Take The Rabies Quiz

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Take the Rabies Quiz

Rabies is a preventable viral disease of mammals most often passed on through a rabid animal. The
vast majority of rabies cases reported to the CDC each year occur in wild animals like raccoons,
skunks, bats, and foxes.
1. The rabies virus is passed on by contact with what part of an infected animal?
A. Skin B. Saliva C. Blood D. Claws E. B and C
2. In which state is rabies not found?
A. Alaska B. Hawaii C. Florida D. Maine E. None of the above
3. In which animal is rabies more likely to be found?
A. Dog B. Cat C. Bat D. Raccoon E. C and D
4. If you have been bitten or scratched by a wild animal, what should you do?
A. Clean the wound with soap and water to remove any saliva B. Call your health care
provider as soon as possible C. Call your state or local health department as soon as possible
D. All of the above
5. How soon do symptoms typically appear after a person is infected with the rabies virus?
A. 48 hours B. 1 week C. 1 month D. 1 year
6. Which of these is an early symptom of rabies?
A. A short period of depression B. Restlessness C. Itching and numbness around the site
of the bite D. Nausea E. All of the above
7. Which of these is a symptom of rabies in animals?
A. Choking sounds B. Loss of appetite C. Agitation D. Trembling E. All of the above
8. How soon after a potentially infectious bite should a person be treated for rabies?
A. Within 6 hours B. Within 24 hours C. Within a week D. Within 2 weeks
9. What can you do to prevent getting rabies?
A. Have your pets and other domesticated animals regularly vaccinated against rabies
B. Keep your dog on a leash when you take it outside your yard C. Don't approach wild animals
D. All of the above
Ready to show what you know?
Pick the right answer from our list of three and see if you've got all the facts about rabies.

1. What causes rabies?

a. a worm
b. a virus
c. a bacteria

2. Which of these animals can get rabies?

a. a frog
b. an alligator
c. a bat

3. What should you do if you are bitten by an animal?

a. put a bandage on the bite and wait to see if you start to feel bad
b. wash out the bite really well and go to the doctor
c. take your temperature every hour

4. If you see an animal that is acting strangely, what should you do?

a. call your local animal control officer to catch and help the animal
b. try to catch it to see if you can help
c. just walk away

5. One of these answers WON´T help keep your pet protected from rabies. Which one?

a. getting the rabies vaccine

b. making sure your pet doesn´t have a chance to be bitten by a wild animal
c. wearing a tag with their name and your address

6. Rabies is spread by:

a. saliva
b. blood
c. tears

7. If someone is bitten by an animal with rabies, how long before rabies develops?

a. one or two days

b. one or two weeks
c. one or two months

8. While you were visiting this web site, how many people died from rabies?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 10
1. Rabies is found in which of the following?

A. all mammals and some reptiles

B. all mammals, but primarily skunks, raccoons, coyotes, foxes, dogs, cats, bats and cows
C. all mammals, but primarily rats, mice, ferrets, cats, bats and dogs
D. all mammals and some birds

2. Rabies is a virus—True or False?

3. Rabies is nearly always fatal once symptoms are expressed—True or False?

4. In the United States, how many cases of human rabies are typically diagnosed each year?

A. 1-2
B. 25-30
C. 100 – 125
D. 500

5. Is there a human rabies vaccine?

6. By federal law, all cats and dogs adopted through official rescue groups will have already
had their first rabies shot—True or False?

7. The first rabies shot a cat or dog receives is good for how long?

A. two weeks
B. 6 months
C. one year
D. three years

8. The second rabies shot a dog or cat receives is good for how long?

A. one year
B. three years
C. five years
D. good for life

9. What is the earliest age puppies can be vaccinated for rabies?

A. 3 weeks
B. 12 weeks
C. 6 months
D. 9 months

10. If your pet is up-to-date with their rabies vaccination and they are bitten or suspected to
have been bitten by a rabid animal that cannot be tested, what is typically required by U.S.
health authorities?
A. Your pet will be exempt from quarantine and additional shots.
B. Your pet will fortunately just need a booster shot and then is good to go.
C. Your pet will be quarantined for a minimum of 30 days and need a booster shot.
D. Depends on the vet recommendation and state laws.

11. If your pet is not vaccinated or the vaccination has lapsed and is bitten or suspected to
have been bitten by a rabid animal, what is the typical protocol?

A. euthanizing the pet immediately

B. rabies vaccine within 5 days plus 10 day quarantine
C. 6 month quarantine by a licensed vet
D. a or c

12. The U.S. states/territories with the highest rabies rates each year are typically:

A. Texas, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia and North Carolina

B. Puerto Rico, Florida and Hawaii
C. California, Hawaii, New York and Florida
D. Alabama, Mississippi and Kentucky

13. Rabies is primarily transmitted through:

A. blood
B. all bodily secretions
C. saliva or tears
D. feces and saliva

14. Rabies kills how many people worldwide each year?

A. about 10,000
B. about 55,000
C. about 1 million
D. about 7 million

15. Most human rabies deaths in the United States are caused by:

A. bat bites
B. dog bites
C. cat bites
D. handling dead wild animals

1. Rabies is spread by infected animals to other warm-blooded animals including people through
saliva (e.g. biting or licking)


2. Which of the following animals cannot carry the rabies virus?


3. If you get bitten or scratched by an animal you should:

Call or visit your doctor or nearest urgent care clinic

Clean the wound thoroughly with soap and water
Notify your local Public Health Unit
All of the above
4. What symptoms may indicate that a wild animal has rabies?

No fear of humans
Readily attacks other animals or objects
Becomes active during the day (e.g. bats flying around during the day)
Chews and bites on its own legs and feet
Becomes sluggish, slow moving
All of the above

5. Which of the following is not a symptom of rabies in humans?

Muscle spasms
Claustrophobia (fear of being in enclosed spaces)
Hydrophobia (fear of water)
Numbness around site of bite

6. Which of the following statements about rabies in people is false?

Rabies virus targets the brain and spinal cord

Rabies is almost always fatal once symptoms appear
Rabies symptoms will almost always appear within a few days
Rabies can lead to organ failure, coma and death

7. All dogs and cats over three months old are required by law to get vaccinated for rabies.


8. How long does the observation period for a domestic animal such as a dog or cat that has
bitten someone last for?

7 days
10 days
23 days
35 days

9. Dogs and cats that are adopted from an accredited and reputable facility (e.g. Humane
Society) are always up-to-date with rabies vaccinations.


10. Ontario was formerly known as the "rabies capital of North America".


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