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Rocess Maamo BSBA 1-E

“The flight from Conversation”

Sherry Turkle

In the article “The Flight from Conversation “ by Sherry Turkle,

the author discuss how technology have change the way people
communicate over the years. The article discuss not only people
don’t talk face to face to each other but would rather use text
message or e-mail to communicate. In the article the author spent
over 15 years studying people and ask them about the plugged in
lives and found the mobile devices have change the way people
not only they do, but also who we are. People have become so
accustomed to technologies that it is a new way of being alone
together. A person have they personal space but can communicate
with other without having to meet the the other person. Not only
have technology have change our personal lives but also change
the way people communicate in the office but can have a regular
conversant with and employee without meeting them. Using
technology to communicate commonly found among young people,
a 16 years old boy who relies on texting for almost everything says
almost wistfully. The act of having a conversation with face to face
have change over the years, people rely on technology to
communicate with each other.

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