needed to
TA Sugars Private 110 USAID, MNES/ implement it. Also, the lack of regulatory struc-
IREDA, tures ensuring evacuation of the electricity from
proposed CDM the mill and payment for it was a major obstacle
to the technology (Smouse et al., 1998). By the
time this study was conducted in 2004, mill
owners and managers knew about the technology
analysed, and interviews with individuals
and its benefits, and had access to the substantial
involved in various aspects of the development
technical expertise that had been gained in the
of efficient bagasse cogeneration projects. The
country. However, regulatory uncertainties were
nine sugar mills chosen comprised five coopera-
still a substantial barrier, and the poor financial
tive mills in Maharashtra, three private mills in
conditions that had overcome both the sugar
Tamil Nadu and one state-owned mill in Tamil
and power sectors made the high capital costs
Nadu. We selected mills with varying situations
required to implement the technology even
in terms of stage of implementing bagasse cogen-
harder to access. Moreover, the cooperative
eration, financial standing and size. In Maharash-
sugar sector, comprising 60% of the total sugar
tra, we interviewed one mill that had successfully
production in India, faced additional financial
upgraded its boilers to enable high efficiency
problems due to their institutional structure,
cogeneration through financial support from
and today these problems present the most sig-
MNES, and five mills that had not yet done so.
nificant challenge to scaling up bagasse cogenera-
In Tamil Nadu, we visited three private mills –
tion. In the following sections we trace these
all of which had installed cogeneration – and
shifts and discuss how well various international
one state-owned mill that had not as yet. We
and domestic programmes have addressed these
visited several highly profitable mills and loss-
making mills running for only a fraction of the
crushing season. In each of these sites, we con-
ducted interviews with senior management and 4.1. Informational and technical barriers
engineers, and technicians in charge of the
mill’s everyday operations. Prominent early barriers to the use of highly effi-
We interviewed individuals working on cient bagasse cogeneration were informational
bagasse cogeneration from the Indian govern- and technical. Sugar mill owners and managers
ment, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), were largely unaware of the technology. Nor did


Barriers to sugar mill cogeneration in India 73

they have experience working with high-pressure year thereafter, making it $0.067/kWh in 2002.
boilers, which involve a higher level of expertise MNES also issued guidelines for wheeling and
and skill to run than do low-pressure boilers. banking of power from distributed generators.
The demonstration projects, trainings, work- Based on this, several states independently
shops, newsletters and outreach from both the announced policies for electricity purchase from
USAID and the MNES programmes are considered bagasse cogenerators.
highly successful at overcoming the informa- Several sugar mill owners report that state elec-
tional barriers and lessening the technical bar- tricity boards have historically not been credit-
riers. A decade after the USAID project started in worthy, which makes project developers and
1995, mill owners in India were widely aware of lenders cautious about investing in bagasse
the practice of cogeneration with export to the cogeneration. Many interviewees for this study
grid. Demonstration projects proved that the recalled stories that state electricity boards in
technology was cost-effective, and technical various states lowered the tariffs to bagasse cogen-
information was available to mills considering eration facilities mid-contract, failed to make
implementing the technology. payments for six months to a year, or reneged
One problem with the USAID programme was on contracts altogether. For instance, the tariff
that its knowledge transfer component (e.g. guidelines for cogenerated power issued by the
newsletters such as Cane Cogen India, other pub- Maharashtra electricity regulatory commission,
lications, workshops, etc.) did not sufficiently faced considerable resistance by the state utility
reach out to cooperatives. Published materials on the grounds that they did not strictly ‘need’
were predominantly in English, but most coop- the power from sugar mills. They insisted on com-
erative leaders are not educated in English. pensation by the government for the higher
Many of the study tours (e.g. to Mauritius) also tariffs they were being required to pay (Deo,
required hefty participation fees that coopera- 2004). This initial resistance on the part of the
tives could not pay.4 In addition, though many Maharashtra State Electricity Board resulted in
mills in India expressed interest in being a the delaying of the first cooperative bagasse
USAID demonstration project in response to cogeneration project in Maharashtra,5 and in
calls for applications, not one of the applicants turn dissuaded other cooperatives from installing
was a cooperative mill. bagasse cogeneration since they believed that
they would not be guaranteed a buyer for the elec-
tricity they generated. It was generally under-
4.2. Regulatory barriers stood that the reason for these regulatory
problems was that state electricity boards,
A persistent barrier to the dissemination of already functioning at substantial losses, resisted
bagasse cogeneration was regulatory uncertainty. purchasing power from independent power gen-
At the time that the technology was first being erators, especially at supportive rates they
introduced in India, regulations had not yet deemed excessively high. Experiences with
been put in place ensuring that excess electricity broken contracts, lowered tariffs and delayed pay-
produced by sugar mills would be purchased by ments added substantially to the perceived risk of
state electric utilities or defining the terms and bagasse cogeneration by mill owners and lending
tariffs under which it would be purchased. In banks.
1994, MNES issued guidelines to state electric The prospects of overcoming regulatory bar-
utilities to purchase power from local generators riers are favourable. The Maharashtra electricity
at avoided costs, plus a 50% contribution to regulatory commission, established in the
grid connection costs (WADE, 2004). The tariff process of power sector restructuring, has made
prescribed by MNES was $0.049/kWh for 1994 – the state electricity board more accountable.
1995 with a 5% compounding escalation per Due to this, state electricity boards are less likely


74 Haya, Ranganathan and Kirpekar

to rescind their power purchase agreements with investment of only 10 million rupees.6 Sugar
bagasse cogeneration mills. Furthermore, the mills are often successful at attracting the requisite
Electricity Act 2003 allows for open access to the finance for these small projects, but bagasse
grid. At least one private company (Indal Ltd) cogeneration requires an order of magnitude
has been allowed open access to the Karnataka investment that banks are not willing to risk in
state grid. This would give sugar mills the oppor- this industry.7
tunity to sell power to customers directly, while In 2004, most of the mills that had
they would only pay wheeling charges to the implemented bagasse cogeneration were large
state electricity board. private sector mills. Some were owned by large
multifaceted companies such as EID Parry, a well-
4.3. Financial barriers known company that produces a range of known
products of which sugar was only one. Banks are
In 2003 –2004, drought in major sugar producing likely to fund a bagasse cogeneration plant at
states led to low capacity utilization in sugar such a company because of the financial standing
mills. In the same year, the price of sugar of the company, even if they are not familiar with
reached a low point in part due to low global the sugar sector or the technology. Smaller lesser
sugar prices. These conditions together led to a known mills had a much harder time finding
serious financial crunch in the sugar industry debt. By 2004, the poor condition of the sugar
for both private and cooperative mills. sector, compounded by the poor condition of the
Early implementers of bagasse cogeneration, electricity sector and the increased regulatory
including the nine mills participating in USAID’s uncertainty this brought, made the sugar sector
pilot programme, had proved bagasse cogenera- an even riskier investment, and made it even
tion to be a profitable technology – especially in more challenging for mills to access financing.
that it provided benefits beyond the sale of sugar Each of the support programmes discussed in
alone. At EID Parry and TA Sugars, two of the this article had a role to play in helping some
USAID pilot projects, the sale of electricity to the mills gain access to the investment capital
grid provided a steady flow of revenue. Electricity needed to implement bagasse cogeneration.
production is viewed as a major revenue source at MNES’s guidance to states to implement pre-
these mills, and a more stable revenue source ferential tariffs, and various tax and other
than sugar production whose price and yield fluc- benefits, supported the cost-effectiveness of the
tuates. Electricity is treated as one of their technology. However, these policies were not
primary businesses. In the context of low sugar always carried out by states or the federal govern-
prices and drought, electricity production for sale ment, introducing substantial risk that under-
to the grid has provided enough additional mined the incentives these programme were
revenue to keep some mills out of bankruptcy. designed to create. In addition to the problems
Despite the cost-effectiveness of the technology, with power purchasing contracts discussed
mills that had not implemented bagasse cogenera- above, MNES has been criticized for failing to
tion typically faced a range of difficulties accessing deliver the subsidy payment for implementing
the necessary investment capital – a major the technology as per MNES policy.8
on-going barrier to the widespread use of this tech- The IREDA multilateral lines of credit enabled
nology. Financial institutions were hesitant to some mills to acquire loans that otherwise
lend to sugar mills to implement bagasse cogen- would not have had access to debt, though at
eration because of the high risk involved. Bagasse high interest rates. High interest rates charged
cogeneration projects conventionally require by ADB and other lenders translate into high
investment of Rs. 1 billion (around $25 million), lending rates to mills by IREDA of around 13%,
while smaller allied projects, e.g. alcohol distil- compared with 7 –8% from local banks.9 IREDA’s
leries and ethanol producing plants, require an positive appraisals were commonly used by local


Barriers to sugar mill cogeneration in India 75

banks in their own lending decisions, and as such been loss-making for the past three years, or are
helped developers to refinance IREDA loans running at less than 75% of their capacity.
through local banks at much lower interest rates. There are a number of reasons for the poor per-
Similarly, USAID demonstration projects not formance of cooperative mills and for the percep-
only received a subsidy from USAID, but also bene- tion that they are more risky investments than
fited from the USAID ‘stamp of approval’ from private sector mills. Their institutional structure
being chosen as a demonstration project, that creates yet additional financial barriers to imple-
enabled them to receive better loan terms. It is menting the technology. First, cooperative mills
also interesting to note that by choosing mills have historically been smaller than private mills,
with the strongest financial standing and which commonly 2,500 TCD or less. Lower crushing
were most likely to successfully implement capacity mills are less efficient than higher
bagasse cogeneration as their demonstration capacity ones, and it is costly to undertake mill
project, USAID was also choosing those mills expansion in order to install bagasse cogenera-
which were most likely and able to implement tion. Second, as stockholders in the mill, farmers
the technology without USAID support. For also own a share of the mill profits. These profits
example, TA Sugars had already invested in a are paid to the farmers in the price paid for sugar-
bagasse cogeneration plant in one of its mills cane. Therefore mills hold little capital that they
before the USAID project, and was preparing to can use for investments (Natu and Zade, 2002),
shift two other plants to bagasse cogeneration and certainly not enough to cover the level of
without USAID support. Still, the USAID project equity needed to invest in cogeneration. Collect-
was praised because of its success in supporting pro- ing the equity needed would involve a political
jects that were successful, and thus demonstrating process whereby farmers would agree to pay for
the successful implementation of the technology. the cost of the equity portion of the investment,
The GEF project was specifically designed to such as through receiving a lower price for their
address the financial barriers of cooperative sugar cane. Third, because cooperative mills
sector mills. The CDM was designed to improve are democratically run, with typical election
the financial returns from low emissions projects. cycles of five years for board members, there is a
Both of these programmes are described in more high chance of policy change if a new manage-
detail below. Despite all of these programmes, ment board is elected. The perception that coop-
substantial financial barriers still exist, especially erative mills are less creditworthy expresses itself
in the cooperative sector, as described in more in state guarantees and collateral requirements
detail in the following section. by banks (UNDP, 2005), that also, cooperatives
are unable to meet. Fourth, some interviewees
described the mills as lacking professionalism
4.4. Barriers particular to the cooperative and not being well managed (also described
sugar sector in Natu and Zade, 2002). The ‘un-corporate’
culture of cooperatives is something inter-
In 1998, 55% of sugar mills in India were in the national agencies are not used to, which is one
cooperative sector accounting for 60% of total reason they have focused on the more profitable
sugar production in India (Godbole, 2000). private mills. The cooperative sector’s poor finan-
Almost half of these mills are in Maharashtra, cial health, perception by banks and the central
and 99% of sugar produced in Maharashtra is in and state governments as not creditworthy, and
the cooperative sector. The cooperative sector their lack of equity holdings all make it difficult
has certain political and financial characteristics for cooperative mills to access the equity and
that make it difficult for them to stay financially debt needed to invest in cogeneration.
solvent; as a result, more than one-third of the Support programmes to date have done little
cooperative sugar factories in Maharashtra have to help the majority of cooperative mills


76 Haya, Ranganathan and Kirpekar

implement cogeneration. In 2006, only 50 MW 5.1. Financial instruments currently being

from eight sugar mills were in the cooperative debated for the post-2012 regime
sector (Purohit and Michaelowa, 2007), compared
to approximately 600 MW in the private and Under negotiations over the post-2012 climate
public sectors. This is despite the higher subsidies change regime, proposals for structuring mechan-
cooperatives receive from MNES, and early MNES isms which will support climate change mitiga-
demonstration projects specifically in the coopera- tion in developing countries largely fall into
tive sector. At the time of this study, the GEF project two categories in country submissions and the
was being developed specifically to develop a crea- research literature. One category comprises
tive financing programme to address the specific various credit trading mechanisms that create
barriers facing the cooperative mills. tradable carbon credits by comparing actual emis-
sions to specified baselines. The Kyoto Protocol’s
5. Discussion CDM is a project-based credit trading mechanism,
generating credits from projects in developing
Over the last decade, bagasse cogeneration faced a countries that supposedly reduce emissions. Pro-
dynamic and varied set of substantial informa- posals for the CDM post-2012 vary widely, from
tional, technical, regulatory and financial barriers. replacing it to expanding it. Another set of propo-
These barriers changed over time, and differed sals involves implementing a sector-based credit-
between the private and cooperative sectors. Each ing trading mechanism such as ‘no-lose’
of the programmes designed to support bagasse sector-based targets (e.g. Schmidt et al., 2006).
cogeneration had a role to play in supporting the Sectoral targets are targets applied to specific
711 MW of bagasse cogeneration currently sectors rather than to the whole economy, and
installed, and no single programme would have can be absolute (a defined figure covering the
been successful on its own. MNES promotional pol- whole sector) or intensity-based (such as a target
icies, including capital and interest subsidies, a per kWh produced or per ton of steel produced).
variety of tax benefits and guidelines to states to No-lose targets are targets for which the country
implement preferential tariffs made bagasse cogen- can sell credits if their emissions are lower than
eration cost-effective to implement in India. The their target, but do not need to purchase credits
USAID programme is considered especially effec- if their actual emissions exceed their target.
tive in increasing experience in a country with the A second category of proposals involves
technology, bringing awareness of the technology various types of global funds. There are various
to sugar mills throughout the country and offering ways that the funds could be generated. Contri-
technical resources and support to mills consider- butions from each country can be calculated
ing implementing it. Various multilateral lines of based on principles of responsibility and capa-
credit offered through IREDA offered loans to bility (Mexico, 2008), auction (Norway, 2008) or
some mills unable to access debt through other taxes (Switzerland, 2008). These funds would
institutions. Still, to date, support programmes then be administered through an international
have done little to address the unique financial bar- body to support specific policies, programmes
riers facing the cooperative mills due to the insti- and projects in developing countries.
tutional structure of these mills, currently the
most pressing barriers facing the technology.
Against this story of bagasse cogeneration devel- 5.2. The CDM: the additionality problem
opment in India, we explore the effectiveness and
limitations of the CDM and the GEF, and carbon It is interesting to note that not one of the intervie-
trading and fund-based instruments more gener- wees for this study mentioned the CDM as a factor
ally, as they are being discussed for inclusion in influencing their decision to invest in the technol-
the post-2012 climate change regime. ogy, or as an influence on the dissemination so far


Barriers to sugar mill cogeneration in India 77

of bagasse cogeneration in India. This is true even These interviews support concerns raised about
though 173 MW out of the 433 MW of bagasse the CDM regarding whether it is possible to accu-
cogeneration already commissioned or about to rately test whether projects are ‘additional’.
be commissioned at the time of the interviews, Various studies describe the poor quality of the
are in the CDM pipeline.10 Most of these are cur- evidence provided for the additionality of pro-
rently registered. By the end of 2007, 502 MW posed CDM projects (Michaelowa and Purohit,
out of 711 MWof commissioned bagasse cogenera- 2007) and that the subjectivity involved in
tion were registered CDM projects.11 project development and lending decisions
An important reason why the CDM would not makes it very difficult to accurately test whether
likely have had much influence on the technology individual projects would have gone forward
despite the number of projects in the pipeline without the CDM (Haya, 2007; Schneider 2007).
relates to the difficulties associated with testing As a result large numbers of non-additional
project ‘additionality’. The CDM allows industrial- projects are registering under the CDM (Haya,
ized countries to invest in projects in developing 2007; McCully, 2008; Wara and Victor, 2008).
countries that reduce emissions and use the Without the ability to test with reasonable
carbon credits generated by these projects to meet confidence whether a project would have gone
their Kyoto emissions targets. A challenge to the ahead without the CDM, the CDM can be
CDM is estimating the amount of emissions that understood as a subsidy for the activities
are actually reduced by the CDM project, and in allowed under it, with large uncertainties and
fact, whether any emissions are reduced at all. Fun- transaction costs, rather than a working offset-
damental to the CDM is the need to screen each ting programme.
proposed CDM project, allowing only ‘additional’
projects to register. The idea of ‘additionality’ is
that if the CDM project would have been built 5.3. The CDM: limitations on the barriers it
anyway, without the additional revenues from addresses
the generation of CDM carbon credits, then the
CDM is not actually enabling a project to go It is useful to ask how well a carbon trading mech-
forward and therefore is not actually reducing anism like the CDM would address the past and
emissions. A project that is ‘additional’ required current barriers to bagasse cogeneration if the
the revenue stream generated by the CDM to go additionality problem were solved. For example,
forward. Credits generated by non-additional pro- we can ask if bagasse cogeneration in India
jects, projects that would have gone ahead would be an appropriate project type for the
without the CDM, would allow an industrialized CDM if the CDM were limited to a defined set of
country that purchased the resulting credits to project types (sometimes referred to as a ‘positive
emit more than their Kyoto targets, without redu- list’), foregoing the project-by-project additional-
cing emissions in a developing country. ity test.
Surprisingly, interviewees involved with four The barrier analysis carried out in this study
different sugar mills clearly stated that they were indicates that bagasse cogeneration in India
planning to implement bagasse cogeneration should probably not be included in such a posi-
without the CDM, but were still submitting their tive list. The CDM supports projects by improving
projects for CDM approval. At least one of these their anticipated financial returns, adding an
projects has been successfully registered under additional revenue source through the gener-
the CDM. These CDM project developers seem to ation of tradable carbon credits. These additional
view the CDM as a potential additional source of revenues can make a marginally viable project
profits for projects they were already planning to viable (reflected in the investment analysis
build, and the additionality test as a hoop they option of the standard CDM additionality-testing
must jump through to access those funds. tool). Alternatively, additional revenues from the


78 Haya, Ranganathan and Kirpekar

CDM can overcome project barriers by compen- the additionality problem was thus solved, the
sating for high financial, regulatory or other direct effects of the CDM are still limited and
risks or by otherwise convincing actors to take would not address many of the barriers that face
action to reduce project barriers (reflected in the this technology now, or have faced it in the
barrier analysis option of the standard CDM past. Other mechanisms would still be needed
additionality-testing tool). to address a wider range of barriers.
While bagasse cogeneration is already cost-
effective in India, with the help of MNES incen-
tives, it is unclear how the CDM would overcome 5.4. Acknowledging competing (global)
the other barriers facing the technology. The climate and (local) development goals
additional revenues from the CDM would not
address the many reasons banks perceive that One debate in discussions about future financial
bagasse cogeneration, especially in the coopera- transfer under international climate agreements
tive sector, is a risky investment. Also in most is how climate and development benefits are to
cases, it does not directly help cooperative mills be weighed against one another. Within the
access the equity needed to invest in the technol- climate policy literature, some argue that
ogy. While the CDM involves a new set of entities climate projects have the potential to have sig-
in the project development process, including nificant synergies with other domestic develop-
CDM consultants, carbon credit purchasers and ment goals (Davidson et al., 2003), and are more
auditors, none of these entities generally likely to be successful if they also address these
involve themselves in the details of project devel- other goals (Swart et al., 2003).
opment and planning, and therefore do not This study of bagasse cogeneration suggests
engage directly in activities that overcome infor- that where priorities differ across scale (inter-
mational, technical or regulatory barriers. The national, national and local) these priorities can
CDM would not directly incentivize the outreach, compete with one another. This is an inherent
workshops and newsletters that were so import- problem with climate aid. Projects funded based
ant when the technology was first being intro- on the international priority of climate change
duced in India, since those performing such mitigation, run a risk of conflict with other
activities would not be eligible for CDM credits. more pressing local goals.
An underlying rationale for the CDM, and In areas of Tamil Nadu, due to drought and the
market mechanisms more generally, is to put a resulting high price of biomass, paper mills are
price on emissions reductions and let the market paying high prices for bagasse. Several sugar
find cost-effective reductions. Certainly it is posi- mills that have implemented high pressure
tive to change the relative prices of low and high boilers for bagasse cogeneration have chosen to
emitting technologies. The CDM could potentially sell their bagasse to paper mills and burn coal in
help mills access equity capital if their contract their new boilers instead, which would not be
with a credit buyer involves up-front payments economically feasible with the old low pressure
in addition to, or rather than, payment for boilers. Many mills are choosing this option
credits once they are generated. Some credit pur- because the current high prices offered for
chasing agreements are already structured in this bagasse make it economic to do so. Therefore,
way. Also, we can envisage that if CDM revenues projects meant to support bagasse cogeneration
were guaranteed for any new bagasse cogeneration for climate change purposes, might actually lead
plant in India, this could allow for lower tariffs, to an increase in emissions by enabling mills to
relieving the burden on ailing utilities and possibly replace bagasse with coal throughout the year.
the regulatory barriers. This situation exists as long as the price of
In sum, even if the CDM were recognized as a biomass remains high, and for mills located rela-
subsidy for project types allowed under it, and tively close to paper mills.


Barriers to sugar mill cogeneration in India 79

A second example of a conflict between goals understanding of the cooperative sugar sector
across scale is the interest of electricity companies in India.
to remain solvent on the one hand, and the Still, bridging the global/local gap is a chal-
national goal of increasing the renewable energy lenge for international funds. Several GEF pro-
share on the other. In both Tamil Nadu and jects in India supporting renewable energy
Maharashtra the state electricity boards went technologies have been criticized by individuals
back on contracts they signed with bagasse familiar with them for the lack of transparency
cogeneration and wind power plants, rejecting regarding how decisions are made as to what
MNES guidelines to offer preferential tariffs for GEF proposals are funded, the amount of time it
renewable energy while they were running at takes to go through the GEF approval process
losses. This conflict produces regulatory uncer- and the lack of accountability and oversight the
tainties that are a substantial barrier to invest- GEF has to assure positive project results.
ments in renewable energy.

6. Conclusions
5.5. Discussion of an alternative to credit
trading mechanisms: international funds This study finds that bagasse cogeneration has
faced layers of informational, technical, regulatory
The variety of barriers that have faced bagasse and financial barriers that have changed over time,
cogeneration over the last decade and the range and differed significantly between the private and
of programmes that have been important in cooperative sugar sectors. Each of the programmes
enabling its implementation to date, imply that designed to support bagasse cogeneration had a
for this technology several support instruments role to play in enabling the bagasse cogeneration
working together would likely be more effective currently installed, and no single programme
than a single instrument. While the CDM creates would have been successful on its own. Some bar-
a price for carbon emissions reductions, treating riers to the technology needed directed efforts
all projects uniformly, according to the amount designed for the specific context in which they
of emissions reduced, international funds like were implemented; simply subsidizing the tech-
USAID and the GEF are able to customize their pro- nology or putting a price on carbon was not
jects to address the specific barriers and conditions enough. This, along with the fact that bagasse
of the technology they are promoting. cogeneration is already cost-effective in India,
One reason the USAID programme was so implies a limitation to the effects carbon trading
successful is because it was developed by individ- mechanisms like the Kyoto Protocol’s CDM could
uals who had been working on renewable have in supporting the technology, even if the
energy, and bagasse cogeneration specifically, in additionality problem were solved. Interviews
India for many years. They were familiar with at mills attempting to access carbon financing
the barriers to the technology and the local through the CDM indicate that additionality
conditions under which the programmes would testing is a serious challenge to the effectiveness
be implemented and could design their pro- of this mechanism. Where climate (global) and
gramme so that it is suited to these needs and development (local) priorities differ, projects that
conditions. While the GEF project was still in bring about international goals risk running into
its planning stages at the time of this study, its conflict with other more pressing domestic goals.
intention of developing creative financing Any effort to exploit the remaining 86% of the esti-
strategies for the cooperative sector directly mated national potential for high efficiency
addresses the most pressing barriers currently bagasse cogeneration will need to address the
facing the technology. Such a programme can special financial and political conditions facing
only be successfully developed with in-depth cooperative mills.


80 Haya, Ranganathan and Kirpekar

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