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Physics 125

Course Notes
Solutions to Problems
040416 F. Porter

1 Exercises
1. Show that the total cross section we computed in the partial wave

4π X
σT (p) = 2 (2j + 1) sin2 δj (p), (1)
p j=0
is in agreement with the optical theorem.
Solution: Starting with the optical theorem,

σT (p) = =f (p; 1) (2)
4π 1 X ∞ h i
= = (2j + 1) e2iδj (p) − 1 Pj (1) (3)
p 2ip j=0
∞   h i
4π X 1 2iδj (p)
= (2j + 1) − < e − 1 (4)
p2 j=0 2

4π X
= (2j + 1) [cos 2δj (p) − 1] (5)
p2 j=0

4π X
= (2j + 1) sin2 δj (p). (6)
p2 j=0

2. We have discussed the “central force problem”. Consider a particle of

mass m under the influence of the following potential:

V0 , 0 ≤ r ≤ a
V (r) = (7)
0, a < r,
where V0 is a constant.

(a) Write down the Schrödinger equation for the wave function ψ(xx).
Consider solutions which are simultaneous eigenvectors of H, L2 ,
and Lz . Solve the angular dependence, and reduce the remaining

problem to a problem in one variable. [You’ve done this already
first quarter, so you may simply retrieve that result here.]
Solution: The Schrödinger equation is
1 2
− ∇ + V (r) ψ(x) = Eψ(x). (8)
The wave function for a state of definite L2 = `(`+1), and Lz = M
is Rε` (r)Y`M (θ, φ. The radial wave equation is:
" #
`(` + 1)
χ00` + k 2 − − k02 χ` = 0, r < a, (9)
" #
00 2 `(` + 1)
χ` + k − χ` = 0, r > a, (10)
where χ` = rR` (suppressing the radial index ε), k 2 = 2mE, and
k02 = 2mV0 .
(b) Let E be the eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian, H. Consider the case
where E > V0 . Solve the Schrödinger equation for eigenstates
q ). It will probably be convenient to use the quantity κ =
2m(E − V0 ). Consider the limit as r → ∞ for your solutions,
and give an interpretation in terms of spherical waves.
Solution: Let’s use K = 2m(V0 − E), and do parts (b) and (c)
together (hence K = iκ in part (b)). For r < a we need a solution
for the wave function which is finite at r = 0, and for r > a we
need something finite at r = ∞:

X A` j` (iKr), r < a,
ψ(x) = i (2`+1)P`(cos θ) α (1) (11)
j` (kr) + 2 h (kr), r > a.

The constants A` and α` may be determined by satisfying the

continuity conditions at r = a:
lim ψ(x) =
lim ψ(x),
∂ψ(x) ∂ψ(x)
lim = lim . (13)
r→a− ∂r r→a+ ∂r
The result is:
j` (ka) + α2 h` (ka)
A` = , (14)
j` (iKa)

L` j` (ka) − kaj`0 (ka)
α` = −2 (1) (1)0
, (15)
L` h` (ka) − kah` (ka)
j`0 (iKa)
L` = iKa . (16)
j` (iKa)

sin(x − `π/2)
j` (x) ∼x→∞ , (17)
(1) 1 eix
h` (x) ∼x→∞ . (18)
i`+1 x
See the discussion in section 9 for further interpretation.
(c) Repeat the solution for the case whereq
E < V0 . It will probably be
convenient to use the quantity K = 2m(V0 − E). Again, con-
sider the limit as r → ∞ and give an interpretation, contrasting
with the previous case.
Solution: See part (b).

Hint: You will probably benefit by thinking about solutions in the

form of spherical Bessel/Neumann functions, and/or spherical Hankel

3. When we calculated the density of states for a free particle, we used a

“box” of length L (in one dimension), and imposed periodic boundary
conditions to ensure no net flux of particles into or out of the box.
We have in mind, of course, that we can eventually let L → ∞, and
are really interested in quantities per unit length (or volume). Let us
justify more carefully the use of periodic boundary conditions, i.e., we
wish to convince ourselves that the intuitive rationale given above is
correct. To do this, consider a free particle in a one-dimensional “box”
from −L/2 to L/2. Remembering that the Hilbert space of allowed
states is a linear space, show that the periodic boundary condition:

ψ(−L/2) = ψ(L/2), (19)

ψ 0 (−L/2) = ψ 0 (L/2) (20)

is required for acceptable wave functions. “Acceptable” here means
that the probability to find a particle in the box must be constant.
Solution: The Schrödinger equation for a free particle is
1 2
−i∂t ψ(x, t) = −
∂ ψ(x, t). (21)
2m x
We suppose that an “acceptable” wave function is one which has a
constant probability to be in the “box” (−L/2, L/2):
d Z L/2
|ψ(x, t)|2 dx = 0. (22)
dt −L/2
It is readily verified that the function
2π 2 2π
φ(x, t) = ei mL2 t sin x (23)
has the desired property.
If we admit φ(x, t) as an acceptable solution, and if ψ(x, t) is any other
acceptable solution, then φ + ψ must be acceptable, since any linear
combination of acceptable solutions must be acceptable. Hence, we
must have:
d Z L/2
|ψ(x, t)|2 dx = 0; (24)
dt −L/2
d Z L/2
|φ(x, t)|2 dx = 0; (25)
dt −L/2
d Z L/2
|ψ(x, t) + φ(x, t)|2 dx = 0. (26)
dt −L/2
Then we may write (assuming Eqns 24 and 25):
d Z L/2
0 = [ψ(x, t)φ∗ (x, t) + ψ ∗ (x, t)φ(x, t)] dx (27)
dt −L/2
Z L/2
= ∂t [ψ(x, t)φ∗ (x, t) + ψ ∗ (x, t)φ(x, t)] dx (28)
i Z L/2 h 2  ∗       i
= ∂x ψ φ − ψ ∂x2 φ + ψ ∗ ∂x2 φ − ∂x2 ψ ∗ φ dx(29)
2m −L/2
Z L/2
= ∂x [(∂x ψ) φ∗ − ψ (∂x φ) + ψ ∗ (∂x φ) − (∂x ψ ∗ ) φ] dx (30)
= [(∂x ψ) φ∗ − ψ (∂x φ) + ψ ∗ (∂x φ) − (∂x ψ ∗ ) φ]−L/2 . (31)

But φ(±L/2, t) = 0, so
0 = [−ψ(∂x φ∗ ) + ψ ∗ (∂x φ)]−L/2 . (32)
Further, since
2π i 2π22 t
∂x φ(±L/2, t) = − e mL , (33)
we obtain
2π 2 2π 2 2π 2 2π 2
0 = ψ(L/2, t)e−i mL2 t −ψ(−L/2, t)e−i mL2 t +ψ ∗ (L/2, t)ei mL2 t −ψ ∗ (−L/2, t)ei mL2 t .

This must be true for all times; also if ψ is acceptable, then e ψ must
be acceptable, for real θ. Hence, ψ is acceptable if and only if Eqn. 24
holds, and:
ψ(L/2, t) = ψ(−L/2, t). (35)
2π 2
We note that the function ei mL2 t cos 2π
x satisfies these criteria. Thus,
we could also have picked
2π 2 2π
φ(x, t) = ei mL2 t cos x (36)
as an acceptable solution. Then the same argument reveals that any
other acceptable solution ψ must satisfy the boundary condition:
∂x ψ(L/2, t) = ∂x ψ(−L/2, t). (37)
 2 2π 2 2 2

in t n 2π
We finally remark that the set of functions e mL2 sin 2πn
x, ei mL2 t cos 2πn
x; n = 0, 1, . . .
is a complete set of functions with the required boundary conditions.
4. In our discussion of scattering theory, we supposed we had a beam of
particles from some ensemble of wave packets, and obtained an “effec-
tive” (observed) differential cross-section:
σeff (u) = f (α)dα d2 (x)P (µ; ∝; x)
{α} |x|≤R

This formula assumed that the beam particles were distributed uni-
formly in a disk of radius R centered at the origin in the ê1 − ê2 plane,
and that the distribution of the shape parameter was uncorrelated with
position in this disk.

(a) Try to obtain an expression for σeff (u) without making these as-
Solution: We start with Eqn. 33 from the note:
P (u; α; x) = d3 (q) d3 (q0 )q 2 δ(q − q 0 ) (38)
(∞) (∞)
T (qu, q)T ∗ (q 0 u, q0 )φ0 (q; α)φ∗0 (q0 ; α)e−ix·(q−q(39)

In general, if f (α, x) describes the beam position and shape dis-

tribution (possibly correlated), with
f (α, x)dαd2 (x) = 1, (40)
{α} (∞))

then the effective differential cross section is:

dσeff (u)
= Aeff f (α, x)P (u; α; x)dαd2(x), (41)
dω {α} (∞))

where Aeff is an “effective” area of the beam.

The effective area of the beam may be computed by requiring that
we get a consistent answerqfor a small “hard” target, of area a. In
this case, P = 1 for |x| < a/π. Thus,
a = Aeff √ f (α, x)dαd2 (x). (42)
{α} |x|< a/π

We want this equality to hold in the limit as a → 0:

Aeff = lim √ . (43)
a→0 R R a/π R 2π
{α} dα 0 rdr 0 f (α, x)

(b) Using part (a), write down an expression for σeff (u) appropriate
to the case where the beam particles are distributed according to
a Gaussian of standard deviation ρ in radial distance from the
origin (in the ê2 − ê3 plane), and where the wave packets are also
drawn from a Gaussian distribution in the expectation value of
the magnitude of the momentum. Let the standard deviation of
this momentum distribution be α = α(x), for beam position x.

Solution: We have a beam distribution:
1 −r2 /2ρ2 1 2 2
f (p, x) = 2
e √ e−(p−p0 ) /2α (x) . (44)
2πρ 2πα(x)
The effective area is:
Aeff = lim √
a→0 R a/π R 2π R∞ 1
rdr dφ dp 2πρ −r2 /2ρ2 √ 1 e−(p−p0 )2 /2α2 (x)
0 0 −∞ 2e
= lim √
a→0 R a/π 1
rdr2π 2πρ −r2 /2ρ2
0 2e

= lim √
a→0 R a/π
0 dr2 ρ12 e−r2 /2ρ2
= lim R a/π
a→0 dr2 ρ12 e−r2 /2ρ2
= lim 2 2
a→0 1 − e−a /2πρ

= 2πρ2 . (45)

dσeff (u) 2
= 2πρ d (x) dpf (p, x)P (u; p; x)d2(x).
dω (∞))

(c) For your generalized result of part (a), try to repeat our limiting
case argument to obtain the “fundamental” cross section. Discuss.
Solution: The limiting case corresponds to the beam being spread
out over a size large compared with the target, and with a sharply
defined momentum. The same arguments as in the note will hence

5. Let us briefly consider the consequences of reflection invariance (parity

conservation) for the scattering of a particle with spin s on a spinless
target. [We consider elastic scattering only here]. Thus, assume the
interaction is reflection invariant:

(a) How does the S matrix transform under parity, i.e., what is P −1 SP ,
where P is the parity operator?

Solution: If the interaction is invariant under reflection, then

P −1 SP = S. (47)

(b) What is the condition on the helicity amplitudes Ajλµ (pi ) (corre-
sponding to scattering with total angular momentum j) imposed
by parity conservation?
Solution: Under parity, the helicity λ reverses sign to −λ. Hence,

P |p; jλi = (−)ηintrinsic |p; jλi. (48)

The helicity amplitude is:

Ajλµ (pi ) = hpi ; jm, λ|S|pi ; jm, µi (49)

Under parity,
Ajλµ (pi ) → Aj−λ−µ (pi ) (50)
Thus, parity conservation requires

Ajλµ (pi ) = Aj−λ−µ (pi ) (51)

(c) What condition is imposed on the orbital angular momentum am-

plitudes B``0 (pi )? You may use “physical intuition” if you like,

but it should be convincing. In any event, be sure your answer

makes intuitive sense.
Solution: Under a parity transformation, a wave function corre-
sponding to definite orbital angular momentum ` transforms as

P ψ` (x) = (−)` ψ` (x). (52)

The orbital angular momentum amplitude is:

B``0 (pi ) = hpi ; jm, `|S|pi ; jm, `0 i (53)
= hpi ; jm, `|P † P SP †P |pi ; jm, `0 i (54)
= (−)`−` hpi ; jm, `|S|pi ; jm, `0 i. (55)
j 0
If parity is conserved, then B``0 (pi ) = 0 if ` − ` is odd.

6. We consider the resonant scattering of light by an atom. In particular,
let us consider sodium, with 2 P1/2 ↔2 S1/2 resonance at λ = λ0 =
5986Å. Let σ0T be the total cross section at resonance, for a mono-
chromatic light source (i.e., σ0T is the “fundamental” cross section).

(a) Ignoring spin, estimate σ0T , first in terms of λ0 /2π, and then
numerically in cm2 . Compare your answer with a typical atomic
Solution: The wavelength and photon momentum are related by
λ = 2π/p, or λ̄ = λ/2π = 1/p. The total cross section on a
resonance in partial wave ` is:

4π Γ2 /4
σ`T (E) = (2` + 1) . (56)
p2 (E − E0 )2 + Γ2 /4

The wavelength here is much larger than the atom, so we presume

this to be an S-wave resonance (as suggested by the “0” in the
problem statement). Hence, the cross section at the resonance
peak is:

σ0T (E0 ) = = λ2 /π = 4πλ̄2 (57)
= 1.14 × 10−9 cm2 . (58)

A typical atomic size is of order Å2 , or ∼ 10−15 cm2 , which is much

smaller than this resonant cross section.
(b) Suppose that we have a sodium lamp source with a line width
governed by the mean life of the excited 2 P1/2 state (maybe not
easy to get this piece of equipment!). The mean life of this state
is about 10−8 second. Suppose that this light is incident on an ab-
sorption cell, containing sodium vapor and an inert (non-resonant)
buffer gas. Let the temperature of the gas in the absorption cell
be 200◦ C. Obtain an expression for the effective total cross sec-
tion, σeffT which an atom in the cell presents to the incident light.
Again, make a numerical calculation in cm2 .
Solution: The line width of our light source is

Γ ≈ 1/10−8 = 108 Hz. (59)

The sodium atoms will move thermally according to a Maxwell-
Boltzmann distribution:

p(E) = Ae−E/kB T (60)

The Doppler broadening of the absorption line in the sodium vapor

cell, due to thermal motion, is

∆ν = 2ν0 (2kB T ln 2/m)1/2 (61)

= 1.5 × 109 Hz. (62)

The atoms thus see a gaussianly distributed line-width:

2(ln 2)1/2 −4 ln 2(ν−ν0 )2 /∆ν02

f (ν) = √ e . (63)
In principle, we take a convolution of this with the resonant line
shape. However, the gaussian is relatively wide, so we may ap-
proximate it with its value at ν0 :

σeffT ≈ 2
f (ν0 )Γ ≈ 6.6 × 10−11 cm2 . (64)
(c) Using your result above, find the number density of Na atoms (#
of atoms/cm3 ) which is required in the cell in order that intensity
of the incident light is reduced by a factor of two in a distance
of 1 cm. It should be noted (and your answer should be plausible
here) that such a gas will be essentially completely transparent to
light of other (non-resonant) wavelengths.
Solution: The attenuation of the light is exponential:
−N σ
I(L) = I(0)e eff L , (65)

where N is the number density. We want the density such that

I(1 cm)/I(0) = 1/2:
ln 2
N= . (66)
σeff L
7. Consider scattering from the simple potential:

V (x) = V0 r = |x| < R
0 r > R.

In the low energy limit, we might only look at S-wave ` = 0 scatter-
ing. However, in the high energy limit, we expect scattering in other
partial waves to become significant. For simplicity, let us here consider
scattering on a hard sphere, V0 → ∞.

(a) For a hard sphere potential, calculate the total cross section in
partial wave `. Give the exact result, i.e., don’t take the high
energy limit yet. You may quote your answer in terms of the
spherical Bessel functions.
Solution: The total cross section is

σT = σl , (67)

where σ` is the total cross section in partial wave `.

The problem has azimuthal symmetry, taking the incident wave
to be along the z axis, so the angular solutions may be expressed
in terms of the Legendre polynomials. The radial wave equation,
for r > R, may be expressed as
" #
00 `(` + 1)
χ + k − χ` = 0. (68)
The solution to the Schrödinger equation for r > R is:

1 (1)
ψ(x) = i` (2` + 1) j` (kr) + α` h` (kr) P` (cos θ). (69)
`=0 2

If we have a hard sphere potential, then the boundary condition

is that ψ(r = R, Ω) = 0. Hence,
1 (1)
j` (kR) + α` h` (kR) = 0, ` = 0, 1, . . . (70)
Therefore, for the hard sphere potential,
j` (kR)
α` (k) = e2iδ` − 1 = −2 (1)
. (71)
h` (kR)

For ` = 0, this reduces to α0 = e−2ikR − 1, or δ0 = −kR. This is

also the result for ` = 1.

The total cross section in partial wave ` is

σ` = 2
(2` + 1) sin2 δ` (72)

4π e2iδ` − 1 2

= (2` + 1) (73)
k 2 2i

= 2
(2` + 1)|α`/2|2 (74)

4π j (kR) 2
= (2` + 1) (1) (75)
k 2 h` (kR)
4π [j` (kR)]2
= (2` + 1) , (76)
k2 [j` (kR)]2 + [n` (kR)]2
where, in the final step we have used h` (x) = j` (x) + in` (x).
(b) Find a simple expression for the phase shift δ` in the high energy
limit (kR  `). Keep terms up to O(1) in your result.
Solution: At high energies, letting x = kR:

j` (kR)
α` (k) = e2iδ` − 1 = −2 (1)
h` (kR)
π π −i(x−` π2 − π2 )
≈ −2 cos x − ` − e (78)
2 2
π π
= e−2i(x−` 2 − 2 ) − 1. (79)

Thus, for kR  `,
π π
δ` = −kR + ` + . (80)
2 2

(c) Determine the total cross section (including all partial waves) in
the high energy limit, kR → ∞. [This is the only somewhat tricky
part of this problem to calculate. One approach is as follows:
Write down the total cross section in terms of your results for part
(a). Then, for fixed k, consider which values of ` may be important
in the sum. Neglect the other values of `, and make the high energy
approximation to your part (a) result. Finally, evaluate the sum,
either directly, or by turning it into an appropriate integral.]

Solution: We must evaluate:
2 1 X ∞
[j` (x)]2
σT = 4πR lim (2` + 1) . (81)
x=kR→∞ x2
`=0 [j` (x)]2 + [n` (x)]2
We make use of the following facts:
j` (x) = J 1 (x) (82)
2x `+ 2
n` (x) = Y 1 (x) (83)
2x `+ 2
(1) π (1)
h` (x) = H 1 (x) (84)
2x `+ 2
2 π π
Jν (x) ∼ cos(x − ν − ) (85)
πx 2 4
2 i(x−ν π − π )
Hν(1) (x) ∼ e 2 4 . (86)
Thus, with ν = ` + 1/2,

j (x) 2 cos(x − ` π − π 2
` 2 2
(1) ∼ i(x−` π2 − π2 )
h (x) e
π π
∼ cos2 (x − ` − ) (88)
2 2
2 π
∼ sin (x − ` ), for x  `. (89)
We further note that, for fixed x, j` (x) approaches zero for large
`, and h` (x) approaches infinity for large `. Let us argue that
we may cut off the sum at ` = kR on physical grounds: At high
energy, 1/k  R. Now ` ∼ kr, since ` is the orbital angular mo-
mentum quantum number. If ` > kR, then r > R, and the short
wavelength beam misses the target, hence there is no contribution
to the scattering cross section. Thus, in the high energy limit, for
scattering on a hard sphere:
1 X π
σT = 4πR2 lim 2
(2` + 1)sin2 (x − ` ). (90)
x=kR→∞ x 2

Now (
2 π sin2 x, ` even,
sin (x − ` ) = (91)
2 cos2 x, ` odd.

We evaluate the sum in this limit:
1 X 2 π
(2` + 1)sin (x − ` ) = sin2 x + cos2 x + 2 sin2 x + 2 cos2 x
x2 `=0 2
+3 sin2 x + 3 cos2 x + . . . (92)
= ` = x(x + 1). (93)
`=0 2
Hence, !
4π X 4π k 2 R2
σT ∼ 2 `= 2 = 2πR2 . (94)
k `=0 k 2
8. Consider the graph in Fig. 1.






0 50 100 150 200
Tπ (MeV)

Figure 1: Made-up graph of phase shifts δ0 and δ1 for elastic π + p scattering

(neglecting spin).

Assume that the other phase shifts are negligible (e.g., “low energy”
is reasonably accurate). The pion mass and energy here are suffi-
ciently small that we can at least entertain the approximation of an

infinitely heavy proton at rest – we’ll assume this to be the case,
in any event.
q Note that Tπ is the relativistic kinetic energy of the
π : Tπ = Pπ2 + m2π − mπ .

(a) Is the π + p force principally attractive or repulsive (as shown in

this figure)?
Solution: The phase shifts are positive, indicating a dominantly
attractive potential.
(b) Plot the total cross section in mb (millibarns) as a function of
energy, from Tπ =40 to 200 MeV.
Solution: The total cross section in terms of the partial wave
phase shifts is:

4π X
σT = (2` + 1) sin2 δ` (95)
k 2 `=0

= (sin2 δ0 + 3 sin2 δ1 ). (96)
The kinetic energy Tπ is related to k by Tπ = m2π + k 2 − mπ , or
k= T (T + 2mπ ). (97)
To convert to millibarns, we multiply by:
1 = (197 MeV-fm)2 10 mb/fm2 = 3.88 × 105 MeV2 mb. (98)
Figure 2 shows the result.
(c) Plot the angular distribution of the scattered π + at energies of
120, 140 and 160 MeV.

dσ 1 X ∞ h i
= | (2j + 1) e2iδj (k) − 1 Pj (cos θ)|2 (99)
dΩ 2ik j=0
1 2iδ0 (k)
= |e − 1 + 3(e2iδj (k) − 1) cos θ|2 (100)
4k 2
1 n 2 2
= [cos δ0 − 1 + 3(cos δ 1 − 1) cos θ] + [sin δ0 + 3 sin δ1 cos θ] .
4k 2
The result is shown in Fig. 3.







0 50 100 150 200 250
Tπ (MeV)

Figure 2: Total (made-up) cross section for elastic π + p scattering (neglecting


(d) What is the mean free path of 140 MeV pions in a liquid hydrogen
target, with these “protons”?
Solution: The cross section for 140 MeV pions is ∼ 260 mb. The
density of liquid hydrogen is 0.0708 g/cm3 . The number density
is ρ == 4.2 × 102 8 m−3 . The mean free path is thus
λ= = 0.9 m. (101)
σT ρ
9. We now start to consider the possibility of “inelastic scatting”. For
example, let us suppose there is a “multiplet” of N non-identical parti-
cles, all of mass m. We consider scattering on a spherically symmetric
center-of-force, with the properly that the interaction can change a
particle from one number of the multiplet to another member. We
may in this case express the scattering amplitude by fαβ (k; cos θ), with
α, β = 1, . . . , N , corresponding to a unitary S-matrix on Hilbert space
L2 (R3 ) ⊗ VN :
Sαβ (kf ; ki ) = δαβ δ (3) (kf − ki ) + δ(kf − ki )fαβ (kf ; ki )


50 160

dcos θ





-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

cos θ

Figure 3: Differential (made-up) cross section for elastic π + p scattering (ne-

glecting spin), at three values of Tπ .

β is here to be interpreted as identifying the initial particle, and α the

final particle. The generalization of our partial wave expansion to this
situation is clearly:

1 X (`)
fαβ (k; cos θ) = (2` + 1)(Aαβ − δαβ )P`(cos θ)
2ik `=0

Where A(`) is an N × N unitary matrix:

A(`) = exp[2i4` (k)]

with 4` an N × N Hermitian “phase shift matrix” note that fαα is the

elastic scattering amplitude for particle α.

(a) Find expressions, in terms of A(`) (k), for the following total cross
sections, for an incident particle α: (integrated over angles)

i. σαTOT , the total elastic cross section
Solution: We’ll use
Z 1 2
dxP` (x)P`0 (x) = δ``0 . (102)
−1 2` + 1
Z 1
σαTOT = 2π d cos θ|fαα (k; cos θ)|2 (103)
π X 2
= 2
(2` + 1) dx|P`(x)|2 |A(`) 2
αα − 1| (104)
2k ` −1
π X
= 2 (2` + 1)|A(`) 2
αα − 1| . (105)
k `
ii. σαTOT , the total inelastic cross section (sometimes called the
“reaction” cross section).
XZ 1
σαTOT = 2π d cos θ|fβα (k; cos θ)|2 (106)
β6=α −1
π XX (`)
= (2` + 1)|Aβα |2 . (107)
k 2 β6=α `

iii. σαTOT , the total cross section.

el inel
σαTOT = σαTOT + σαTOT (108)
π XX (`)
= 2 (2` + 1)|Aβα − δαβ |2 . (109)
k β `

(b) Try to give the generalization of the optical theorem for this scat-
tering of particles in a multiplet.
Solution: Start with the unitarity os the S matrix:
XZ †
d3 (q)Sαβ (p0 , q)Sγβ (q, p00 ) = δαγ δ (3) (p0 − p00 ). (110)
β (∞)

Substitute in our form for S in terms of the scattering amplitude

f , and arrive at:
X p
=fαγ (p; 1) = σ . (111)
γ 4π αTOT

10. In the previous problem you considered the scattering of particles in a
multiplet. You determined the total elastic (sometimes called “scatter-
ing”) cross section and the total inelastic (“reaction”) cross sections in
terms of the Aαβ matrix in the partial wave expansion. Consider now
the graph in Fig. 4.

el(l) Not
k2 σ
α TOT Allowed
π (2l+1)


0 1
k 2 σ inel(l)
π (2l+1)

Figure 4: The allowed and forbidden regions for possible elastic and inelastic
cross sections for the scattering of particles in a multiplet.

This graph purports to show the allowed and forbidden regions for the
total elastic and inelastic cross sections in a given partial wave `. Derive
the formula for the allowed region of this graph. Make sure to check
the extreme points.

Solution: For simplicity, let the vertical axis be v, and the horizontal
axis u:
inel(`) el(`)
k 2 σαTOT k 2 σαTOT
u= ;v = . (112)
π(2` + 1) π(2` + 1)
From the solution to the previous problem, and unitarity of the A(`)
matrix, we thus have
X (`)
u = |Aβα |2 = 1 − |A(`) 2
αα | , (113)

v = |A(`) 2 (`) 2 (`)

αα − 1| = 1 + |Aαα | − 2<Aαα . (114)
The constraint imposed by unitarity is that |A(`) 2 (`) iθ
αα | ≤ 1. Let Aαα = re .
Then r ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ θ < 2π gives the allowed region. In terms of the
plotted quantities, u = 1 − r2 and v = 1 + r2 − 2r cos θ. Thus
0 ≤ u ≤ 1, (115)
and for given u, v must be in the range
(1 − r)2 ≤ y ≤ (1 + r)2 , (116)

where r = 1 − x. If r = 0 then (u, v) = (1, 1). If r = 1 then u = 0
and 0 ≤ v ≤ 4.
11. In the angular distribution section, we discussed the transformation
between two different types of “helicity bases”. In particular, we con-
sidered a system of two particles, with spins j1 and j2 , in their CM
One basis is the “spherical helicity basis”, with vectors of the form:
|j, m, λ1 , λ2 i, (117)
where j is the total angular momentum, m is the total angular mo-
mentum projection along the 3-axis, and λ1 , λ2 are the helicities of the
two particles. We assumed a normalization of these basis vectors such
hj 0 , m0 , λ01 , λ02 |j, m, λ1 , λ2 i = δjj 0 δmm0 δλ1 λ01 δλ2 λ02 . (118)
The other basis is the “plane-wave helicity basis”, with vectors of the
|θ, φ, λ1 , λ2 i, (119)

where θ and φ are the spherical polar angles of the direction of particle
one. We did not specify a normalization for these basis vectors, but an
obvious (and conventional) choice is:

hθ0 , φ0 , λ01 , λ02 |θ, φ, λ1 , λ2 i = δ (2) (Ω0 − Ω)δλ1 λ01 δλ2 λ02 , (120)

where d(2) Ω refers to the element of solid angle for particle one.
In the section on angular distributions, we obtained the result for the
transformation between these bases in the form:
|θ, φ, λ1 , λ2 i = cj |j, m, λ1 , λ2 iDmα (φ, θ, −φ), (121)

where α ≡ λ1 − λ2 . Determine the numbers cj .

Solution: To select a particular cj , i.e., a particular j, let us invert
the basis transformation:
dΩDmδ (φ, θ, −φ)|θ, φ, λ1 , λ2 i = (122)
4π Z
X j 0
cj 0 |j 0 , m0 , λ1 , λ2 i j∗
dΩDmα (φ, θ, −φ)Dm 0 α (φ, θ, −φ)
j 0 ,m0 4π
= cj 0 |j 0 , m0 , λ1 , λ2 i dΩdjmδ (θ)djm0 α (θ) exp [−i(m0 φ − αφ) + i(mφ − αφ)]
j 0 ,m0 4π

X Z 1 Z 2π
0 0
= cj 0 |j 0 , m0 , λ1 , λ2 i d cos θdjmα (θ)djm0 δ (θ) dφei(m−m )φ (123)
j 0 ,m0 −1 0

X Z 1
0 0
= 2π cj 0 |j , m, λ1 , λ2 i d cos θdjmα (θ)djmα (θ) (124)
j0 −1

X 2αjj 0
= 2π cj 0 |j 0 , m, λ1 , λ2 i (125)
2j + 1

= cj |j, m, λ1 , λ2 i. (126)
2j + 1
Note that we should perhaps justify the interchange of the order of
summation and integration in the very first step above. Thus,
2j + 1 Z j∗
|j, m, λ1 , λ2 i = dΩDmα (φ, θ, −φ)|θ, φ, λ1 , λ2 i. (127)
4πbj 4π

1 = hj, m, λ1 , λ2 |j, m, λ1 , λ2 i (128)
" #2 Z Z
2j + 1 j∗ j
= dΩDmα (φ, θ, −φ) dΩ0 Dmδ (φ0 , θ0 , −φ0 )hθ0 , φ0 , λ1 , λ2 |θ, φ, λ1 , λ2 i
4π|cj | 4π 4π
" #2 Z Z
2j + 1 j∗
= dΩDmα (φ, θ, −φ) dΩ0 Dmα
(φ0 , θ0 , −φ0 )δ(cos θ0 − cos θ)δ(φ0 − φ)
4π|cj | 4π 4π
" #2 Z
2j + 1 j∗ j
= dΩDmα (φ, θ, −φ)Dmα (φ, θ, −φ) (129)
4π|cj | 4π
" #2 Z
2j + 1 1 h i2
= 2π d cos θ djmα (θ) (130)
4π|cj | −1
" #2
4π 2j + 1
= . (131)
2j + 1 4π|bj |
Therefore, |cj |2 = (2j + 1)/4π, or picking a phase convention,

cj = . (132)
2j + 1
where we assume that it is all right to interchange the summation and
integration. Since each term is non-negative (and each finite), there is
no potential for cancellations. Hence, if we find convergence for one
ordering of the operations, we will for the other as well.
Note that we have used the result of Eqn. 348 of my angular momentum
notes to obtain:
Z 1 h i2 2
d cos θ djmα (θ) = . (133)
−1 2j + 1
12. In the notes we derived the optical theorem assuming that we had a
“symmetric central force”. Show that this assumption is unnecessary.
Hint: This is trivial, except for one piece of the assumption which you
will have to retain.
Solution: Start with the step prior to making the assumption in the
i δ(p0 − p00 ) 0 00 ∗ 00 0 δ(p0 − p00 ) Z
− [f (p , p ) − f (p , p )] = dΩu f (p0 , q)f ∗ (p00 , q).
2π p0 4π 2 (4π)

Note that we must have p0 = p00 = q ≡ p. Thus, write:
i 0 00 ∗ 00 0 1 Z
− [f (pu , pu ) − f (pu , pu )] = dΩu f (pu0 , pu)f ∗ (pu00 , pu).
p 2π (4π)
Now consider foward scattering: u00 = u0 :
i 1
− [f (pu0 , pu0 ) − f ∗ (pu0 , pu0 )] = dΩu f (pu0 , pu)f ∗ (pu0 , pu).
p 2π (4π)
0 0
With the assumption that f (pu , pu) = f (pu, pu ), we immediately see
that we have once again the optical theorem:

σT (p) = =f (p; 1). (137)
Note that the assumption we retained was that the scattering amplitude
is invariant (up to a phase) under interchange of incoming and outgoing

[1] Eyvind H. Wichmann, “Scattering of Wave Packets”, American Journal
of Physics, 33 (1965) 20-31.

[2] M. Jacob and G. C. Wick, “On the General Theory of Collisions for
Particles with Spin”, Annals of Physics, 7 (1959) 404.


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