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Section 4- Confusion or Merger of Rights - Doest not extinguish a joint obligation

- Only up to the share

Article 1275. Concept of Confusion
Effect of Revocation of Confusion
Confusion- the merger of the characters of - Revoked by presence of:
creditor and debtor in one and the same person 1. Causes for rescission
by virtue of which the obligation is extinguished. 2. Annulment
3. Nullity or inexistence of contract
Requisites: 4. Special cause like redemption
1. The merger of the characters of creditor
and debtor must be in the same person Section 5: Compensation
2. That it must take place in the person of
either the principal creditor or the principal Article 1278. Concept of Compensation
3. That it must be complete and definite Compensation- as a mode of extinguishing in
their concurrent amount those obligations of
- Doesn’t mean that entire obligation is persons who in their own right are creditors and
extinguished; it is the character of the debtors of each other
debtor and creditor
Advantage over payments:
Kinds: 1. Facility of payment because it takes effect
1. Cause or constitutions- Inter vivos or by operation of law
mortis causa 2. Guaranty for the effectivity of credit
2. Extent or effect- Total or partial
Book: distinctions
May be partial:
1. When the confusion or merger refers only Kinds of Compensation:
to a part of the obligation 1. Legal
2. When the obligation is joint 2. Voluntary
3. Judicial
Article 1276. Effect upon Accessory Obligations
Confusion or merger of rights will take place in 1. Total
the person of either the principal creditor or the 2. Partial
principal debtor:
- Extinguished; principal and accessory Article 1279. Requisites of Compensation
Confusion or merger takes place in the person of 1. There must be two parties, who, in their
a subsidiary creditor or debtor (e.g. Guarantor) own right, are principal creditors and
- The principal obligation is not principal debtors of each other
extinguished 2. Both debts must consist in money, or if the
thing due are fungibles (consumables),
Article 1277. Effect upon Collective Obligation they must be of the same kind and quality
3. Both debts must be due Article 1284. Rules in case of Recissible or
4. Both debts must be liquidated and Voidable
demadable Debt
5. No rentention or controversy commenced - Defective until annulled; thus, they can
by a third person still be compensation by each other
6. Must not be prohibited by law
Article 1285. Effects of Assignments of Rights
Requisites (party):
1. They must be creditor-debtor to each Assignment:
other 1. Assignment of the credit with the consent
2. They must be bound as principals of the debtor
2. Assignment with the knowledge but
Article 1280. Right of Guarantor to Set up without the consent of the debtor
Compensation 3. Assignment without the consent of the
- The payment of the debt is demanded
from him, may set up compensation, not Situation 1:
only for what such creditor owes him, but
also for what such creditor owes his A owes B Php 10,000
principal debtor B owes A Php 2,000

Article 1281-1282. Voluntary Compensation B assigns his right to C

- Compensation may be total or partial
Situation 2:
Voluntary Compensation
- Parties may agree upon the compensation A owes B Php 1,000 due Nov. 1
of debts which is not yet due B owes A Php 2,000 due Nov. 10
A owes B Php 1,000 due Nov. 5
A owes B Php 10,000 due on 1/5/2011 A assigns his right to C on Nov. 12. A notified B
B owes A Php 10,000 due on 1/31/2011 but the latter did not give his consent to the
- On 1/05, it is the prerogative of B, not A to
opt for voluntary compensation B can ask for compensation up to Php 1,000. At
Nov 12, the first two had already become
Article 1283. Judicial Compensation demandable, thus compensation may happen by
operation of law, because when all the requisites
- In reality, what is set of against the other of compensation are present it can automatically
party is a counterclaim. happen.
- It must be remembered that a
counterclaim must be pleaded to be
effectual; whereas, a compensation takes Situation 3:
place by mere OPERATION of LAW
A owes B Php 1,000 Nov 1
B owes A Php 2,000 Nov 10  What is issued in the receipt
A owes B Php 1,000 due on Nov 15 of the creditor
 What is more onerous
A assigned his right to C on November 12 without  If all are equal, pro rata
the knowledge of B and learned the assignment - All requisites are present= operation of
only on Nov. 16. How much can C collect from B? law; even without the effect and
knowledge of the parties
C can’t collect anything from B
Accessory Obligations:
Article 1286- 1288. Debts which cannot be - if principal is extinguished, the accessory
compensated will follow; will vary depending if its partial
or total
Kinds of debts or obligations which are not
susceptible for legal compensation: Section 6: Novation
1. Depositum- purpose is for safekeeping;
not loan Article 1291. Concept of Novation
a. Not a bank deposit- because in this
situation what is created is a debtor Novation- is the substitution or change of an
creditor relationship obligation by another, resulting in its
2. Commodatum- a free concession of a extinguishment or modification.
property; borrower and lender relationship
3. Claims for support due by gratuitous title- Obligation may be modified by:
support in arrears can be subject to 1. Changing their object or principal
compensation; what is prohibited is conditions
current and future 2. Substituting another in place of the debtor
4. Obligations arising from criminal offense- 3. Subrogating a third person in the rights of
the victim is the only one who can ask for a creditor
compensation (not the accused) because
it is imperative Distinctive feature- although it extinguishes the
5. Certain obligations in favor of the obligation, it also gives birth to another obligation
government, such as taxes, fees, duties
and other of a similar nature Requisites:
1. A previous valid obligation
Because these obligations are based on: 2. Agreement of the parties to the new
1. Trust and confidence obligation
2. Self Preservation 3. Extinguishment of the old obligation
4. Validity of the new obligation
Article 1289-90. Effect of Compensation
- Several Compensation Broad Concept:
o Order of compensation 1. Extinctive- when an old obligation is
o Application of payment rule terminated by the creation of a new
(REMEMBER!) obligation that takes the place of the
 Declaration of debtor former
a. Changing the object or principal - Executes another instrument reiterating or
condition (objective or real) ratifying his obligation to the creditor; ninor
b. Substituting the person of the changes in the form of payment;
debtor additional facilities- NO NOVATION
c. Subrogating a third person in the
rights of the creditor (subjective or Article 1292. Form of Extinguishment
2. Modificatory- when the old obligation 1. Express- so declared in unequivocal
subsists to the extent it remains terms
compatible with the amendatory 2. Implied- every point incompatible with
agreement each other

Kinds of Novation: RULE: Novation by presumption has never been

1. Objective or real-refers to the change Animus Novandi- intent to substitute a new
either in the cause, object or principal obligation for the old must be clearly established
conditions of the obligations or b their acts are too clear or unequivocal to be
2. Subjective or personal- refers to the mistaken
substitution of the person of the debtor or
to the subrogation of a third person in the Delegation- does not operate a novation; unless
rights of the creditor the creditor has expressly declared that he
a. Passive- substitution of the person intends to discharge with the delegating debtor
of the debtor and during the time of delegating the latter was
b. Active- subrogation in the rights of not in open failure or insolvency
the creditor
3. Mixed- combination of objective and Express Novation- it can only take place when
subjective novation the contracting parties disclose that the object in
making the new contract is to extinguish the old
Form or Constitution: one.
1. Express- declared in unequivocal terms o Signing of a second promissory
that the old obligation is extinguished by a note- not novation
new one which substitutes the same
2. Tacit- when the old and new obligations Implied Novation- it is imperative that the old and
new obligations are incompatible with the new obligations must be incompatible with
each other on every point each other on every point
1. Object
Extend or Effect: 2. Cause
1. Total- absolute extinguishment 3. Principal condition
2. Partial- modification
Test of Incompatibility- it to determine whether or
Change of cause- may be a form of novation not both of them can stand together ach having
Change of principal conditions- not incidental nor its own independent existence
No implied novation in the following cases:
1. Second contract provides for another Requisites:
method of paymentb a. The initiative for the substitution
2. Additional security must emanate from the OLD
3. Postponement of the date of payment debtor
4. Creditor receives a guaranty b. Consent of the new debtor
5. Accepts payment from a third person who c. Acceptance by the creditor
has agreed to assume the obligation, so
long as there is no agreement that the first In both substitution- creditor’s consent is
debtor shall be released from necessary
6. Where a surety bond is filed Effect of payment of new debtor
7. Third person who has assumed the - Original debtor shall reimburse to the new
obligation merely becomes a co-debtor or debtor whatever benefits he may have
surety derived therefrom

Implied novation: Expromision- rules regarding payment of a debt

1. Change of the parties by a third person
2. Amount
3. Date or maturity- only in the reduction or Substitution is with the knowledge and consent
decrease in the duration of the obligation of the original debtor; payment is made by the
new debtor and with or without the knowledge
Article 1293. Substitution of the debtor and consent of such original debtor
- Demand the reimbursement of the entire
- Must be with the consent of the creditor amount
- Subrogated in all of the rights of the
Forms: creditor
1. Expromision- substitution with the consent
of the creditor; 1. Substitution with the Substitution was effected with the knowledge and
consent and knowledge of the debtor or 2. consent of the original debtor;
Substitution without the knowledge or
against the will of the debtor payment is made without the knowledge and
consent of the original debtor
Requisites: - Can only demand reimbursement insofar
a. The initiative for the substitution as the payment was beneficial to the
must emanate from the NEW original debtor
debtor - But he can’t be subrogated in the rights of
b. Consent of the creditor to the the creditor
Payment is made with the knowledge and
2. Delegacion- substitution of debtors is consent of the original debtor
effected with the consent of the creditor at - Can still demand reimbursement from the
the instance of the old debtor with the orginal debtor of the entire amont which
concurrence of the new debtor he has paid
- Subrogated in all of the rights of the - EXCEPT:
creditor o If there was a stipulation to the
contrary favoring a third person
Delegacion- shall be regulated by the agreement which may be demanded
of the parties; absence of which- rules regarding separately from the principal
payment of a debt by a third person obligation

Payment: Article 1297-98. Effect if New and/or Old

- reimbursement from the orginal debtor the Obligation are void.
entire amount
- Compel the creditor to subrogate him in all In order to effect the novation, it is essential that
of his rights the obligation must be valid

Article 1294-95. Effect of nonpayment by new In old obligation is voidable:

debtor 1. Annulment of the obligation may be
claimed only by the debtor
GEN RULE: novation by substitution of the a. If expromision is used- the original
person of the debtor whether by expromision or debtor can still raise this defense
by delegacion has the effect of releasing the 2. Ratification of the obligation
original debtor from his obligation to the creditor
Article 1299. Effect if old obligation is conditional
EXCEPT: if the new debtor becomes insolvent - Both resolutory and suspensive condition-
the new obligation shall be under the
Expromision: the new debtor’s insolvency or same condition unless otherwise stated
nonfulfillment of the obligation can never result - READ BOOK
in the revival of the original debtor’s liability to the
creditor Article 1300. Novation by subrogation (3)
- Two forms: legal and conventional
(NCC) With the consent- revive the original - Legal is not presumed: unless expressly
debtor’s liability mentioned in the code
- Conventional: must be clearly established
Article 1301. Conventional Subrogation
1. When the insolvency of the debtor was - Requires the consent of the original
already existing and of public knowledge parties and of the third person
at the time when the original debtor - Agreement is essential
delegated his debt - If the creditor, without the consent of the
debtor, transfers his rights= there is no novation
3. when the insolvency was already existing but mere assignment of rights
and known to the debtor Convetional Assignment
Rules Article 1300- Aritcle 1624-27
Article 1296. Effect upon Accessory Obligations governing 1304
Necessity of Required Not required
- accessory is dependent on the principal debtor’s
Effect upon Extinguishing Transmitting Effect of Partial Subrogation
Obligation the old; the rights of - Rights with respect to the remainder are
establishing a the creditor not affected by the subrogation
new one without o Therefore, both rights will exist
modifying or o In case of conflict, the real creditor
extinguishing is preferred
the obligation
Effect upon Defects or Not cured
vices vices are
Time of From the Moment of
effectivity moment notification

Article 1302. Legal Subrogation

GENERAL RULE: Legal subrogation is not


1. When a creditor pays another creditor
who is preferred, even without the
debtor’s knowledge
2. When a third person, not interested in the
obligation, pays with the express or tacit
approval of the debtor
3. When, even without the knowledge of the
debtor a person interested in the
fulfillment of the obligation pays, without
prejudice to the effects of confusion as to
the latter’s share

Article 1303-04. Effect of Subrogation

Total Subrogation
- Transfers all of the right which the original
creditor had against the debtor or against
third persons
- Accessory obligations are not
o Rule is absolute in legal
o Rule may vary in conventional

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