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The majority of this book’s content is taken from the book The Kybalion:
Hermetic Philosophy by Three Initiates, which is in the public domain.

The Kybalion Digest, as a book, is copyrighted and may not be reproduced

and/or sold in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including
information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from
the author.

You may forward The Kybalion Digest to anybody as long as you don’t
modify it and don’t charge for it.

Copyright © 2018 by Stefan Emunds

All rights reserved.


T he Kybalion, by Three Initiates, is one of the most

lucid philosophical enlightenment books. I highly
recommend that you read it.
When I read a book, I compile a digest, so I can return to its
most important thoughts and concepts when I need to. It
occurred to me that other readers may be interested in such
a digest too.
At the end of this book I have added some bonus material,
including the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, the description of
the One Force by Eliphas Levi, the Hymn of Creation, etc.
This material sheds additional light on the subjects of the

T he principles of truth are seven. He who knows and

understands these, possesses the magic key before
whose touch all the doors of the Temple fly open.

1. The Principle of Mentalism

The All is Mind. The universe is mental – held in the mind

of the All.
True Hermetic transmutation is a mental art.

2. The Principle of Correspondence

As above, so below. As below, so above.

The wise ones serve on the higher, but rule on the lower.
They obey the laws coming from above them, but on their
own plane and those below them they rule and give orders.
And, yet, in so doing, they form a part of the Principle, in‐
stead of opposing it. The wise man falls in with the Law and
by understanding its movements, he operates it instead of

being its blind slave. Just as the skilled swimmer turns this
way and that way, going and coming as he will, instead of
being like a log which is carried here and there, so does the
wise compare to the ordinary man. Yet, both swimmer and
log, wise man and fool, are subject to Law. He who under‐
stands this is well on the road to mastery.

3. The Principle of Vibration

Nothing is at rest, everything moves, everything vibrates.

He who understands the Principle of Vibration, has grasped
the scepter of power.
Change your vibration to change your mood or mental

4. The Principle of Polarity

Everything is dual. Everything has poles. Everything has its

pair of opposites. Like and unlike are the same. Opposites are
identical in nature, but different in degree. Extremes meet.
All truths are but half-truths. All paradoxes may be
To destroy an undesirable rate of mental vibration, put into
operation the Principle of Polarity and concentrate upon the
opposite pole to that which you desire to suppress. Kill out
the undesirable by changing its polarity.

5. The Principle of Rhythm

Everything flows, out and in. Everything has its tides. All
things rise and fall. The pendulum-swing manifests in every‐

thing. The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of

the swing to the left. Rhythm compensates.
Rhythm may be neutralized by an application of the Art of

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect

Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause. Every‐
thing happens according to Law. Chance is but a name for
Law not recognized. There are many planes of causation, but
nothing escapes the Law.
Nothing escapes the Principle of Cause and Effect, but there
are many Planes of Causation, and one may use the laws of
the higher to overcome the laws of the lower.

7. The Principle of Gender

Gender is in everything. Everything has its masculine and

feminine principles. Gender manifests on all planes.

W hat follows is not a Hermetic axiom or principle,

but one of my favorite philosophical arguments – a
beautiful rationale for why everything is conscious.

If the universe exists at all, or seems to exist, it must proceed

in some way from the All, it must be a creation of the All. But
as something can never come from nothing, from what could
the All have created it? Some philosophers have answered
this question by saying that the All created the universe from
Itself, from the being and substance of the All that is. But this
will not do, for the All cannot be subtracted from, nor
divided, as we have seen, and then again if this be so, would
not each particle in the universe be aware of its being the All,
the All could not lose its knowledge of itself, nor actually
become an atom, or blind force, or lowly living thing.
Some men, indeed, realizing that the All is indeed all, and
also recognizing that they, the men, existed, have jumped to
the conclusion that they and the All were identical, and they

have filled the air with shouts of "I am God,” to the amuse‐
ment of the multitude and the sorrow of sages. The claim of
the corpuscle that: "I am mankind!” would be modest in
But, what indeed is the universe, if it be not the All, not yet
created by the All having separated itself into fragments?
What else can it be-- of what else can it be made? This is the
great question. Let us examine it carefully. We find here that
the Principle of Correspondence comes to our aid here. The
old Hermetic axiom As above so below may be pressed into
service at this point. Let us endeavor to get a glimpse of the
workings on higher planes by examining those on our own.
The Principle of Correspondence must apply to this as well
as to other problems.
Let us see! On his own plane of being, how does mankind
create? Well, first, he may create by making something out of
outside materials. But this will not do, for there are no mate‐
rials outside of the All with which it may create. Well, then,
secondly, mankind pro-creates or reproduces his kind by the
process of begetting, which is self-multiplication accom‐
plished by transferring a portion of his substance to his
offspring. But this will not do, because the All cannot
transfer or subtract a portion of itself, nor can it reproduce or
multiply itself, in the first place there would be a taking
away, and in the second case a multiplication or addition to
the All, both thoughts being an absurdity. Is there no third
way in which mankind creates? Yes, there is: he creates
mentally! And in so doing he uses no outside materials, nor
does he reproduce himself, and yet his Spirit pervades the
Mental Creation.
Following the Principle of Correspondence, we are justified

in considering that the All creates the universe mentally, in a

manner akin to the process whereby mankind creates mental
images. And, here is where the report of reason tallies
precisely with the report of the illumined, as shown by their
teachings and writings. Such are the teachings of wise men
and women. Such was the teaching of Hermes.
The All can create in no other way except mentally, without
either using material (and there is none to use), or else repro‐
ducing itself (which is also impossible). There is no escape
from this conclusion of the reason, which, as we have said,
agrees with the highest teachings of the illumined. Just as
you, student, may create a universe of your own in your
mentality, so does the All create universes in its own mental‐
ity. But your universe is the mental creation of a finite mind,
whereas that of the All is the creation of an infinite. The two
are similar in kind, but infinitely different in degree. We
shall examine more closely into the process of creation and
manifestation as we proceed. But this is the point to fix in
your minds at this stage: The universe, and all it contains, is
a mental creation of the All. Verily indeed, all is mind!

Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be

transmuted, from state to state, degree to degree,
condition to condition, pole to pole, vibration to

The half-wise, recognizing the comparative

unreality of the universe, imagine that they may
defy its Law. Such are vain and presumptuous fools,
and they are broken against the rocks and torn
asunder by the elements by reason of their folly. The
truly wise, knowing the nature of the universe, use
Law against laws, the higher against the lower, and
by the art of Alchemy transmute that which is
undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus

triumph. Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams,

visions and fantastic imaginings or living, but in
using the higher forces against the lower—escaping
the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the
higher. Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is
the weapon of the Master.

The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of


Where the footsteps of the Master fall, the ears of

those ready for his teaching open wide.

When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then

cometh the lips to fill them with wisdom.

The possession of knowledge, unless accompanied

by a manifestation and expression in action, is like
the hoarding of precious metals, a vain and foolish
thing. Knowledge, like wealth, is intended for use.
The Law of use is universal, and he who violates it
suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces.

The All is Mind. The universe is mental.

That which is the fundamental truth, the

substantial reality is beyond true naming, but the
wise men call it the All.

Under, and back of, the universe of time, space and

change, is ever to be found the substantial reality -
the fundamental truth.

In its essence, the All is unknowable. But the report

of reason must be hospitably received, and treated
with respect.

The All creates, in Its infinite mind, countless

universes, which exist for aeons of time, and yet, to
the All, the creation, development, decline and
death of a million universes is as the time of the
twinkling of an eye.

While all is in the All, it is equally true that the All

is in all. To him who truly understands this truth
hath come great knowledge.

The infinite mind of the All is the womb of


Within the father-mother mind, mortal children are

at home.

In the universe, there is not one who is fatherless or


A ccording to the Hermetic philosophy, the omniverse

has four great planes or universes:

1. The All

2. The great spiritual plane

3. The great mental plane

4. The great physical plane

Each great plane has seven minor planes and each of the
minor planes have seven sub-planes – 148 planes in total.
These divisions shade into each other. They are more or less
artificial and arbitrary, for these division are but ascending
degrees of the great scale of life, the lowest point of which is
undifferentiated matter, and the highest point that of Spirit.
They are adopted merely for convenience of scientific study
and thought.

The authors of the Kybalion didn’t elaborate on these

planes much. The seven sub-planes aren’t discussed at all,
with the exception of the minor human plane.

* Each sub-plane has seven subdivisions


The Plane of Matter A

This plane comprises the forms of matter in its form of solids,
liquids, and gases, as generally recognized by physics.

The Plane of Matter B

This plane comprises certain higher and more subtle forms of
Matter of the existence of which modern science is but now
recognizing, the phenomena of Radiant Matter, in its phases
of radium, etc., belonging to the lower sub-division of this
Minor Plane.

The Plane of Matter C

This plane comprises forms of the most subtle and tenuous
Matter, the existence of which is not suspected by ordinary

The Etheral Substance

The Ether is a substance of extreme tenuity and elasticity,
pervading all universal space, and acts as a medium for the
transmission of waves of energy, such as light, heat, electric‐
ity, etc. The ethereal substance forms a connecting link
between matter (so-called) and energy, and partakes of the
nature of each.
Author’s remark: Physics discarded the notion of the ether
(with a constant velocity) after Einstein published his rela‐
tivity theory. The ether resurrected with the Superfluid
Vacuum Theory, SVT. Wikipedia: Superfluid vacuum

theory (SVT), sometimes known as the BEC vacuum theory,

is an approach in theoretical physics and quantum
mechanics where the fundamental physical vacuum (non-
removable background) is viewed as superfluid or as a Bose–
Einstein condensate (BEC). The microscopic structure of
this physical vacuum is currently unknown and is a subject
of intensive studies in SVT. An ultimate goal of this
approach is to develop scientific models that unify quantum
mechanics (describing three of the four known fundamental
interactions) with gravity, making SVT a candidate for the
theory of quantum gravity and describing all known interac‐
tions in the Universe, at both microscopic and astronomic
scales, as different manifestations of the same entity, super‐
fluid vacuum.

The Plane of Energy A

This plane comprises the ordinary forms of energy known to
science, its seven sub-planes being, respectively, heat, light,
magnetism, electricity, and attraction (including gravitation,
cohesion, chemical affinity, etc.) and several other forms of
energy indicated by scientific experiments but not as yet
named or classified.

The Plane of Energy B

This is the plane of nature's finer forces* and which are
called into operation in manifestations of certain forms of
mental phenomena, and by which such phenomena becomes
* This is a reference to Rama Prasad’s book Nature's Finer

Forces: The Science of Breath and the Philosophy of the

Tattvas. Nature’s finer forces are subtle energies. They have
unique geometrical shapes, colors, and frequencies.

The Plane of Energy C

The Plane of Energy (C) comprises seven sub-planes of
energy so highly organized that it bears many of the charac‐
teristics of "life," but which is not recognized by the minds of
men on the ordinary plane of development, being available
for the use on beings of the spiritual plane alone –such
energy is unthinkable to ordinary man, and may be consid‐
ered almost as "the divine power."

The Plane of the Mineral Mind

These elements animate the forms known to us as "minerals,
chemicals, etc." These entities must not be confounded with
the molecules, atoms and corpuscles themselves, the latter
being merely the material bodies or forms of these entities,
just as a man's body is but his material form and not "him‐
self." These entities may be called "souls" in one sense, and
are living beings of a low degree of development, life, and
mind--just a little more than the units of "living energy"
which comprise the higher sub-divisions of the highest Phys‐
ical Plane. Modern science is rapidly moving forward to the
point-of-view of the Hermetic. The molecules, atoms and
corpuscles have their "loves and hates”, "likes and dislikes”,
"attractions and repulsions”, "affinities and non-affinities,"
• • •

The Elementals
These elementals are invisible to the ordinary senses of man,
but play their part in the drama of the universe. They partake
of the mind above and below their minor plane.
The elementary planes bear the same relation to the planes of
mineral, plant, animal and human mentality and life, that
the black keys on the piano do to the white keys. The white
keys are sufficient to produce music, but there are certain
scales, melodies, and harmonies, in which the black keys play
their part, and in which their presence is necessary. They are
also necessary as connecting links of soul-condition, entity
states, etc.. Between the several other planes, certain forms of
development being attained therein, this last fact giving to
the reader who can read between the lines a new light upon
the processes of evolution, and a new key to the secret door of
the leaps of life between kingdom and kingdom.
The highest forms of elementals are semi-human in intel‐

The Great Spiritual Plane

All beings on the spiritual plane exist as creations of, and in,
the Mind of the All. They are subject to the Cosmic Processes
and Universal Laws. They are mortal. We may call them
gods but they are but the Elder Brethren of the race, advanced
souls who have outstripped their brethren, and who have
foregone the ecstasy of absorption by the All, in order to help
the race on its upward journey along the Path. They belong to
the universe, and are subject to its conditions and their plane
is below that of Absolute Spirit.
• • •

For more detailed explanations of the planes, please read

The Kybalion, by Three Initiates.

The Four Qabalistic Worlds (Added by the author)

Qabalah defines four worlds or universes. These are:

Atziluth - the spiritual universe

Briah - the creative universe (the heavens)
Yetzirah - the formative universe (the astral
Assiah - the physical universe

Each universe contains one Tree of Life with ten Sephiroth,

whereby each Sephiroth contains a Tree of Life. This adds
up to 400 levels.
Atziluth is not the All. The All is the background of the four
qabalistic worlds, shrouded by three veils.
Strictly speaking, Qabalah assumes five great planes, the All
and the four universes.
Some Eastern philosophies postulate seven worlds, the
Norse mythology tells of nine. In the Puranas and in the
Atharvaveda you can study fourteen worlds – seven higher
and seven lower.
As the Kybalion states, these are arbitrary categorizations
that give the right side of the brain an opportunity to clas‐
sify. You will drive yourself nuts if you try to figure out
which one is the correct model. They are all correct. And
they are all false. Stick to the one that speaks to you.

T he Kybalion’s comment on the evolution of Homo


It has taken the race millions of years to reach this

stage, and it will take many more years for the race
to move on to the sixth and seventh sub-divisions,
and beyond. But, remember, that there have been
races before us, which have passed through these
degrees, and then on to higher planes. Our own race
is the fifth (with stragglers from the fourth) which
has set foot upon the Path.

The Rosicrucian Grades (Added by the author)

The Rosicrucian grades are grades of enlightenment. Paul
Foster Case elaborates the Rosicrucian grades in his book
The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order.

The Rosicrucian grades are ten, divided into three classes or


The Rosicrucian grades are ten, divided into three classes or

orders. Each grade corresponds to a Sephirah on the Tree
of Life.

1st Class, Malkuth to Netzach


2nd Class, Tiphareth to Chesed

Adeptus Minor
Adeptus Major
Adeptus Exemptus

3rd Class, Binah to Kether

Magister Templi

This is how the author relates them to the Hermetic model:


The Last Seven Tarot Cards (Added by the author)

The last seven Tarot cards illustrate seven stages of
The Devil = Common Sense
The Tower = Awakening
The Star = Revelation
The Moon = Organization (Great Work)
The Sun = Regeneration/Illumination
Judgement = Realization/Transfiguration
The World = Cosmic Consciousness
• • •

This is how the author relates them to the Hermetic model:


E nlightenment is a great enterprise but also a slippery

slope – because of the law of polarity. If you want to
play it safe, remain humble throughout the entire process.
The immediate goal of enlightenment is illumination, the
realization of the soul and Higher Self. Illumination puts an
end to the ego and its selfishness. If you want illumination,
the ego has to go.
Of course, the ego fights for its survival. Unfortunately, he is
the trickiest guy in the world. He tempts you with pride.
When you give in to pride, at any enlightenment stage, the
ego has a chance to take over.
Heed the warning:
And occultists know that that which is known to them as
‘spiritual power’ may be employed for evil as well as good
ends (in accordance with the Principle of Polarity), a fact
which has been recognized by the majority of religions in
their conceptions of Satan, Beelzebub, the Devil, Lucifer,
Fallen Angels, etc. And so the knowledge regarding these

Planes has been kept in the Holy of Holies in all Esoteric

Fraternities and Occult Orders – in the Secret Chamber of
the Temple.
But this may be said here, that those who have attained high
spiritual powers and have misused them, have a terrible fate
in store for them, and the swing of the pendulum of rhythm
will inevitably swing them back to the furthest extreme of
material existence, from which point they must retrace their
steps spiritward, along the weary rounds of the Path, but with
the added torture of having always with them a lingering
memory of the heights from which they fell owing to their evil
actions. The legends of the fallen angels have a basis in
actual facts, as all advanced occultists know. The striving for
selfish power on the spiritual planes inevitably results in the
selfish soul losing its spiritual balance and falling back as far
as it had previously risen. But to even such a soul, the oppor‐
tunity of a return is given – and such souls make the return
journey, paying the terrible penalty according to the invari‐
able Law.

T hen, was neither existence nor non-existence. Then,

was no airy realm and no sky beyond. What covered
it and where? What gave shelter? Was water present, the
unfathomed depths of water?
Death was neither, nor immortality. And no sign, the
divider of day and night.
The Breathless One was breathing on Its own account.
There was nothing else whatsoever.
Darkness was then, and concealed in the darkness was the
All’s indiscriminate chaos.
The All that existed then was void and formless. The great
power of warmth gave birth to the One.
At last rose the desire of a beginning, the Spirit’s primordial
seed and germ.
Sages who searched with all their hearts discovered that
existence and non-existence are akin. Transversely, was
their severing line extended.

What was above it and what was below it then? There were
begetters, there were mighty forces, free action, and energy
up galore.
Who truly knows? Who can explain how creation was
conceived and whence it came? The gods came after the
world’s making. Who knows its origin?
He, the primal origin of creation, whose eye controls this
world in the highest heaven, did he form this all or not? He
knows it, or perhaps he knows not.
– The 129th Hymn of the 10th Mandala of the Rigveda

W ith full authority over the mortal cosmos and

reasonless animals, the Human Self breaks
through the vault.
It pauses and looks through the cosmic framework.
The Human Self displays God’s fair form to nature below.
Nature beholds it and smiles.
The Human Self is fair, without excess, and It bears all
cosmic powers as well as God’s form.
As the Human Self's shadow falls upon the earth, nature
reflects Its fair form in the waters. When the Human Self
beholds the reflection of Its form in the waters, as it is in
nature, It loves it and wishes to inhabit it. Wish and action
come at once, and the Human Self inhabits the subcon‐
scious form.
Nature takes hold of her beloved, embraces the Human Self
all about, and squeezes It, for they are lovers.
– Hermes Trismegistus

T rue, without falsehood, certain and most true, that

which is above is as that which is below, and that
which is below is as that which is above, to allow the perfor‐
mance of the miracles of the One Thing. And as all things
are from One, by the mediation of One, so all things have
their birth from this One Thing by adaptation. The Sun is
its father, the Moon its mother, and the Wind carries it in its
belly, its nurse is the Earth. This is the father of all perfec‐
tion, or consummation of the whole world. Its power is inte‐
grating, if it be turned into earth.
You shall separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from
the gross, suavely, and with great ingenuity. It ascends from
earth to heaven and descends again to earth, and receives
the power of the superiors and of the inferiors. So you have
the glory of the whole world, therefore, let all obscurity flee
before you. This is the strong force of all forces, overcoming
every subtle and penetrating every solid thing. So the world
was created. Hence were all wonderful adaptations, of

which this text is the manner. Therefore, am I called

Hermes Trismigestus. I have the three parts of the philos‐
ophy of the whole world. What I have to tell is completed,
concerning the Operation of the Sun.
– Wording by Paul Foster Case

T here exists a force in nature which is far more

powerful than steam, by means of which a single
man, who can master it, and knows how to direct it, might
throw the world into confusion and transform its face.
It is diffused throughout infinity. It is the substance of
heaven and earth.
When it produces radiance it is called light. It is substance
and motion at one and the same time.
It is a fluid and a perpetual vibration.
In infinite space, it is ether, or etherized light. It becomes
astral light in the stars which it magnetizes, while in orga‐
nized beings it becomes magnetic light or fluid.
The will of intelligent beings acts directly on this light, and
by means thereof, upon all nature, which is made subject to
the modifications of intelligence.
– Eliphas Levi, 1854

I n the Introduction to Transcendental Magic, Eliphas

Levi quotes a sixteenth century manuscript that lists the
22 powers of an adept, illustrated by the 22 major arcana
of Tarot.
These words are allegorical, signposts that show you in
which direction to think/meditate. The true meanings of
these words can’t be put into words. It is best if you medi‐
tate on their meanings together with the corresponding
Tarot cards.

These are the powers and privileges of the man who holds,
in his right hand, the clavicles of Solomon, and, in his left,
the branch of the blossoming almond.

The Seven Chief Powers

Aleph, The Fool: He beholds God face to face, without

dying, and converses familiarly with the seven genii who

command the entire celestial army.
Beth, The Magician: He is above all afflictions and all fears.
Gimel, The High Priestess: He reigns with all heaven and is
served by all hell.
Daleth, The Empress: He disposes of his own health and
life, and can equally influence that of others.
Heh, The Emperor: He can neither be surprised by misfor‐
tune, nor overwhelmed by disasters, nor conquered by his
Vav, The Hierophant: He knows the reason of the past,
present, and future.
Zain, The Lovers: He possesses the secret of the resurrec‐
tion of the dead and the key of immortality.

The Seven Medial Powers:

Cheth, The Chariot: To find the philosophical stone.
Teth, Strength: To enjoy the universal medicine.
Yod, The Hermit: To be acquainted with the laws of
perpetual motion, and to be in a position to demonstrate the
quadrature of the circle.
Kaph, The Wheel of Fortune: To change into gold not only
all metals, but also the earth itself, and even the refuse of
the earth.
Lamed, Justice: To subdue the most ferocious animals and

be able to pronounce the words which paralyze and charm

Mem, The Hanged Man: To possess the Ars Notaria which
gives the universal science.
Nun, Death: To speak learnedly on all subjects, without
preparation and without study.

The Seven Lower Powers

Samekh, Temperance: To know at first sight the deep things
of the souls of men and the mysteries of the hearts
of women.
Ayin, the Devil: To force nature to make him free at his
Peh, the Tower: To foresee all future events which do not
depend on a superior free will, or an all undiscernible cause.
Tzaddi, The Star: To give at once and to all the most effica‐
cious consolations and the most wholesome counsels.
Qoph, The Moon: To triumph over adversities
Resh, The Sun: To conquer love and hate.
Shin, Judgement: To have the secret of wealth, be always its
master and never its slave. To know how to enjoy even
poverty and never become abject or miserable.
Tav, The World: Let us add to these three septenaries that
the wise man rules the elements, stills tempests, cures the
diseased by his touch, and raises the dead!
• • •

At the same time there are certain things which have been
sealed by Solomon with his triple seal. It is enough that the
initiates know, and as for others, whether they deride,
doubt, or believe, whether they threaten or fear, what
matters it to science or to us?

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Thank you for reading Stefan’s Kybalion Digest.

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Every author and artist strives to produce a certain value
and works on a particular value chain. In my case the value
is esprit and the value chain suicidal to enlightenment.
Sounds odd? I thought it was interesting enough to build a
workshop around it. If you find it interesting too, check out
my Inspiration and Enlightenment Workshop at
You will have free access to the video course on holistic self-
realization, inspirational flash fiction, emailed mini courses
on enlightenment subjects, and other things he will come
up with in the future.

The cover uses a picture by intueri, a 123rf stock photo.

My enlightenment career wouldn’t have been possible
without Dr. Paul Foster Case, Dr. Ann Davies, and their
body of work, B.O.T.A., to whom I owe my bits of wisdom.
To extend the light like they did is all I aspire to.

More Inspiration and Enlightenment Non Fiction

- the book -

Holistic self-realization is the realization of your heart’s desire.

Learn how to discover your heart’s desire and realize it.
- the video -


The trailer:

- the book -

These days, many religious minds hear the call to enlightenment.

Is it our fast-changing society or the Aquarian Age? Or because
old school religion is boring? Anyways, here is the crash course.
- the video -


The trailer:

How to know God? Who are we really? Is there another

universe? Crips answers to these and other questions.

A collection of inspirational flash fictions and flash dialogues.

Sold only as paperback. Avail yourself of the ebook at the
Inspiration & Enlightenment Workshop for free.

Learn how to cultivate positive vibes at home and break vicious

energy circles.

- a short essay -

Learn what the Second Coming means in the context of

This books resurrects the grandeur of an ancient scripture for a
modern audience.

Visionary Fiction

- an existentialistic inspirational romance drama -

A knight goes out of his way and seeks his execution on his own
free will in the hope people will remember him as the
embodiment of honor.
A reluctant pastor hears the call to prophecy. Is prophecy
possible in modern times? Will he be chosen?

- a short story -

A thought-provoking question grew into an inspiring short story:

What would Jesus have to say if he walked into a church?

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