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ME 570 Dynamics of Aerospace Vehicles Fall 2018

Homework #3

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Quote “The work I here deliver within this HW is my own and self output.”


Bilkent University – Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dr. Özgür ATEŞOĞLU

ME 570 Dynamics of Aerospace Vehicles Fall 2018



Geodetic1 (NED1)
Geodetic2 (NED2)
FD1 Earth’s Surface


Figure 1 for Q1: The Reference Frames and the A/C’s

Bilkent University – Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dr. Özgür ATEŞOĞLU

ME 570 Dynamics of Aerospace Vehicles Fall 2018

Question 1

A/C 2, shown in Figure 1, is flying at:

h  150 m, L  32.8376°, D  39.9257°, Mach = 0.62 (w.r.t. ECEF Frame).

The Euler angles of A/C 2, w.r.t. NED2 Frame ( FD2 ) are:

  225°,   0°,   182°.

The Angle of Attack (  ) and the Side Slip Angle (  ) of A/C 2 are:
  -3°,   0°.

The angular velocity components of A/C 2, w.r.t. NED2 Frame ( FD2 ), in BODY2 Frame
( Fb2 ) are:
p  -1°/s, q  10°/s, r  -3°/s.

A/C 2, shown in Figure 1, has actual net acceleration, w.r.t. Heliocentric Inertial Frame
(b 2)
( FH ) at BODY2 Frame ( Fb2 ), in m/s2, ab 2 / H , as:

ab(2b 2/ )H  [-1, 0, -20]T

a. Calculate the position of A/C 2, w.r.t. ECEF Frame ( FE ) at ECEF Frame ( FE ), in m,

rb(2E/)E . (20 pts.)

b. Calculate the apparent acceleration, w.r.t. ECEF Frame ( FE ) at ECEF Frame ( FE ),

in m/s2, ab 2 / E . (25 pts.)

c. Calculate the apparent acceleration, w.r.t. ECEF Frame ( FE ) at BODY2 Frame ( Fb2
(b 2)
), in m/s2, ab 2 / E . (30 pts.)

d. Calculate the apparent acceleration, w.r.t. ECEF Frame ( FE ) at BODY2 Frame ( Fb2
(b 2)
), in m/s2, by applying the Fixed Earth Flat Earth assumption, ab 2 / E 
FeFe . (25 pts.)

Bilkent University – Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dr. Özgür ATEŞOĞLU

ME 570 Dynamics of Aerospace Vehicles Fall 2018

i. Please rely on the notations, derivations and information given in class and extra
ii. You can handle your HW as being hand-written and/or printed. However, in any
case, please present your work in a very neat manner.
iii. Please print the first page of this HW and sign below the pledge. This printed
(and signed) page should be the first and/or cover page of your HW.

Bilkent University – Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dr. Özgür ATEŞOĞLU


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