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In Semester 7, students are expected to be proficient in:

1. Taking a relevant history and carrying out a complete physical examination on patients
with musculoskeletal disorders
2. Making a diagnosis and give the differential diagnoses based on the clinical findings
3. The principles of management of common musculoskeletal disorders
4. The use of common pharmacological agents for the management of orthopaedic
5. The management of common orthopaedic emergencies
6. The principles of rehabilitation of chronic musculoskeletal disorders

In Semester 10, the students are expected to perform the duties of a house officer under
supervision as preparation for housemanship/internship.
The duties of a house officer under supervision are as follows1:

 You should be well-informed of the condition of all patients under your care.
 You must do a complete ward round in the morning before the Consultant’s ward round, and
enter the patients’ clinical notes daily.
 You should ensure that the investigations ordered are carried out or arranged.
 All acutely ill patients should be given priority and must also be re-examined in the afternoon
and night, and more often as required.
 Your regular attention is necessary in respect of critically ill patients.
 The condition of a seriously ill patient should be regularly monitored and the superiors kept
 You should not hesitate to summon your superiors at any time of the day or night, if the
necessity arises.
 You should discuss with your superiors the need to transfer critically ill patient to intensive
care unit.
 You should promptly attend on a patient when summoned. Under no circumstances should
treatment be prescribed over the telephone. Every patient must be seen before prescribing
treatment or advising on management.

Note: 1. Malaysian Medical Council. A Guidebook for House Officers. 2008

Last modified: Monday, 16 May 2016, 10:17 AM
Learning outcomes
IMU Learning Outcome Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Application of basic sciences To apply what has been learnt in Semesters 1 – 5

in the practice of the (Medical Sciences) to clinical practice in the wards and
profession clinics as well as in the classroom

Psychomotor skills Perform a through physical examination

Acquire the basic skills of applying plaster cast, traction
devices, splints and frames and doing basic toilette and

Family and community To apply what has been learnt in CFCS to clinical
issues in healthcare practice in the wards and clinics

Disease prevention and To analyse the causes of diseases and/or injuries and
health promotion provide advice regarding disease and/or injury
prevention as well as promote positive health
behaviours in the wards and clinics

Communication skills Take a focused and relevant history

Critical thinking, problem- Formulate a reasonable diagnosis based on your clinical

solving and research findings
To arrive at a provisional diagnosis based on the signs
and symptoms you have elicited and the knowledge you
have acquired
Select the relevant investigations, justifying why they
are necessary, and interpreting the results
Formulate a plan of management and discuss the
Recognise the possible complications the condition and
also the treatment

Self-directed lifelong To obtain sufficient knowledge of musculoskeletal

learning with skills in conditions including the aetiology, pathology and
information and resource clinical features
Understand the importance of physiotherapy,
occupational therapy and rehabilitation
Understand the mechanics of commonly used prostheses
and orthoses
Professionalism, ethics and Respect for patients and accepting without prejudice the
personal development diversity in social background, beliefs and way of life
that may influence patient’s attitude
Recognition of patient’s right, particularly in regards to
confidentiality and informed consent as well as other
moral and ethical responsibilities in patient care
Awareness of the need to provide the highest quality of
care at all times
Awareness of personal limitations and willingness to
seek help when necessary and the ability to work
effectively as a member of a team

Last modified: Monday, 16 May 2016, 10:24 AM

Semester 7:
Summative: logbook, TWO (2) case summaries, ONE (1) EBM Commentary, ONE (1) case
report, end of posting Structured Clinical Examination [long case] (1)
EBM Commentary: Follow guidelines similar to the ones during your Family Medicine posting.
Case Report: This must follow internationally set guidelines for case report submissions. An
example of a case report is in the elearn Portal.

End of Semester 7:
One Best Answer (OBA) - 20 questions
Extended Matching Question (EMQ) - 2 questions
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) - 2 x 10-min stations
End of Semester 9:
Modified Essay Question (MEQ) - 3-4 parts of a question
Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) - 2 stations
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) - 1 x 5-min station (short station)
End of Semester 10:
Formative: log book, assessment forms (orthopaedic is incorporated into the surgical posting)
Summative: portfolio viva (1 orthopaedic portfolio) and clinical long case (1) from any discipline
Last modified: Wednesday, 21 June 2017, 11:01 AM

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