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Preparatoria 9


Etapa 1


Gpo. 427 Aula: 30

Arámbula Cuenca Vanessa #2
Briceño Martínez Andrea Michell #7
Cantú Navarro Jaime Abraham #9
García Soto Alberto Gabriel #20
Luna Garza Andrea Selene #30
Martínez Espinosa Jazmín Carolina #31
Rivera López Ana Gabriela #41
Saldaña Luevano Fernando Joel #45
Vázquez Aguilar Devany Monserrat #55
Perez Mendoza Carlos Giovanni #39
Monterrey, Nuevo León, a 11 de enero del 2019.
Actividad de Metacognición.
In this activity you will work collaboratively in teams and write a book summary to
become aware of the importance of reading.
Reading yields great benefits, it’s a fact which cannot be questioned by anyone. This
is the reason one has to understand the importance of reading and be well versed
with this activity. In this world of competitiveness, its always advantageous to gather
vast knowledge, and there is no better away to do so, other than reading. So its high
time you found a cure for bibliophobia – fear of books, especially thick books- and
dive into the world of literature or whatever you like to read. If you are well informed
about different topics, you can have a conversation with anyone you want; it doesn’t
matter if he/she is someone older than you or has higher educational level or degree.

1.- Work in small groups. Discuss the following questions

a) ¿Do you think reading is important?

- Yes, because you can learn different facts about life, and you improve
your vocabulary.

b) ¿Can you learn about different topics through reading?

- Yes, because there is a lot of topics and genres

c) ¿Do you think reading can help you grow personal and professionally?
- Yes, because every reading you read is something new like words and
knowledge. And by the time you can speak formally and with

d) ¿Do you have to travel to know a place or can you know it by reading?
- No, you can know a place by reading because in the book explains you
with pictures or describes you the place and you can imagine it.

2. Read the following quotation of John Starks:

“You learn so much through reading. It is hard to get anywhere in society today
without the basic, fundamental knowledge that comes from reading about what is
going on the world.”
3.-Work with your team. Explain your own words what John Starks’ quotation
means. Write it in your notebook.

We think this quote is correct, we agree with John Stark’s quote, because reading
can help you to understand a lot of facts than people who doesn’t, it maintains your
brain working and it grows your vocabulary making you a mind health person with
education and values.
4. Think about the books you have read.
5. Make a list of the books you like in your notebook.
#2 Azufre y Sal.

#7 Niño Rico Niño Listo.

#9 El diario de Anna Frank

#20 La maldición del Hotel California

#30 Y colorín colorado esta historia aún no se ha acabado.

#31. Crepúsculo

#gio Crimen y castigo.

#41 Corazón, diario de un niño.

#45. Diálogos de un día.

#55 Viaje al centro de la tierra

6. Choose one of the books to write a summary. It must include:
2: Vanessa Arámbula
A) Name of the book: Azufre y sal
B) Name of the author: Alejandra Torres
C) Main characters: Mateo and Angela
D) What’s it about?: It is about a demon who was sent to earth to be able to push the
adolescents to sin.
E) Why do you like it? Because I like romantic books and the young characters.
F) Would you recommend it? Why? Yes, because the plot is very good and it is
something that we live in a society but they put it in another way.
G) Summary: A handsome guy, with money, he felt able to be with any group of the
school (smart, athletic, popular) to be able to complete his mission of sinning,
when he arrives at the school he found a girl named Angela, she was different,
he tried to talk her but she ignored him, Matteo bothered that, he became friends
with Benjamin and Zacarias, he made them sin more than once, they took with
Angela, little by little he got closer to Angela, since she cared for her friends,
Mateo's mission was diverted because Angela was a good girl, she always filled
her head with good thoughts, she started to like Angela, she began to worry about
not hurting her friends and in the end Angela manages to change Mateo for an

#7 Andrea Briceño.
A. Name of the book: Niño rico, niño listo
B. Name of the author: Robert Kiyosaki
C. Main characters: Robert’s two fathers and Robert when he was a child
D. What’s it about?: it’s about a boy who tries to understand the money system
E. Why do you like it? I really like this book because it talks about the topics I’m
interested in, I think this is a great way to start learning about the different terms used
in the bank or in the different payments, this book has a very easy reading.
F. Would you recommend it? Why? Yes, I would recommend this book, mostly to
parents because actually this is a book dedicated to parents who want to teach their
kids to learn about the money
G. Summary: This book talks about Robert Kiyosaki (the author) when he was a child,
the difficult times he had when he was a student, the differences between the school
system and the real world, it is also mentioned that the school is not that important if
you have good ideas, if you’re good at something and that’s not school, it’s ok,
sometimes people who have a school degree work for people who doesn’t, times
have change and you have to do something else besides working like an employee,
you have to follow your dreams even though it’ll be hard at the beginning.

#9 Jaime Cantú.
A. Name of the book: “The diary of Anne Frank”
B. Name of the author: Anne Frank.
C. Main characters: Anne Frank and her family.
D. What is about: It´s about a Jewish girl who tells everything she lived during
the Second World War, from being immobilized for hours even for days, to
the last she and her family was taken to a concentration camp where they
were unfortunately killed in a gas chamber.
F. Why do you like it?: I like it because the plot of the book makes you put in
their situation, you imagine as if that was happening to you.
G. Would recommend it? Why?: I recommend it, because is a good book and
the plot is very good. It is also very short book but it also makes you imagine
the situations of the girl since Anne Frank was almost the same age as us
and I went through very difficult situations from hiding to passing days without
eating something, without a doubt it is one of the best books I´ve read.

#20 Gabriel Soto:

A. Name of the book: The Curse of the California Hotel.
B. Name of the Autor: Juan Antonio Amezcua Castillo
C. Main Characters: Javier (the hotel guest), Clara (The receptionist)
D. What is it about? It is about a man who was traveling to see his family, trying
to travel at night to arrive at dawn to his destination, but the dream is a
problem with which he must carry and better decide to stay in a hotel without
knowing what he was hiding that place.
E. Why do you like it? Because it is a book of suspense that as you read it
leaving you with the doubt that what is going to happen later.
F. Would you recommend it? Why? Yes, because it is a book that makes you
want to know what happens as you read it, it is a book that would leave
anyone with an open mouth and thinking, that causes empathy and that you
want to continue reading or you would like to know what happens next.
G. Summary. It is about a man named Javier who is on his way to visit his
parents and the dream kills him for wanting to sleep when he stays in a hotel,
"The Hotel California", when he gets it, he is received by a very beautiful
woman named Clara who He gives the keys to his room, after the time in the
hotel he starts to hear many noises, what he will find out and he does not see
anything interesting, when entering his fourth note there were some suitcases
that were not his, to that at 3:00 AM he listens to screams and decides to take
a look without knowing what he was about to see what happened, when he
looks at the stairs he notices that at the reception there are people doing a
satanic ritual, when he rejects having gone he decides to return but in the
moment the people who were doing the ritual see him and listen and they
chase him because he should not have left the room, when he returns they
catch him but they do not hurt him, because he was already trapped in the
same hell.

#30 Andrea Luna

A. Name of the book: Y colorín colorado esta historia aún no se ha acabado.
B. Name of the author: Odin Dupeyron
C. Main characters: Dragoon (the fear), the princess (one itself), the bumblebee
(the desire and the curiosity), the watchman bonsaí, Peeps the fairy of the
recollection, the cannon of the wind (the conscience), Prudence and Zoé the
voice of the life.
D. What´s it about? This activity treats on that we all prefer reading those of the
equipment, I prefer reading things that motivate me and leave an education
me and also I prefer those of drama, romance and of royal histories, every
pupil of the equipment has his different answers in the matter, the book that I
chose leaves an education you and these books cost a sorrow.
E. Why do you like it? I like this book for the education that it leaves you and
makes you think, which leaves you is that always you are going to have fears
in your life, on the one hand they are bad but on the other hand they help you
to that you are alert and look for the best way of doing the things, he says to
you that you should go out of your zone of comfort and should face your fears.
F. Would you recommend it? Why? If it would recommend it since it helps
yourself to conquer your fears and to be brave, to achieve what you propose.
G. Summary: An extraordinary history that he speaks to us about the life of the
hidden fears that paralyze us, and about the desire to be free. One itself
speaks about the importance of being known, of investigating in the past and
of their dealing those who we are and wherefrom we come to know this way
to where we go.
This book speaks to us about the human condition, about the decisions that
are taking along the history that is the life and about the most important
resolution in the existence, her of living intensely regardless. Between a
princess, a dragoon, a blue prince, fairies and gnomes, the reader is reflected
some part of his life. While it makes you laugh heartily, and cry, takes you
from the hand to an experience of completely different reading.

#31 Carolina Martínez

A. Name of the book: Crepúsculo.
B. Name of the author: Stephenie Meyer.
C. Main characters: Bella, Edward Cullen, Jacob and family Cullen.
D. What is it about? A girl will go live with her father to a mysterious town, where
she will find the love of her life, which is a vampire, a complicated love
between a human and a vampire.
E. Why do you like it? I like difficult love stories, I also like fiction and unreal or
natural things, I find them very interesting.
F. Would you recommend it? Why? Yes, I think it's a very interesting story
and nice, you can also see some action.
G. Summary. Bella Swan goes to live with her father in the small town of Forks,
where she meets Edward, an attractive and mysterious boy who falls in love
and who hides a great secret: he is a vampire. But the boy's family keeps a
peculiarity, and that is that it does not feed on human blood.

#Giovanni Pérez
A) Name of the book: Crimen y castigo
B) Name of the author: Fiódor Dostoyevsky
C) Main characters: The young man, Rodion Raskolnikov
D) What’s it about? Of a young man who did not care of money and went with
an old moneylender to pawn something of value, and that he thinks that those
who have come very far have to do crimes without receiving punishment
E) Why do you like it? Because it is a very interesting book and I like the
F) Would you recommend it? Yes, because it is very interesting and gives a
lot to talk about
G) Summary Of an ex-student who lives in a tiny apartment in St. Petersburg.
He believes in himself that the can go far, but poverty him from reaching his
full potential. He believes that the greatest or richest people commit crimes to
get there, he believes that by killing an old woman with very high interest he
managed to take him there, then he plans the murder, but he worries a
psychologist, after he murders the old woman enters a feverish state and
delirium .

#41 Ana Rivera

A. Name of the book: “Corazón, diario de un niño”.
B. Name of the author: Edmundo de Amicis.
C. Main characters: Enrique (alumno de primaria) y Perbono (el maestro).
D. What´s it about?: The book tells the story of Enrique, an elementary school
student who wrote in a diary all his experiences and adventures during a school
E. Why do you like it?: I really liked this book because reading everything that
Enrique lives in school makes you think that we all go through difficult things and
that we have to support each other.
F. Would you recommend it? Why?: Yes, I would recommend it because I think
it's a story that leaves you a great learning and you reflect a lot on the obstacles
that life puts you.
G. Summary. The story is about an elementary school boy who writes in his diary
everything that lives in a school year with his classmates, he has a teacher
named Perbono who educated them with emotional stories where the
protagonists were heroes children in the war or in life and thanks to those stories
he learned a lot, it's a very interesting story because Enrique also tells all that his
classmates live, very difficult things, for example, the mother of one of them died
and another had financial problems. Also, in a part of the story Enrique tells that
his older sister Silvia listened to her parents talking about having economic
problems and the brothers decided to support their parents by not asking so
many things and valuing what they have. What I can conclude from this great
story is that we all live wars in life but that we can overcome them and learn from
them and that we must help others when we can.

#45 Fernando Saldaña.

A) Name of the book. Diálogos de un día
B) Name of the autor. Raul Salinas de Gortari and Alejandra Zorrilla Martínez
C) Main characters. Raul y Alejandra
D) What is about? It's about what life is like inside jail. and that it is bad to
deprive people of living with other people.
E) Why do you like it? It is interesting why it is good to know if people really
regret their crimes when they are already in jail.
F) Would you recommend it? Why? Yes, because this book brought me ideas
on why not commit crimes and that things are not as easy as they look
G) Summary. “One is always and is not. We live between reality and perception,
between what it is and what we believe it is, between what we feel and what we think
it feels, between what we think we should live and what we live, among thousands
of questions that they want to know because we are here or there.”
This book talks about the life of Raúl Salinas de Gortari while he was in jail and how
Alejandra Zorrilla met and describes some of her books.
He also says that privileges are a complicated issue and that everyone has certain
privileges in front of others. and that people misunderstand what is really a privilege.
He says that Raul Salinas de Gortari was living in the flesh the political ravings of
the country for being the president's brother.
#55 Devany Vazquez
A) Name of the book: viaje al centro de la tierra.
B) Name of the author: Julio Verne.
C) Main characters: axel, offo lidenbrock, grauben, arne saknussemm, prof.
Fridriksson, hans
D) What is it about?: About a professor who travels to the center of the Earth, this
book is a great fiction for me and is a great way too to learn the other topics
E) Why do you like it?. Because it is interesting the fiction of how they travel to the
center of the earth anole all the adventure they spend with me geologist. All giants
animals they see.
F) Would you recommend it? Why? Yes, because it catches you in its mystery.
G) Summary. The German professor and geologist Otto Liddenbrock starts his
journey to the center of the Earth in Iceland guided by a writing by Arne
Saknussemm, an Icelandic scholar of the 12th century. In the event he is
accompanied by his nephew Axel and by the native guide Hans. The trio, which is
introduced by a volcano inside the globe, will live a series of adventures, including
the amazing discovery of a complete mesozoic world buried in the depths, as well
as the existence of electric lighting

7. Make a poster, PowerPoint presentation or a short video with the book

8. You can include images to the poster, presentation or video.
9. Check the rubric in Appendix 1 to know the evaluation criteria.

#2. Vanessa Arámbula: My conclusion is that it is nice that the school put us this
kind of activities because they force us to read, and that opens our minds, teach us
new things, speak with more formality and have a good reading comprehension,
since nowadays is very important. It leaves us with the desire to read the books that
others have already read.
#7 Andrea Briceño: In conclusion I can say that people who are used to reading
are very intelligent people, the have a lot of knowledge and they all have something
in common that it’s hard to see at first sight, they all have values, they have a good
behavior, they are respectful and they want to keep learning by themselves, they’re
independent and they learn easier than people who doesn’t read. I can also say that
lecture is a great wat to improve at life in general, it improves your comprehension,
your concentration, your mood and it makes you feel relaxed since you can dedicate
the time you want to, in personal , I only read books that I like, I don’t really like
novels or action books.

#9 Jaime Cantú: I think in this activity we are motivated to read as we deal more
closely with what we understood from a book specially I am a person who doesn´t
read that much maybe I read a book a year but thanks to this activity I am motivating
to read more since reading gives you the knowledge of new words and also
increases reading ability.
#20 Gabriel Soto: This book in conclusion is very good because it leaves you
thinking about what will happen next, it makes you get into the role and have
empathy towards the main characters, it causes you a sensation of wanting to
continue reading and knowing what will happen next or what will have happened
with the secondary characters that make the reader reach a point of doubt and desire
to continue reading.
#30 Andrea Luna: This activity helps us to have better vocabulary, also it helps us
to that we encourage to read mas books to have mas vocabulary, I hope that you
have liked and that you have learned very much on the different books that you can
read, for example of science fiction, romance, of personal overcoming, drama, etc.
In the personal thing I do not like to read so much but thanks to this activity they
gave to me desire of reading mas and of learning since it is very necessary and helps
you very much in your daily life.
#31 Carolina Martínez. In this activity we chose a book of our preference, that we
had to read, we were answering questions according to our book and explaining
what it was about, it helped us and motivated us to read and to know about what our
classmates like to read and books that they would recommend us.
#Giovanni Perez. I like this interesting activity because I am not one of those people
who reads a lot and thanks to this activity I was interested in reading, it also improved
my reading a bit because I had to read the summaries of my classmates' books.
#41 Ana Rivera My conclusion is that reading is very important because you learn
many different subjects and different cultures, improve your vocabulary, keep your
brain active, it helps you in the future lower the possibility that you have mental
illnesses such as Alzheimer's and awakens the imagination. I think we should
encourage more reading especially for children from a young age to make a habit,
we must change our way of thinking about reading, most people think that reading
is boring and tired, but you have to see it Otherwise, reading can also be fun and
entertaining if you read something about a topic that catches your attention. Finally,
I really like that in books you describe everything, things, people and places so you
can imagine everything and do like a movie in your head.

#45 Fernando Saldaña In conclusion I think that this activity is very good to
encourage reading and I feel that it will help us to learn a bigger vocabulary and be
interested in new things and learn things for a better future. I also think that we should
do this for pleasure and not for being a task.
#55 Devany Vazquez. To conclude with the activity is important because I learned
a little more vocabulary when reading a part of the book, it is similar to the movie but
more interesting. I think reading is an important part of our day to day because we
depend on reading in different aspects of daily life. I do not see a negative point of
reading, reading is a good thing because without reading you would not understand

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