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Forensic Training and Tactics for
the Recovery of Human Remains

Andrew Rebmann
Edward David
Marcella H. Sorg

CRC Press
Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.

© 2000 By CRC Press LLC

Li br ar y of Congr ess Cat al ogi ng- i n- Publ i cat i on Dat a

Rebmann, Andr ew J .
Cadaver dog handbook : f or ensi c t r ai ni ng and t act i cs f or t he r ecover y of human r emai ns
/ Andr ew J . Rebmann, Edwar d Davi d, Mar cel l a H. Sor g, wi t h Mar ci a Koeni g ;
i l l ust r at i ons and book desi gn, Judi t h Cooper .
p . cm
I ncl udes bi bl i ogr aphi cal r ef er ences and i ndex .
I SBN 0- 8493- 1886- 6 ( al k . paper )
1 . Pol i ce dogs- - Tr ai ni ng . 2 . For ensi c ant hr opol ogy . 1 . Davi d, Edwar d . I I . Sor g,
Mar cel l a H 111 . Koeni g . Mar ci a . I V Ti t l e .

HV8025 . R43 2000

636 . 7' 0886- dc21 ?00- 042900?

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© 2000 by CRC Pr ess LLC

No cl ai m t o or i gi nal U S . Gover nment wor ks

I nt er nat i onal St andar d Book Number 0- 8493- 1886- 6
Li br ar y of Congr ess Car d Number 00- 042900
Pr i nt ed i n t he Uni t ed St at es of Amer i ca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Pr i nt ed on aci d- f r ee paper

© 2000 By CRC Press LLC


We would like to than k the Con n ecticut State Police for their forward
thinking and openness to the early cadaver search efforts and train-
ing. Since then, dog teams in State Police units, local police, the FBI,
and search and rescue groups have contributed to this developing field.
There have been many students and colleagues who have made our
work possible. We thank them all. We would particularly like to men-
tion Marcia Koenig who not only authored one of the chapters of this
book, but, more importantly, is the business partner and spouse to one
of us (AR).
The training materials that have been incorporated into these pages
evolved over the years with much input. Ideas for some of the illus-
trations came from the work of Bob Koenig.
We are grateful to the Maine State Police Criminal Investigation
Division, State Warden’s Service, and Office of Chief Medical Examiner,
especially Chief Henry F. Ryan, who consistently supported the use of
cadaver dogs in forensic casework. We would also like to acknowl-
edge other Maine handlers and trainers who added their knowledge
and ideas in conversations and practice over the years, including War-
den Specialist Deborah Palman. We thank Retired State Police K-9
Trainer Lloyd Williams who has been a key supporter and an ongoing
source of wisdom.
Finally, and especially, we thank our dogs past and present: Rufus,
Lady, Josie, Marianne, Griz, Orca, Coyote, Shadow, Wraith, and Shadow
Too (in advance).

© 2000 By CRC Press LLC


To Clem (who didn’t like dead people) and Rufus (who did).
And for Shadow and Marianne (who never got enough).
And for Orca and Coyote.

© 2000 By CRC Press LLC


Setting the Stage
Defin ition of Cadaver Dogs
A Brief Histor y of Cadaver Dogs
Purpose of this Book
Over view of B ook Topics an d Organ ization

Dog Basics
The Working Dog
Dog Noses and Dog Brain s
Scent Con e Theor y
"Live" Scent Ver sus "Death" Scen t
Scent an d the Environ ment
Decomposition Odor For ms a Scent Pool
Wind Car ries Scen t Away For min g a Scen t Cone
Bar rier s Cause Scen t to For m Secon dar y Scent Pools
an d Secon dar y Scen t Con es
Water Moves Scen t Away from the Source
Scent Con e Distortion Is Produced by Variable Win ds
Scent Voids Can Be Produced in Water or on Land
Limits of Cadaver Dogs and Scent Detection

Training the Cadaver Dog
Selection of a Dog to Train
Han dler Character istics Needed
Over view of Train in g

© 2000 By CRC Press LLC

Train in g Basics
Shapin g Behavior
A Dog and a Dolphin: Training without Punishment
Readin g the Dog
Training Principles
Train in g Progression
Gen eral Guidelines for Train in g an d Practice
Train in g Scenarios
On going Train ing Regime
Frequently Asked Question s
Final Note and Caution

Training M aterials
Creating an d Han dlin g Train in g Aids
Scent Sources
Natural Scen t: Human Flesh
Natural Scen t: Human Blood
Natural Scen t: Soil Samples
Natural Scen t: Adipocere
Artificial Scen t: Putrescine ( 1,4 – Diamin obutan e) an d
Cadaverin e ( 1,5 – Diaminopen tan e)
Artificial Scent: Sigma Pseudo™ Corpse I, Pseudo™ Corpse II,
Sigma Pseudo™ Distressed Body
Scented Train in g Aids
Storage Con tainer s
Train in g Con tainer s
Scent Tube
Scented Toys
Equipm en t and Set-up Needed for Impr in ting Phase
Equipm en t Needed as Train in g Progresses

Professional Issues
Stan dardization an d Certification
Ethics an d Profession al Con duct
Levels of Certain ty an d Conclusion s Reached
Record Keepin g
Train in g Records
Search Repor ts
Evaluatin g the Qualification s of an Un known Dog/Han dler Team
Testifyin g in Court
Qualifyin g the Dog/Han dler Team as an Expert Witn ess

© 2000 By CRC Press LLC

Legal Issues
In troduction
Licen sure and Vaccin ation
Ex ercisin g “Due Care”
Negligen ce
Strict Liability
Join t an d Several Liability
Search, Seizure, an d War ran ts
Practical Implication s for Can ine Searches in Gen eral
Implication s for Cadaver Dog Searches

Handling A Search Request
Record Keepin g Regardin g Requests
Evaluatin g the Feasibility of the Search
Evaluatin g the App ropriaten ess of Usin g a Particular Han dler
or Can ine
Scheduling a Search: Season, Time, Weather
Promises and Deliverables
When to Say No

The Search
In troduction
Types of Can in e Cadaver Searches
Recover y Ex pan sion Search
Focused Speculative Search
Non -Focused Speculative Search
Forensic Con texts
Un premeditated Homicide
Premeditated Homicide
Serial Murder s
Search Parameter s
Elderly Per sons Sufferin g from Dementia
Physical Con texts
Use of Techn ical Location and Mappin g Aids
Aids to Location
Map s
Global Position in g Satellite ( GPS) Receiver s
Search App lication s
Establish a Search Baselin e and An chor Poin t

© 2000 By CRC Press LLC

Box the Compass Needle
Mark the Baselin e
Con str uct the Initial Outside Cor ridor Lin e
Con str uct the Backlin e
Defin e the Corridor Width
Begin the Search
Documen t Alerts an d Fin ds
Map pin g Scattered Remain s
Use of Remote Sen sing an d Other Techn iques
Human Obser vation
Soil Probe
Other Methods for Ven tin g Soil
Metal Detector
Aerial Photography with an d without Thermal Imagin g
Other Techn iques
The Crime Scen e
Scene Comman d
Eviden ce Preser vation

Behind the Scenes: Taphonomy
Postmortem Processes
Decomposition an d Skeletonization
Scaven ger Modification
Search Strategies for Disarticulated Remain s
Workin g with the An thropologist

At the Scene
In troduction
Gen eral Steps Involved at the Scen e
On -site Guidelin es
Defin e the Search Area for the Han dler(s)
Acclimatin g the Dog
Motivatin g the Dog
Periodic Rein forcemen t
Documen ting the Search

Land Searches
Search Plan nin g
Con ducting the Search
Special Search Situation s

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Spot Searches
Hasty Searches
Grid Searches
Lan dfills
Wilder ness an d Forest Strategies
Hun ter s: Game Trails and Stands
Hiker s: Hiking Trails and Natural Hazards
Other Lost Subjects: Op en Grid an d Large Area Search
Disarticulated Remains
Discover y b y Pet Dogs
Discover y b y Hun ter s or Hiker s
Dismembered Bodies
Accidental Dismember men t
Deliberate Dismember men t
Scent Lin e-ups
Procedure for Scen t Lin e-ups
Adaptin g to Special Ter rain an d Site Circumstan ces
Chan ges in Elevation
Con tour Searchin g
Drain age Patter n s
Difficult to Exp lain Alerts

Water Searches
Train in g
Train in g Materials
Train in g Steps Using a Scent Capsule
Train in g Usin g a Scen t Pump
Train in g Usin g a Diver
Backgroun d In for mation —Type of Drownin g
Dr y Drown in g
Wet Drown ing
Search Strategy Tip
Eyewitn ess
Search Examp le
Decomposition Process
Fir st Stage
Second Stage
Third Stage
Exception s
Workin g a Water Search

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Selection of Boats
Boat Typ es
Workin g a Search Area
Gen eral Suggestion s
Suggestion s for Workin g River s
Upstream again st the Wind
Upstream with the Win d
Down stream again st the Win d
Down stream with the Wind
Suggestion s for Workin g Lakes
Water Condition s
Recover y
Marker Buo ys
Clothing an d Other Debris
Dead, Wet critters
Han dler Cueing Dog
Acknowledgmen ts


Selected Train in g Aids an d Equipmen t
Con tinuin g Education Opportun ities
Profession al Organ ization s

Repor t Examples
K-9 Search Report
Exam ple of Recover y Ex pan sion Search Rep ort

Resume Examples
Han dler Resume
Exam ple A
Exam ple B
Can ine Resume Examp le
Train in g Record Exam ple


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