Soalan KBAT Matematik

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Soalan KBAT Matematik

1. Lina berumur x tahun, 1 tahun lebih muda daripada kakaknya Lisa. Hasil darab
umur mereka ialah 30. Berapakah umur Lina?
Lina is x years old, 1 year younger than her sister, Lisa. If the product of their ages
is 30. How old is Lina?

2. Mary mempunyai wang saku melebihi Ali. Jika Mary memberi RM20 kepada Ali,
wang saku mereka akan sama. Jika Ali memberi Mary RM 22, maka wang saku
Mary akan bertambah dua kali ganda daripada wang saku Ali. Berapakah banyak
wang saku Mary dan wang saku Ali?

Mary has more money than Ali. If Mary gives RM20 to Ali, their pocket money
will be equal. If Ali gives Mary RM22, then Mary’s pocket money will be
increased two times of Ali’s pocket money. How much pocket money of Mary
and of Ali?

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