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STATE OF WISCONSIN DA Case No.: 2019ML004520

Plaintiff, Court Case No.:

DOB: 04/10/1960

Defendant(s). For Official Use



The above-named defendant between March 1, 2018, and March 31, 2018, at 2400 East Hartford
Avenue, in the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, by use of force , did have sexual
intercourse , to wit: digital vaginal penetration , with NAD , without the consent of that person, contrary
to sec. 940.225(2)(a), 939.50(3)(c) Wis. Stats.

Upon conviction for this offense, a Class C Felony, the defendant may be fined not more than One
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), or imprisoned not more than forty (40) years, or both.


The above-named defendant between April 1, 2018, and April 20, 2018, at 2400 East Hartford Avenue,
in the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, did have sexual contact with NAD , to wit: hand
to breast contact, without consent, contrary to sec. 940.225(3m), 939.51(3)(a) Wis. Stats.

Upon conviction for this offense, a Class A Misdemeanor, the defendant may be fined not more than
Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), or imprisoned not more than nine (9) months, or both.


The above-named defendant between May 1, 2018, and May 31, 2018, at 2400 East Hartford Avenue,
in the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, by use of force , did have sexual intercourse ,
to wit: penis to vaginal penetration , with NAD , without the consent of that person, contrary to sec.
940.225(2)(a), 939.50(3)(c) Wis. Stats.

Upon conviction for this offense, a Class C Felony, the defendant may be fined not more than One
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), or imprisoned not more than forty (40) years, or both.

Probable Cause:
Complainant is a law enforcement officer with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) Police
Department, and bases this complaint on reports authored by UWM Police Officer Andrew Klett, whose
reports Complainant has relied upon in the past and found to be truthful and accurate. Based on a
review of those reports, Complainant states the following:
Anthony A Azenabor, DOB: 04/10/1960 Page | 2

On January 23, 2019, Officer Klett met with ND, who stated that her former professor, who she
identified as Anthony Azenabor, the above-named Defendant, engaged in non-consensual sexual
contact and sexual intercourse with her during the time he was her assigned PhD program advisor.

Officer Klett reports that ND stated she first met the Defendant in 2016 after she was accepted by the
Defendant as a student in a PhD program. ND stated that she began to meet regularly with the
Defendant concerning research required as part of the PhD program in 2017. ND stated that these in-
person meetings took place at the Defendant’s office or in his academic laboratory located in Enderis
Hall, 2400 E. Hartford Ave. in the City and County of Milwaukee, WI.

ND stated that from the outset of her academic relationship with the Defendant, he insisted on walking
her to her car; told her to be cautious other faculty members; and emphasized his role in her ability to
complete her PhD coursework and be granted a PhD. ND stated that the Defendant, whose reached
focused on sexually transmitted diseases, also asked her sexual questions and made sexual
comments, which at first she excused as being related to the research. ND stated that these comments
and questions included elaborating on sexual positions and asking her directly if she liked rough sex.

ND stated that around September of 2017, the Defendant began to tickle, pinch, and hug her, and that
he explained to her that this was behavior was normal as he had done this with his sisters in his home
country of Nigeria. ND stated that during this time period, he also began to grab her hips and pull her
on to his lap. ND stated that on one occasion around October of 2017, the Defendant pushed his erect
penis against the back of her body. ND also articulated several other times the Defendant had
unwanted physical contact with her, including in March 2018 when he attempted to kiss her and ended
up biting her lip, and when he forcefully pulled her on to his lap and placed his hand on her clothed
crotch in an attempt to rub her vagina without consent.

As to Count 1
ND stated that in mid-March of 2018, the Defendant pulled her arm and pulled her on to his lap as ND
was standing up. ND stated that he tightened his grip once he pulled her on to his lap, and that
although she struggled to get up, she was unsuccessful. ND stated that while the Defendant had forced
her onto his lap, he moved his right hand inside of her legging-type pants and inside her underwear and
put one of his fingers inside of her vagina without her consent. ND stated that she was ultimately able
to free herself from the Defendant’s grip and fell to the floor, and that as she was leaving, the
Defendant told her not to “spread lies about him.”

As to Count 2
ND stated that at the end of a meeting in April 2018, as she was turning away to the leave the
Defendant’s office, he approached her from behind and placed his hands around her torso and pulled
up her shirt. ND stated that she pushed her shirt back down, but that the Defendant then put his hands
underneath her shirt and lifted up her bra, exposing her breasts, and grabbed both of her breasts
without consent. ND stated that as the Defendant did this, she attempted to pull her shirt down. ND
stated she asked the Defendant why he did this and he stated that “you’re the person I’m in love with, I
love you.”

As to Count 3
ND stated that in May of 2018, the Defendant requested her to bring a piece of equipment for their
research to a lab in the basement of Enderis Hall. ND described this lab as a locked lab, and that it had
no windows. ND stated that the Defendant had a key to unlock the lab, and that once inside the lab, he
pushed her in to a sitting position on a bench by forcefully using his left hand to push the center of her
chest. ND stated that the Defendant then forced his right hand down her pants and digitally penetrated
her vagina without her consent. ND stated that the Defendant also pulled down her pants and forcefully
inserted his penis in to her vagina without consent. ND stated that the Defendant appeared to have
Anthony A Azenabor, DOB: 04/10/1960 Page | 3

difficulty doing this given ND’s seated position and that he asked her to turn around, to which she
stated “absolutely not.” ND stated that he then continued to sexually assault her by pulling her pants all
the way off one leg and forcing her face in to his chest. ND stated that that the Defendant was not
wearing a condom and she believe he ejaculated inside of her vagina.

ND stated that she did not disclose any of the Defendant’s behavior or the assaults for fear that she
would not be granted a PhD. Complainant is aware that UWM has conducted official investigation in to
Defendant’s conduct with ND, and through the course of that investigation, did identify a second
graduate student who was previously an assigned student of the Defendant’s. Officer Klett reports that
he did interview this former student, and that she reported substantially similar conduct, including
similar grooming behavior that included inappropriate sexual questions and sexual comments;
unwanted physical contact including hugs, tickling, hand-to-breast and hand-to-clothed vagina contact;
and statements that the Defendant “loved” this student. This student also reported that the Defendant
instilled a fear of mistrust in other factually members, and this student reported that she did not
immediately report the Defendant’s conduct for fear of being unable to obtain a graduate degree based
on his comments. The State reserves the right to issue additional charges based on any other
reports filed as a part of this investigation. This complaint is a summary and does not exhaust
complainant’s full knowledge of the underlying facts and circumstances in this case.

****End of Complaint****

Electronic Filing Notice:

This case was electronically filed with the Milwaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court office. The electronic filing system is
designed to allow for fast, reliable exchange of documents in court cases. Parties who register as electronic parties can file,
receive and view documents online through the court electronic filing website. A document filed electronically has the same
legal effect as a document filed by traditional means. You may also register as an electronic party by following the instructions
found at and may withdraw as an electronic party at any time. There is a $ 20.00 fee to register as
an electronic party. If you are not represented by an attorney and would like to register an electronic party, you will need to
contact the Clerk of Circuit Court office at 414-278-4120. Unless you register as an electronic party, you will be served with
traditional paper documents by other parties and by the court. You must file and serve traditional paper documents.

Criminal Complaint prepared by Taylor Kraus.

Subscribed and sworn to before me on 03/02/19 Electronically Signed By:
Electronically Signed By: Joseph W. Kelsey
Dax C Odom Complainant
Assistant District Attorney
State Bar #: 1056655

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