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Nama : Novita Indri

NIM : P1337424418085


Paragraph 3

Key : experience in continuity of care

New graduates are only provided with a fragmented model of maternity care should new
graduates gain experience in continuity of care.

Paragraph 4
Key : support

Paragraph 5
Key : unpreparedness
Many of the new graduates experience feelings of being unpreparedness for
work registration.

Paragraph 6
Key : Transition support programs
New graduates must be equipped with a transition program so they are not shock when they

Key : experiences
Explore the hopes and experiences of newly graduated midwives from the delivery room
and rotation into the continuity of the treatment model.

Key : qualitative design
using qualitative design because of evaluation life experiences and give them meaning

key : Multisite ethics approval

Multisite ethical approval is given from university ethics committee and relevant hospital.

Setting and Participants

Key : prepared for practice
New midwives recruited from Australia have been prepared for training through various
educational backgrounds

Key : midwifery continuity

only one hospital provides new graduate midwives to rotate becoming a continuity of
midwifery / caregiver care models.
Key : participate
if the new midwife is willing to participate, she can return the consent form

Data Collection
Key : team experienced midwife
Teamwork experienced midwives from outside the area to develop performance to promote

Key : additional group of newly graduated midwives

an additional group of midwives just graduated recruited and approved to attend one of the
two focuses group.

Data analysis
Key : the focus group
The focus group data were transcribed

Location and Subjectivity of the Researchers

Key : midwifery clinicians and researchers
Study conducted by doctor and obstetric researcher and is part of first-rate high-level writer
with a research dissertation

Key : midwifery consultant

As the first clinical obstetric consultant, the authors began to hypothesize about the level of

Key : experiences
the clinical experience of midwives who have just passed the rotation to the birth package
differs from experience from spinning to continuity to the midwifery care model

Key : limitations
limitations possessed require consideration in taking interpretation

Key : social and professional
newly graduated midwives have a social and professional sense for the continuity of
midwifery where they are treated work so that it can be profitable

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