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27-Indigenous Games
Teacher Name Jaden Douville (DD/MM/YYYY 27/09/2018
Subject Area Physical Education Grade 11/12
Topic Indigenous Games Time ~45 mins


General Learner Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement 

Outcome(s) activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an 
alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits.


Specific Learner
Outcome(s) A20–5 

S.2 - Develop skills of historical thinking

Objectives Students will acquire the background knowledge of a variety of traditional indigenous games

Assessment Observation for participation and changing

Materials  Bballs, dodgeballs, bean bags, exercise balls, poster with teams and points, prizes, coloured

Introduction - Talk to the about orange shirt day and residential schools
- Give students the background of the activities and why they were used.
Body Students will go through a variety of different activities that indigenous people have being
playing/doing in the past.
It will be a competition- team that has the most points at the end of the class will be the winners.
Keep Away- Games that involved agility, teamwork and skills in running, passing, and throwing-
most involved hitting or passing a ball with a stick – players had to be alert to avoid their
opponents! -3 popular one- Lacrosse, shinny and keep away
Lacrosse- sometimes villages would play against one another- could be hundreds on the field at a
- Teams 2 will play keep away from one another with a volleyball or basketball
- Team that has possession of the ball after a couple mins of play with then be the winners
- They will have a boundary line of what they need to stay in
Contests of Strength and Endurance – held often and wagers were placed on the outcomes. In all
cases the loser was the first one to the ground
Leg Wrestling
- Students will be on a blue mat against one another
- Must lock elbows
- Goal is to try and flip the opponent
- Best 2 of out 3
- 1, 2, 3, then they will go up and lock legs and try and flip one another
Target Games- skill development for hunting- typically played by young men (provide food,
clothing, and other necessities)
Move the Mountain (Stick throw)-Dene Game to test and train participants’ accuracy in the use
of traditional weapons used to hunt of for war.
- Each team will get 5 dodgeballs
- Person will get to throw 3 dodgeballs at the ball- retrieve their ball and then go to the back of
the line
- Students will be in teams
- The goal of the game is to throw the dodgeballs at the exercise ball and

Run and Scream- Traditional Blackfoot game – teaching tolerance and patience and also build
lung capacity
- Students will stand on the end line of the basketball court with a bean bag in their hand
- They will take a big breath and start yelling
- They will run to the opposite end of the gym and then back and continue on until they have
run out of breath or have stopped yelling
- When they stop yelling they must stop running and drop their bean bag in that position
- it will continue until there is 1 winner
students will go through each station – keep away will be done at the end all together
Closure  Partner share something new that they learned today


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