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6 ) Put the verbs into the correct form of the past simple or past perfect. When she (arrive), he had alt (leave). 1 When we .................. (start) talking, | realised that we... 2 The film .. (met) several years ago. (already/start) when we sesstessecsues (Get) to the cinema. 3 The doctor .,..,.....-.-....-. (examine) the patient; (break) his arm. 4 The ship ink) by the time the helicopter . svee (arrive). 5 Paola ..., sateen ee (realise) that London was more expensive than she ......0....0c008 (think). 7/7 Complete the sentences with too much, too many or not enough. There are too many people in this raom. 1 There is. cetsenesseee ees food for tonight. I'll go and buy some more. seen, Sugar in his tea and couldn't drink it. 3 Don't stay in a hotel next to a disco! There's always ........ noise at night. 4 [don't like eating ..0...0.00 They're bad for my teeth. -. Sweets, 8 / You are staying at a friend's house while they are on holiday. They give you instructions and ask you to do things. Report what they said to you. ‘Please take the dog for walks” They asked me to take the dog for walks. ‘Don't pick the flowers. sol RECN pac not fo HI MONO W ES css: 1 ‘Feed the cat every day; 2 ‘Please cancel the newspapers. 3 ‘Please pay the milkman! 4 ‘Tidy the living room at night! 5 ‘Don’t turn the heating off? 6 ‘Cut the grass on Saturday;

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