Eduhsdfa Rep Council Meeting Minutes 2-11-19

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EDUHSDFA Rep Council Meeting

Monday, February 11th, 2019 - 4pm

Ponderosa High School - room F15

Executive Board members present:​ Jina Jumper, Stephanie Davis, David Conrad, Angela Brown
Site Reps present: ​Jeff Zeller, Natalie Fletterick, Eric Moeller, Britta Fletcher, Eric Larsen, Lance
Gunnersen, Amanda Speake, Mike Eisenhart, Ross Wold, Rich Kientz
Absent: ​Tobias Gautschi, Jon Owens, Brigid Bourque, Jennifer Tomei
Bargaining Team Members present:​ Erin Arthur
Guests: ​none

1. Call to order
a. Stephanie calls the meeting to order at 4:09pm
2. Officers’ Reports
a. Presidents:
i. District Safety Task Force
1. Next meeting is February 25th, 4-5pm
ii. FMLA/Leave of Absence training
1. Led by Karmen Ortloff
2. Booklet containing relevant details (handout)
3. Leave policy is part of our contract, but contains many details;
includes California Law
4. Family School Partnership Act
iii. State Senator special election: opportunities to join interview committee
iv. Governor’s Proposal for 2019-20 budget
1. Overall positive financial outlook
b. Secretary
i. Review of minutes from 1-7 Rep Council meeting (handout)
1. Eric moves that we approve the minutes. Motion passes.
c. Treasurer
i. Review of Operating Statement through 1-31 (handout)
ii. Site rep meeting attendance will be determined using meeting minutes
d. Membership Chair (absent)
i. Discussion of membership issues (leaves of absence, etc.)
e. School Board Report (Stephanie)
3. New Business
a. Binder Talk
i. Important dates for Site Reps (handout)
b. Know Your Contract: Article 5
i. Review of Article 5: Association Rights
c. Negotiations Update
i. Ron Carruth has been visiting sites, presenting District’s perspective on
budget issues relevant to contract negotiations.
ii. Bargaining Team will meet next on February 13th.
iii. Bargaining Team and District will meet with mediator on February 26-27.
d. APEX Issues
i. Discussion of various APEX-related issues at sites
e. Budget/Election timelines
f. Superintendent Survey
i. Review of proposed survey form for District to solicit member input
g. Year-End Social
i. Organized by El Dorado team
ii. Jack Russell Brewery - May 10th
4. Old Business
a. Next Social: Friday, May 8th
i. Solid Ground Brewery, Diamond Springs
ii. Review of menu items
b. Sign-ups
i. Committees; snacks; school board meetings
c. CTA New Teacher Conference
i. March 8-10th
ii. 4 teachers have signed up
iii. Angela moves that we approve $250 to compensate each attendee for
conference related expenses ($1000 total). Motion approved.
5. Site Rep Reports
a. Independence
i. (absent)
b. El Dorado
i. Unscheduled periods issue
c. Ponderosa
i. Anonymous complaint issue (Stopit!, etc.)
ii. Extra-period issue
d. Oak Ridge
i. Question about calendar effect of lost snow, PG&E days
e. Union Mine
i. Class discrepancy issue resolved
ii. Discussion of proposed schedule changes/student intervention ideas
f. Virtual Academy
i. Evening/Weekend duty expectations
ii. Stipulated in contract Article 19
6. Talking Points
a. Connect with Remind
b. Member Involvement
i. Applications for Bargaining Team
7. Adjournment
a. Stephanie adjourns the meeting at 6:19pm

Respectfully submitted by:

Your humble servant - David Conrad

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