Standard Survey Results and Testimonials - California State University East Bay

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2017-2018 Swipe Survey Results

who you serve
Cal State East Bay Swipe Out Hunger National


49 48


4 4
Transfer Foster Care Parent or Guardian First Generation
basic needs

Cal State East Bay Swipe Out Hunger National





15 15

Lack Stable Housing Received Free or Reduced Meals K-12 Have a College Meal Plan
paying for college

Cal State East Bay Swipe Out Hunger National


52.5 53 52
46 45
35 38



Grants or Scholarships Help from Family or Friends Job Income Student Loans Personal Savings or Credit Cards
use of other food resources
Cal State East Bay Swipe Out Hunger National




35 36


11 12

Campus Pantry Leftovers from Club Meetings SNAP/Food Stamps Off-Campus Food Pantry Free Grocery Gift Cards
learned about swipes
Cal State East Bay Swipe Out Hunger National

60 60



22 23

15 15
13 12

From a Friend Online From a Staff Member From a Special Program Free Grocery Gift Cards
student experience
Cal State East Bay Swipe Out Hunger National


73 74
65 65



Easy to access Protected my privacy Quantity of swipes met my expectations Quality of meals met my expectations
food security Cal State East Bay Swipe Out Hunger National

after receiving swipes, students experienced a decrease by x% in the following factors…*

66 67

58 57
50 49
47 47



0 Worry Food Would Run Out Reliance on Processed Food Temporary Need to Skip Meals Worry Food Would Run Out Tendency to Lose Weight b/c Lack Money for Food

*Decreases were measured by asking a students’ tendency to have these experiences before receiving meal swipes compared to after.
The decrease stated here is the average decrease across survey respondents.
campus inclusivity
Cal State East Bay Swipe Out Hunger National





Swipes have made them feel like the campus is more inclusive of students like them
academic and community participation
Cal State East Bay Swipe Out Hunger National

x% of students agreed swipes supported them in the following ways…


58 57
50 49
47 47



0 Able to participate in more extracurriculars Able to attend study sessions Improved grades Helped class attendance Helped stay in school
Cal State East Bay: Student Testimonials & Feedback
How have free dining hall passes supported your educational experience?

I do not get much money for food during my school days so sometimes I don’t eat, the dining hall passes helped me not
worry about food because I can go eat there between my classes and not worry about having to buy food.
I am usually agitated when I am hungry and cannot concentrate in class. This happened less because of the swipes.

Going to study groups

This helped me to stay focus on my course work and learning while full.

I am able to worry less about if I have food and instead focus more on my school duties.

I’ve been more studious.

Having to worry less on packing food or spending excess money on food has helped me focus on my studies. Usually if I
don’t eat, I feel very weak and cannot concentrate on my studies and getting free meal on campus would help me avoid that.
Now I’m not hungry during lectures.

Helps me not be hungry in class so I can focus better.

I was able to concentrate on my studies instead of food.

I can study as I have my lunch.

Let me learn more quickly, without worrying about some previous problems.

With an empty stomach I could never concentrate much on studies.

I can now concentrate on the lessons and achieve better notes.

I can actually focus in class because my stomach isn’t growling or not focused on when I could eat.

Free dining hall passes have made me come to college daily.

It provided me a reliable source of food, which also helped me focus more throughout the day on my studies.

How have free dining hall passes supported your physical health?

Free dining hall passes supported my health by providing with the opportunity to have a meal. Prior to having free dining
hall passes, I would eat one meal a day and that is not enough for me to stay focused the whole time I had classes.
Emotionally, I felt less stressed out about when and where my next meal would come from. No one knew my meal passes
were provided to me for free aside from myself so I did not feel like a loser going in.
The Dinning Commons have a fruit and salad bar. Physical health has improved because of the fruit and vegetables
There were salads, which is similar to greens to go. I sometimes buy food there but it's pretty expensive so I only go
occasionally and I happily was able to eat a lot of salad and healthy foods in the DC.
I feel more alert and happier.

Having a nice meal keeps you energized.

I was able to eat the amount of calories I needed to consume daily.

Variety of healthy choices.

It has affected my health a lot. I can now eat salads as I want to keep my diet proper and healthy.

I don't feel undernourished.

Been more healthy and active.

I’ve been more awake.

Eating better fruits and vegetables.

Good food always gives good health and emotional health.

Good food from DC helped me having good health.

They’ve definitely provided me with a meal to get me through my day so my blood sugar stays up.

No longer starving.

Health: enabled me to eat well.

I felt more energized than when consuming more instant foods.

I’ve been eating more and getting the nutrition that I need.

It provides me good quality food so that I can have more energy to do my study work and exercise. I also feel comfortable
and being not stressful to think of the high priced food when I am trying to buy food.
It's more filling than cup noodles so it has more nutritional value to help support the body.

They have given me a chance to eat a well-balanced meal.

Allowed my a1c to be lower.

Keeps me healthy and stable.

They have helped me not go a long time with eating or skipping a meal.

There is healthy and good food including dessert, which makes me feel good in every condition.

They kept my spirit high by providing food. My health improved.

How have free dining hall passes supported your emotional health?

Because I know that I have food that I can eat after class or before class, I am less stressed when in and outside classes
since I don’t have to worry about what to eat and how much do I need to spend.
Calms me down once I’m full.

Less anxiety.

Being full helps mental state.

Yes it has helped support my emotional health.

By allowing me to not worry where I would get food.

It helped me relax and focus on studies.

Peace of mind.

I am able to worry less on packing enough food.

Gave me one less stress.

I didn’t have to think about how I am going to get my next meal.

It helped me to feel confident and not worried at all during college stay.

Lessened my anxiety.

It decreases my stress levels.

Don’t feel stressed or depressed.

I have become healthier, both physically and mentally.

Well, I knew that I could come eat a hot meal, which allowed me some stability to not have worried about what I was going
to do about feeding myself. Health wise, I had become sick with headaches and stomach pain.
Due to being a senior in College, I have had to be frugal and eat less than standard food just to get by without breaking
budget. With Dining passes, A little pressure is eased off my shoulders.

How have free dining hall passes supported your college social experience?

I feel more inclined to attend more activities.

I went with my friend and we got to bond. It helped us connect and I felt happy that I was able to have a free meal with
They helped me to build a community of support. I had regular dining partners and that strengthened our relationship.

I get to have a campus life with friends.

Prior to receiving free dining hall passes, I would never go on the side of the campus the dining hall was located, let
alone go inside. Making it inside allowed me to meet new people I would otherwise just have passed on campus and
never said anything.
Access to hang out with others.

Make friends with other students during lunch.

Helps to meet new people.

Met new & good friends in dining hall.

It helped me connect people socially regardless of social status.

Allowed me to interact with other people.

I’ve been talking to people more. I’ve been more social. I made many friends at dining commons.

I can go to the dining hall with friends, which has helped my social experience with the people here at the school.

I had people I ate with regularly and we became close friends. It was great to have the support and build community.

I collaborated with my peers for projects in the dining halls.

At the dining hall I am able to meet up with friends and increase that college feel and experience.

I met my first friend there.

Yes! Sometimes I would eat and study at the study commons with friends who were able to afford the meal plans.

More connection with other people.

I feel like it is really convenience for me because it allows me to have more time hang around the campus doing stuff,
like meeting friends and classmates to do group project or related work.

Happier mood makes it easier to talk to people.

Made me more interactive and helped me to participate in more activities.

I guess just being in an environment where I am able to speak and hang out with other East Bay students.

Are there any other ways in which this program has supported you?

Self Esteem and Self Care

I am homeless and I was not having a hot meal. It provided me with a hot meal at least twice a day for 7 days a week. I
was at school even when I didn't have class and I used the time to study. It also allows me not to be in the cold because I
was in the food commons.
I’m a lot happier now.

I feel better about myself.

This program helped me to stay positive about myself.

I’m not as grumpy.
This has helped my self esteem.

Time Management and Convenience

I don't have to work as of Wren and have more time to relax.

Convenience of on campus dining.

They have offered healthy food options and saved me time.

It saves me time to prepare the meals so that I have more time to focus on study and being able to stay on campus.

It made it easier for me because on days I couldn’t cook because I needed time to study.

Don’t have to worry if I don’t have enough time to meal prep.

Convenience of on campus dining.

Available within the college and easily accessible.

It was convenient to access healthy meals on campus.

Convenient and quick.

Other Highlights:
More than expected with variety of food.

By providing easy access to food.

It has helped me feel like my school actually cares because it is difficult to make food or eat at times when you are late, or
busy with homework or assignments.
They made feel like a part of school.

Free dining hall passes made me feel like I mattered at the institution in which I paid to be a part of. Prior to receiving free
dining passes, I would constantly put COINS together just to get a granola bar or four piece nugget to hold me through
the day. I had more energy for classes which led to better attendance and grades overall.
It supports students who may not have been able to get the support.

I was able to have a meal after going to classes, which helps a lot.

This program made me look forward to school.

Because of this program I stopped skipping meals.

Consistent meals.

I am an ethnic studies major who would use free passes during my breaks. Right after class, I would have to head to the
theater because I do performance/production work with the theater (part of something called CSU Ferguson. I published a
book during the time that I started using these free swipes. These swipes made food so much more accessible and
affordable. I was able to have gas money because I had food.
I can get a hot meal at least once a day on campus.

I get to eat it without paying.

My favorite fries.

Quality food and not worried about lunch everyday.

Pizza, mad salad.

Feeling comfortable about eating.

I can focus on school rather than what I will eat and what will be unhealthy.

I don’t constantly worry about skipping meals and trying to save in order to eat well.

The best part of the free dining hall pass program would not having to worry about food and feeling guilty for providing my
body what it needs to keep going. The free dining hall pass program has really helped me bring more balance into my life;
being able to balance money and meals and being able to treat myself to one completely free.
Easy to sign up the program.

They weren't judgmental; they're just there to help us.

It was a stress free environment that let students have dining hall passes without too much scrutiny or criticism.

I was able to connect and spend time with my friend and I didn't have to pay which saved me a little which is a lot for a
college student / meeting new people.
Food and moreover environment.

Going in when needed having options.

Indian and American food i just love it.

Focusing in class by not thinking of "FOOD" or become hungry by other students eating.

Feeling supported.

I can eat on campus and also study without having to worry about my portions.

I don't have to survive on ramen.

What suggestions for improvement do you have, related to this program?

Increase Access To Meals

Provide more, it’s helpful.

More free dining passes.

More passes would be cool.

There is only ten uses.

Yes not enough passes.

I have to swipe every time I use it. it would be nice to swipe once and come back for a snack.
YES, we should be able to USE ONE SWIPE for the WHOLE DAY!

IF possible make a day pass. Student can eat a main meal and then later come back for a snack/ small meal.

Get some more uses than 10.

Please provide more free swipes.

Provide this in all the quarters for all the years.

Don’t cut the program halfway through the year.

Improve Communication, Guidance, Convenience, and Confidentiality

Notifying the staff about the program and do some special records system or just let the students sign when they enter
the dinning hall. In my experience, I got 10 time swipes, and at the end I almost don't remember how many I still have,
and the staff at the dinning hall also have no idea. Some of them swipe my card and let me in, some of them let me sign,
but they don't really know how many times I have used.
There were no passes available during spring 2018 quarter.

Yeah, but it is not a challenge. I think it is just the communication between the program and dinning hall reception desk
needs to be improved because some staff at the dinning hall were not familiar about this and they didn't know what to do.
Also they didn't actually have my records in their system because they were trying to swipe my bay card but failed, so I
have to explain everything.
Yes, when you go to the commons and they haven't not added them to your bay card. Then you have to be embarrassed
than you have to ask for someone in charge who knows what is happening.
Sometimes the card didn't swipe right. But the staff were usually very nice about it. I also ran out of swipes before the end
of the quarter and was unable to refill the card.
Sometimes employees would ask if I'm from Hope, and some particular employees would make you feel like you are
stealing from the school, when I'm just like everyone else trying to graduate with minimum debt.
Yes, sometimes there are delays with scanning students in, and they no longer give free meal swipes.

I don't know how to access it.

Make it reliable and easy to use.
You would keep a record of when the meal swipe has ended and somehow add to the student bay card with the student
finding out when they get there that they are out of meal swipes.
Online reload.

Maybe instead of going back to get more dining passes we can get a set amount for the quarter and just get the swipes
all at once.
More open.

Limit to one swipe a day. Automatic refill when run out.

Shorter wait times.

Shorter lines.

Clear instructions.

Yes, initially I could not access my meals.

Not putting them on the card in a timely manner.

Hassle to reload would be cool if I could reload online.

If getting the dining pass is made more easy it would be helpful.

There should be some sort of system that lets you know when you are running out that it would automatic put it on the
card because you have know way of keeping up with how many that is left on the card or even if someone could notified
you that it is time to get more meal swipe before you go over to the commons and be embarrassed.
Easier to apply.

Invest in More Outreach

Just finding access and information about it.

More advertisement and help.

To have more people know about the program.

Let more people know.

Easier to find (online).

More Info.

Education that the program exists.

More information to students.

Post on social media so more people can know about this.

Probably offer it to more students and let them know.

I would say letting it more known to low-income students. So they know they can be less worrisome about financials on
Make more advertisements for it/send links.

Make it more well known if possible.

Better program to donate to people.

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