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Policy and Procedure Manual

Section 1

Jackson Bonilla
Jessica Lee
Yao Fu
Yvonne Querido
1. Introduction
The Long Beach Achievement Center (LBAC) is an outpatient Facility for
individuals with Down Syndrome in Long Beach that was established in 2004. We
thrive on serving the Long Beach Community with the most effective therapeutic
recreation activities to adults with Down Syndrome who require assists in their
health domains. We also provide leisure activities that will help implement the
therapeutic recreation process interventions; not only providing the tools but also
guiding individual through a healthy transition. LBAC has been known for their
commitment in the health and human services field and has been bestowed for
three consecutive years with council awards.

President’s Council Community Leadership Award
President’s Council Lifetime Achievement Award.

1.2 Population
We serve young adults of all genders within 18- 35 years of age that have been
diagnosed with Down Syndrome while having difficulty within their social and
behavioral/emotional health domains. The number of clients differs depending on
the intervention required for the individual; For example, a process group can vary
from 2-10 clients, or simply be one-on-one sessions. In these ones in one session,
the client receives additional assistance that bolsters our process interventions and
aims to prevent relapse.

1.3 Program Offered

We provide a variety of programs at the ​Long Beach Achievement Center. The
Therapeutic Recreation programs include services in Behavior Management, Social Skills
Training, Task Focus Process, Personal Hygiene, and Physical Programs. Other programs
provided by the facility are in Education, Psychiatry, Nursing, and Health. The TR
services and other department programs are revised every year.
The Behavior Management category of service offers the Impulsive Behavioral program
that teaches a yoga class, provides music therapy, taichi, and stretching and relaxation
classes. The Social Skills Training program provides pet therapy, musical/creative
expression through instrumental play in a variety of instruments at the facility, cooking
class, and karaoke. In our Task Focus process program, we offer art therapy, poker/bingo,
and an open mic for those who wish to express their thoughts or other talents. Personal
hygiene program are included as well for those that need tips on how to improve their
personal hygiene. Our Physical program allows clients to practice basketball, aquarobics,
golf, and soccer. A Psychologist is also on site for group therapy, family therapy, and
counseling sessions. Our Education/Tutoring program offers tutoring in school work (if
clients are attending classes), educating clients in social setting etiquette and
communicative/expression behavior, and guiding clients to their preference for managing
impulsive behavior. Lastly, our Nursing and Health program provides health-related
workshops and medical attention to all clients.

1.4 Vision and Mission Statement

Mission Statement: ​Long Beach Achievement Center mission is to improve and sustain
the overall quality of life for each individual with Down Syndrome and their family
through essential programs that promote a healthy lifestyle.
Vision Statement: ​With the teamwork of all our hard-working departments, Long
Beach Achievement Center will culturally strengthen and cultivate the client’s tools for a
healthy transition that builds autonomy and social connections which thrives for
continuous well-being.

Department of Therapeutic Recreation Program

Mission Statement: ​Long Beach Achievement Center recreation therapy department
mission is to thrive and provide clients with assistance that leads towards holistic
participate in therapeutic recreation activities which develop, support, and strengthen
varies health domains for the benefit of our clients, their families, and our community.
Vision Statement: ​Our Long Beach Achievement Center recreation therapy department
vision is to produce recreational activities for individuals with down syndrome and their
families that develop and foster autonomy, independence, provide mechanism tools that
prevent impulsive behavior and helps build interpersonal connections, while
simultaneously navigate our clients to healthy choices that thrive for prosperity in health.

1.5 Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: ​To develop the ability to manage impulsive behavior.
Objective 1:​ The client will independently identify and demonstrate one of four
of the following coping mechanism;
a. Think before act method
b. Breathing exercises
c. Pause and solve later method
d. Listen to music
That manages impulsive behavior, in one x30 min session, under the supervision
of RT, by the end of the week
Objective 2​: The client will independently select and actively participate in one
of four offered recreation activities to assist in managing impulsive behavior, once
per week under the supervision of RT, for four weeks.

Goal 2: ​To improve interpersonal communicative skills.

Objective 1: ​The client will independently identify and demonstrate one of four
preferred etiquette greetings; such as
a. Good afternoon/morning
b. Hello
c. Non-verbal greetings (handshake/ head nod )
d. Nice to meet you
For a proper interpersonal introduction, in one x30 min, under the supervision of
RT, at the end of the week.
Objective 2: ​The client will individually demonstrate polite interpersonal skill in
an x 30 min one on one session, under RT supervision, every other day.
Objective 3: ​The client will actively participate in two interactions with two peers
for x10 mins to improve communicative skills, in an x 45 min group session,
under RT supervision, once a week.

1.6 Our Model of Practice

The model that is implemented at the Long Beach Achievement is the Center
Optimizing Lifelong Health and Well-Being / Optimizing Lifelong Health Through
Therapeutic Recreation Model (O.L.H.T.T.R model). It is a nonlinear model that is being
used in the recreational therapy filed. This model aims to prevent illness, limit effects of
disabilities and conditions, promotes physical, psychological, and social health. Through
four main elements, including selecting, optimizing, compensating, and evaluation,
clients could prevent comorbid conditions, adapt to personnel changes, and enhance
health strategies that are personalized to improve quality of life. This model is supported
at our facility since we primarily consider the client's lifelong health and well-being.

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